Abbildungen der Seite

Cir cum stan ces (ser' kûm 'stân sîz), n. plu. and pres. t. of Circumstance, condition, state; incident, event; accident: v. to place in a situation.

Con form (kön form), v. to comply with, to yield; to make like or adapt to. [another.

Debts (dets), n. plu. of Debt, that which one owes to De vo tion (de vo' shûn), n. act of reverence or ceremony; solemn worship, prayer; piety; strong affection, ardor. [to solicit, to supplicate. En treat (ên treet'), v. to petition, to beg earnestly; Ex cess (ek sês'), n. more than enough, superfluity; intemperance. [costs; money expended; waste. Ex pen ses (êks pên' siz), n. plu. of Expense, charges, Ex pla na tion (êks plå nå' shûn), n. act of explaining or making clear.

Fåre, v. to feed, to eat; to be in a state good or bad; to happen: n. food, provisions; price of passage. Father's (få' thûrz), n. posses. case of Father, the male

parent: v. to adopt as a child, or as one's own. Fil ial (fil' yål), a. pertaining to or befitting a child. Find' ing, par. of Find, to discover; to obtain by searching or seeking; to meet with; to learn; to supply. [the chief magistrate of a state. Gov er nor (guv' ûr 'nûr), n. one who governs or rules; Great ly (gråte lè), ad. in a great degree; nobly. High ly (hi' le), ad. in a high degree; with much

esteem. [acting without a medium; proximate. Im me di ate (îm mẻ' dè 'ât), a. instant, present; Im part (im pårt'), v. to communicate; to grant; to give; to confer.

In ef fec tu al (in êf fêk' tshù ál), a. not producing the effect desired; weak, without power.

In stance (în stânse), n. act, example; occurrence; occasion, time; solicitation; motive, influence; urgency: v. to give, offer, or produce an example. In sti tu tion (in stè tù' shûn), n. an establishment, place of education; a law.

Livres (l' vûrz), n. plu. of Livre, a French coin, nearly equal to eighteen cents.

Lou is-d' or là è dore'), n. a French, gold coin, equal to four dollars and forty-four cents.

Lux u ri ous ly (lúg zù' rẻ 'ús lè), ad. deliciously, voluptuously. [defence. Main te nance (mên' tè `nânse), n. support, sustenance; Men ace (mên' nâs), n. a threat: v. to threaten. Mo ved (mååvd), pre. of Move, to affect, to excite; to walk; to change place; to stir; to propose. Pår is, n. prop. the capital of France.

Pen sion (pên' shûn, n. an annual or yearly allowance to any one. [argument; to bring to an opinion. Per suade (per swade'), v. to influence or induce by Pre vail ed (pre våld'), pre. of Prevail, to persuade; to overcome; to be prevalent.

Pa' pil, n. a scholar; the apple of the eye. Pu pil's (pu' pilz), n. posses. case of Pupil. Re flect (rè flékt'), v. to think upon; to consider; to throw or cast back; to throw reproach, to censure. Re frain (rẻ fråne'), v. to keep from, forbear, abstain. Re mark ed (rè mårkt'), pre. of Remark, to note; to observe n. observation; note; notice taken. Rẻ mit', v. to send money to a place; to relax; to forgive; to pardon; to slacken.

Rè mit' ting, par. of Remit.

Re mon stran ces (rẻ mön' strán `sîz), n. plu. of Remonstrance, strong representation against any thing, expostulation.

Rep re sent ed ('rêp rẻ zênt' êd), pre. of Represent, to describe; to exhibit, to show; to act in the place of or for another. [blame, to censure. Re pro ved (rẻ prô8vd'), pre. of Reprove, to chide; to Res o lu tion (rêz ỏ là' shûn), n. fixed determination ; act of resolving; firmness. Se cret (se' krit), n. a thing unknown: a. private; kept hidden; concealed.

Sen si bil i ty (sên sẻ bîl' lè 'tè), n. delicate or quick feeling; quickness of sensation; acuteness of perception.

Sin gular i ty (sing gù lår' è tè), n. oddness, peculiarity; any thing remarkable; a curiosity. So li cit ing (so lis' sit 'ing), par. of Solicit, to ask, to importune; to entreat, implore, supplicate; to invite. [to declare evil against. Threat en ed (thret' tnd), pre. of Threaten, to menace, Un be com ing (un bè kum' ing), a. improper, not suitable; indecent.

Un der take (un dûr tåke'), v. to contract to perform ; to engage in; to assume any business.

Ver sailles (ver sålez'), n. prop. the name of a place. Wretch ed ness (rêtsh' êd 'nês), n. very great misery ; affliction, distress.


Filial Sensibility.

1. A young gentleman in one of the academies at Paris, was remarked for eating nothing but soup and dry bread, and drinking water only. The governor of the institution, attributing this singularity to excess of devotion, reproved his pupil, and endeavored to persuade him to alter his resolution.

2. Finding, however, that his remonstrances were ineffectual, he sent for him again, and observed to him, that such conduct was highly unbecoming, and that it was his duty to conform to the rules of the academy. He then endeavored to learn the reason of his pupil's conduct; but, as the youth could not be prevailed on to impart the secret, the governor at last threatened to send him back to his family

3. This menace produced an immediate explanation: "Sir," said the young man, "in my father's house I eat nothing but black bread, and of that very little; here I have good soup and excellent white bread; and, though I might, if I chose it, fare luxuriously, I can not persuade myself to take any thing else, when I reflect on the situation in which I have left my father and mother."

4. The governor was greatly moved by this instance of filial sensibility, and could not refrain from tears. "Your father," said he, "has been in the army; has he no pension?" "No," answered the youth, "he has long been soliciting one; but, for want of money, he has been obliged to give up the pursuit; and, rather than contract any debts at Versailles, he has chosen a life of wretchedness in the country."

5. "Well," replied the governor, "if the fact be as you have represented it, I promise to procure for your father a pension of five hundred livres a year. And since your friends are in so reduced circumstances, take these three louis-d'or for your pocket expenses. I will undertake to remit your father the first half year of his pension in advance."

6. "Ah, Sir," said the youth, "as you have the goodness to purpose remitting a sum of money to my father, I entreat you to add to it these three louis-d'or. As I have here every thing I can wishi for, I do not need them; but, they would be of great use to my father in the maintenance of his other children."

QUESTIONS.-What is this story about? Where was the young gentleman at school? What was remarked in relation to him What did the governor or preceptor of the academy think was

the cause of his singular conduct? What did he do? What did the governor find? What did he then do? What did he endeavor to learn? Did the young man tell him the cause of his conduct? What did the governor threaten to do? What did this produce? What did the young man say? How was the governor affected by the young man's explanation? What did he then ask him? What did the young man answer? What did the governor reply? What did he promise to do for the young man's father? What did he give the young man? What did the young man say? Was not the conduct of this young man most noble and magnanimous ?


Ac ci den tal ly ('âk sẻ dên' tâl 'lè), ad. by chance, casually. [to apply; to adjust. A dapt ed (â dâpt' êd), pre. of Adapt, to be fit, to suit; Am phib i ous (âm fîb' è `ûs), a. having the faculty of living either on land or in the water. Ar dent (år dént), a fierce, zealous, vehement; hot, burning; affectionate. [to bring together. As sem ble (ås sêm' bl), v. to meet or collect together; At tach ment (åt tâtsh' ment), n. regard, warm affec

tion; adherence; a kind of writ or process in law. Bea vers (bě vûrz), n. plu. of Beaver, an animal that lives either on land or in the water; the fur of the beaver; a hat made of it. [not delicate. Broad (bråwd), a. wide, extended; open, large; coarse, Com pact (kom' påkt), n. league, mutual agreement;

a contract.

[ment. Con fine ment (kön fine' ment), n. restraint, imprisonCon trive (kon trive'), v. to plan out, invent; to form or design; to devise.

Dâm, n. a bank to stop or confine water; the mother of brutes v. to confine, shut up, or obstruct. En ter prise (ên' têr 'prize), n. an undertaking; an attempt: v. to undertake; to attempt.

Fab ric (fab' rîk), n. a structure; a building, an edi. fice; a system.

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