Im Buch

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Beliebte Passagen

Seite 4118 - ... manufactured, and not for scientific or educational purposes, is hereby prohibited; but this provision shall not apply to the feathers or plumes of ostriches, or to the feathers or plumes of domestic fowls of any kind...
Seite 3538 - ... before the Ways and Means Committee of the House and the Finance Committee of the Senate, the amendment was not adopted.
Seite 3534 - Members of the Senate Committee on Finance and the House Committee on Ways and Means...
Seite 3754 - Manufactures of paper, or of which paper is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for in this section, thirty-five per centum ad valorem.
Seite 3866 - ... manufactures of paper, or of which paper is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for...
Seite 3947 - ... and by order of any society or institution incorporated or established solely for religious, philosophical, educational, scientific, or literary purposes, or for the encouragement of the fine arts, or for the use and by order of any college, academy, school, or seminary of learning in the United States...
Seite 3961 - Views of any landscape, scene, building, place or locality in the United States, on cardboard or paper, not thinner than eight one-thousandths of one inch, by whatever process printed or produced...
Seite 3954 - Books, maps, music, engravings, photographs, etchings, bound or unbound, and charts, which shall have been printed more than twenty years at the date of importation, and all hydrographic charts, and publications issued for their subscribers or exchanges by scientific and literary associations or academies, or publications of individuals for gratuitous private circulation, and public documents issued by foreign Governments.
Seite 3863 - ... charge of any kind whatsoever (whether in the form of additional charge or license fee or otherwise) upon printing paper, wood pulp, or wood for use in the manufacture of wood pulp...
Seite 3865 - ... books of paper or other material for children's use, not exceeding in weight twenty-four ounces each, six cents per pound; fashion magazines or periodicals, printed in whole or in part by lithographic process, or decorated by hand, eight cents per pound...

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