I.-APPROPRIATIONS MADE DURING THE FIRST SESSION OF THE EIGHTY-THIRD II.—PERMANENT AND INDEFINITE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS (pp. 419–438). IV. CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OF REGULAR, SUPPLEMENTAL, AND DEFICIENCY V.-REFERENCES TO INDEFINITE APPROPRIATIONS (pp. 446-449). VI. AMOUNT OF LOANS AUTHORIZED BY APPROPRIATION OR OTHER ACTS IN VII.-AUTHORIZATIONS FOR APPROPRIATIONS (pp. 451-453). VIII.-COMPARISON OF BUDGET ESTIMATES AND APPROPRIATIONS (pp. 454-501). EIGHTY-THIRD CONGRESS FIRST SESSION, JANUARY 3, 1953, TO AUGUST 3, 1953 PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE COMMITTEES ON APPROPRIATIONS OF THE SENATE AND HOUSE OF COMPILER'S NOTE The previous volumes of this work for each session of Congress from the Fiftieth to the Sixty-seventh, inclusive, covering the fiscal years 1889 to 1924, inclusive, have contained tabulations in accordance with law showing offices created and omitted and offices the salaries of which have been increased or reduced. Such tabulations have been eliminated from this publication, under the authority contained in the Legislative Appropriation Act approved June 7, 1924, and reading as follows: "In lieu of the data relating to offices created and omitted and salaries increased and reduced, the statement shall hereafter contain such additional information concerning estimates and appropriations, as the committees may deem necessary." The Classification Act of 1923, as amended, providing a method for classification of positions in the District of Columbia, salary schedules and ratings for such positions, and provisions for administrative promotions, effective on July 1, 1924, makes impossible the compilation of accurate and useful statements of the character above referred to. This volume, pursuant to the above-quoted authority, contains detailed statements showing each item of appropriation made during the session and each Budget estimate submitted by the President and the increase or decrease in the Budget estimate compared with the appropriation in each instance. This compilation contains laws affecting or making appropriations which were enacted during the first session of the Eighty-third Congress, with the exception of private relief acts containing appropriations. Such private acts have been omitted from this compilation but a summary thereof containing the number of the act, the beneficiaries, and the amount appropriated is included. 2 RICHARD B. WIGGLESWORTH, Massachusetts H. CARL ANDERSEN, Minnesota JOHN PHILLIPS, California ERRETT P. SCRIVNER, Kansas FREDERIC R. COUDERT, JR., New York NORRIS COTTON, New Hampshire BENJAMIN F. JAMES, Pennsylvania HAMER H. BUDGE, Idaho CHARLES R. JONAS, North Carolina OTTO KRUEGER, North Dakota ROMAN L. HRUSKA, Nebraska SAM COON, Oregon MELVIN R. LAIRD, Wisconsin ELFORD A. CEDERBERG, Michigan 1 Appointed January 13, 1953. Elected January 14, 1953. CLARENCE CANNON, Missouri W. F. NORRELL, Arkansas JAMIE L. WHITTEN, Mississippi J. VAUGHAN GARY, Virginia JOHN E. FOGARTY, Rhode Island ROBERT L. F. SIKES, Florida ANTONIO M. FERNANDEZ, New Mexico PRINCE H. PRESTON, JR., Georgia OTTO E. PASSMAN, Louisiana LOUIS C. RABAUT, Michigan SIDNEY R. YATES, Illinois CONTENTS Page 1. Second Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1953- 2. Third Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1953. 3. Agricultural Appropriation Act, 1954.. I. APPROPRIATIONS MADE DURING THE FIRST SESSION OF THE SECOND SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION ACT, 1953 [PUBLIC LAW 11-83D CONGRESS] By the Act making supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums are appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to supply supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1953, and for other purposes, namely: CHAPTER I LEGISLATIVE BRANCH SENATE For payment to Rosemary T. McMahon, widow of Brien McMahon, late a Senator from the State of Connecticut, $12,500_. SALARIES, OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES The appropriation for salaries of officers and employees of the Senate contained in the Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, 1953, is made available for the employment of additional clerical assistants for each Senator from the State of Florida, so that the allowance for administrative and clerical assistants for such Senators will be equal to that allowed other Senators from States having a population of more than three million but less than five million, the population of said State having exceeded three million inhabitants. The appropriation for salaries of officers and employees of the Senate contained in the Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, 1953, is made available for the employment of additional clerical assistants for each Senator from the State of New Jersey, so that the allowance for administrative and clerical assistants for such Senators will be equal to that allowed other Senators from States having a population of more than five million but less than ten million, the population of said State having exceeded five million inhabitants. Office of the Secretary: Effective March 1, 1953, the appropriation for salaries of officers and employees of the Senate contained in the Legislative Branch Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1953 is made available for the compensation of one camera and sound engineer, Joint Recording Facility, at the basic rate of $4,080 per annum, and one shipping clerk, Joint Recording Facility, at the basic rate of $1,500 per annum. $12, 500 |