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general, the maintenance of a friendly intercourfe with foreign powers will be prefented to your attention by the expiration of the law for that purpose, which takes place, if not renewed, at the clofe of the prefent feffion.

In execution of the authority given by the legislature, measures have been taken for engaging fome artifts from abroad to aid in the establishment of our mint; others have been employed at home. Provifion has been made of the requifite buildings, and thefe are now putting into proper condition for the purposes of the establishment. There has also been a small beginning in the coinage of half-difmes; the want of fmail coins in circulation calling the first attention to them.

The regulation of foreign coins, in correfpondency with the principles of our national coinage, as being effential to their due operation, and to order in our money-concerns, will, I doubt not, be refumed and completed.

It is reprefented that fome provifions in the law which eftablishes the poft-office, operate, in experiment, against the tranf miffion of newspapers to diftant parts of the country.

Should this, upon due inquiry, be found to be the fact, a full conviction of the importance of facilitating the circulation of political intelligence and information,will, I doubt not, lead to the application of a remedy.

The adoption of a conftitution for the ftate of Kentucky has been notified to me. The legislature will fhare with me in the fatisfaction which arifes from an event interesting to the happiness of the part of the nation, to which it relates, and conducive to the general order.

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It is proper likewife to inform you, that fince my laft communication on the fubject, and in further execution of the acts feverally making provifion for the public debt, and for the reduction thereof, three new loans have been effected, each for three millions of florins; one at Antwerp, at the annual intereft of four and one half per cent. with an allowance of four per cent. in lieu of all charges, and the other two at Amfterdam, at the annual intereft of four per cent. with an allowance of five and one half per cent, in one cafe, and of five per cent. in the other, in lieu of all charges. The rates of thefe loans, and the circumstances under which they have been made, are confirmations of the high ftate of our credit abroad. Among the objects to which these funds have been directed to be applied, the pay

ment of the debts due to certain foreign officers, according to the provifion made during the last feflion, has been embraced. Gentlemen of the House of Repre fentatives,

I entertain a strong hope that the state of the national finances is now fufficiently matured to enable you to enter upon a syltematic and effectual arrangement for the regular redemption and difcharge of the public debt, according to the right which has been referved to the government. No measure can be more defirable, whether viewed with an eye to its intrinfic importance, or to the general fentiment and wish of the nation. Provifion is likewife requifite for the reimbursement of the Joan which has been made of the Bank of the United States, purfuant to the ele venth fection of the act by which it is incorporated. In fulfilling the public ftipu lations in this particular it is expected a valuable faving will be made.

Appropriations for the current service of the e-fuing year, and for fuch extraordinaries as may require provifion, will demand, and I doubt not, will engage your early attention.

Gentlemen of the Senate and of the
Houfe of Reprefentatives,

I content myself with recalling your attention generally to fuch objects, not particularized in my prefent, as have been fuggefted in my former communications to you.

Various temporary laws will expire during the prefent feffion. Among thefe, that which regulates trade and intercourse with the Indian tribes, will merit partica

lar notice.

The refults of your common deliberations hitherto will, I truft, be productive of folid and durable advantages to our conftituents; fuch as, by conciliating more and more their ultimate fuffrage, will tend to ftrengthen and confirm their attachment to that conftitution of government, upon which, under Divine Providence, materially depend their union, their fafety, and their happiness.

Still further to promote and fecure these ineftimable ends, there is nothing which can have a more powerful tendency than the careful cultivation of harmony, combined with a due regard to ftability in the public councils.

G. Washington. United States, Nev. 6, 1792. GOVERNOR


The Legislature of the State of New York met, agreeable to Law, on Tuesday the 6th of November, 1792, at the City-Hall in the City of New-York; when, after the accustomed preliminary Bufinefs, the following Speech ww delivered by his Excellency the Governor to both Houses.

Gentlemen of the Senate and Affembly,


HE prefent meeting being in purfuance of a law of the laft feffion, authorifing you to appoint Electors of a Prefident and Vice-Prefident of the United States, this important business will confequently engage your immediate attention; efpecially, as farther legiflative provifion will be neceffary on this fubject, owing to the establishment of a ratio of reprefentation, different from the one contemplated by that law.

As the period for the ftated annual meeting of the legislature will foon arrive, economical confiderations will fufficiently recommend the expediency of com pleting the public business previous to an adjournment. The fettlement of our contested boundaries-the digest of our laws the arrangement of our finances, and the other various falutary regulations which, fince the conclufion of the war, have occupied the attention of the legiflature, being happily accomplished, your prefent deliberations will neceffarily be confined to a few objects.

At this time, I have therefore only to mention to you, the neceffity of providing for the election of members of the house of reprefentatives of the United States agreeably to the late apportionment-the conforming our militia efta


blishment to the regulations recently

acted by Congrefs, and the revifion and amendment of fuch of our laws, as from experience, have been found obice or defective.

I have dire&ed the annual reports, and other papers, that may be necellary t your information, to be prepared and lat before you; and if, in the courte of t feffion, any thing should occur, requiring legiflative interpofition, it fhall be cammunicated to you by message.

While the misfortunes, which fome our fifter ftates fuffer by the depredation of a favage enemy, are greatly to be la mented; our unfeigned thanks are due Divine Providence for an exemption fron fo great a calamity. In the receis, anitrocious murder of a chiet of one of the Indian nations, refiding within our je rifdiction, threatened, in fome degree, a interruption of that harmony, which bu hitherto fo happily prevailed; but from the papers which will be communicated you, you will perceive that the meaları adopted on this occafion, have preferved their confidence in the justice of gover ment, and prevented any evil effects from that difagreeable circumftance.

New-York, 6th Nov. 1792.


LONGWY, Auguft 5. IS Pruffian Majefty, paffing by a village near this place, efcorted by fome dragoons, the inhabitants manifefted a great joy on feeing him, but all on a fudden the found of three or four muskets were heard, and his Majesty and his horfe both fell. His fuit, furious at feeing this treafon, fell on to maffacre the people and destroy their houfes; but the King, recovering his fall, called out

[blocks in formation]

pearance of the number as appointed; a deputation of the Affembly waiting on them to conduct them from the audience chamber in the Thuilleries to Convention Hall, formerly the feat of the National Affembly. They firit proceeded to the choice of a Prefident, which fell nem. con. on Mr. Petion, the mayor of Paris; and, after fome trifling converfation having taken place, a member rofe up and moved the total abolition of monarchy in France for ever, which was univerfally and reiterately applauded from all parts of the houfe, and immediately conftitut ed into a law. The next was the fufpenfion of all judicial appointments, and that the people fhould appoint their own judges de novo. Mr. Thomas Paine, by his interpreter, M. Goupilleau, requested the Affembly to appoint a committee to bring up a report on that fubject, as ignorant and vicious people might poffibly introduce themselves to thofe employments, without precautions were taken to prevent the fame. The motion, however, in its primitive ftate, paffed.

LONDON, September 21. Extract of a letter from Dublin, September 13.

"It is faid that in the courfe of laft week a fubfcription, amounting to three millions fterling, was completed among the Roman Catholic gentlemen and merchants of Ireland, for the purpofe of purchafing lands in North-America.

"The object of this purchase is faid to be twofold: first, That these lands may ferve as an afylum to which thofe people may retire, fhould they fail in obtaining what they now feem to confider as effential to the being of freemen-the elective franchife. The fecond object is, That they may be a fource of profit, fhould their fituation in their native country be made fuch as to induce them to remain in it.

"This measure of the Catholics, fhould it be carried into execution, muft very deeply intereft the national welfare. Nothing has occurred in Irish politics, within the prefent century, more worthy the attention of the politician and the ftatefman."


NEW-YORK, November 1. Extract of a letter from Antigua, dat

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ed Oct. 9, 1792. THE minds of this community

are much agitated by a recent circumstance: Several transports convoyed by a frigate, and having on board two thousand men, bound from Old France to the island of Martinico, arrived off Port Royal, with the National flag flying; on coming within gun-fhot, they were fired upon by the forts, where the original French flag was difplayed, and at the fame time, two line of battle fhips in the fervice of the island put to fea and chafed them to St. Chriftophers, where they came to an anchor under

protection of the British flag. Upon application to the Commander in Chief, the officers obtained leave to wood and water their fhips, and the troops to land and furnish themselves with whatever they wanted. The fhips from Martinico took an opportunity of boarding and carrying away,under the convoy of one of them, all the tranfports to Martinico; the other lays there watching the motions of the frigate at Sandy-Point, and an exprefs is fent by the Governor of Martinico to the British Commander in Chief of the Carribee islands, demanding the delivery of the National troops, as rebels and prifoners, accompanied with a threat, that the




The Legislature of the State of New-York met, agreeable to Law, on Tu the 6th of November, 1792, at the City-Hall in the City of New-Yi when, after the accustomed preliminary Bufinefs, the following Speech at delivered by his Excellency the Governor to both Houses.

Gentlemen of the Senate and Affembly,


HE prefent meeting being in pur. fuance of a law of the last feffion, authorifing you to appoint Electors of a Prefident and Vice-Prefident of the United States, this important business will confequently engage your immediate attention; efpecially, as farther legiflative provifion will be neceffary on this fubject, owing to the establishment of a ratio of reprefentation, different from the one contemplated by that law.

As the period for the ftated annual meeting of the legislature will foon arrive, economical confiderations will fufficiently recommend the expediency of completing the public bufinefs previous to an adjournment. The fettlement of our contested boundaries-the digeft of our laws the arrangement of our finances, and the other various falutary regulations which, fince the conclufion of the war, have occupied the attention of the legiflature, being happily accomplished, your prefent deliberations will neceffarily be confined to a few objects.

At this time, I have therefore only to mention to you, the neceffity of providing for the election of members of the house of reprefentatives of the United States agreeably to the late apportionment-the conforming our militia efta


blishment to the regulations recently a acted by Congrefs, and the revifion amendment of fuch of our laws, as mi from experience, have been found quic or defective.

I have directed the annual reports, other papers, that may be neceflary t your information, to be prepared and la before you; and if, in the courte of a feffion, any thing should occur, requiring legislative interpofition, it shall be com municated to you by message.

While the misfortunes, which fome s our fifter ftates fuffer by the depredation of a favage enemy, are greatly to be la mented; our unfeigned thanks are due Divine Providence for an exemption from fo great a calamity. In the receís, an trocious murder of a chief of one of the Indian nations, refiding within our je rifdiction, threatened, in fome degree, an interruption of that harmony, which has hitherto fo happily prevailed; bat from the papers which will be communicated ta you, you will perceive that the measures adopted on this occafion, have preferved their confidence in the justice of govern ment, and prevented any evil effects from that difagreeable circumftance.

New-York, 6th Nov. 1792.


LONGWY, Auguft 5. IS Pruffian Majelty, paffing by a village near this place, efcorted by fome dragoons, the inhabitants manifefted a great joy on feeing him, but all on a fadden the found of three or four muskets were heard, and his Majesty and his horfe both fell. His fuit, furious at feeing this treafon, fell on to maffacre the people and destroy their houfes; but the King, recovering his fall, called out

to ftop their vengeance, faying, "I am not wounded, fpare the human blood." However, this accident induced the King to fend a courier extraordinary away immediately, or dering 30,000 more of his troops to march towards the frontiers of France.

Paris, Sept. 12. The National Af fembly has finished its political career, giving place to the National Convention, which this morning conftituted itfelf into a body by the appearance

pearance of the number as appointed; a deputation of the Affembly waiting on them to conduct them from the 12 audience chamber in the Thuilleries to Convention Hall, formerly the feat of the National Affembly. They first proceeded to the choice of a Prefident, which fell nem. con. on Mr. Petion, the mayor of Paris; and, after fome trifling converfation having taken place, a member rofe up and moved the total abolition of monarchy in France for ever, which was univerfally and reiterately applauded from all parts of the houfe, and immediately conftituted into a law. The next was the fufpension of all judicial appointments, and that the people fhould appoint their own judges de novo. Mr. Thomas Paine, by his interpreter, M. Goupilleau, requested the Affembly to appoint a committee to bring up a report on that fubject, as ignorant and vicious people might poffibly introduce themselves to thofe employments, without precautions were taken to prevent the fame. The motion, however, in its primitive ftate, paffed.

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LONDON, September 21. Extract of a letter from Dublin, September 13.

"It is faid that in the courfe of laft week a fubfcription, amounting to three millions fterling, was completed among the Roman Catholic gentlemen and merchants of Ireland, for the purpofe of purchafing lands in North-America.

"The object of this purchafe is faid to be twofold: first, That these lands may ferve as an afylum to which those people may retire, fhould they fail in obtaining what they now feem to confider as effential to the being of freemen-the elective franchise. The fecond object is, That they may be a fource of profit, fhould their fituation in their native country be made fuch as to induce them to remain in it.

"This measure of the Catholics, fhould it be carried into execution, muft very deeply intereft the national welfare. Nothing has occurred in Irish politics, within the prefent century, more worthy the attention of the politician and the ftatefman."


NEW-YORK, November 1. Extract of a letter from Antigua, dat

ed Oct. 9, 1792. "THE minds of this community

are much agitated by a recent circumftance: Several transports convoyed by a frigate, and having on board two thousand men, bound from Old France to the island of Martinico, arrived off Port Royal, with the National flag flying; on coming within gun-fhot, they were fired upon by the forts, where the original French flag was difplayed, and at the fame time, two line of battle fhips in the fervice of the island put to fea and chased them to St. Chriftophers, where they came to an anchor under

protection of the British flag. Upon application to the Commander in Chief, the officers obtained leave to wood and water their fhips, and the troops to land and furnish themselves with whatever they wanted. The fhips from Martinico took an opportunity of boarding and carrying away,under the convoy of one of them, all the tranfports to Martinico; the other lays there watching the motions of the frigate at Sandy-Point, and an exprefs is fent by the Governor of Martinico to the British Commander in

Chief of the Carribee islands, demanding the delivery of the National troops, as rebels and prifoners, accompanied with a threat, that the


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