Itemized estimates of appropriations, fiscal year 1963-Continued SALARIES, OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES Number of employees Office of the Doorkeeper-Continued House Press Gallery: Superintendent--- Special assistant superintendent. 1st assistant superintendent-----2d assistant superintendent.. 3d assistant superintendent.. 4th assistant superintendent.. House Radio Press Gallery: House Gallery: Check room attendant.. Folding room: Superintendent. Assistant superintendent. Secretary. Foreman.. Assistant foreman.. Ledger clerks.... Supervisor speech section. Speech clerk. Supervisor of mail..... Maintenance mechanic. Folders....... Messenger. Baling machine operator. Drivers...... Janitor-messenger. Janitor.. Laborer.... Total..... Special and minority employees: Minority employees... Minority employee. 7,000.00 14, 345. 47 Office of Minority Whip: Administrative assistant. Clerical assistants_ Majority and minority caucus rooms: Printing clerks __ Office of attending physician: Technical assistant. Office of the Postmaster: 13, 565.00 11, 535.00 See footnotes at end of table, p. 120. Itemized estimates of appropriations, fiscal year 1963- Continued SALARIES, OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES Number of employees Unit base Unit gross Total gross Total estimates Tod bal Cotammittee Reporters retenographeress Total... 17 202, 912.94 $202, 915.00 819 8.300.00 16,630.17 133,041.36 4,800.00 10,408.31 10,408.31 8,450.00 7,692.61 61.540.88 Official Reporters of Debates: Official reportera Clerk ... Asistant Clerk No Asstaat dock No. 2. pert tromeribers. Expert Committee on Aopropriations: Salaries and expenses, studies and examinations of executive 39009108 (8-0.202 b) Legislative Reorganization Act, 1946) 71117 $8,200 00 4,800.00 3,750.00 3,500.00 $17,508 90 10, 108 31 8,300 19 $122, 562. 30 10, 408. 31 8,300.19 7.793 87 7. 7,793 87 3,450.00 7,692 61 53,348.27 Lump sum 600,000.00 600,000.00 600,000.00 Montep of Poland Commi foher Cloth to Members and Be ident Commisioner | Lump sitth $20,400,000.00 $20,400,000.00 $20,400,000.00 CONTINGENT EXPENSES OF THE HOUSE Contingent fund: LEGISLATIVE MISCELLANEOUS Telephone and telegraph--- Stationery (revolving fund). Office of attending physician.. Postage.... Folding documents. Speaker's automobile. Automobile and maintenance for majority leader. Automobile and maintenance for minority leader. Total contingent expenses.. Capitol Police: Uniforms and equipment- Detailed metropolitan police.. Pages School: Salaries and expenses, operating the school for pages. Penalty mail costs (House and Senate).. Compiling testimony in contested election cases.. Statement of Appropriations: Senate and House Appropriation Committees. Lump sum Lump sum 1,375.000.00 1,375,000.00 1,375,000.00 Lump sum 788, 400.00 788, 400.00 788, 400.00 16, 535.00 16, 545.00 16, 545.00 Lump sum 183, 640.00 183,640.00 183,640.00 Lump sum 240,000.00 240,000.00 240,000.00 19, 515.00 19, 515.00 19, 515.00 Lump sum 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 Lump sum 10,000.00 Lump sum 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 9, 147, 025.00 Lump sum $36, 700.00 $36, 700.00 $36,700.00 Lump sum 142, 808.00 142, 808.00 142,810.00 Lump sum 68, 361.00 68, 361.00 68, 365.00 Lump sum 3,986,000.00 3,986, 000.00 3,986,000.00 Lump sum 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 Lump sum 8,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 4, 243, 875.00 |