Abbildungen der Seite
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And Codrus, Decius, Curtius, patriot fouls,
Ambrofia eat, and quaff nectareous bowls;
There crown'd with glory in the bleft abodes,
The hero joins, and ranks with Demi-Gods.
Now fee! a monument by GEORGE prepar'd,
The hero's herald and his honour's guard;
In emblematic figures richly wrought,
With antique skill and allegoric thought:
Th' historic stone to future times fhall tell,
How great WOLFE conquer'd, and how great
he fell;

The glorious tale oar British leaders fires,
And his own genius in their fouls infpires,
Who would live cowards, by their Country
Who might be honour'd thus, and thus


þe The following were taken from an Alcove in Kensington Gardens.

[blocks in formation]






Dantzic, Dec. 14.

HE Ruffian Army under the Command of Marshal Soltikoff, approaching daily nearer and nearer to us, and most of the Troops of which that Army is composed being to take up their Winter-Quarters in our Neighbourhood, oblige us not a little to engage the Watchfulness of our MagiArates on this Occafion, as we begin to fear the Ruffian Generals may have in View their becoming Mafters either of this City or Suburbs, in order to make it a Place of Arms; therefore to prevent any Surprize, the Guard is doubled every where, and a great Number of heavy Cannon placed, efpecially in fuch Parts where they may endeavour to cross our Ditches under Favour of the Ice, they being frozen up. At the fame Time, the Ice is daily kept broke at a certain Distance from the Ramparts. According to the Distribution intended to be made of the Ruffian Army, it is ftipulated, that Marshal Soltikoff fhall have his Head-Quarters at Elbing, General Fermor at Thorn, and Prince Menzikoff at Marienwerder,whither the greatest Part of the Artillery is already transported.

Madrid, Dec. 15. The King's principal Attention is fixed on putting his Forces in a Condition to make this Monarchy refpecta

ble in Europe. Orders are juft given for augmenting the Troops with twenty Men per Company, and to add feveral new Ships to the forty which are ready for Service.

18. Our new Monarch's gracious Deportment and Affability charms all the World. It must augment his Power, and his Splendor, and Spain will flourish more than ever under his Reign.

Hamburg, Dec. 21. In the Night between the 21ft and 22d a Shock of an Earthquake was felt here, and in the Neighbourhood, which lafted about a Minute. The fame Shock was alfo felt at Kiel, and other Places in Holftein; but we don't hear of any Damage done by it.

Copenhagen, Dec. 22. About one p'Clock this Morning was felt here an Earthquake, which was foon followed by three others lefs violent, and lafted about Half a Minute, but happily no Damage was done : All we could obferve, was, it came from the North, and passed towards the South, and was most felt in the little Island of Amagh. It was likewife felt at Flensbourg fomewhat longer in its Duration, and more violent, hut with out doing any Mifchief: The fame at Slefwick and Eluneur: And at the fame Time at this laft Place, the Sea was fo agitated,


that feveral Ships in that Port were driven from their Anchors.

Bareith, Dec, 22. On the 14th and 15th the Cold in thefe Farts was fo extraordinary and violent, that it was fcarcely fupportable,

The Thermometer of the famed Reaumer, was fallen to the 15th Degree, and exactly, the fame as it was in the Year 1709, Many Birds in their Flight drept down dead, fo tharp was the Air.

Cadiz, Dec. 22. Of late we have had very stormy Weather; many Ships have been foft; Admiral Broderick with his Squadron has put into this Port, The Admiral's own Ship has fuffered confiderable Damage. Two large Ships were obliged to cut down their Mafts, and, according to all Appearance, it will take up fome Time to refit thofe three Ships for Service. The Admiral feems determined to put to Sea in fome other Ship, left the Remains of the French Fleet fhould Sake this Opportunity to flip out of the Bay. Leipfic, Dec. 25. The Severity of the Cold felt here has been more fenfibly fo at Drefden, where the Want of Fuel has obiiged them to cut down all the ornamental Trees, both large and small, not excepting the Fruit-trees in the Gardens of Zinzendorff, oppofite the Gate of Pirna, to make Firing for the Auftrian Troops encamped in the adjacent Country.

From the Pruffian Head-Quarters at Willdruff, Dec. 30. In the Night between the 26th and 27th, the King of Pruffia marched with fix Battalions and fome Cavalry from Freyberg to Mohorn near Hertzogfwelda, diftant one German Miie from hence. His Pruffian Majefty continued all the next Day at Mohorn; and, on the 28th, he returned so Freyberg. Nothing was attempted by the Austrians either on Keffelfdorff, of any other of the advenċed Posts.

The Mereditary Prince of Brunfwic arrived at Freyberg on the 26th, and the Troops under his Command came in on the 27th: The Appearance they made, and the Spirit they fhewed, is highly commended.

On the 29th, the King of Prussia, accompanied by his Serene Highnefs, matched in two Columns from Freyberg towards Dippofwalda; and, it is faid, that this Night his Pruffian Majefty will be at Pretzchendorff, and the Corps led by General Hulfen at Frauenftein; but the Tronps, brought by the Hereditary Prince, remain at Freyberg and Chemnitz.

Prince Henry, in the mean Time, draws the Attention of the Auftrians to this Side. His Royal Highness ordered General Zeihan, very early Yesterday Morning, to make an Attack upon the Village of Pesterwitz,

which has fucceeded as well as could be wifhed: That General not only made himfelf Master of that Place, but of feveral other Villages occupied by the Auftrians: And after having occafioned a great Alarm in the Auftrian Camp, and made thirty Pandours and two Officers Prifoners, returned this Morning to Keffelfdorff.

Hague, Jan. 4. The last Accounts we have from Prince Ferdinand's Army, are of the 30th past, which fay, that M. de Broglio,. (who has lately received the Marthal's Staff) has called in all his Detachments, with a feeming Design of atttcking his Serene Highnefs: That on the 24th, the French Grenadiers, with the Troops placed between Budz-" batch and Freidberg, advanced towards the Lahne: And that on the following Day a large Body of French, (which proved however to be only a Part of their Army) appeared before the Allies, but without coming to any Action; only a fight Cannonade paffed between them on the 25th and 26th, on the Side of Klein-Linnés and Heuchelheim, without any great Effect on either Part: And that on the 29th, Colonel Luckner, had, with his Chaffeurs, attacked a Body of the Enemy, consisting of 400 Men, the greatest Part of which were cut to Pieces, and the Commanding Officer, with all the Reft (except only 22 men who escaped) made Prifoners of War, and bite Piece of Ordnance taken.

We hear, that the Hereditary Prince of Brunfwick, with the Detachment under his Command, arrived on the 2 5th pait at Chemnitz in Saxony, without the leaft Lofs on his March; fo that it is thought he might be able to join the King of Prüffia the next Day, who, by the laft Accounts of him of the 23d, was at Freyberg; at which Place, as well as the grand Prussian Army, Things remained in their former State.

8. By our laft Letters from Prince Ferdinand's Army of the ift İnftant, his Serene Highness's Head-Quarters were still at Kroff dorff; and nothing material had paffed, fince the preceding Accounts, between the Armies upon the Laline. But we are informed from thence, that eight Battalions and several Squadrons of French had, on the gift paft, appeared before Brauffenburg, á Village fituated towards Marburg, about fix Miles on the Left of the Allied Army, who had there a strong Poft, fupported by fome Battalions: however nothing paffed but the Exchange of a few Cannon Shot; and the French returned the fame Way they came. And that on the 28th, five Battalions and feven Squadrons of Lieutenant General Imhoff's Corps arrived at Ober-Weimar, about



three Leagues Distance from the Head Quar. Villages, with an advanced Corps at Dillen. ters at Kroffdorff.


Prince Ferdinand's Head-Quarters at Marbourg, Jan. 8. The Duke of Broglio not having found it practicable to furprize the Allied Army, much less to attack them in Front, was obliged, from the Severity of the Weather, to retire back to Friedberg, where he still remained, according to the beft Advices on the 4th inftant. In order however to draw fome Advantage from the Abfence of the Hereditary Prince and his Detachment, and to keep the Communication open with Gieffen, which he feemed to propofe fixing the Head of his Winter-Quarters, the French General made large Detachments to his Right and Left. Accord ingly feveral Corps were fent by Weilmunfter to Limbourg, and Weilbourg, to fupport the Troops coming up from the Lower Rhine, and which are actually arrived upon the Dille. Several Skirmishes happened between the detached Parties and Light Troops of both Armies; the only one which was to the Difadvantage of the Allies, was at Herborn, where Gen. Wan. genheim had an advanced Post of a Captain and an Hundred Men, which, not retiring in Time, were, after a vigorous Refiftance, obliged to fubmit. Whilft the French made thefe Motions upon the Right of the Allied Army, the Wurtembergers, fupported by fome of the Light Troops of France, made Incurfions into Heffe upon our Left, by Romrot and Alsfeld, as far as Ziegenfrayn; and in this Manner rendered the Arrival of Provifions, at Prince Ferdinand's Army, from the Country of Naffau very difficult, as well as from that Side where the Wurtembergers were. The violent Rains, which fell at the fame Time, rendered the Convoys flow in arriving from Caffel. Prince Ferdinand therefore has thought it moft advisable, for the Convenience of his Troops, to change his Quarters of Cantonment, and fent off his heavy Baggage on the 2d inft, and the Artillery the 3d. The Army marched the 4th; his Serene Highnefs himself led the Rear Guard on the 5th, and took up his Head-Quar ters at Marbourg, without the leaft Interruption from the Enemy. The main Body of the Army was cantoned in the adjacent

bourg, and another towards the Right of the French. Upon Advice being received here, that the Poft at Dillenbourgh was attacked and clofely preffed by the Enemy, his Serene Highness fet out from hence at One o'clock Yesterday Morning, in order to relieve it. And To-day we received Information, that the Relief was most happily effected last Night by M. de Dernthal, one of his Serene Highnefs's Aids de Camp. Seven Hundred of the French were taken on this Occafion, with about 40 Officers, among whom is M. Paravicini; as alfo feven Pair of Colours, and two Pieces of Cannon.

11. Since we were informed of the Succefs of our Troops in forcing the Town of Dillenbourg, and throwing Provifions into the Caftle thereof on the 7th, we have received likewife the News, that, on the fame Morning, Major Keith's Highlanders, supported by Colonel Luckner's Huffars, who commaanded the whole Body, attacked the Village of Eybach, where Beaufremont's Dragoons had an advanced Poft, near our Quarters on the Side of Dillenbourg, defeated them, and killed and dispersed a great Part of that Regiment, made about So Prifoners, and took near 200 Horfes with their Baggage. The Highlanders diftinguifhed themselves greatly upon the Occafion. There has likewife been another Affair to our Advantage on the Left of our Army. M. de St. Germain, upon the 8th inftant, advanced on that Side with the Grenadiers of the French Army, fupported by fome Dragoons and eight Battalions; but was furprized by the Duke of Holftein, at the Head of our Grenadiers with fome Pruffian Dragoons, and four Battalions in the Neighbourhood of Ebfdorff, and, after a brisk Cannonade, forced to retreat precipitately. In the Purfuit, our Huffars made feven Officers and fifty Men Prisoners. The Enemy has not appeared fince.

Hague, Fan, 18. By the laft Advices from Saxony, which are of the 2d inftant, we hear, that his Pruffian Majefty was himself at Pretfzchendorff, General Hulfen at Frauenftein, and Prince Henry of Prussia remained with the Grand Pruffian Army about Willfdruff; but nothing material had then paffed in those Quar ters,




New-York, 08. 22.

Proclamation is iffued by the Hon.

A De Lancey, Efq; Lieutenant

Governor of this Province, recommending it to the Inhabitants to return to their Settlements along Hudfon's River, above Albany, as they may now abide there in Safety to their Perfons, Families, and Eftates, it heing now effectually covered and fecured from the Ravages of the Enemy: And that as his Excellency Major-General Amherst hath affured him, that the Fortreffes erecting at Crown-Point fhall be fo far finished before the Troops go into Winter-Quarters, as to answer the Purpose of covering and prosecting that Country; has alfo at his Defire made known, that those who now chufe to go and fettle between Lake George and Fort Edward, will there find feveral Spots of cleared Ground, capable of con. taining 24 Families, on which will be left standing for their Conveniency, the wooden Huts and Coverings of the Troops that have been posted there fince the Beginning of the Campaign; and also promises his Majefty's Grant thereof to any Perfons who fhall apply for the fame, on Condition of immediate Settlement thereof in the Form of a Township; with a fufficient Quantity of Wood-Land adjoining for that Purpose.

Bofton, OH. 26. Our Affembly have voted a Marble Statue to be erected in King

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street, at or near the Town-house, in Memory of the late Gen. Wolfe.

New-York, Nov. 19. Saturday last arrived here his Majesty's Ship the Fowey, Capta Toning, from Quebec, in 23 Days. In her came Paffenger Brigadier-General Monckton, who left Quebec the 25th of October, and Ille Madame the 30th. He is recovered from the Danger of his Wounds. He landed the fame Night, and early Yesterday Morning the Cannon on Fort George were fired on the Occafion.

Philadelphia, Nov. 22. In a Letter from New-York by Yesterday's Poft, we have a Confirmation of Major Rogers having deAroyed the Indian Village of St. Francis; where, it is faid, his Party killed near 200 Indians, and burnt 60 or 70 Houfes, in which were Goods to a confiderable Value: That the Indians there had received Intelli-, gence of his Defign against them, and were to have been joined the Day after he attacked them, by 400 Canadians; and that there was a French Priest among them, who was defired to furrender, and promifed good Ufage; but he refused, and perished in the Flames. It is added, thefe Indians had refolved, on the first Fall of Snow, to go to the back Parts of Carolina, on an Invitation from the Cherokees. This Intelligence our People got from a German Girl they found there, who had been carried off from the. German Flats.


Dublin, Dec. 35.

voted to Admiral Saunders, as a particular

Lheld at The Holfel, the freedom of Vices

AST Tuefday at a Poft Affembly Mark of their Efteem for his important Sqr.

this City, in a Gold Box, was unanimously

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fquare, St. Anne's, Soho, St. Clement's Danes, St. Paul's, Covent Garden, St. Martin's in the Fields, St. Mary le Strand. 3. Letters from Gibraltar advife, that Mr. Millbank,who was lately fent from England to Morocco with two Men of War, to treat about the Ranfom of the Crew of the Litchfield, and a Tranfport, that were wrecked laft Year on the Barbary Coast, is not able to fucceed in his Commiffion: For befides the Sum of Money required, which is very large, the Emperor demands a certain Number of Cannon, with Powder and Ball anfwerable, and Cordage, Tackle, &c. fufficient to equip four Ships of War.

6. Being Twelfth-day, and a Collar and Offering-day at St. James's, his Majesty, preceded by the Heralds, Purfuivants, &c. and the Knights of the Garter, Thistle, and Bath, in the Collars of their respective Or-` ders,went to the Chapel Royal at St. James's, and offered Gold, Myrrh, and Frankincenfe, in Imitation of the Eastern Magi Offering to our Saviour.

During the last Month of December, the following Grain has been exported from the Fort of London; 14.952 quarters of wheat, 1510 Quarters of Wheat-meal, and 1400 Quarters of Rye for Portugal; 7500 Quarters of Wheat for the Streights; and 4800 Quarters of Wheat for Spain.

The Number of French Prisoners in this Kingdom are ascertained at 23.745; many of whom, especially within 50 Miles of this Metropolis, have been relieved with Cloathing in this inclement Seafon.

Subfcriptions to this humane Purpose, as well as that for the Reward of the valiant Soldiers at Queba and Minden, and for the Relief of the Widows of those who loft their Lives at thofe Places, have been carried on with great Spirit.

The following Affidavit is published without any Defign to prevent the Charitable from contributing to the Relief of the French Prifoners now in this Kingdom; but, in Juftice to our felves, to let the World know in what Manner English Prifoners are treated in France, and French Prifoners in England.

Jeremiah Watkins, feveral Years Commander in the West India Trade, and late Supercargo of the Crump, William Turnør, Commander, a Letter of Marque of 16 Guns and 50 Mea, and the faid William Turner, make Oath, and fay, that they failed from London on a Voyage to GuadaJupe and Aptigua in August laft; that in Lat. 21. Long. 45. in October following, they were chafed by three French Men of

War; that after 13 Hours Chafe one of them, viz. the Syren Frigate, of 32 Guns came up with them, and that they engaged her for two Hours and a Quarter; that they had nine Men wounded, of which the Deponent, William Turner, was one; that they were carried into Breft and confined in a Goal there, near 40 Feet under Ground, for 33 Days, without any Light for 16 Hours out of 24; that they were in all, in this Place, about 113 Men, nine of which were Captains; and the faid William Turner faith, that they applied to the Commissary for a Light, who refused it; that the Soldiers would not allow any one to come near the Goal to fpeak to them, that their Allowance was only about three Ounces of Meat, and three half Pints of four Wine per Day, but that they had Bread fufficient, tho' they were often kept in Want of Water; that fome of the Prifoners had not even Straw to lie on, and that tlie Captains petitioned the Intendant to be separated from the common Men, but were refufed it; that from Breft, they were matched to Vannes, about 130 Miles, where they were confined three Days in the common Goal with Felons, fome of whom were condemned to die and that from this Place they were released by Exchange of Prisoners from Sit Edward Hawke, and came Home from Quiberon Bay in the Firme Man of War.


London, January 11, 1760, Sworn before me at Guildhall,


Letters from Madrid mention, that the Workmen employed in digging the Ruins of Herculaneum, have lately discovered a Statue of white Marble, feven Feet high, of exquifite Workmanship, and which, as far as can be judged, by the Attitude and fome Characters on the Bottom of the Pedestal, represents the famous Sibyl of Cuma. It is to be placed in the Royal Gallery at Naples.

The Emprefs of Ruffia has given the reigning Favourite, the Chancellor Warronzow, four Lordships, fituate on the Banks of the River Kama, wherein are feveral Copper Mines.

The Application of M. De Affry to the States General the 18th ult. for a free Paffage of heavy Artillery thro' the Meufe, was immediately complied with.

The States of Holland and Weft Friefland, have come to a Refolution to equip 28 Ships of War, to protect their Commerte and Navigation..


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