HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, FISCAL YEAR 1961 Itemized estimates of appropriations SALARIES, MILEAGE FOR MEMBERS, AND EXPENSE ALLOWANCE OF THE SPEAKER Salaries, mileage, and expenses: Mileage for the Members and expenses of the Speaker..... Total, salaries, mileage, and expenses.. SALARIES, OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES $10, 640, 625.00 200,000.00 10,840, 625.00 $10, 840, 625.00 Itemized estimates of appropriations-Continued SALARIES, OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES-Continued 111 Assistant tally clerk (minority)... Enrolling room: Enrolling clerk. Assistant enrolling clerks (1 minority). Assistant enrolling clerk.. Bill clerk's office; Paper clerk.... Stock and inventory clerk Bookkeeper and voucher clerk. Clerks in stationery room... Clerk-typist......... Committee employees: Appropriations Committee and 19 other standing committees (includes 3 additional clerical assistants, Committee on the Judiciary, H. Res. 172, and H. Res. 464, 81st Cong.; also 2 additional clerical assistants; Committee on Armed Services, H. Res. 37, 82d Cong.; and 2 additional employees for Committee on Foreign Affairs, H. Res. 28, 85th Cong.; 7 additional clerical and 2 additional professional employees for Ways and Means Committee, H. Res. 554, 83d Cong.; H. Res. 468, 84th Cong.; H. Res. 126, and H. Res. 525, 85th Cong.; 2 additional employees for Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, H. Res. 239, 85th Cong.; to provide for the Committee on Science and Astronauties, as authorized by H. Res. 580, approved July 21, 1958, 85th Cong.), total---- Office of the Sergeant at Arms: Sergeant at Arms... Deputy Sergeant at Arms (charge of pairs). Special assistant (retirement)... Deputy Sergeant at Arms. Special assistant to the Sergeant at Arms Secretary to Sergeant at Arms. Stenographer... Cashier..... Assistant cashiers.. Assistant bookkeepers. Clerk-messenger.. Additional clerical assistants. See footnotes at end of table, Itemized estimates of appropriations-Continued Office of the Sergeant at Arms-Continued Assistant custodian (minority). Foreman of laborers_ Laborers..... Cloakroom attendant.. Cloakroom attendants. Laborer (cloakroom) 5 |