ISAB. Too late? why, no; I, that do speak a word, May call it back again: Well believe this, No ceremony that to great ones 'longs, Not the king's crown, nor the deputed sword, The marshal's truncheon, nor the judge's robe, Become them with one half so good a grace, As mercy does. If he had been as you, And you as he, you would have slipt like him; But he, like you, would not have been so stern. ANG. Pray you, begone. ISAB. I would to heaven I had your potency, And you were Isabel! should it then be thus? No; I would tell what 'twere to be a judge, And what a prisoner. Lucio. Ay, touch him: there's the vein. [Aside. touch'd with that remorse-] Remorse, in this place, as in many others, signifies pity. So, in the fifth Act of this play : "My sisterly remorse confutes my honour, " And I did yield to him." Again, in Heywood's Iron Age, 1632: "The perfect image of a wretched creature, " His speeches beg remorse." See Othello, Act III. STEEVENS. • May call it back again:] The word back was inserted by the editor of the second folio, for the sake of the metre. MALONE. Surely, it is added for the sake of sense as well as metre. STEEVENS Well believe this.] Be thoroughly assured of this. THEOBALD. ANG. Your brother is a forfeit of the law, And you but waste your words. ISAB. Alas! alas! Why, all the souls that were, were forfeit once; And He that might the vantage best have took, Found out the remedy: How would you be, If he, which is the top of judgment, should But judge you as you are? O, think on that; And mercy then will breathe within your lips, Like man new made.2 ANG. Be you content, fair maid; It is the law, not I, condemns your brother: Were he my kinsman, brother, or my son, Itshould be thus with him; -he must die to-morrow. 1 - all the souls that were,] This is false divinity. We should read-are. WARBURTON. I fear, the player, in this instance, is a better divine than the prelate. The souls that WERE, evidently refer to Adam and Eve, whose transgression rendered them obnoxious to the penalty of annihilation, but for the remedy which the Author of their being most graciously provided. The learned Bishop, however, is more successful in his next explanation. HENLEY. • And mercy then will breathe within your lips, Like man new made.] This is a fine thought, and finely expressed. The meaning is, that mercy will add such a grace to your person, that you will appear as amiable as a man come fresh out of the hands of his Creator. WARBURTON. I rather think the meaning is, You will then change the severity of your present pre character. In familiar speech, You would be quite another man. JOHNSON. And mercy then will breathe within your lips, Like man new made.] You will then appear as tender-hearted and merciful as the first man was in his days of innocence, immediately after his creation. MALONE. I incline to a different interpretation: And you, Angelo, will breathe new life into Claudio, as the Creator animated Adam, by " breathing into his nostrils the breath of life." HOLT WHITE, ISAB. To-morrow? O, that's sudden! Spare him, spare him: He's not prepar'd for death! Even for our kitchens We kill the fowl of season; 3 shall we serve heaven With less respect than we do minister To our gross selves? Good, good my lord, bethink you: Who is it that hath died for this offence? : LUCIO. Ay, well said. ANG. The law hath not been dead, though it hath slept: 4 Those many had not dar'd to do that evil, of season;] i. e. when it is in season. So, in The Merry Wives of Windsor: "-buck; and of the season too it shall appear." STEEVENS. * The law hath not been dead, though it hath slept :) Dormiunt aliquando leges, moriuntur nunquam, is a maxim in our law. HOLT WHITE, If the first man &c.] The word man has been supplied by the modern editors. I would rather read If he, the first, &c. TYRWHITт. Man was introduced by Mr. Pope. MALONE. 6 like a prophet, Looks in a glass,] This alludes to the fopperies of the beril, much used at that time by cheats and fortune-tellers to predict by. WARBURTON. See Macbeth, Act IV. sc. i. So again, in Vittoria Corombona, 1612: "How long have I beheld the devil in chrystal?" STEEVENS, The beril, which is a kind of crystal, hath a weak tincture of red in it. Among other tricks of astrologers, the discovery of 1 (Either now, or by remissness new-conceiv'd, And so in progress to be hatch'd and born,) Are now to have no súccessive degrees, But, where they live, to end. ISAB. Yet show some pity. ANG. I show it most of all, when I show justice; For then I pity those I do not know," past or future events was supposed to be the consequence of looking into it. See Aubrey's Miscellanies, p. 165, edit. 1721. REED. 1 (Either now,] Thus the old copy. Modern editors read Or new STEEVENS. 8 But, where they live, to end.] The old copy reads-But, here they live, to end. Sir Thomas Hanmer substituted ere for here; but where was, I am persuaded, the author's word. So, in Coriolanus, Act v: 66 -but there to end, "WHERE he was to begin, and give away Again, in Julius Cæsar : "And WHERE I did begin, there shall I end." The prophecy is not, that future evils should end, ere, or before they are born; or, in other words, that there should be no more evil in the world (as Sir T. Hanmer by his alteration seems to have understood it); but, that they should end WHERE they began, i. e. with the criminal; who, being punished for his first offence, could not proceed by successive degrees in wickedness, nor excite others, by his impunity, to vice. So, in the next speech : " And do him right, that, answering one foul wrong, It is more likely that a letter should have been omitted at the press, than that one should have been added. The same mistake has happened in The Merchant of Venice folio, 1623, p. 173, col. 2:-" ha, ha, here in Genoa," instead of" where? in Genoa?" MALONE. Dr. Johnson applauds Sir Thomas Hanmer's emendation. I prefer that of Mr. Malone. STEEVENS. show some pity. Ang. I show it most of all, when I show justice; For then I pity those I do not know,] This was one Which a dismiss'd offence would after gall; ISAB. So you must be the first, that gives this sentence; And he, that suffers: O, it is excellent To use it like a giant.1 Lucio. That's well said. ISAB. Could great men thunder As Jove himself does, Jove would ne'er be quiet, For every pelting, petty officer, Would use his heaven for thunder; nothing but thunder. Merciful heaven! Thou rather, with thy sharp and sulphurous bolt, Split'st the unwedgeable and gnarled oak,3 Than the soft myrtle ;-O, but man, proud man!* Hale's memorials. When I find myself swayed to mercy, let me remember, that there is a mercy likewise due to the country. JOHNSON. To use it like a giant.] Isabella alludes to the savage con duct of giants in ancient romances. STEEVENS. -pelting,] i. e. paltry. This word I meet with in Mother Bombie, 1594: " - will not shrink the city for a pelting jade." STEEVENS. - gnarled oak,] Gnarre is the old English word for a knot in wood. So, in Antonio's Revenge, 1602: " Till by degrees the tough and gnarly trunk Again, in Chaucer's Knight's Tale, Tyrwhitt's edit. v. 1979: |