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Your Council have pleasure in reporting that several members have joined the Society during the year, amongst whom are nine Public Libraries. The membership stands at 109, of whom 15 were elected during the year; three have resigned, and four have died.

There have been seven ordinary Meetings during the Session, and the following is a list of the Papers read :

"The County of Durham in the time of the Great War, 17901815," Rev. R. A. Waters, D.C.L.

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"History of the Sunderland Post Office from 1830 to the present time," Mr. G. W. Collinson.

"Some Historic Houses in Sunderland, illustrated with Plans and Photographs," Mr. John Robinson.

"A Sunderland Newspaper about 70 years ago," Rev. J. T. Middlemiss.

"The History of the Sunderland Moor, as recorded in the Minute Book of the Ancient Corporation of the Borough of Sunderland," Mr. B. Morton.

"Notes on the Life and Works of John Laurence, Rector of Bishopwearmouth, 1721-1732," Mr. G. O. Bellewes, M.A.

"The Records of two Newbottle Families-the Chiltons and the Bates'," Mr. H. R. Leighton.

"Merchant Seamen's Houses in the Assembly Garth and Trafalgar Square," Mr. B. Morton.

During the Session one Out-door Meeting was held, namely, at Auckland Castle and Escombe Church, on June 13th, 1903.

This proved a most enjoyable excursion, and was thoroughly appreciated by the members and friends, about 30 of whom went. The visitors were met at Auckland Castle by the Bishop of Durham, and his Chaplain, Rev. G. Foster Carter, served as guide to them. Tea was provided in the Library in Bishop Tunstall's Hall, by the courtesy of the Bishop, who, with his daughter, presided over the same. Escombe Church was then visited, and the history and architecture of this old Saxon building were fully described by its Vicar, Rev. James V. Kemp. Altogether this was one of the most successful out-door meetings arranged by the Society.

Several volumes and pamphlets have been received, a list of which is given below, and, in order to accommodate these, it will be necessary to provide, as soon as possible, a suitable bookcase to be set apart for the Society's use, so that they can be conveniently housed and be accessible to the members at all times:Mr. George Bell (per Rev. Dr. Randell),-Two old Sunderland Playbills.

Mr. J. Boddy.-Wooden Model of the Tower, Monkwearmouth Church; Framed Photograph of Monkwearmouth Church, before the Restoration; Gray's Sacred Writings and Literature of Jewish and Heathen Authors.

Mr. W. L. Byers.- Photograph of Biss' Tower, Pallion.

Mr. J. Hodgson.-Photograph of Hunter's Hall, Sunderland; Extracts from an Old Account Book kept by Mr. W. F. Smith, of Dalton-le-Dale.

Mr. R. Hodgson.-Sketch of Urns found in Humbledon Hill; Photograph of the Old Tithe Barn, Hurworth-on-Tees.

Mr. R. Hudson.-Map of the Sunderland Town Moor.

Mr. J. Moore." The Clergyman's Recreation," by Rector Laurence; three Road Books; old Arithmetic Book; "Slogans of the North of England," &c., by Denham; Bishoprick Garland," by Sir Cuthbert Sharp; Map of the County of Durham, by Kitchen; old Engraving of

Monkwearmouth Church; "The Bishops of Lindisfarne,
Hexham, Chester, and Durham;" "Sunderland Notables,"
by W. Brockie; "The Attwood Family," by Mr. J.
Robinson; "Traditions, Superstitions, and Folklore," by

Mr. B. Morton.-Two Bills relating to Merchant Seamen's Houses.
Mr. W. J. Pearson.-" Sunderland Daily News and Shipping List,"
June 3rd, 1858; notice of first issue of the "Courant"
under the title of "Newcastle Weekly Journal."

Mr. T. Ray. View of Durham County, by Bickham, 1700; View of Durham City, taken from the "Complete English Traveller," 1720; the Codex Amiatinus," by Rev. J. L. Low. Mr. J. Rutherford.-Historical Record of the Ebenezer Chapel, Fawcett Street.

Mr. J. Sheridan.--Sketch of Old Ferry-boat Landing, Sunderland.

To those members who have taken the trouble to prepare and read Papers before the Society during the year; to those gentlemen who have given or exhibited antiquarian relics; and to the local press for their reports of the meetings the Council beg to express their obligations.

It is with very great regret that the Society has had to accept the resignation of Mr. B. R. Hill as Hon. Secretary. Mr. Hill proved himself a most capable and efficient officer of the Society, and the Council are happy to say that they still have his services as Librarian, and also his promise to give every possible assistance to his successor. That successor has not yet been appointed.

Again your Council desire to ask that members will one and all endeavour to send Notes, or Papers, or any information that will serve to create an interest in the town of Sunderland and district.



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