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They sailed July 23, 1726, and arrived

ties." at Philadelphia, Oct. 11. They found that Keith had been deprived of his office of governor. Mr. Denham took a warehouse. Franklin applied closely, studied accounts, and was expert in trade. He indeed behaved to him like a father, and they loved and respected each other. But this happiness was of short duration. Mr. Denham died in Feb. 1727, leaving Franklin a small legacy in his will, as a testimony of friendship. Our author once more abandoned to himself, in the wide world, engaged as a printer with Keimer; whom he also served as a letter founder, ink-maker, engraver, and copperplate-printer; as well as constructor of a press for that purpose. This press, which was the first that had been seen in the country, was erected by Franklin at Burlington, to print some new Jersey moneybills; and proved the means of his aquaintance with Judge Allen, and several other members of the assembly, who were afterwards of great service to him. After this he imported types from London, set up a printing office, in company with Hugh Meredith, one of Keimer's lads. Franklin has recorded the extraordinary pleasure he experienced in receiving the first fruits of their industry, amounting to five shillings. "The recollection of what I felt on this occasion," says he, "has rendered me more disposed, than perhaps I should otherwise have been, to encourage young beginners in trade."


the same time he established a weekly club, for mutual improvement, which not only proved an excel. lent school of philosophy and politics, but turned out also beneficially to his business. Our questions," says Franklin, 66 which were read a week previous to their discussion, induced us to peruse at


tentively such books as had been written on the subjects proposed, that we might be able to speak on them more pertinently. We thus acquired the habit of conversing more agreeably; every subject being discussed conformably to regulations, and in a manner which prevented dissatisfaction." The following queries put to the candidates for admission, by way of test, indicate the liberal and philanthropical spirit of the founder. "Do you sincerely declare that you love mankind in general, of what profession or religion soever? Do you think any person ought to be harmed in his body, name, or goods, for mere speculative opinions, or his external way of worship? Do you love the truth for truth's sake; and will you endeavour impartially to find and receive it yourself, and communicate it to others?" This society, which was called the "Junto," lasted nearly forty years.

Franklin now applied himself with unwearied industry to the concern of printing. Early and late at work, he composed and distributed a folio sheet per day, on pica letter, loaded with heavy notes in a smaller type, besides doing other occasional jobs as they came in. Meredith, his partner, executed the press work. Franklin, had an intention of commencing a newspaper, and communicated his design to a workman of Keimer's, who had solicited employ. ment. This man betrayed his secret to Keimer, who immediately published a prospectus of a paper he intended to institute himself. Franklin wrote some satire on the design in Bradford's paper, the only one then existing in Philadelphia. Keimer, however commenced his paper, under the patronage of not more than ninety subscribers; he continued it for nine months only, and then sold the copy-right of it to Franklin for a mere trifle. At this period he


was much harrassed by pecuniary difficulties. In his first visit to Philadelphia he had received £36 for a friend of his brother John, of the name Ver non; this money he had not yet repaid.

Mr. Ver Meredith's father had a

non reminded him of it. greed to advance the whole expense of the printing materials, but had paid only £100. Another £100 was still due, and the merchant, tired of waiting, commenced a suit for it's recovery. In this dis tress two real friends, offered, without the knowledge of each other's intentions, to assist our enterprising printer with whatever money was necessary, if he would detach himself from Meredith, who they said was frequently seen drunk in the streets. These friends were William Coleman, and Robert Grace.

Such a separation Franklin soon effected; for Meredith's father could not advance the money he promised, and his son, having not been educated a printer, grew tired of it, and gladly returned to his original occupation of farming, and thus in 1729, Franklin was left sole proprietor of the business. He then accepted from his friends one half of the needful sum from each, which enabled him to carry on his undertaking more extensively. At this time a new emission of paper-currency being wished for by the public, but opposed by the opulent part of the Assembly, Franklin published a pamphlet on the subject, which, being unanswerable, occasioned the measure to be carried, and the author rewarded by the lucrative employment of printing the bills. Public and private employment now enabled our author to begin to pay the debt he had contracted, and to open a stationer's shop. "In order," says he, "to insure my credit and character as a tradesman, I took care not only to be really indus

trious and frugal, but also to avoid every appearance of the contrary. I was plainly dressed, and never seen in any place of public amusement.. I never went a fishing or hunting. A book indeed enticed me sometimes from my work, but it was by stealth, and occasioned no scandal. To shew that I did not think myself above my business, I conveyed home, occasionally, in a wheel-barrow, the paper I had purchased at the warehouses. I thus obtained the reputation of being industrious, and punctual in my payments. The merchants who imported artic les of stationary solicited my custom; others offered to furnish me with books, and my little trade went on prosperously." Franklin, early in life, had made an acquaintance with the daughter of Mr. Read of Philadelphia, at whose house he was a lodger on his first visit to that place. On his departure for London they parted with regret, interchanging mu tual promises of fidelity; but on this new theatre of amusement he forgot his fair blossom. He wrote to her indeed, once, but his letter merely informed her that he was not likely to return soon. Her fam. ily, justly despairing of Franklin's attachment, urged her to marry a potter, of the name of Rogers; to which she consented; but they grew miserable and parted. The husband involved himself in debt and fled, about 1727, to the West Indies, where he died. In the mean time, the passion of youth, so difficult govern, led Franklin into various intrigues, not unaccompanied with expense and inconvenience, but fortunately his health remained untainted.


On his return to Philadelphia, he reflected on his conduct with shame, regarding his inconstancy, during his abode in London, as the principal cause of Miss Read's misfortune. Franklin endeavoured, as a

neighbour and old acquaintance, to cultivate a friendly intimacy with her family. A mutual affection revived, and they married on the 1st of September 1730. She proved an excellent wife, a faithful com panion, and contributed essentially to the success of his shop. We deeply regret that here termi. nates the invaluable clue of our author, which has hitherto been our almost entire conductor. The fol lowing narrative is from a continuation by his friend Dr. Stubner, of Philadelphia, and from other authentic sources of information.

In 1731, Franklin's love of literature induced him to establish first a private, and afterwards a public library, which in 1742, became incorporated by the name of "The Library Company of Philadelphia ;" which now consists of many thousand volumes, besides a philosophical apparatus, &c.

In 1732

Franklin began to publish Poor Richard's Almanack, a work that he rendered remarkable by a valuable selection of concise, moral and economic maxims, which he at last collected into one humorous address to the reader, entitled The Way to Wealth, which has been translated into various languages. In 1736 he entered on his political career, by being appointed Clerk to the General Assembly of Pennsylvania. In 1737 he was appointed post-master. In 1738 he formed the first company for preventing damages by fires, and soon after obtained the establishment of an insurance company. In 1744, during the war between France and Britain, the French and Indians having made inroads on the frontiers of the province, he proposed a voluntary association for it's defence; which was approved of, and immediately signed by 1200 citizens, who chose Franklin their colonel. But he was then too deeply engaged in

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