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return to England procured my dif

His bitter bread thro' realms his valourcharge. I applied for the Chelfca boun

fay'd.' My kind hoft invited me to join the croud, and liften to his tale. With this request I readily complied. No fooner did we make our appearance, than I attracted the attention of every one. The appearance of a stranger in a hamlet, two hundred miles from the capital, is generally productive of furprife; and every one examines the new comer with the moft attentive obfervation. So wholly did my arrival engross the villagers, that the veteran was obliged to defer the continuation of his narrative, till their curiofity fhould be gratified. Every one there took an opportunity of teftifying the good will they bore my venerable hoft, by offering him a feat on the grafs. The good man and myself were foon feated, and the brave Veteran refumed his narrative, in the following words: After, continued he, I had been intoxicated, I was carried before a juftice, who was intimate with the captain, at whofe requeft he attefted me before I had fufficiently recovered my fenfes to fee the danger I was encountering. In the morning, when I came to myfelf, I found I was in cuftody of three or four foldiers, who, after telling me what had happened, in fpite of all I could fay, carried me to the next town, without permitting me to take leave of one of my neighbours, When they reached the town it was market day, and I saw several of the I people from our village, who were all forry to hear what had happened, and endeavoured to procure my releafe, but in vain. After taking an affecting leave of my neighbours, I was marched to Portfimouth, and there, together with an hundred more, embarked for the coaft of Africa. During the voyage, moft of our number died, or became fo enfeebled by fickuefs as to make them unfit for fervice. This was owing part ly to the climate, partly to the want of water, and to confinement in the fhip. <When we reached the coaft of Africa, we were landed, and experienced every poffible cruelty from our officers. A length, however, a man of war arrived, who had loft feveral marines in a late action, and I, with fome others, was sent on board to serve in that station. Soon after we put to fea, we fell in with a French man of war. In the action I loft my leg, and was near being thrown overboard; but the humanity of the chaplain preferved my life, and on my

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ty, but it was refufed me, because I loft my limb when acting as a marine and as I was not a regular marine, I was not entitled to any protection from the Admiralty: Therefore I am reduced. to live on the good will of those who pity my misfortunes. To be fure mine is a hard lot; but the King does not know it, or (God blefs his Majefty) he is too good to let thofe ftarve who have fought his battles."

The village clock now ftriking eight, the worthy Vicar rofe, and flipping fomething into the old man's hand, defired me to follow him. At our departure, the villagers promifed to take care of the old man. We returned the farewell civilities of the ruftics, and directed our fteps to the vicarage. It was small, with a thatched roof. The front was entirely covered with woodbine and honeyfuckle, which ftrongly fcented the circumambient air. A grove of ancient oaks, that furrounded the house, caft a folemn shade over, and preferved the verdure of the adjacent lawn, thro' the midft of which ran a fmall brook, that gently murmured as it flowed. This, together with the bleating of the fheep, the lowing of the herds, the village murmurs, and the diftant barkings of the trufty curs, who were now entering on their office as guardians of the hamlet, formed a concert, at least equal to that on Tottenhamcourt-road. On entering the wicket, we were met by a little girl of fix years old. Her drefs was fimple, but elegant; and her appearance fuch as fpoke her destined for a higher fphere. As foon as the bad informed her grandfather that fupper was ready, the dropped a curtefy, and reti, red. I delayed not a moment to congratulate the good old man on poffeffing fo great a treafure. He replied, but with a figh, and we entered the houfe, where every thing was diftinguifhed with an air of elegant fimplicity that furprised me. On our entrance, he introduced me to his wife; a woman turned of forty, who ftill poffeffed great remains of beauty, and had much the appearance of a woman of fashion. She received me with eafy politenefs, and regretted that she had it not in her power to entertain me better. I requested her not to diftrefs me with unneceffary apologies, and we fat down to fupper. The little angel, who welcomed us at the door, now feat ing herself oppofite to me, afforded me an opportunity of contemplating one of


the finest faces I had ever beheld. My worthy hoft, obferving how much I was Aruck with her appearance, directed my attention to a picture which hung over the mantle. It was a ftriking likeness of my little neighbour, only on a larger kale. That, Sir, faid he, is Harriet's mother. Do you not think there is a vaft refemblance? To this I affented, when the old man put up a prayer to heaven, that the might refemble her mother in every thing but her unhappy fate. He then started another topic of converfation, without gratifying the curiofity he had excited concerning the fate of Harriet's mother, for whom I had already felt myfelf much interested.

Supper being removed, after chatting fome time, my worthy hoft conducted me to my bed-chamber, which was on the ground-floor, and lined with jeffamin, that was conducted in at the windows. After wifhing me good night, he retired, leaving me to reft. The beauty of the fcenery, however, and my ufual propen fity to walk by moon-light, induced me to leave my fragrant cell. When I fallied forth, the moon was darting her temperated rays through the fhade that furrounded the cottage, tipping the tops of the venerable oaks with filver. After taking a turn.or two on the lawn, I wandered to the fpot, "where the "rude forefathers of the hamlet fleep." It was fmall, and for the most part furrounded with yew-trees of an ancient date, beneath whofe folemn fhade many generations had mouldered into duft. No fooner did I enter, than my attention was caught by a pillar of white marble, placed on the fummit of a small eminence, the bafe of which was furrounded with honeyfuckles and woodbines, whilft a large willow overshadowed the pillar. As I was with attention perufing the epitaph, I was not a little alarmed by the approach of a figure, cloathed in a long robe. The apparition continued advancing towards me with a flow ftep, and its eyes fixed on the ground, which prevented it obferving me till we were within reach of each other. Great was my wonder at recognizing my worthy hoft in this fituation; nor was his aftonishment lefs at finding his gueft thus courting the appearance of goblins and fairies. After each had expreffed the furprise he felt, I proceeded to inquire whofe duft was there enshrined? To my queftion he returned anfwer: There, Sir, fleeps Harriet's mother, an innocent, but unfortunate woman. Pardon me,

Sit, faid he, if for a moment I indulge my forrow, and bedew my Harriet's grave with tears, a tribute that I often pay her much-lov'd memory, when the reft of the world are loft in fleep. Here he paufed, and feemed much agitated. At length he requested my permiffion to defer the recital of Harriet's woes till the next day, as he found himself unequal to the task of proceeding in the painful detail. To this proposal I readily acceded, and we returned home. I retired to my room, but every attempt to procure fleep proved ineffectual. Har riet had fo wholly occupied my thoughts, that no moment of the night was fuffered to pass unnoticed. At length, "when "foared the warbling lark on high,” I left my couch, and rejoined my worthy landlord, who was bufily employed in the arrangement of his garden. Though I declined mentioning the fubject of our laft night's adventure, yet he saw the marks of anxious expectation in my countenance, and proceeded to gratify the curiofity he had infpired. It will be neceffary, faid he, before I proceed to relate the woes that befel my daughter, to give a fhort sketch of my own life. Six and twenty years ago, Mrs came hither for the benefit of her health, the air being recommended as highly falubrious. On her arrival, the gave out that she was the daughter of a clergyman, who was lately dead, and had left her in narrow circumftances. I thought it my duty to vifit her, and offer her a ny little attention in my power. She received me with politenefs, and expreffed a wifh to cultivate my acquaintance. I continued to repeat my vifits for some time without fufpecting that there was a ny thing particular in her hiftory, till one morning I found her in tears reading a letter fhe had juft received. On my entrance fhe gave it to me: it contained a notification from Lord B's agent, that her ufual remittances would no long er be continued. On opening this letter, I was led to fuppofe that her connection with Lord B was not of the most honourable nature. But all my fufpicion vanifhed on her producing feveral letters from Lord B to her mother, with whom he had been long connected.From thefe letters I learnt, that Mrs

was the daughter of Lord B by Mifs M-, fifter to a Scotch baronet, whom he had feduced and fupported during the remainder of her life. But he had, it feems, determined to withdraw his protection from the fruit

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of their connection. Mrs -declared fhe knew not what ftep to take, as her finances were nearly exhaufted. I endeavoured to comfort her, affuring her that fhe fhould command every affiftance in my power :-On hearing this, the feemed a little fatisfied, and became more compofed. After fitting with her fome time, I returned home to confider in what manner I might moft easily afford protection to the young orphan, whofe whole dependence was on my fupport. If I took her home to live with me, as I was unmarried, it would give offence to my parishioners. My income was too confined to admit of my affording her a feparate eftablishment. Thus circumftanced, I determined to offer her my hand. You will, no doubt, fay it was rather an inprudent step for a man who had feen his fortieth year to connect himself with youth and beauty: but as my brother was then living, it was impoffible for me to render her the leaft affiftance on any other plan. She received my propofal with grateful furprife, and accepted it without hefitation.In a few days we were married, and have now lived together fix and twenty years fn a ftate, the felicity of which has never been interrupted by those discordant jars which are fo frequently the concomitants of matrimony: though, alas! our peace has received a mortal wound from one, the bare mention of whofe name fills me with horror! But not to digrefs: Before the return of that day which faw me blessed with the hand of Emily, my happiness received an important addition, by the birth of a daughter, who inherit ed all her mother's charms. It is fuperfluous to add, that she was equally the idol of both her parents; and as she was the only fruit of our marriage, fhe became every day a greater favourite. My wife had received fuch an education as rendered her fully capable of accomplishing her daughter in a manner far fuperior tojany thing her fituation required, or perhaps could justify. To this agreeable employment, however, the devoted her whole time, and when Harriet had reached her eighteenth year, she was in every refpect a highly-accomplished woman. She was become what that picture reprefents her. With an amiable temper and gentle manners, fhe was the idof of the village. Hitherto the had experienced aftate of felicity unknown in the more exalted ftations of life-unconfcious, alas! of the ills that awaited her future years.

It is with reluctance I proceed in the melancholy narrative.One evening, as a young man, attended by a fervant, was pafling through the village, his horfe ftartled, and threw him. Happening to be on the fport at the time, I offered every affiftance in my power, and con veying him to my cottage, difpatched his fervant in queft of a furgeon, who declared our patient was not in any danger, but recommended it to him to delay, his departure for a day or two. His health, however, or rather his love, did not admit of his travelling for near a fortnight; during which time he efta blifhed his intereft with Harriet by the moft pleasing and unremitting attention to her flighteft wishes. When about to depart, he requested leave to repeat his vifit on his return from his intended tour, dropping, at the fame time, fome diflant hints of his affection for Harriet, to whom he was by no means indifferent.

Mr H (for fo our gueft was nam→ ed) informed us, previous to his depar ture, that he had a fmall independent fortune; but that from a diftant relation he had confiderable expectation. After bidding an affectionate adieu to Harriet, he fet out on his intended tour, which lafted for a month.

During the time of Mr H's abi fence, Harriet appeared penfive, and I observed with pain, that he had made no flight impreffion on her heart. At length Mr H returned, and Har riet's reception of him left us no room to doubt her attachment. During his fecond vifit he was very affiduous to fe cure the favour of all the family: with Harriet he easily fucceeded; nor were Mrs T or myself difpofed to dislike him. His manners were elegant, and his wit lively. At length he obtained from Harriet the promile of her hand, provided her parents fhould not object. Hitherto I had never been induced to make any inquiries concerning his cir cumftances and character. Now, however, by his direction, I applied to a Mr Ens, a clergyman of his acquaintance. This gentleman, now in an exalted ftation in the church, then chaplain to Lord C, informed me, that Mr II was in every refpect a deflrable match for my daughter; and that whenever his coufin fhould die, he would be enabled to maintain her in affluence aed fplendour :--he added, that his character was unexceptionable. Little fufpecting the villanous part Mr Ens was acting, I readily confented to the


propofed union, and performed the ceremony myfelf. Mr H requested that their marriage might be kept a fetret, till the birth of a fon and heir. This propofal rather alarmed me, but it was too late to retreat; and knowing no one in the great world, it was impoffible for me, previous to the marriage, to procure any account of Mr H, but fuch as his friend commuaicated to me. Thus circumftanced, I could only confent; and as Harriet readily adopted every propofal that came from one the fo tenderly loved, the matter was fmally agreed on. After ftaying a few days, he fet off for London, but foon returned, and paffed the whole Winter with us; and in the Spring Harriet was delivered of that little girl you fo much admire. I now preffed him to acknowledge my daughter as his wife. To this he answered, Had fhe brought him a fon, he would readily have complied with my request; but that his couin was fo great an oddity, that he could not bear the idea (to ule his own expreffon" of having his fortune lavished in a milliner's fhop" But, added he, if you infift upon it, I will now risk the lots of all his fortune, and introduce my Harriet to his prefence. Harriet, how ever, again interfered, and defired that Mr H might not be forced into meatures that might in the end prove defractive of his future profpect, and induce him to regret the day he ever faw her. Thefe arguments prevailed, and Mr H was fuffered to continue as a member of the family without any farther notice being taken of the fubject. In this manner had three years elapfed undistinguifhed by any remarkable event, Mr H generally paffing half the year with us, and the remainder in London, attending, as he faid, on his coufin; when one day, as he was fitting with us at dinner, a chaife and four drove up to the houfe. The fervants inquired for Mr H, and on hearing he was there, opened the carriage-door. A gentleman, dreffed like an officer, jumped out, followed by a lady in a travelling drefs; they ruthed immediately into the room. Their appearance amazed us; but Mr H betrayed the most visible marks of confternation. The lady appeared to be about thirty. She was a woman by to means deftitute of perfonal charms. The moment the entered the room, the kized upon Harriet, and loading her with every horrible epithet, proceeded to indulge her paffion by ftriking her APPEND, to VOL. VII.

innocent rival. On feeing this, an old fervant of mine feized the lady, and forcibly turned her out of the house, then faftened the door. It was not till now that we perceived the abfence of Mr H-, who had, it seems, retired with the lady's companion. Whilft we were ftill loft in amazement at the tranfaction we had juft witnessed, we were alarmed to the highest pitch by the report of a piftol. Harriet inftantly fainted. Whilft Mrs T was recovering her, I flew to the fpot from whence the found proceeded, and there found Mr H weltering in his blood, with a piftol lying by him. I approached, and found him ftill fenfible. He informed me, that the lady's brother and he had fought, and that feeing him fall, they had both efcaped as faft as poffible. I inftantly procured affistance, and conveyed him to the house, where he was put to bed, and a furgeon was fent for. Mean time, Harriet had several fits, and we were very apprehenfive that the hour of her fate was approaching. On the arrival of the furgeon, he decla-. red the wound Mr H- had received would probably prove mortal, and recommended the arrangement of his af fairs. Mr H—— received the news with great agony, and defired that I might be left alone with him. No fooner was this requeft granted, than he addressed me in. the following terms: "In me, Sir, behold the most unfortunate, and, alas the moft guilty of men. The lady, whofe ill-timed vifit has loft me my life, is,-I tremble to pronounce the word,-my wife. Seeing me pale with horror, he proceeded. No wonder, Sir, that you fhould behold with horror one who has, repayed unbounded hofpitality by unequal led villainy. The bare remembrance of my own guilt diftracts me. The awful hour is now faft approaching, when I muft receive my final doom from that heaven whofe faws I have fo daringly violated. To redress the injuries I have committed, is, alas! impoffible. My death will be an atonement by no means fufficient. I cannot, however, leave this world till you fall be informed, that ten thousand pounds, the whole of my property that is at any difpofal, has long ago been transferred by me into the hands, of truftees for the benefit of my muchinjured Harriet, and her unhappy infant. In my own defence, I have nothing to urge.. Suffer me only to remark, that my misfortune arofe from the avarice of my father, who forced me into a marriage with the woman you



lately faw, and whofe brother has been the inftrument in the hand of Providence to inflict on me the doom I fo much merited. If poffible, conceal from Harriet that I was married. Picture, for her fake, an innocent deception, and tell her that I was only engaged to that lady. This will contribute to promote her repofe, and the deception may poffibly plead the merit of prolonging a life fo dear to you. For the elevated mind of my Harriet would never furvive the fatal difcovery of my villainy. But, oh! when my unhappy child fhall afk the fate of him who gave her being, in pity draw a veil over that guilt which can fcarcely hope to obtain the pardon of heaven." There he ceased, and utter ing a fhort prayer, expired. Happily for Harriet, the continued in a ftate of infenfibility for three days, during which time I had the body removed to a neighbouring houfe, there to wait for interment. Having addressed a letter to Mr H's agent in the town, he sent orders for the body to be removed to the family burying-place, where it was accordingly interred. Harriet recovered by flow degrees from the ftate of happy infenfibility, into which the death of Mr H had plunged her. Her grief became filent and fettled. Groans and exclamations now gave way to fighs, and the bitter tears of defponding grief. She feldom or ever spoke, but would cry for hours together over her hapless in fant, then call on the fhadow of her departed Henry, little fufpecting the irreparable injury he had done her. It was with infinite anxiety I beheld the decline of Harriet's health. Prone as we ever are to hope what we ardently defire, I

now defpaired of her recovery. Whilft in a state of hopeless inactivity, I was doomed to witness the lingering death of my lamented Harriet, I received a vifit from an old friend. On his arrival I allotted him the apartment formerly inhabited by Mr H and Harriet. About midnight he was awakened by fome one entering the apartment. On removing the curtain, he discovered, by the light of the moon, my adored Harriet in a white dreis. Her eyes were open, but had a vacant look that plainly proved the was not awake. She advanced with a flow step; then seating herself at the foot of the bed, remained there an hour, weeping bitterly the whole time, but without uttering a word. My friend, fearful of the confequences, forbore to awake her, and the retired with the fame deliberate ftep fhe had entered. This intelligence alarmed me exceffively. On the next night the was watched, and the fame fcene was repeated, with this difference, that after quitting the fatal apartment, fhe went to the room where her daughter ufually flept; and laying herfelf down on the bed, wept over the child for fome time; then returned to her apartment. The next morning we waited with anxiety for her appearance at breakfaft; but, alas-Here a flood of tears afforded to my friend that relief which he fo much needed; and we returned to the houfe. After pafling fome days with this worthy couple, I proceed ed on my tour, quitting, with reluctance, the abode of forrow and refignation.

Those whom the perufal of this tale may intereft, will, if ever they vifit the banks of the Alna, find that the author has copied his characters from nature.


ODE for the NEW YEAR. R

UDE was the pile, and massy-proof, That firft uprear'd its haughty roof On Windfor's brow fublime, in warlike ftate:

The Norman tyrant's jealous hand
The giant fabric proudly plann'd.
With recent victory elate,
"On this majestic steep, he cried,
A regal fortress, threatening wide,

Shall fpread my terrors to the distant hills;

Its formidable fhade fhall throw
Far o'er the broad expanfe below,
Where winds yon mighty flood, and
amply fills

With flow'ry verdure, or with golden grain,

The fairest fields that deck my new domain!


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