And he wants wit, that wants resolved will But there I leave to love, where I should love. Lest it should burn above the bounds of reason. Jul. The more thou dam'st it up, the more it burns; The current, that with gentle murmur glides, Thou know'st, being stopp'd, impatiently doth rage; But, when his fair course is not hindered, And so by many winding nooks he strays, And Silvia, witness heaven, that made her fair! | I'll be as patient as a gentle stream, Shews Julia but a swarthy Ethiope. I will forget that Julia is alive, Love, lend me wings to make my purpose swift, SCENE VII. Verona. A room in Julia's house. Enter JULIA and LUCETTA. [Exit. Jul. Counsel, Lucetta; gentle girl, assist me! And, even in kind love, I do conjure thee,Who art the table, wherein all my thoughts Are visibly character'd and engrav'd,-To lesson me; and tell me some good mean, How, with my honour, I may undertake A journey to my loving Proteus. Luc. Alas! the way is wearisome and long. Jul. A true-devoted pilgrim is not weary To measure kingdoms with his feeble steps; Much less shall she, that hath love's wings to fly; And when the flight is made to one so dear, Of such divine perfection, as sir Proteus. Luc. Better forbear, till Proteus make return. Jul. O, know'st thou not, his looks are my soul's food? Pity the dearth that I have pined in, But qualify the fire's extreme rage, And make a pastime of each weary step, Luc. But in what habit will you go along? Luc. No, girl; I'll knit it up in silken strings, With twenty odd-conceited true-love knots: To be fantastic may become a youth Of greater time than I shall show to be. Luc. What fashion, madam, shall I make your breeches? Jul. That fits as well, as-" tell me, good my lord, "What compass will you wear your farthingale?" Why, even that fashion thou best lik'st, Lucetta. Luc. You must needs have them with a cod a pin, Unless you have a cod-piece to stick pins on. Jul. Lucetta, as thou lov'st me, let me have What thou think'st meet, and is most mannerly: But tell me, wench, how will the world repute me, For undertaking so unstaid a journey? I fear me, it will make me scandaliz'd. Luc. If you think so, then stay at home, and go not. Jul. Nay, that I will not. Luc. Then never dream on infamy, but go. If Proteus like your journey, when you come, No matter who's displeas'd, when you are gone: I fear me, he will scarce be pleas'd withal. Jul. That is the least, Lucetta, of my A thousand oaths, an ocean of his tears, And instances as infinite of love, Warrant me welcome to my Proteus. fear: Luc. All these are servants to deceitful men. Jul. Base men, that use them to so base cffect! But truer stars did govern Proteus' birth: His words are bonds, his oaths are oracles; His love sincere, his thoughts immaculatė; His tears, pure messengers sent from his heart; | And presently go with me to my chamber, His heart as far from fraud, as heaven from earth. Luc. Pray heaven, he prove so, when you come to him! Jul. Now, as thou lov'st me, do him not that To bear a hard opinion of his truth: To take a note of what I stand in need of, [Exeunt. SCENE I. ACT THE THIRD. Milan. An anti-room in the Duke's palace. We have some secrets to confer about. [Erit Thurio. Now, tell me, Proteus, what's your will with me? Pro. My gracious lord, that, which I would discover, The law of friendship bids me to conceal: me. Know, worthy prince, sir Valentine, my friend, Duke. Proteus, I thank thee for thine honest care; Which to requite, command me while I live. How he her chamber-window will ascend, my discovery be not aimed at; That I had any light from thee of this. Enter VALENTINE. Duke. Sir Valentine, whither away so fast? Val. Please it your grace, there is a messenger That stays to bear my letters to my friends, And I am going to deliver them. Duke. Be they of much import? Val. The tenor of them doth but signify I am to break with thee of some affairs, secret. Tis not unknown to thee, that I have sought Val. I know it well, my lord; and, sure, the Were rich and honourable; besides, the gen-. Is full of virtue, bounty, worth, and qualities Duke. No, trust me; she is pecvish, sullen, Proud, disobedient, stubborn, lacking duty; Pro. Know, noble lord, they have devis'd a I now am full resolved to take a wife, mean And turn her out to who will take her in: Then let her beauty be her wedding-dower; Duke. There is a lady, sir, in Milan, here, Val. Win her with gifts, if she respect not Dumb jewels often, in their silent kind, Duke. But she did scorn a present, that I sent her. Val. A woman sometimes scorns what best Send her another; never give her o'er; That man, that hath a tongue, I say, is no man, Unto a youthful gentleman of worth; Duke. Ay, but the doors be lock'd, and keys That no man hath recourse to her by night. Val. What lets, but one may enter at her window? Duke. Her chamber is aloft, far from the And built so shelving that one cannot climb it Val, Why then, a ladder, quaintly made of To cast up with a pair of anchoring hooks, Duke. Now, as thou art a gentleman of blood, How shall I best convey the ladder thither? Val. It will be light, my lord, that you may bear it Under a cloak, that is of any length. Duke. A cloak as long as thine will serve the turn? Val. Ay, my good lord. Duke. Then let me see thy cloak; I'll get me one of such another length. I Duke. How shall I fashion me to wear a cloak? pray thee, let me feel thy cloak upon me.What letter is this same? What's here?-To Silvia? And here an engine fit for my proceeding! And slaves they are tome, that send them flying: Himself would lodge, where senseless they are My herald thoughts in thy pure bosom rest them; Because myself do want my servants' fortune: What's here? Silvia, this night I will enfranchise thee: Go, base intruder! over-weening slave! Will give thee time to leave our royal court, To die, is to be banish'd from myself; Duke. This very night; for love is like a child, Unless I look on Silvia in the day, Enter PROTEUS and LAUNCE. Pro. Run, boy, run, run, and seek him out. Laun. So-ho! so-ho! Pro. What seest thou? And study help for that, which thou lament'st. Time is the nurse and breeder of all good. Laun. Him we go to find: there's not a hair Here if thou stay, thou canst not see thy love; on's head, but 'tis a Valentine. Val. No. Pro. Valentine? Pro. Who then? his spirit? Val. Neither. Pro. What then? Val. Nothing. Besides, thy staying will abridge thy life. Which, being writ to me, shall be deliver'd Laun. Can nothing speak? master, shall I The time now serves not to expostulate: strike? Come, I'll convey thee through the city gate; Val. I pray thee, Launce, an if thou seest my boy, Bid him make haste, and meet me at the northgate. Pro. Go, sirrah, find him out. Come, Va lentine. Val. O my dear Silvia! hapless Valentine! [Exeunt Valentine and Proteus. Laun. I am but a fool, look you; and yet I have the wit to think, my master is a kind of Val. No Valentine, indeed, for sacred Silvia!- knave: but that's all one, if he be but one Hath she forsworn me? Pro. No, Valentine. knave. He lives not now, that knows me to be in love: yet I am in love; but a team of Val. No Valentine, if Silvia have forsworn horse shall not pluck that from me; nor who me!What is your news? Laun. Sir, there's a proclamation, that you are vanish'd. Pro. That thou art banished, O, that's the news; From hence, from Silvia, and from me thy friend. Val. O, I have fed upon this woe already, And now excess of it will make me surfeit. Doth Silvia know that I am banished? Pro. Ay, ay; and she hath offer'd to the doom, (Which, unrevers'd, stands in effectual force,) A sea of melting pearl, which some call tears: Those at her father's churlish feet she tender'd; With them, upon her knees, her humble self; Wringing her hands, whose whiteness so became them, As if but now they waxed pale for woe: 'tis I love, and yet 'tis a woman: but that woman, I will not tell myself; and yet 'tis a milkmaid: yet 'tis not a maid, for she hath had gossips: yet 'tis a maid, for she is her master's maid, and serves for wages. She hath more qualities than a water-spaniel, which is much in a bare christian. Here is the cat-log [Pulling out a paper] of her conditions. Imprimis, She can fetch and curry. Why, a horse can do no more; nay, a horse cannot fetch, but only carry; therefore, is she better than a jade. Item, She can milk; look you, a sweet virtue in a maid with clean hands. Speed. Why, man, how black? Laun. Why, as black as ink. Speed. Let me read them. Laun. Of her tongue she cannot; for that's writ down she is slow of: of her purse she shall not; for that I'll keep shut: now, of another Laun. Fye on thee, jolt-head; thou canst not thing she may; and that I cannot help. Well, read. Speed. Thou liest, I can. Laun. I will try thee: Tell me this: Who begot thee? Speed. Marry, the son of my grandfather. Laun. O illiterate loiterer! it was the son of thy grandmother: this proves, that thou canst not read. Speed. Come, fool, come: try me in thy paper. Speed. Item, She brews good ale. Laun. That's as much as to say, Can she so? Laun. What need a man care for a stock with a wench, when she can knit him a stock. Speed. Item, She can wash and scour. Laun. A special virtue; for then she need not be washed and scoured. Speed. Item, She can spin. Laun. Then may I set the world on wheels, when she can spin for her living. Speed. Item, She hath many nameless virtues. Laun. That's as much as to say, bastard virtues; that, indeed, know not their fathers, and therefore have no names. Speed. Here follow her vices. Laun. Close at the heels of her virtues. Speed. Item, She is not to be kissed fasting, in respect of her breath. Laun. Well, that fault may be mended with a breakfast: Read on. Speed. Item, She hath a sweet mouth. Laun. That makes amends for her sour breath. Speed. Item, She doth talk in her sleep. Laun. It's no matter for that, so she sleep not in her talk. Speed. Item, She is slow in words. Laun. O villain, that set this down among her vices! To be slow in words, is a woman's only virtue: I pray thee, out with't; and place it for her chief virtue. Speed. Item, She is proud. proceed. Speed. Item, She hath more hair than wit, and more faults than hairs, and more wealth than faults. Laun. Stop there; I'll have her: she was mine, and not mine, twice or thrice in that last article: Rehearse that once more. Speed. Item, She hath more hair than wit,— Laun. More hair than wit,-it may be; I'll prove it: The cover of the salt hides the salt, and therefore it is more than the salt; the hair that covers the wit, is more than the wit; for the greater hides the less. What's next? Speed. And more faults than hairs,— Laun. That's monstrous: O, that that were out! Speed. And more wealth than faults. Laun. Why, that word makes the faults gracious: Well, I'll have her: And if it be a match, as nothing is impossible, Speed. What then? Laun. Why, then I will tell thee,—that thy master stays for thee at the north gate. Speed. For me? Laun. For thec? ay; who art thou? he hath staid for a better man than thee. Speed. And must I go to him? Laun. Thou must run to him, for thou hast staid so long, that going will scarce serve the turn. Speed. Why didst not tell me sooner? 'pox of your love-letters! [Exit. Laun. Now will he be swinged for reading my letter: An unmannerly slave, that will thrust himself into secrets!-I'll after, to rejoice in the boy's correction. [Exit. SCENE II. The same. A room in the Duke's palace. Enter DUKE and THURIO; PROTEUS behind. Duke. Sir Thurio, fear not, but that she will love you, Now Valentine is banish'd from her sight. Thu. Since his exile she hath despis'd me most, Duke. This weak impress of love is as a Laun. Out with that too; it was Eve's le- Forsworn my company, and rail'd at me, gacy, and cannot be ta'en from her. That I am desperate of obtaining her. Speed. Item, She hath no teeth. · Laun. I care not for that neither, because I love crusts. Speed. Item, She is curst. Laun. Well; the best is, she hath no teeth to bite. Speed. Item, She will often praise her liquor. Laun. If her liquor be good, she shall: if she will not, I will; for good things should be praised. Speed. Item, She is too liberal. figure Trenched in ice; which with an hour's heat Duke. My daughter takes his going grievously. |