Abbildungen der Seite

with confidence appeal to our readers for the attention and care with which the whole has been


The view of the Progrefs of Knowledge, Literature, and Tafte in Britain, which is continued to the acceffion of Edward the First, fets before us, among other objects, the life, character, and extraordinary difcoveries of Roger Bacon, the wonder of his age. In the British and Foreign Hiftory, we have given a full, faithful, and impartial narra tive of the events of the year, among which the accomplishment of the peace, the interesting debates that followed that tranfaction, and the political revolution of which it was either the pretext or the cause, stand particularly distinguished. In the State Papers, befides the Articles of Pacification with the feveral powers with whom we had been at war, and other important memoirs, the Reports of the Commiffioners of Accounts, which are of fuch moment to the nation, are carried on fo far as


they were laid before the Public in 1783. The extracts under the feveral heads of Biography, Man-. ners of Nations, Claffical and Polite Criticifm, Natural Philofophy, Antiquities, Mifcellaneous Effays, and Poetry, will be found to furnish a rich variety of inftruction and entertainment. Among the Philofophical Papers, we cannot avoid diftinguishing Sir William Hamilton's affecting and striking description of the dreadful earthquakes in Italy and Sicily, which is given entire, and correctly printed.

With regard to the Hiftory of the Domestic Li terature of the Year, the writer of that article hath poffeffed the benefit of a voluntary communication from an anonymous gentleman, relative to the publications in Natural Philofophy, Chemistry, and Medicine. This communication is feparately marked, by being included in brackets; and we here return thanks to our unknown correfpondent, for his ingenious, learned, and valuable affiftance.

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Our account of Foreign Literature is much larger than it hath hitherto been; and we have endeavoured to confer upon it an additional advantage in point of arrangement.

Upon the whole, we cannot help flattering ourfelves, that an impartial Public will not only acknowledge that we have not remitted in our diligence, but will be able to difcern fome marks of improvement, which will contribute to increase the reputation and fuccefs we have already had 'the honour to obtain.


ASHORT View of the State of Knowledge, Literature, and Tafte, in
thi Country, from the Norman Conqueft, to the Accession of King Edward

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CHA P. V..

The fruggles of the Miniftry. The Firmness of Oppofition. The Impatience of the Commons for a new Adminiftration Public Riots. A remarkable Motion by Mr. T. W. Coke. Affairs of the Eaft. The Recapture of Trincomale. Motions by Lord Surrey. The Appointment of a new Miniftry.



American Af

Debate in the House of Lords on the Irish Jurifdiction Bill. fairs. Motion by Mr Fox concerning the American Trade. An Amendment upon it by Mr. Eden. The American Manifeft Bill,


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Affairs of the Eaft. Abufes in Trale and in Government. The Neceffity of a new Syftem for the Direction of India. A B for this Purpose is propofed by the Lord Advocate for Scotland. Its Objects and Tendency. The India Indemnity and Dividend Bill. Peace concluded with the Mahrattas. The Death of Hyder Ally,

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The I oan is protofed in the House of Commons. Objections to it. Defence of it. It is debated in the Houfe of Peers. A difcuffion of the Subject of Loans. Propofitions by Lord Shelburne. Their Rejection. The Loan Bill paffes,



Mr. Pitt's Motion for a Parliamentary Reformation. His Refolutions. Ob. jelions to them. Defence of them. Divifion against them,


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The Cafe of the Bishop of London, and Lewis Difney Ffytche, Efq. Refination Fonds refpecting Church Livings. Queflions with regard to them. The Judges approve not the Conduct of the Bishop. Debate upon the Subject. Decifion of the Houfe of Peers,



Debates about Powell and Bembridge. The Death of Mr. Powel. The Trial of Mr. Bembridge,



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