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Lucio. I grant; as there may between the lists and the velvet: Thou art the list.

1 GENT. And thou the velvet: thou art good velvet; thou art a three-pil'd piece, I warrant thee: I had as lief be a list of an English kersey, as be pil'd, as thou art pil'd, for a French velvet. Do I speak feelingly now?


Lucio. I think thou dost; and, indeed, with most painful feeling of thy speech: I will, out of thine own confession, learn to begin thy health; but, whilst I live, forget to drink after thee.

1 GENT. I think, I have done myself wrong; have I not?

2 GENT. Yes, that thou hast; whether thou art tainted, or free.

Lucio. Behold, behold, where madam Mitigation comes! I have purchased as many diseases under her roof, as come to


pil'd, as thou art pil'd, for a French velvet.] The jest about the pile of a French velvet, alludes to the loss of hair in the French disease, a very frequent topick of our author's jocularity. Lucio finding that the gentleman understands the distemper so well, and mentions it so feelingly, promises to remember to drink his health, but to forget to drink after him. It was the opinion of Shakspeare's time, that the cup of an infected person was contagious. JOHNSON.

The jest lies between the similar sound of the words pill'd and pil'd. This I have elsewhere explained, under a passage in Henry VIII:

"Pill'd priest thou liest."


9 Behold, behold, where madam Mitigation comes!] In the old copy, this speech, and the next but one, are attributed to Lucio. The present regulation was suggested by Mr. Pope. What Lucio says afterwards, " A French crown more," proves that it is right. He would not utter a sarcasm against himself. MALONE.

2 GENT. To what, I pray?

1 GENT. Judge.

2 GENT. To three thousand dollars a-year.1

1 GENT. Ay, and more.

LUCIO. A French crown more.2

1 GENT. Thou art always figuring diseases in me: but thou art full of error; I am sound.

Lucio. Nay, not as one would say, healthy; but so sound, as things that are hollow: thy bones are hollow; impiety has made a feast of thee.

To three thousand dollars a-year.] A quibble intended between dollars and dolours. HANMER.

The same jest occurred before in The Tempest. JOHNSON. * A French crown more.] Lucio means here not the piece of money so called, but that venereal scab, which among the surgeons is styled corona Veneris. To this, I think, our author likewise makes Quince allude in A Midsummer-Night's Dream: "Some of your French crowns have no hair at all; and then you will play bare-faced." For where these eruptions are, the skull is carious, and the party becomes bald. THEOBALD.

So, in The Return from Parnassus, 1606:

" I may chance indeed to give the world a bloody nose; but it shall hardly give me a crack'd crown, though it gives other poets French crowns."

Again, in the Dedication to Gabriel Harvey's Hunt is up, 1598:


- never metst with any requital, except it were some few French crownes, pil'd friers crownes," &c. STEEVENS.


thy bones are hollow ;) So Timon, addressing himself

to Phrynia and Timandra:

"Consumptions sow
"In hollow bones of man." STEEVENS.

Enter Bawd.

1 GENT. How now? Which of your hips has the most profound sciatica?

BAWD. Well, well; there's one yonder arrested, and carried to prison, was worth five thousand of you all.

1 GENT. Who's that, I pray thee? BAWD. Marry, sir, that's Claudio, signior Claudio. 1 GENT. Claudio to prison! 'tis not so.

BAWD. Nay, but I know, 'tis so: I saw him arrested; saw him carried away; and, which is more, within these three days his head's to be chopped off.

Lucio. But, after all this fooling, I would not have it so: Art thou sure of this?

BAWD. I am too sure of it: and it is for getting madam Julietta with child.

Lucio. Believe me, this may be: he promised to meet me two hours since; and he was ever precise in promise-keeping.

2 GENT. Besides, you know, it draws something near to the speech we had to such a purpose.

1 GENT. But most of all, agreeing with the proclamation.

Lucio. Away; let's go learn the truth of it.
[Exeunt Lucio and Gentlemen.

BAWD. Thus, what with the war, what with the sweat, what with the gallows, and what with po


what with the sweat,] This may allude to the sweating sickness, of which the memory was very fresh in the time of

verty, I am custom-shrunk. How now? what's the news with you?

Enter Clown.

CLO. Yonder man is carried to prison.

BAWD. Well; what has he done?

CLO. A woman.5

BAWD. But what's his offence?

CLO. Groping for trouts in a peculiar river.

BAWD. What, is there a maid with child by him?

Shakspeare: [see Dr. Freind's History of Physick, Vol. II.p.335,] but more probably to the method of cure then used for the diseases contracted in brothels. Johnson.

So, in the comedy of Doctor Dodypoll, 1600:


" You are very moist, sir: did you sweat all this, I pray? "You have not the disease, I hope." STEEVENS.

what has he done?

Clo. A woman.] The ancient meaning of the verb to do, (though now obsolete,) may be guess'd at from the following


"Chiron. Thou hast undone our mother.
"Aaron. Villain, I've done thy mother."

Titus Andronicus.

Again, in Ovid's Elegies, translated by Marlowe, printed at
Middlebourg, no date:

" The strumpet with the stranger will not do,
"Before the room is clear, and door put to."

Again, in The Maid's Tragedy, Act II. Evadne, while undressing, says,

"I am soon undone.

Dula answers, " And as soon done."

Hence the name of Over-done, which Shakspeare has appropriated to his bawd. COLLINS.


in a peculiar river.] i. e. a river belonging to an indi

vidual; not public property. MALONE.

CLO. No; but there's a woman with maid by him: You have not heard of the proclamation, have you?

BAWD. What proclamation, man?

CLO. All houses in the suburbs of Vienna must be pluck'd down.

BAWD. And what shall become of those in the city?

CLO. They shall stand for seed: they had gone down too, but that a wise burgher put in for them. BAWD. But shall all our houses of resort in the suburbs be pull'd down ?

7 All houses in the suburbs This is surely too general an expression, unless we suppose, that all the houses in the suburbs were bawdy-houses. It appears too, from what the Bawd says below, "But shall all our houses of resort in the suburbs be pulled down?" that the Clown had been particular in his description of the houses which were to be pulled down. I am therefore inclined to believe that we should read here, all bawdy-houses, or all houses of resort in the suburbs.


• But shall all our houses of resort in the suburbs be pull'd down?] This will be understood from the Scotch law of James's time, concerning huires (whores): "that comoun women be put at the utmost endes of townes, queire least perril of fire is." Hence Ursula the pig-woman, in Bartholomew-Fair: "I, I, gamesters, mock a plain, plump, soft wench of the suburbs, do!" FARMER.

So, in The Malcontent, 1604, when Altofront dismisses the various characters at the end of the play to different destinations, he says to Macquerelle the bawd:


thou unto the suburbs."

Again, in Ram-Alley, or Merry Tricks, 1611:


Some fourteen bawds; he kept her in the suburbs." See Martial, where summæniana and suburbana are applied to prostitutes. STEEVENS.

The licenced houses of resort at Vienna are at this time all in the suburbs, under the permission of the Committee of Chastity.

S. W.

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