Legislative Branch Appropriation Bill for 1949: Hearings Before the Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, Eightieth Congress, Second Session

U.S. Government Printing Office, 1948 - 271 Seiten

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Seite 190 - Envelopes and Document Franks. — Franked envelopes for mailing speeches and documents are furnished to Senators and Representatives, who are also furnished with franks for mailing documents, printed singly or in sheets with perforations at the option of the Member. The expenditures for franked envelopes and document franks in the fiscal year 1968 amounted to $546,434 for 121,542,800 envelopes and 4,165,500 franks.
Seite 186 - Congress; for the printing, binding, and distribution of the Federal Register, and for printing and binding supplements to the Code of Federal Regulations.
Seite 192 - The Archivist of the United States and the Public Printer are charged with the printing and distribution, in a serial publication titled "Federal Register...
Seite 207 - ... 1 ) Endorse and support the establishment of a center for the collection, coordination, editing, translation, publication, and dissemination of bibliographical information concerning Latin American law, jurisprudence, and publications of interest to the legal profession ; (2) Request its delegates to the Fifth Conference of the Inter-American Bar Association to be held in Lima, Peru, November 25 to December 8, 1947, to present and support a similar resolution before that association and for the...
Seite 22 - For salaries and expenses, studies and examinations of executive agencies, by the Committee on Appropriations...
Seite 21 - For two printing clerks, one for the majority caucus room and one for the minority caucus room...
Seite 190 - USC 1718 and 1719), the Library of Congress is supplied with not to exceed 150 copies of Government publications including the daily and bound editions of the Congressional Record and certain other congressional publications of which not to exceed 125 copies shall be for distribution through the Smithsonian Institution to...
Seite 214 - XIV, sec. 169, pp. 117, 118, to the effect that an innkeeper "is not an insurer of the quality of his food, but he would be liable' for knowingly or negligently furnishing bad and deleterious food" and to the effect that the "title to food never passes as a result of an ordinary transaction of supplying food to a guest ; or, as it was quaintly put in an old case, 'he does not sell but utters his provision.
Seite 77 - Receipts from operation Appropriations for operation provided by Congress Expended in excess of receipts from operation...
Seite 28 - The wear index used is the number of thousands of revolutions of the turntable required to wear the pile down to one-fourth of its matted thickness. Because of the moderately higher weight of pile, wires per inch, and wear index, it is concluded that the Masland carpet which you are considering buying i» slightly superior to the Biglow carpet now in use.

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