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oral and written interviews for all applicants

The Responsibilities of the Selection Committee Include the following:

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Reviewing the application form and supplemental information,
including the Board resume

Preparing questions for candidate and supervisor interviews and
submitting a copy of the questions to the UMP Committee for

Submitting the weights for each dimension to the UMP Committee for approval before the interview process begins

Providing all required information to the UMP Committee prior to the closing date of the posting of the UMP position

Interviewing candidates--(All members of the selection committee must be present at each interview.)

Interviewing candidates' current supervisor--(All members of the selection committee must be present at each interview.)

Reviewing candidates' educational transcripts when appropriate

Reviewing the requirements of the position for which the candidate is being interviewed

Retaining all paperwork and notes from the selection process for one year

Selection Criteria

The Traince(s) will be selected using the following information:

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The Written Interview

The Selection Committee will develop a set of at least three questions that address one or more of the targeted selection dimensions. Each of these questions will be used to evaluate the candidates' written communication skills and at the same time will be an opportunity for the candidate to provide information about his or her qualifications for the specified job. The written interview will be supervised by HRM and will be given prior to the oral interview.

The results will be reviewed by each member of the Selection Committee, will be used to supplement the information gained in the oral interview, and will be incorporated in the overall scoring of the candidate by the Selection Commit


A new set of questions will be developed by the Selection Committee each

The Oral Interview

The interviewing process will be conducted by the Selection Committee as a whole using the following procedures:

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Each of the targeted selection dimensions for the specific job family will be scored from 1-5. The behaviors demonstrated within the dimensions will be evaluated and points assigned as follows:

1 = Much Less Than Acceptable (significantly below criteria required for successful job performance)

2 = Less Than Acceptable (generally does not meet criteria relative to quality and quantity of behavior required)

3 = Acceptable (meets criteria relative to quality and quantity of behavior required)

4 = More Than Acceptable (generally exceeds criteria relative to quality and quantity of behavior required)

5 = Much More Than Acceptable (significantly above criteria required for successful job performance)

A goal of this scoring method is to guard against the possibility of the interviewer with a technical background giving more credence to technical examples than to non-technical examples of behavior. The only time that a technical answer/example should be given more credence than a non-technical example is in the scoring of the technical knowledge dimension. The interviewer will evaluate the examples based on the substance provided by the candidate.

Predetermined weights will be applied to each score. That is, values from 1 to 5 will be assigned to each dimension to reflect the importance of that dimension to successful performance in the job. These values will be assigned before

need examples of skills and abilities


any evaluation of candidates begins. The candidate's score for a given dimension will be multiplied by the weight to give a weighted score for each dimension. The sum of these weighted scores will determine the final point total for the candidate.

Scoring Procedure

Using Targeted Selection Methodology, the interviewers will evaluate the written and oral responses and will score the candidate on each dimension separately before meeting to determine the consensus score for each dimension. Each consensus score will be multiplied by the weight for that dimension. After the consensus scores are weighted, they are then summed to generate the candidate's total score.

Since both oral interviews and written questions are used to evaluate the candidates, it is essential to this scoring methodology that redundant examples are counted only once for a given dimension. The following procedures will be used to determine the scores of each candidate:

1. In accordance with Targeted Selection Methodology, interview the candidate and record examples given by him or her that provide behavioral evidence of the candidate's qualification for the position. The Selection Committee will pursue questioning until a complete response (or STAR®) is developed.

2. Next, for each dimension Selection Commiuee members review the recorded evidence given in the oral interview and the evidence recorded in the candidate's written responses. Selection Committee members will make certain that duplicate or redundant examples/ evidences are only counted once for the same dimension, and will determine the dimensional score from the distinct examples given. After each interviewer scores the candidate on each dimension, the Selection Committee will discuss their individual scores until a consensus score is reached. The consensus score for each dimension will be multiplied by the pre-assigned weight for that dimension. These products are summed to give the total score.

Selection of Finalists

The highest scored group of candidates will become finalists. A minimum of at least three candidates must be included in this group or all of the candidates if there are fewer than three. The Selection Committee will review additional sources of information for these candidates.

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*STAR represents an answer that includes the description of a situation, the related action, and the result.

Review of Additional Qualifications - Supervisor Interviews, the Board's Resume, and Transcripts

The Board's resume and transcripts (if any) of all of the finalists will be reviewed at this stage if they were not reviewed previously.

A standard set of questions will be used to interview supervisors. These questions will address the targeted selection dimensions.

After the top candidates are determined, their supervisors are then interviewed by the full Selection Committee on selected dimensions. If different behavioral examples are identified during this interview, the consensus score will be reviewed. If the consensus score changes, new weighted and total scores will be computed.

Final Recommendations to IRM Senior Management

All scores developed during the interview process (individual, consensus, and
weighted) will be forwarded to the UMP Committee which will review this
information for consistency with the UMP procedures. When the Selection
Committee's process conforms to the procedures in the Upward Mobility
Program, the UMP Committee will recommend the highest scoring candidate
to the Deputy Executive Director for Information Resources Management
(DED-IRM) for final approval.

Selection of Trainees/Feedback to Remaining Applicants
The DED-IRM will approve the final selections for all Trainee positions.

Candidate evaluation forms will be completed for all applicants, reviewed by
the UMP Committee, and submitted to HRM. If formal complaints arise, the
Procedures for Appeals specified under Administration of the Upward Mobility
Program will be followed.

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Initial Placement in Program

Trainees will generally be placed in the program at the lowest FR level of the specific Trainee ladder. If a Trainee in the Computer Applications Programmer, Financial Reports Analyst, or Information Systems Specialist job meets all of the specified qualifications, he or she will be placed at the FR-33 level. Trainees will be qualified to advance to the next highest FR level after one year in grade, and upon the UMP Committee's verification that 1) the OJT/ coursework objectives have been achieved and 2) the skill level, as outlined in the Individual Development Plan, has been attained. The branch manager will recommend a Career Ladder Progression to the UMP Committee. If the UMP Committee concurs, they will forward the recommendation to the DED-IRM


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Salary and Pay Adjustments

For employces in either the regular (FR) or other (Wagc-Board or Printing Grade) salary schedule, normal Board compensation policy will prevail when either transferring or being promoted into an UMP Trainee position. If, however, the employee has chosen to accept a lower grade and his or her current salary does not exceed the maximum in this grade, his or her salary will remain unchanged. This employee will be eligible for merit increases. If the employee has chosen to accept a lower grade position and the employee's current salary exceeds the maximum of the new salary range, his or her current salary will be frozen and no salary increases will occur until the range maximum "catches up" with the frozen salary. While the employee's salary is frozen, the employee will not be eligible for merit increases. As for all Board employees, the UMP-trainee will receive promotions and other forms of compensation when he or she meets or satisfies the appropriate requirements.

UMP Trainee Classifications and JEPs

There are two grade levels in the Computer Applications Programmer Trainee, Financial Reports Analyst Trainee, and Information Systems Specialist Trainee job families-- FR-32 and FR-33. The qualification standards for these two grades and for the entry level position are given below.

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