9 structors in the arduous business of educating youth, were the motives which led to the production of this work. If this edition should be well received, and should, even in a small degree, prove a public benefit, the author will think himself well remunerated for his trouble, and that his time has been well employed. A5 g & im ovement It is esely pergs of the repeat; to oth ate con her ben ell than y ascerand the facility, y would I the la Ives and deas and pressions e and the ive addissary and doubtlese OBSERVATIONS, ON THE PRINCIPLES OF GOOD READING. 1 To read with propriety, is a pleasing & important attainment; productive of improvement both to the understanding and the heart. It is essential to a complete reader that he minutely perceives the ideas, and enters into the feelings of the author, whose sentiments he professes to repeat; for how is it possible to represent clearly to oth ers, what we have but faint or inaccurate conceptions of ourselves? If there were no other benefits resulting from the art of reading well than the necessity it lays us under, of precisely ascertaining the meaning of what we read; and the habit therein acquired of doing this with facility, both when reading silently and aloud, they would constitute a sufficient compensation for all the labor we can bestow upon the subject. 2 But the pleasure derived to ourselves and others, from a clear communication of ideas and feelings; and the strong and durable impressions made thereby on the minds of the reader and the audience, are considerations which give additional importance to the study of this necessary and useful art. The perfect attainment of it doubtless requires great attention and practice, joined to extraordinary natural powers; but as there are many degrees of excellence in the art, the student whose aims fall short of perfection, will find himself amply rewarded for every exertion he may think proper to make. 3 To give rules for the management of the voice in reading, by which the necessary pauses, emphasis, and tones may be discovered and put in practice is not possible. After all the directions that can be given on these points much remains to be taught by the living instructor; much will be attainable by no other means, than the force of example, influencing the imitative powers of the learner. The first attention of every person who reads to others, doubtless must be, to make himself be heard by all those to whom he reads. He must endeavor to fill with his voice the spaсе осcupied by the company. 4 We naturally and mechanically, utter our words with such a degree of strength, as to make ourselves be heard by the person whom we address, provided he is within the reach of our voice. As this is the case in conversation, it will hold also in reading to others. But let us remember in reading as well as in conversation, it is possible to offend by speaking too loud. 5 In order to express ourselves distinctly, moderation is requisite, with regard to the speed of pronunciation. Precipitancy of speech confounds all articulation and all meaning. The extreme of reading too fast is much more common than reading too slow: therefore to pronounce with a proper degree of slowness, and with full and clear articulation, is necessary to be studied by all who are desirous of becoming good readers: |