DILIGENCE, industry and proper improvement of time, are material + duties of the young. The acquisition of knowledge is one of the most honorable occupations of youth. ↑ † Material, e. corporeal, ime portant. 2 Endow Whatever useful or engaging endowments2 we possess, virtue is requisite, in order to their shining ments, s. gifts with proper lustre. Virtuous youth gradually brings forward accomplished and flourishing manhood. Sincerity and truth form the basis3 of every virtue. Disappointments and distress are often blessings in disguise. Change and alteration form the very essence of the world. True happiness is of a retired nature, and an enemy to pomp,4 and noise. In order to acquire a capacity 5 for happiness, it must be our first study to rectify inward disorders. of nature. 3 Basis, s. foundation, bottom. 4 Pomp, splen. dor, ostentation, parade, pride. 5 Capacity, ability, power of containing. PREFACE. Although selections of excellent matter made for the improvement and instruction of young persons are numerous, and many of them executed in such a manner as to reflect the highest honor upon the authors; yet it occurred to me that a school book on the plan of the following pages might be of service in the great business of educating youth. Having in a long course of teaching school, observed in many instances the inattention of my scholars to the subjects they were perusing, on account of the definition ofterms, and that many of them who were called good readers retained not any, or at most but very few of the ideas that were suggested in the composition they had been perusing, I became persuaded that a work containing the definitions of the most important words, would in some degree remedy that defect. The pieces chosen for this collection are such as paint virtue and magnanimity in the most conspicuous manner, and by frequent perusal, are calculated to instil those principles into the minds of youth; at the same time they display an abhorrence and detestation of vice. No expression or sentiment, that might gratify a corrupt mind, or offend a chaste car has been permitted to find a place in the following woric To lead the young mind in the path of virtus, and to aid in |