TABLE I. Comparative summary of appropriations and appropriation estimates 1963 appropriation Per 1964 estimates of the Presidents.. Salaries and expenses, Library of Congress........ Reappropriation..... Salaries and expenses, Copyright Office Salaries and expenses, Legislative Reference Service. Books for the general collections.... Books for the Law Library.. Salaries and expenses, books for the blind...... Preservation of American motion pictures. $9, 810, 430 $308,088 67,000 1,619,700 ,870,000 62, 291 , 700, 700 61,008 570,000 110,000 1,884, 700 9,700 112, 800 3,823 60, 600 15,000 Total, regular appropriations... 18, 820, 930 Collection and distribution of library materials (special foreign 678,000 547, 252 Total.. 19, 498, 930 549, 252 1 As contained in exhibit B-1, Bureau of the Budget Bulletin No. 63-6, dated Jan. 7, 1963. (H. Doc. 63). 2 Includes $100,000 amendment as contained in H. Doc. 105. TABLE II.-Summary of budgeted positions-1962, 1963, 1964 Total........ 2,041 2,150 2,319 NOTE. The total number in each instance includes the full-time equivalent of part-time positions. (135)782, 548 62, 429 3,200 111, 320 35,000 134,000 6,000 112, 166 (-4)-12, 122 -1,100,000 -28,000 -15,000 Increases Salaries and Copyright Reference Service Legislative Distribution of catalog cards Special Alaskan collections Books for the blind foreign Total currency program To maintain present level of staff in 1964: Ingrade increases, wage boards, and realloca- Pay increase cost for 1964 (P.L. 87-793). days)... Full year cost of Children's Book Section... Subtotal.. To meet increased prices: Printing and binding-increased charges by Total to maintain present operating level... To meet increased workload, to strengthen Salaries, new positions---- Personnel benefits, new positions. Telephone service... Rental of space... Rental of equipment...... $140, 517 $19, 205 $27,723 68,008 11,866 8,065 536, 428 84,675 131,098 88,934 25,300--- 11,000 561,728 84,675 131,098 99,934 15, 636 $20,089 13, 548 $3,310 1,584 12,984 $210,844 524, 568 110, 642 8,065 (102)615, 170 (6)33, 197 (7)36, 255 49, 324 2,568 2,827 (18)87,796 (2) 10, 130 3,200 111,320 35,000 Printing and reproduction- Supplies and materials.... 6,000 1 128,000 Books and library materials. 100,000 12, 166 Total to meet increased workload, etc..... 814,014 35,765 51, 082 222, 696 100,000 23, 106 Total increases: Regular appropriations... 1,375,742 120, 440 182, 180 322, 630 100,000 36,090 Collection and distribution of library materials (special foreign currency program): Foreign currencies. U.S. dollars... Total, special foreign currency program. 1,375,742 -120,440 182, 180 322, 630 100,000 36,090 29, 100 Decreases: Elevator operators (including personnel Total, decreases------------- Net increases. -1, 112, 122 -28,000 -15,000 -1, 155, 122 263,620 120, 440 182, 180 322, 630 100,000 8,090 298, 100 -15,000 (171) 1, 280, 060 (35) 268,000 298, 100 1, 246, 663 2,137,082 (35) 268,000 (5)30, 100 (40)298, 100 (175)2, 435, 182 1 Includes $100,000 amendment as contained in H. Doc. 105. NOTE.-Appropriations with no increase: Books for the Law Library, $110,000; papers of the Presidents, $112,800; American motion pictures, $60,600. 1964 JUSTIFICATION-FUNDS AVAILABLE TO THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, ALL SOURCES We present the following summary showing funds available to the Library from all sources, followed by detailed schedules covering funds other than those appropriated directly to the Library. Annual appropriations for library buildings to Architect of the Capitol Senate Committee on Commerce.. 4,517 Total.. 35, 173 26, 302 Air Force Office of Scientific Research Air Force-Aeronautical Systems Di- vision. Department of the Army: Ballistic Research Laboratory.... Bureau of Census Federal Aviation Agency.... erties and applications of snow, ice, and perennially and To prepare a bibliography on shaped charges... To prepare a bibliography in a specific subject area.. To translate and abstract foreign language material-- Continuation of the East European Accessions Index. To secure and organize information about future interna- To prepare and publish a world list of future international To prepare a bibliography in a specific subject area----- To determine pedagogic utility of the Archive of Hispanic To cover the services of a geographer to head the national atlas project for the Geological Survey. |