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It is the policy of the Board to provide equal employment and career development opportunities for all qualified persons; to prohibit discrimination in employment because of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, age, or handicap; and to promote full realization of each employee's potential through a continuing program of career development.


The Board's plans, program objectives, and goals are delineated in its Rules Regarding Equal Opportunity and in the Affirmative Action Program Plan adopted by the Board. Information regarding the responsibilities associated with EEO functions and the names of the individuals currently performing in these roles are contained in the Board's Affirmative Action Program Plan and are also posted on the bulletin board in the employee's lounge located on the Martin Building's concourse level. These positions and functions are noted below:

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The Board's Rules Regarding Equal Opportunity (12 CFR 268) can be found in the Federal Reserve Regulatory Service beginning at 8-440.


The Board has assigned direct responsibility for implementation of its EEO policy to supervisory and managerial persormel. The Board EEO Programs Officer is assigned the responsibility for coordinating the Boardwide execution of the procedures and practices designed to carry out the policy, and to prepare the necessary reports and procedures incident to its application. This EEO Officer is assigned the responsibility for determining if a discriminatory act has occurred, coordinating the resolution of EEO complaints, and if applicable, recommending corrective measures to management.

The administration of this policy is the responsibility of the EEO Programs -Office in the Office of the Staff Director for Management. This policy will be reviewed and updated as necessary five years from the date of its present


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It is the policy of the Board to provide its employees an environment free from sexual harassment. It is not the intent of the Board to regulate normal social interaction or relationships freely entered into by Board employees.


Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination that is prohibited by law. This prohibition is enforced under provisions of the Board's Rules Regarding Equal Opportunity (12 CFR 268) and is further explained in regulations of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) (29 CFR 1604.11). A policy statement regarding the kind of sex discrimination known as sexual harassment is necessary to affirm the Board's strong commitment to preventing such conduct and, where necessary, to taking prompt and decisive action to terminate such conduct. This policy statement is also necessary to ensure that persons at all levels of management are alert to the need to act promptly when possible sexual harassment is indicated.

It is important to note that the Board's Equal Opportunity Regulation protects all employees, male and female, from unlawful discrimination.


As defined by the EEOC, sexual harassment consists of unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when (1) submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual's employment, (2) submission to or rejection of such corduct by an individual is used as a basis for employment decisions affecting that individual, or (3) such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.


The Board recognizes that sexual harassment may occur through the actions of managers, other employees, or individuals visiting or conducting business at the Board. It is management's

responsibility to ensure that sexual harassment is not practiced or condoned in the workplace. Managers will promptly take appropriate action when they become aware of harassing situations or complaints from any source. Managers condoning sexual harassment or ignoring complaints of such conduct may be subject to disciplinary action. Any employee engaging in sexual harassment is subject to disciplinary action under the Board's Disciplinary Actions Policy and Adverse Action Procedures. Disciplinary action may include immediate termination of employment in appropriate cases.

Individuals subjected to sexual harassment should inform the offending person that the conduct is unwelcome and request that the behavior not be repeated. If the conduct persists or is of such a nature that immediate assistance is required to remedy the problem, the employee should seek relief by reporting the conduct through any of the available channels.

The primary channels designated to provide counseling regarding allegations of sexual harassment and to review the substance of these allegations are the offending individual's supervisor or the harassed employee's supervisor. Alternative counseling channels are (1) the Employee Relations Specialist, Division of Human Resources Management, (2) the Federal Women's Program Manager, (3) the Board's EEO Programs Officer, and (4) the Special Employee Adviser. Individuals seeking relief through this policy should be able to describe the actions which are perceived to be sexually harassing.

Employees who wish to file a complaint of sex discrimination based upon sexual harassment, using the EEO complaint procedures, must contact an EEO counselor within 30 days of the action perceived to be sexually harassing. The employee's right to file a complaint does not, however, diminish in any way management's responsibility to ensure that sexual harassment does not occur. Individuals receiving allegations of sexual harassment will report their findings on these allegations to the division director of the implicated individual promptly after receiving and reviewing the complaint, but no later than 15 days after receipt. The recommendations of the division director for resolving sexual harassment allegations will be provided to the EEO Programs Officer for concurrence.


Disciplinary actions taken under this policy may be appealed through the Adjusting Work-Related Problems Policy or Adverse Action Procedures, as appropriate.

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