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apply to the same purposes as our oil-cloth and sail-cloth.

8. This substance is formed, in fire, by means of moulds, into a variety of figures for use and ornament; and the process is said to be thus: the juice, which is obtained by incision, is spread over pieces of clay, formed into the desired shape; and, as fast as one layer is dry, another is added, till the vessels become of a proper thickness.

9. The whole is then held over a strong smoke of vegetables on fire, by which it is hardened into the texture and appearance of leather; and, before the finishing, while yet soft, it is capable of having any impression made on the outside, which remains ever after. When the whole is done, the inside mould is taken or pulled out.

10. Among us, great use is made of it by painters and others, for rubbing out pencil or crayon marks; it is also made into tubes, and employed for various purposes by surgeons. It is also made into shoes, and many other things.

QUESTIONS.-What peculiar properties has India-rubber more than any other substance yet known? What produces it? Of what country is the syringe tree a native? How is this substance obtained? When is it chiefly gathered? Why in the time of rain? When does it thicken and harden? What does it then show? What do the Indians make of it? Like what do they appear? What else are made of it? From whence did it obtain the name of syringe tree? To whom are these presented by the Indians, and when? What other things are made of India-rubber? How large do they make the flambeaux which they use for light? Have they a bad smell? How long do they burn? For what purposes do the inhabitants of Quito use it? How is this substance formed? After it is formed what is then done with it? How does it then become? Of what is it capable while soft? What use is made of India-rubber in this country?


Ac cents (åk' sents), n. plu. of Accent, the manner of speaking or pronouncing; modulation of the

voice; a stress or force of the voice on syllables; a mark.

Ad min is ter ed (âd mîn' is 'tûrd), pre. of Administer, to give, to supply; to conduce; to dispense; to act as administrator. [licitous. Anxious (ångk' shûs), a. concerned, careful, very soBe lov ed (be luv' êd), a. dear, greatly loved. Cher ish (tsher' ish), v. to encourage, to support; to nurse; to treat with tenderness.

Child hood (tshild' hud), n. the part of life succeeding infancy; the state or properties of a child. De lights (de lites'), n. plu. and pres. t. of Delight, great pleasure or joy: v. to give great pleasure to; to please, satisfy. [pectation. 'Dis åp point' êd, pre. of Disappoint, to defeat of exEx pand ed (êks pånd' êd), part. a. spread out, extended: pre. of Expand, to spread out, dilate; to lay open. [benefactors. Grat i tude (gråt' è 'tàde), n. thankfulness, duty to Griefs (grèèfs), n. plu. of Grief, sorrow, affliction. Heal ing (heel' ing), part. a. mild, gentle, curing; restoring to soundness: par. of Heal, to cure; to grow well; to reconcile. [feeble. Help less, a. wanting help, support, or assistance; Hov er ing. (huv ûr ing), par. of Hover, to hang over, to flutter; to wander near. [ning. In fan cy (in' fan 'se), n. the first part of life; beginIn no cent (in' no 'sent), a. harmless, free from mis

chief; free from guilt: n. one free from guilt. In stil led (în stild'), pre. of Instil, to infuse or introduce gently; to infuse by drops.

Lisp, v. to speak with a lisp, to clip the words in speaking: n. the act of lisping; defective utterance.

Mêr' its, pres. t. and n. plu. of Merit, to deserve; to earn: n. worth, excellence; desert; claim, due reward, right. [sorrowful; to lament. Mourn ed (mornd), pre. of Mourn, to grieve, to be Nour ish ed (nûr' rîsht), pre. of Nourish, to support by food; to encourage. [child. Off spring (of spring), n. descendants; children; a Pe ri od (pè rẻ úd), n. a series or number of years;

a circuit; the end or conclusion; a complete sentence; a full stop or point; a course of events. Prey (pra), n. something to be devoured; plunder, spoil; booty: v. to plunder; to feed by violence;

to waste.

[from injury; to defend. Pro tect ed (pro têkt' ed), pre. of Protect, to secure Rejoi ced (rè joist'), pre. of Rejoice, to be glad, exult; to make joyful. [ship; practical piety. Re li gion (rẻ lij in), n. a system of faith and worSen ti ment (sên' tè 'ment), n. a thought incited or dictated by feeling; notion; opinion. [of prey: Tal ons (tál' unz), n. plu. of Talon, the claw of a bird Un form ed (ún förmd'), a. not formed or shaped. Ven er a tion (vên êr d' shûn), n. reverend regard, highest reverence; awful respect. [most zealous. Wårm' est, a. most warm, most ardent; least cold; Watch ful (wotsh' fål), a. attentive, vigilant; wakeful. Wis dom (wiz' dûm), n. knowledge rightly used; the power of judging rightly, sapience.

[blocks in formation]

1. Notice that parent hen, said a father to his beloved son. With what anxious care does she call together her offspring, and cover them with her expanded wings! The kite is hovering in the air, and, disappointed of his prey, may, per

haps, dart upon the hen herself, and bear her off in his talons.

2. Does not this sight bring to your mind the tenderness and affection of your mother? Her watchful care protected you in the period of helpless infancy, when she nourished you, taught your limbs to move, and your tongue to lisp its unformed accents.

3. In your childhood, she mourned over your little griefs, rejoiced in your innocent delights, administered to you the healing balm in sickness, and instilled into your mind the love of truth, of virtue, of religion, and of wisdom. Oh! cherish every sentiment of respect for such a mother. She merits your warmest gratitude, esteem, and


QUESTIONS.-Who protected you in helpless infancy? Who nourished you? Who taught your limbs to move? Who taught your tongue to lisp its unformed accents? Who mourned over your little griefs? Who rejoiced in your innocent delights? Who administered to you the healing balm in sickness? Who instilled into your mind the love of truth, virtue, religion, and of wisdom? For whom should you cherish every sentiment of respect? Who merits your warmest gratitude, esteem, and veneration?


Af fec tion ate (âf fék' shûn 'åte), a. fond, full of affection; kind, tender, good. [be loved. A mi a ble (à mè á bl), a. lovely, pleasing, worthy to A tone ment (å tone' ment), n. expiation, satisfaction; reconciliation; agreement.

Con sole (kön sole'), v. to comfort, to cheer; to revive. De ceas ed (dè sèèst'), part. a. dead, departed: pre. of Decease, to die, to depart from life: n. death, departure from life. [refusal or neglect to obey. Dis o be di ence (`dîs ỏ bè' dè `ênse), n. breach of duty;

En deav or ed (ên dév' ûrd), pre. of Endeavor, to try, to make an effort; to attempt: n. effort, labor;


In stan ces (în' stân 'sîz), n. plu. and pres. t. of Instance, occasion, occurrence, time; act; example; importunity; solicitation; motive; influence: v. to give, offer, or produce an example.

Lå ment' ing, par. of Lament, to mourn, to grieve; to weep, bewail, be sorry for: n. expression of sorrow. Låte, a. not early, far gone; slow; tardy, recent; "the deceased; not long past: ad. lately; unseasonably; far in the day or night.

Neg lect (nêg lêkt'), n. careless omission or treatment; slight: v. to omit carelessly; to postpone; to slight, disregard.


Re flec tion (rẻ flěk' shûn), n. attentive consideration; reproach, censure; the act of throwing back. Sin cere (sin sère'), a. pure, not dissembled; honest, [to grieve, to be sad, to mourn. Sor row (sår' rỏ), n. grief, sadness; pain from loss: v. Terms (termz), n. plu. and pres. t. of Term, a word; a name; condition; boundary; a limited time: v. to name, to call.


Affection to Parents.

1. An amiable youth was lamenting, in terms of most sincere grief, the death of a most affectionate parent. His companion endeavored to console him by the reflection, that he had always behaved to the deceased with duty, tenderness, and respect.

2. So I thought, answered the youth, while my parent was living; but, now I can recollect, with

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