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his vigilance, and therefore resolved to watch them when the daily meeting took place.

10. He did so, and saw that which called forth his pity and admiration. An affectionate daughter was presented to his view, lengthening out the existence of her parent, by that nourishment nature had given for the support of her own offspring, and endeavoring to avert the decrees of justice, by the nutritious qualities of the milk of tenderness!

11. The humane keeper instantly flew to her jndges, described the interesting sight he had seen, and had the happiness of procuring a pardon for the unfortunate mother.

12. The senate were so struck with this instance of amiable tenderness, that they ordered a temple to be erected to filial piety, on the spot where the prison stood, and both mother and daughter to be maintained at the public expense.

QUESTIONS.-What is this story about? What has the strongest claim to attention of all human duties? What should our parents receive next to our Maker? What, however, does the unhappy parent often find? What is said of parental authority in China? For what was the Roman lady accused? What, to suffer? Who was ordered to be her executioner? How did he feel? What thought occurred to him? What was he persuaded to do? For what did he search her daughter before she entered the prison each day? Did the mother's appearance change on account of his omitting to give her food? What was called forth? What did he begin to think? What did he resolve to do? What did he see? What did this sight call forth from the keeper of the prison? What did the humane keeper instantly do? What did he procure? What effect did the keeper's description of the mother and daughter have upon the Roman senate? Was not that keeper a noble-minded man? Was not that daughter a lovely and amiable one?


A e ri form (à è rẻ form), a. having the form of air.

A ges (d'jîz), n. plu. of Age, period of time; a part of life. [enlivened; the act of animating. An i ma tion (án è mà' shûn), n. life, the state of being A que ous (a' kwè is), a. consisting of water, watery. Ar ti fi cial ly (år te fish' al 'le), ad. by art, with skill. At mo spher ic ('ắt mỏ sfêr' ik), a. belonging to the atmosphere.

At mo sphere (ât' mỏ `sfère), n. the mass of fluid, consisting of air and vapors, surrounding the earth. Aug ment ed (åwg mênt' êd), pre. of Augment, to increase; to make or grow larger.

Breathe (breeth), v. to draw in and throw out the air by the lungs, to take breath, respire; to live; to rest; to utter privately.

Brim' stone, n. sulphur, a yellow mineral.

Brit tle (brit' tl), a. apt to break or easily broken ; weak; frail, fragile.

Burns (burnz), pres. t. and n. plu. of Burn, to be on fire; to consume by fire; to be inflamed with passion: n. a hurt caused by fire.

Bûrsts, pres. t. and n. plu. of Burst, to break suddenly; to break or fly open: n. a sudden disruption or rent; a rupture.


Can non (kan' nun), n. a large gun; a kind of large
Cloud (kloud), n. a thick collection of vapors in the
air: v. to darken with clouds; to obscure.
Col or less (kúl' lûr `lês), a. without color.

Con den sed (kön dênst'), pre. of Condense, to make a body thicker, closer, and more weighty; to grow more close and weighty: a. thick, dense.

Con sist ing (kon sîst' ing), par. of Consist, to be made up, or composed of; to be comprised or contained in.

Con tin u al ly (kỗn tin ủ ấl lẻ), ad. without pause

or intermission.

Di vis ion (dè vízh' ûn), n. state of being divided; act of dividing; partition; part; discord.

En dure (ên dùre'), v. to continue, to last; to bear, undergo, sustain.

Ex pel led (eks pêld'), pre. of Expel, to drive out; to force away; to banish; to eject.

Ex plo sion (eks plỏ' zhûn), n. a sudden bursting or driving out with violence and noise; a discharge. Fa cil i ty (få sîl' lè `tè), n. easiness, readiness; easiness of access; ready compliance.

Flame, n. a blaze, light emitted from fire; ardor; heat; violence: v. to shine as fire; to burn with a blaze. For ges (före' jiz), n. plu. and pres. t. of Forge, a place where iron is beaten into form: v. to form by the hammer; to counterfeit, to falsify.

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Fur na ces (für nis iz), n. plu. of Furnace, a kind of enclosed fire-place for melting metals; or, for heating, cooking, &c.

Fu si ble (fù' ze bl), a. that may be melted by heat. Gen er a ted (jên' er 'à têd), pre. of Generate, to produce; to cause; to beget.

Grav i ty (gråv' è 'tẻ), n. weight, heaviness, tendency to the centre; solemnity, seriousness.


Gun pow der (gün' påú dûr), n. the powder put into guns, a composition of sulphur, saltpetre, and [name for firearms; cannon. Guns (gunz), n. plu. of Gun, a musket; the general Heat ed (heet' êd), pre. of Heat, to make or grow hot; to inflame: n. hot weather, great warmth; glow, Heat ing (heet' ing), par. of Heat. [passion. In flam ma ble (în flåm' må 'bl), a. easy to be set on fire, susceptible of taking fire.

In hab it ed (in hâb' it êd), pre. of Inhabit, to live in, to dwell; to occupy.

In ha led (în håld'), pre. of Inhale, to draw in with air, or into the lungs; to inspire. [tute of smell. In o dor ous (in d' dûr ûs), a. wanting scent, destiIn sip id (in sip' id), a. void of or without taste; flat, vapid.

Lead en (lêd' dn), a. made of or consisting of lead; heavy; dull.

Lungs (lungz), n. plu. the organs of respiration or breathing. [governable; tractable. Man age a ble (mân' ije å bl), a. that may be managed, Mat ters (måt tûrz), n. plu. and pres. t. of Matter body, substance; subject; affair; pus; importance: v. to be of importance; to regard.

Me chan i cal (mè kân' è 'kål), a. relating to machines; done or constructed by the law or rules of mechanics; skilled in mechanics; acting or moving by physical power.

Med i cines (mêd' è `sînz), n. plu. of Medicine, any substance or remedy that has the power or property of removing, healing, or alleviating disease. Mi nute (mě nute'), a. very small, little; slender; exact; trifling.

Mist, n. a small, thin rain, rain in very fine drops; any thing that dims: v. to cover with vapor; to rain in very fine drops.

Mul ti pli ed (mûl' tè 'plide), pre. of Multiply, to increase or grow in number.

Ni tre (nì' tur), n. a mineral salt, saltpetre.

Ores (brez), n. plu. of Ore, metal unrefined or in its fossil state.

Pis tols (pis' túlz), n. plu. and pres. t. of Pistol, a small handgun, the smallest of firearms: v. to shoot with a pistol.

Pos sess ed (poz zest'), pre. of Possess, to hold, to have; to enjoy or occupy; to have as an owner. Pow er ful (pol' ûr fül), a. having power, strong, potent; mighty.

Pro cu red (pro kurd'), pre. of Procure, to obtain; to gain; to acquire; to manage; to cause.

Rap id ly (råp id lè), ad. with quick motion; swiftly. Rar e fi ed (rår' è 'fide), pre. of Rarefy, to expand; to make or become thin.

Re sult ing (rẻ zûlt' ing), par. of Result, to proceed to arise; to spring; to fly back: n. a consequence; effect; a rebounding.

Re turns (rè turnz'), pres. t. and n. plu. of Return, to come or go back; to send back; to repay: n. act of coming back; profit; relapse; requital. Salt pe tre (sålt pe tûr), n. a mineral salt, nitre. Shel ter ed (shel' tûrd), pre. of Shelter, to cover, to protect; to defend: n. a cover from injury or violence; security.

Sounds (soundz), n. plu. and pres. t. of Sound, noise, any thing audible, voice; a narrow sea: a. whole, firm; unhurt; healthy; stout; undecayed: v. to search for depth; to make a noise; to examine. Spears (spèèrz), ñ. plu. and pres. t. of Spear, a long, pointed weapon; a lance: v. to stab with a spear. Steam (stèèm), n. the vapor of hot water: v. to rise

in vapor, to send up vapor; to expose to steam. Steam-en gine (stèèm' en 'jîn), n. an engine acted upon or worked by steam.

Sud den (sûd' din), a. hasty, precipitate; without notice. Suf fo ca ting (suf' fð `kå ting), par. of Suffocate, to choke, to stifle, to smother.

Sul phur (sûl' für), n. a hard, yellow, brittle, and very combustible mineral, brimstone.

Swords (sordz), n. plu. of Sword, a kind of weapon. Thun der (thin' dûr), n. a loud, rumbling noise which follows lightning: v. to roar or sound after lightning or an electrical discharge; to make a loud noise. [to feel, to reach to: n. sense of feeling. Touch ed (tûtsht), pre. of Touch, to affect; to move; Turf, n. a clod or mass of earth covered with grass or filled with roots; peat. [of matter, a void. Vac u um (våk' à âm), n. space unoccupied or void Va por (vá púr), n. an exhalation, any thing exhala

ble, a fluid made aeriform by heat; fume; spleen: v. to emit or pass off in vapor or fumes; to bully.

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