The Edinburgh Magazine, Or, Literary Miscellany, Band 2

J. Sibbald, Parliament-Square

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Seite 184 - Upon this tour, when journeying, he wore boots, and a very wide brown cloth great coat, with pockets which might have almost held the two volumes of his folio dictionary; and he carried in his hand a large English oak stick.
Seite 184 - Johnson, upon all occasions, expressed his approbation of enforcing instruction by means of the rod. "I would rather [said he] have the rod to be the general terror to all, to make them learn, than tell a child, if you do thus, or thus, you will be -more esteemed than your brothers or sisters. The rod produces an effect which terminates in itself. A child is afraid of being whipped, and gets his task, and there's an end on't; whereas, by exciting emulation and comparisons of superiority, you lay...
Seite 184 - ... but he indulged this only in conversation, for he owned he "sometimes talked for victory. He was too conscientious to make error permanent and pernicious, by deliberately writing it.
Seite 236 - ... to be. As the soul, in this mortal frame, findeth infancy, youth, and old age, so in some future frame will it find the like. One who is confirmed in this belief is not disturbed by anything that may come to pass.
Seite 186 - We seem to treat the thoughts, that present themselves to the fancy in crowds, as a great man treats those [courtiers] that attend his levee. They are all ambitious of his attention. He goes round the circle, bestowing a bow upon one, a smile upon another; asks a short question of a third, while a fourth is honoured with a particular conference; and the greater part have no particular mark of attention, but go as they came. It is true, he can give no mark of his attention to those who were not there,...
Seite 184 - Robertson said, one man had more judgment, another more imagination. JOHNSON. "No, sir; it is only, one man has more mind than another. He may direct it differently; he may, by accident, see the success of one kind of study, and take a desire to excel in it. I am persuaded that, had Sir Isaac Newton applied to poetry, he would have made a very fine epic poem. I could as easily apply to law as to tragic poetry." BOSWELL. '"Yet, sir, you did apply to tragic poetry, not to law.
Seite 64 - Well, Mr. Pitt, I see (or I fear) this won't do. My honour is concerned, and I must support it ! Et sic finite, estfabula.
Seite 184 - In him were united a most logical head with a most fertile imagination, which gave him an extraordinary advantage in arguing: for he could reason close or wide, as he saw best for the moment. Exulting in his intellectual...
Seite 184 - He had thought more than any body supposed, and had a pretty good stock of general learning and knowledge. He had all Dr. Johnson's principles, with some degree of relaxation. He had rather too little, than too much prudence; and, his imagination being lively, he often said things of which the effect was very different from the intention.
Seite 184 - Think then, of a gentleman of ancient blood, the pride of which was his predominant passion. He was then in his thirty-third year, and had been about four years happily married. His inclination was to be a soldier ; but his father, a respectable Judge, had pressed him into the profession of the law. He had travelled a good deal, and seen many varieties of human life. He had thought...

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