MAXIMS and OBSERVATIONS, TO WHICH ARE NOW ADDED, Biographical Anecdotes of the Doctor, SELECTED FROM THE WORKS OF MRS. PIOZZI, His LIFE recently published by Mr. BOSWELL, ALSO HIS WILL, AND THE SERMON HE WROTE FOR THE LATE DR. DODD, A NEW EDITION. LONDON: Printed for G. KEARSLEY; J. WALKER; SCATCHARD and HURST, and Co.; and B. CROSBY. 1804. W. Thorne, Printer, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street. ADVERTISEMENT TO THE SEVENTH EDITION. THE former Editions of this Selection have been introduced into several of the most reputable Schools, for both Sexes, in the Kingdom; however, the Price of the Two Volumes (viz. Five Shillings) has been, by some, thought too much; the whole is therefore now brought into One Volume, under One Alphabet, and the Price reduced to Three Shillings and Sixpence; and, in order to render it still more complete, the Editor has selected from Mrs. Piozzi's, and Mr. Boswell's late Publications, together with many authentic documents, a considerable number of Biographical and other Anecdotes, including a selection of his Bon Mots. Likewise a Copy of his Will, and the Sermon which he wrote for the unfortunate Dr. Dodd, who preached it to his Fellow Convicts, in the Chapel of Newgate, a few days before he suffered. November 6, 1786. This Impression (the Ninth) contains, in the Biographical Department, considerable Augmentations, extracted from the Life of the Doctor, lately published in Two Quarto Volumes, by Mr. Boswell. |