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IV. An Account of what happened in ascend-

ing a Mountain to search for Plants,

V. The Passage through the Strait of Le

Maire, and a further Description of the

Inhabitants of Terra del Fuego, and its


VI. A general Description of the south-east

Part of Terra del Fuego, and the Strait

of Le Maire; with some Remarks on

Lord Anson's. Account of them, and

Directions for the Passage Westward,

round this Part of America, into the

South Seas,

VII. The Sequel of the Passage from Cape

Horn to the newly discovered Islands in

the South Seas, with a Description of

their Figure and Appearance; some

Account of the Inhabitants, and several

Incidents that happened during the

Course, and at the Ship's Arrival a-

mong them,

VIII. The Arrival of the Endeavour at Ota-

heite, called by Captain Wallis, King

George the III.'s Island. Rules esta-

blished for Traffic with the Natives,

and an Account of several Incidents

which happened in a Visit to Tootahah

and Toubourai Tamaide, two Chiefs,

IX. A Place fixed upon for an Observatory

and Fort: an Excursion into the Woods,

and its Consequences. The Fort erect-

ed; a Visit from several Chiefs on

Board and at the Fort, with some Ac-

count of the Music of the Natives, and

the Manner in which they dispose of

their Dead,


X. An Excursion to the Eastward, an Ac-

count of several Incidents that happen-

ed both on Board and on Shore, and of

the first Interview with Oberea, the

Person, who, when the Dolphin was

here, was supposed to be Queen of the

Island, with a Description of the Fort, 438

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