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Plain Answers to all, or, at the least, to the most part and strongest Arguments, which the Adversaries of God's Truth either have or can bring forth for the proof and defence of the same Unwritten Vanities, Verities, as they would have them called.



Late Archbishop of Canterbury, Martyr of God;

And burned at Oxford for the Defence of the true doctrine of our Saviour Christ.


BY E. P.

[This tract has been reprinted from the first edition published by E. P. in the reign of Queen Mary. In 1582 it was attached to A Discoverie and Batterie of the great Fort of unwritten Traditions, Done by Martin. Chemnitius in Latin, and translated into English by R. V. London, Thos. Purfoote and Wm. Pounsenbie. It was also printed separately by Purfoote in 1583. Ames, Typ. Ant. Cambr. Publ. Libr. F. 3. 27.]


FIRST, The Preface of the translator to his countrymen and brethren of England.

Ch. I. That the word of God, written and contained within the canon of the Bible, is a true, sound, perfect, and whole doctrine, containing in itself fully all things needful for our salvation.

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[A conjecture has been hazarded in a preceding note, that this Confutation was compiled from a collection of authorities still preserved in the British Museum. (Royal MSS. 7. B. xi. xii.) A list of the principal heads under which these authorities are arranged, is subjoined. It will assist the reader in forming a judgment on the validity of the conjecture, and will also give him some insight into Cranmer's studies on other subjects. It will be found to be more copious than the Table of Contents which is prefixed to the manuscript in the Museum, and which has been printed by Strype, (Life of Parker, App. No. 23.) The additions are distinguished by brackets. The articles marked with an asterisk exist in the original Table, but are not in the same handwriting as the rest.

"Collectiones ex S. Scriptur. et Patribus.


"1. Sacræ Scripturæ intellectus et utilitas, p. 9.

"2. Quod auctorum scripta sine verbo Dei non sunt accipienda pro "articulis fidei, p. 15.

"3. Scripturæ confirmantes idem, p. 16.

"4. Doctores idem probantes, p. 19.

"5. Rationes in idem, p. 42.

"6. Conciliorum decreta sine Scriptura non sunt accipienda pro arti"ticulis fidei, p. 47.

"7. Veteres Canones abrogati, p. 48.

"8. Ex angelorum oraculis non licet idem facere, p. 53.

"9. Nec miraculis idem probare fas est, p. 54.

"10. Nec etiam apparitio mortuorum id ipsum satis astruit, p. 59.

"11. Sed ne consuetudini hac in re fidendum est, p. 62.

"12. Objectiones, quod præter Scripturæ auctoritatem recipiendi sunt

"novi articuli fidei, p. 65.

"13. Traditiones non scriptæ, p. 75.

"Ex Tertullian. Anglice, p. 93.

"14. Rationes in idem, p. 94.

"[Baptismus parvulorum, p. 97.

"Baptizati ab hæreticis non sunt rebaptizandi, p. 98.]

"15. Nec miracula, nec Christi professio, nec locus, nec externum

"aliquod, faciunt hominem sanctum aut Deo gratum, sed ob"servatio mandatorum Dei, p. 99.

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"26. De matrimonio, p. 397.

"27. De ordinibus ecclesiasticis, p. 417. 454. 461.

"[Multa fecerunt Christus et Apostoli quæ hodie apud nos non

"observantur, p. 474.

"Multi sacerdotalem dignitatem consecuti sunt, sine episcopo-
66 rum consecratione, p. 476.

“Quod ordo sit sacramentum, p. 477.]

"28. De unctione, p. 464. 483.

"29. De impositione manuum, p. 470.

"[De unctione chrismatis, p. 486.

"De confirmatione sine unctione chrismatis, p. 502.]

"30. De confirmatione, p. 506.

"31. De extrema unctione, p. 519.

"32. De unctione pedum, p. 537.

"33. De aqua benedicta, p. 540.

"34. De feriis, p. 545.

"Tomo secundo.

"35. De sanctorum invocatione, p. 1.

"[Desideria nostra sancti intelligunt, et quomodo, p. 16.]

"36. De imaginibus, p. 18.

"37. De divorum reliquiis, p. 59.

"38. De vera religione et superstitione, p. 67.

"39. Ut oremus, aut peccatorum veniam consequamur, non est ullus
"locus præ alio Deo acceptior; nec pro his opus est longe

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peregrinari, p. 71.

[Pro sanctorum invocatione, p. 75.]

"40. De religiosis, p. 119.

"41. De votis, p. 137.

"42. De virginitate et de votis castitatis, p. 141.

"43. De ecclesia, p. 85.

"44. De ecclesiis ædificandis, dedicandis, et earum ornatu, p. 85.

"45. De horis canonicis, p. 88.

"46. De oratione et cantu ecclesiastico, p. 91.

"47. De jejunio, p. 101.

Ch. IV. That nothing can be proved by oracles of angels touching religion.

V. That apparitions of the dead be unsufficient to that purpose.

VI. Neither are miracles able to prove the same.

VII. Custom also is of no strength in this case.

"48. De eleemosyna.

"49. De corruptis ecclesiæ moribus, p. 111.

❝50. De excommunicatione, p. 155.

"51. De sepultura mortuorum, p. 160.

"52. De missa, p. 164.

53. De divinis præceptis, p. 513, b.

"54. De gratia et meritis, p. 183. 245. 517.

"[Accipere divinum adjutorium esse accipere Spiritum Sanctum et charitatem, per quæ fit in homine delectatio summi boni, p. 183.

“Gratis, id est, nullis præcedentibus meritis,

p. 185.

"Justificare subinde significat justum pronunciare, declarare, aut "ostendere, p. 187.

"Sola fides, p. 191.

"Ex sola fide justificamur, p. 199.

"Fide in Christum, hoc est, merito passionis Christi, non nostris "operibus justificamur, p. 202.

"Fides quid sit, p. 207.

"Gratia accipitur pro gratia justificante, sive pro gratia illa quæ "bonos discernit a malis, non pro illa, quæ communis est bonis "et malis, p. 229.

"Conciliatio Pauli et Jacobi, p. 231.

"De loco angelorum, p. 233.

"Quod quidam angeli præsint uno vitio, p. 234.

"De libero arbitrio angelorum, ibid.

"De cognitione angelorum, p. 236.

"Utrum invocare licet auxilia dæmonum, ibid.

"De potestate dæmonum, p. 237.

"An angeli corporei sint, p. 238.

"Angeli aliquando loquuntur ex persona Patris, aliquando Filii, "aliquando Spiritus Sancti, aliquando Trinitatis, p. 240.

"Voces et species corporales Dei ante incarnationem per angelos "factæ sunt, ibid.

"Quod nomine sensualitatis inferior rationis portio intelligitur, p. 244.]

"55. De libero arbitrio, p. 244. 519, b.

"[Prævenit gratia Dei bonam voluntatem, non contra, p. 255. "Prædestinatio, p. 262.]

"Pro purgatorio, p. 263.

"Contra purgatorium, p. 334.

"[Subversio illarum rationum quæ pro constabiliendo purgatorio

"passim solent adduci, p. 357.

"Oramus ut eveniant ea, quæ ex Dei promissis certo novimus 66 eventura, p. 431.]

"56. Semper orandus est Deus, ut condonet peccata, etiam piis filiis, "quibus jam omnia peccata dimissa sunt, p. 432. 521, b.

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