Of the $146,345 increase for other annual maintenance items, $14,145 is for Government contribution to the civil service retirement fund, required by Public Law 854, 84th Congress; $100 for payment to employees' life insurance fund, required by Public Law 598, 83d Congress; $110,000 for increased cost for purchase of electrical energy; and $22,100 for miscellaneous repairs and improvements. Of the $788,575 for nonrecurring maintenance items, $212,500 is for repairs and improvements in the Capitol group of buildings; and $576,075 for repairs and improvements in the Library Buildings and Grounds. The only amounts requested in the 1960 budget for construction items are $16,500,000 for liquidation of contract authority under the additional House Office Building project, and the revised budget amount of $2,500,000 for liquidation of contract authority under the "Expansion of facilities, Capitol Power Plant" project. Full reports are detailed in the sections of the justifications covering these projects, and will be presented to the committee when those items in the justifications are reached. The annual appropriation items under the "Architect of the Capitol" are primarily for maintenance of buildings occupied by the Congress and for heat, light, power, air-conditioning, and general housekeeping services for the Congress, and each year include items considered necessary to render proper service to the Congress and to maintain properly the buildings and equipment of the legislative establishment. BREAKDOWN OF ESTIMATES, 1960 Mr. Chairman, I would like at this point in the record to insert pages 4 through 10 inclusive of the justifications without reading them. Mr. NORRELL. All right, sir. (The pages referred to follow:) SUMMARY OF INCREASES The gross budget increase of $6,333,595 is summarized, as follows: Increased pay costs, wage board employees, authorized by Public Increased pay costs, authorized by Public Law 85-462, 85th Cong- Regular pay above 52-week base (increased cost, leap year)----- Additional positions: Capitol Grounds: 1 tree surgeon at $4,040; Total, gross personal services increase... Other annual maintenance items: Contribution to retirement fund, Public Law 854, 84th Cong---- $217, 243 29,000 9,785 73, 900 16, 700 17,000 35, 047 398, 675 14, 145 100 All other items.. Total, other annual maintenance items... 132, 100 146, 345 Special nonrecurring maintenance items: Total, special nonrecurring maintenance items_ Special nonrecurring construction items: Expansion of facilities, Capitol Power Plant: Liquidation of contract authority, increase over amount allowed for 1959 576, 075 788, 575 5, 000, 000 6, 333, 595 A breakdown of the annual and nonrecurring maintenance and construction Hems of increase follows: 395 Overtime and holiday pay increased costs. leap year). 1 additional position: GS-5 tree surgeon at $4,040 per annum Contribution to retirement fund, Public Law 854, 4th Cong.. Total.. Renate Office Buildings: Increased pay costs, wage board employees, authorized by Public Law 763, 83d Cong.. Increased pay costs, authorized by Public Law 85-462, 85th Cong Within-grade salary advancements, Classification Act.... Overtime and holiday pay increased costs. leap year). Contribution to retirement fund, Public Law 854, 4th Cong.. Total 5,200 1,200 4,040 1,400 30, 125 1,400 31, 525 95, 320 29,000 2,380 30,000 5,500 4,000 162, 200 4,000 166, 200 Maintenance and repairs, air-conditioning Care of grounds, both buildings.. 25,803 190 2,000 11, 107 1,500 110,000 7,000 5,000 1,000 39, 100 124,500 8,400 3,000 1,400 163, 600 5,000,000 5,000,000 4,800 15,000 Contribution to retirement fund, Public Law 854, 84th Cong Installation of floor tile, both buildings. Pointing exterior stonework, both buildings. marble tile, main building Plumbing renewals in public toilets, main Plaster repairs and renewals, both buildings.... Reinforce deck 2, annex, west half, for map cases. Elevator modernization and improvements, both buildings... 1, 100 44,600 20,000 20,000 4,000 10,000 10,000 5,200 4,000 81,600 -5, 007, 130 Total, appropriations and estimates 29, 673, 225 5,921, 205 35,594, 430 30,587, 300 1 Includes $5,000 budget amendment increase. 2 Includes $19,900 budget amendment increase. 4 Includes $81,400 budget amendment increase. Mr. STEWART. I would also like to put in the record the blue or control sheets as we reach each appropriation. Mr. NORRELL. All right. Are there any questions? INCREASED COST OF ELECTRICAL ENERGY Mr. STEED. In connection with the item of $110,000 for increased cost of purchase of electrical energy is that due mostly to the fact that we are using more electricity than we have used in the past? Mr. STEWART. Yes; plus the fact that the kilowatt rate has recently been increased somewhat. Mr. STEED. There has been a rate increase also? Mr. STEWART. There has been a 7 percent increase in the rate; also we have anticipated the full load of other buildings and improvements added, particularly the New Senate Office Building, which has just been completed. Mr. NORRELL. Any general questions at this point? |