Abbildungen der Seite

The function of Rabbi, or High Priest of the Jews belonging to the Portuguese fynagogue, which has been vacant 14 years, was filled up, and the election proving in favour of a native of London, the generality of that people were highly pleated.

A board of longitude was held to inspect and receive the explanation of Mr Harrison's A time-keeper, when he was acquainted that the commiffioners were fatisfied that he had made a full discovery of his machine to the gentlemen appointed by them for that purpose. and that it was by them refolved to grant him their certificate, upon his delivering up his watch, and three other time keepers, before made, as the property and for the use of the public, a formal inftrument of which is now drawing up. By virtue of the above-mentioned certificate Mr Harrifon will receive the farther fum of 7500 l. compleating the first 10 cool. for the difcovery of the longitude.


had a horfe and foot-race on the Wells Common,
about two; a play at the bowling green about
fix; and attended the common ball at eight;
breakfafted next day with the Dutchels of
Grafton, and left the place about eleven on
Wednesday in high good humour.

A young lady, elegantly dreffed, threw herfelf from a boat into the Thames. The waterman exerted himself in her prefervation, and got her into the boat again; when the faid her father had married a fecond wife a few weeks before, and that her mother in law had turned her out of doors, for prefuming to make a reply, when fome fevere reflection was caft upon the memory of her mother.

At a court of lord mayor and aldermen, the price of bread was lowered a whole affize.

Mr Green, attorney, in Mark Lane, and Mr Philips, haberdasher in Grace church-street, executors of Jennix Dry, Efq; deceased, paid to the treasurers of the five following hofpitals, viz. St Thomas's, St Barekolemezo, Beth-, Clem, St Luke's, the London, and the London work houfe, 840l. a piece; which, with the 2000l. a-piece beford paid, is in full of the refidue of the teftator's perfonal eftate, bequeathed to the faid hofpitals and workhoufe, except cool. Old S. Sea Aun. vested in trust during the life of a widow gentlewoman, 70 years of age.

At a very numerous meeting at AstropWells, in Northamptonfbire, a report was brought, as the company were at dinner, that a number of rioters from Banbury, were affembling at Walkworth, the feat of Eyre, Efq; in order to level the fences of his new-enclofed eftate; and a motion being made, that the gentlemen then prefent, with their fervants, hould inftantly mount their hories, and give. them a meeting, the fame was agreed to, and eight gentlemen pofted to the place, and found the report true. About forty of the leveleis were affembled, who, upon fight of the gen-D tlemen, took to their heels and ran away. In the purfuit eight were taken; but the ringleader, who is known, made his escape.


An eminent tradefman in Alderfgate fleet was fummoned before the fitting mag rate in order to thew caufe why he offered his aged mother to languish in a workhoufe, and be a burthen to the parifh, when he was able to maintain her: He made a trifling defence, and was feverely reprimanded, and ordered to make a decent provifion for his aged parent, agreeable to an old ftatute in the reign of Q. Elizabeth.

St Ralph Milbanke got f me of his pits to work this morning, but in the afternoon a body of men cut the ropes off the gins, and F broke fome of the machinery, and threw it down the pits; and have threatened the colliery, and every thing about it; in con fequence of which a body of to diers have been fent from Newrofile to prote& it. SATURDAY, 14. The parliament of Ireland, which flood prorogued to the 10th of Ober, is further prorogued to the 220.


Their royal highnelles the Dukes of York and Gloucefter visited Tunbridge, ftaid an hour upon the walks, viewed the rocks in the neighbourhood, dined and fpent the evening when a ball was given, at which 250 perfons of rank were prefent. The ball was opened by the D. of York and Dutchess of Grafton, and the D. of Gloucefter anced with Lady Betty Noel. Next day their Highnelles ente tained the company with a public breakfast,


At a general court-martial held in Dublin, feveral foldiers having been tried for riotoully ati mbling themfelves with others, not known, and breaking open his majesty's goal of Nervgate, and fetting at liberty the prifoners confined therein, nine of them were this day, in the prefence of the whole garrifon, fever ly punihed; one of them received 8c0 lathes, feven 60 each, and one of 'em 200. THURSDAY 19.

Thomas Lane, Etq; one of the malers in Chancery, and chairman of the feflions for Middlefex, resigned the chair, which he has filled with great honour upwards of 30 years; and John Harukins, of Twickenbam, Esq.; was chofen chairman in his head. FRIDAY 20.

The new born Prince was baptized at St James s by his Grace the Abp of Canterbury, by the name of William Henry, in the prefence of their majefties, the whole royar mily and a very illuftrious affembly of the nobility and foreign minifters. The fponfrs were, his R. H. the D. of Gloucester, Prince Henry Frederick, and the Prinsefs of Brunfwic. The ladies made a moft bitilant appearance. There were bonfires at St James's, Carlion boufe, Whiteball, &c. and Targe quantities of liquor given to the populace.


M. Landrini, minuler from the Duke of Modena, had his firft private audience of bis majesty.

A lefman in Smithfield was fined 241. by the lord-mayor, for buying cattle for his own u'e.


A duel was fought near Kennington-Comman between Capt. J- and Major d—, when


The latter received a ball in his breast, which came out at his fide: The wounded gentleman was carried home to his houfe in Oxenden-freet, Leicefter fields, when feveral emiment furgeons were fent for, who declared the wound to be extremely dangerous, though not without hopes of recovery. After the above fatal affair, Capt. 7 made his escape, tho' clofely purfued. Major A is a young gentleman about 3 years of age, univarfally refpected, and poffeffes a plentiful fortune, exclufive of his commiffion."


Lieut. of Ireland, having laid before the king an account of the late outrages committed by the foldiers in Dublin, his majesty was thereupon pleafed to order his Excellency, to figAnify his pleasure to the Lords Juftices, that it be given out in public crders in every quarter in Ireland; and the Lords Justices have accordingly directed it to be given out, in orders:

The feffions ended at the Old-Bailey, when nine criminals received fentence of death; B Anthony Delaney and James Grief, a thief-taker, for the murder of Mr John Smith, a clerk of the Bank, of which a more particular account fhall be given; Maria Jenkins, for the murder of her baftard-child; John McKenzie for ftealing filver plate; Elizabeth Dun for forgery; James Haines for a highway robbe17 Elizabeth Gould for robbing her mafter; Robert Turbot for frealing a filver cup; and C

Sarab Cox for robbing her miftrefs. The three murderers were ordered for immediate execution, and their bodies to be delivered to the furgeons.


Was held a general court of the proprietors of the Eaft India flock, at their houfe in Leadenball freet; when it was unanimoufly agreed, that the intereft upon their bonds fhould be sedured from four to three per cent, to take place from the 31A of March, 1766.


A common hall was held at Guildbell, for the election of a Lord Mayor of this city, when George Nelfon, Efq; of Alderfgate ward, was elected. And Brackley Kernet, and Benjamin Charlwood, Efqrs. the theriffs elect, were fworn in.


The pitmen of Harsley col iery having been civilly treated by Th mas Delaval, Efq; conti nue peaceable at their work, notwithstanding the general infurrection of all the reft.


Some affairs of the laft importance, have been lately taken into confideration refpe&ting the terms of the late treaty of peace, F which the French and Spaniards have neg Jected to fulfil; the principal topics under confideration, are the Newfoundland fishery; the encroachments of the French on the coaft of Africa; the demolition of Dunkirk; and the treatment of the British logwood cutrers in the bay of Honduras. Spirited difpatches are faid to have been fent to the refpective courts on these important articles, G by the new miniftry; in confequence of which the demolition of Dunkirk is actually begun; and it is hoped fatis action will be Jikewife obtained on the other articles. A Jetter from Senegal fays, the French are now playing the fame game in Africa, by inveigling the natives against us, as they did lately in America with respect to the Indians; and it H begins to be apparent, that while there is a French fettlement on the coaft, those of the Englife will never enjoy peace.

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That his majefy received, with the utmoft furprize and displeasure, the accounts of the late behaviour of the garrifon in Dublin, of fuch dangerous tendency to the peace and fafety of fociety, and fo utterly fubverfive of all military difcipline; that his Majefty expects and requires from his army in Ireland, that they do, upon all occafions, demean themselves quietly and peaceably, and in perfect obedience and fubmiffion to the laws; and that it is his • Majefty's fixed refolution to fhew the higheft marks of his difpleafure to all military perfons whatsoever. who fhall, in any ref pect, act contrary thereto.'

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His majefty alfo commanded, that as his third regiment of horse, or carabineers had not been any way concerned in thole riots, the good behaviour of that regiment be particularly noted in the above mentioned orders,

The rock birds, in number countless, on the ftupendous rocks of the isle of Arran in Scotland, were obferved all at once to defert their nefts and eggs on the 24th of June laft, fince which, not one of them has fince returned.

A meffenger fent by Prince Gallitzen the Ruffian ambaffador at the court of Versailles, with a diamond purchated for the Empress at 360 coo livres price, being aporized of the va lue of his truft, had taken a off rent roug and has not fince been heard of.

Some Dutch and Dani ships complain of being rifled by fome English phrates in the Channel. This is a new kind of robbery, unlike the former piracies. These feem only. pilferers at fea.

Mr Samuel Jackfan, of Namptwich in Chefire, had a crop of oats this year, of about eight flature acres, which were fix feet high and upwards. It is fuppofed a grain generally produced eleven or twelve flems and that muft of the stems produced about 280 grains, the ears being covered 18 inches long, and though it is common for one chaff to have two grains in it, it is very remarkable that in this crop one chaff frequently brought three, the leaft of which hau a good kernel in it, Upon thrashing and winnowing a chrave, or 24 fheaves, the produce was feven measures, of fine marketable corn, and half a measure of light, 36 quarts to the mealure. The above were Dutch oats, and had been fown but once in this kingdom.

His Majefty has been pleafed to grant pardon for Thomas Poft ewait, Samuel Baker, and Jane Smith, for their good behaviour in not joining and affifting the other felons that broke Maid one goal, & murdered the keeper. AMERICAN NEWS,

The aff flination of fome Indians by Flis excellency the Earl of Hereford, Lord Virginian Banditi, is likely to be attended


with very fatal confequences. Auconnofiota,
a Cherokee chief, on hearing the governor's
Tetters explained, which had been fent to ap-
peafe their fury, faid. that it was very fur-
prizing the English thould talk fo well, and
yet kill their people; and infifted that an
equal number of white people fhould die, as
of Indians that had been killed.

Lift of BIRTHS. for the Year 1765.
Ountels of Fingal-of a fon.

Sept. Cou


17. Cifs of Hopetoun,-of a fon.

Lift of MARRIAGES for 1765.

On. Ben. Heron, Efq; fecretaty of the

H province of North Carolina, to Mifs

Alley Marsden.

Edw. Southwell, Efq; member for Glouceftershire, to the fecond daughter of Sam. Campbell, of the C, of Leitrim, in Ireland.

Aug. 29. Abra, Hilton, Efq; of the fix elerks-office,-to Mifs Clofe of Richmond, Yorkshire.

Sept. 1. John Peters of Durham, Efq;-to Mifs Sarah Dixon of Shields.

Henry Willis, Efq;-to Mifs Lubbock of Norwich.

6. Tho. Cartwright, Efq; eldest fon of Wm Cartwright, Efq; of Aynho,-to Miss Desaguliers of Queen-ftreet, WeAminfter.

7. The Baron de Bondelle,-to Mifs Deifme of Clapham, Surry,

Wm Ellis of Exerer, Efq;-to Mifs Wood at Plymouth. 8cocl.

20. Harley Villiers of Milton Park, Some feth Efq; to Mifs Clara Worthington, of Piccadilly.

Lord Charles Montague,―to Mifs Ballmer of Huntington.

21 John Wood of Southwark, Efq;—to Mils Kent of Teddington.

23. George Edmonds of Cannon-freet, Efq;-to Mifs Edmonds of Wandsworth,


LiA of DEATH for the Year 1765.

EV. Mr Perkins, in his paffage from
London to Barbadoes.

The new governor of the Havannah. Lieutenant Goddard of the 68th Regiment at Antigua,

A foldier in Pruffia, aged 1c6.

1. Hooker, Efq; at Tunbridge town, Kent Dr Monk in Wood-ftreet, Walthamflow. Arthur Hafkins, Efq; in Goodman's-fields. Capt. Lawrence in Chelfea-hofpital, agd 95 4. The Rev. Mr Maffey, R. of Colae-En gayne, Effex, 45 years; he was an eminent preacher in Dr Sacheverell's time. This living is worth 200 l. per Ann. and is in the gift of the governors of Chrift's-hospital.

Mr Lyons EnRosemary-lane, worth 20,000

5. Rich. Shubrick, Efq; one of the directors of the London infurance company. His lady died fix days before him.

Hon. James Paterfon at Bath. He was lately a Lieut, Gen. in the King of Sardinia's. fervice, and governor of Niece.

J. Warrener, Elq; fugar-refiner at Ratcliffe Mr Lay, one of the gentlemen of Windfor chapel.

Sir Sept. Robinson, Kat. gent. usher of the black rod.

Edw. Chapel, Efq; at Hartledown, near Canterbury.

6. Daniel Devert, Efq; at Hackney, agd 80 Fr. Bishop, Efq; at Brayles, Warwickshire 8. Sir Tho. Dennifon, late one of the judges of the King's-Bench.

Daniel Bewley of Lincoln's-inn-fields, Elas Wife of Geo. Cook, Efq; one of the members for Middlesex.

Mr Kirk of Charlton in Kent. He has left 5000l. to Chrift's hofpital.

Relict of John Baffet, Efq; at Umberley Devonshire.

Tho. Brent, Efq; at Brumpton.

9. Roger Crifp, Efq; at Maryland-point R. Webb, Efq; late member for Taunton, 10. Samuel Withers, Efq; at Peckham, Mr Unwin, an attorney; and cierk to the wax chandler's company.

Tho.Blencowe. Efq; Hayes, Middfx.agd 84% Jacob Hawkesby, at Brentwood, Effex, aged 95, an expert vermin killer, by which he acquired 2cool.

Lady of Eliab Harvey, Efq; member for Dunwich.

Rev. Mr Symmons, V. of Bath-ford and Bath-hampton, Somersetshire.

Tho. Carter, Efq; member for Old LeigMia Xin Ireland.

The reigning prince of Hohenloe, in the 38 year of his age, and the 63d of his reign. The deceafed prince, and the prince his father, reigned 123 years, and their joint lives a mounted to 168 years.

Wm Whitehurst, aged 107, at Indian Creek Ja Virginia. He ferved in the militia in every reign from Charles II. to George II. and bore erms when his prefent majefty was proclaimed.

Sir John Robinson, Bart. of Cranford, Northamptonshire.

Mr Errington, a wealthy farmer near Weybridge, Serry, aged 78.

Lady Fagg at Rygate in Surry, aged 96. X Sept. 1. Mr Brickley, brazier, in Southwark, aged 102.

Youngest daughter of the Bp of St David's. Rev. MrHofkins, R. of Petertow, Herefordsh 2. Sam. Glandwell, Efq; in the Fleet, pos fossed of an skate of bool, per dum,

13. Lady of G, Edwards, Efq; at Camberwell Rev. Mr Lloyd of Ayton near Newcaftle. 14. Lady Dowager Newdigate, aged 8. Ekins Pierce, Efq; at Wookey near Wells, Sir George Brown of the Nille in Ireland. Br 16. Alex. Hume, Efq; one of the members for Southwark.

15. J. Humphreys, Efq; of the pipe offic 18. Baffil Willmott, Efq; at Moulley, Surry Jonathan Hall, Efq; at Croydon, Somerset 19. Dr John Nicol, one of the canons of Chrift's-church, Oxford, & also one of the prebends of Westminster.

20. Rev. Mr Hillman, R. of St MaryMagdalen, Old Fith-ftreet, and one of the minor canons of St Paul's.

21. Rev. Dr Booth, dean of Windsor 45 years, aged 84.

John Cummings, Efq; of Peckham, Surry, 22. Lord Vic. Middleton, member fos New Shoreham, aged 36.

25. Right Hon. E. Offaley eldeft son of the Marquis of Kildare, in his 18th year.

The Rev. Dr Richard Pococke, Bishop of Meath in Ireland, to which his lordship was promoted a few months paft, on the promotion of Dr Carmichael to the arbishoprick of Dublin.

Mr Jonathan Middleftoke, at Doncafter in Yorkshire; he acquired 100,000l. in the famous year 1720.

Lift of PROMOTIONS for the Year 1765.
(From the London-Gazette.)

St James's, HL Rt Hon. Tho, Pelham,
Sept. 6,
Efg, comptroller of the
houshold, fworn of the Privy Council.

7. His majefty was pleafed to appoint the Duke of Newcastle lord lieut, and cuftos rot. of the county of Nottingham; and alfo feward, and keeper, and guardian, of the foreft of Sherwood, and the park of Tollwood.

Andrew Wilkinfon, Efq;-keeper of his majefty's ftores, ordnance, and ammunition of war.

14. to appoint Lieut. Gen. Lord Robert Manners, Col. of the 34, or Prince of Wales's Reg. of dragoon gds. (Sir Cha. Howard, dec.)

to appoint Major-Gen. John Parker, col, of the 41ft Reg. of foot, or invalids. (Ld Lindore, deceafed.)

to appoint Auzufus Floyer, Efq; capt. in the 7th Reg. of dragoons.

Whiteball, Sept. appoint Wm Mellih, Efq; receiver-general of the cuftoms. (Wm Levins, Efq; dec.)

St James's, Sept. 21. Lieut. Gen. John Campbell, Marquis of Lorn, was appointed tol. of the 24 battalion of the ift Reg. of foot, (Sir Henry Erskine, dec.)

Major Gen. Pierfon,-col. of the 36th R. of foot. (Lord R. Manners, preferred.)

Lt.-Gen. of Fort-George and Fort-Augustus, in Scotland. (Sir Charles Howard, dec.)

JohnLaye, Efq;-capt. of Carifbrook-caftle Cha. Forbes, Efq;-capt. in the 66th Reg. James Robertfon, Efq; barrack-maftergen. to all the forces in North America.

24. The Marquis of Lorn,-col, of the it tallion of the 1A Reg. of foot.

Charles Fitzroy, Efq;-col. of the 14th R. of dragoons, in room of the Marquis of Lorn. Charles Hotham, Eiq;-col. of the 634 R. (Major-Gen. Pierfon, preferred.)

Whiteball, Sept. 28. The king has been pleafed to gran: unto the R: Hon. William, Viscount Folkstone, Baron of Longford, and the heirs male of his body, the dignities of a Baron and Earl of Great Britain, by the name, file, and title of Baron Pleydell Bouverie, of Coleshill in Berkshire, and Earl of the county of Radnor in Wales; and in default of fuch iffue, the faid dignity of Earl of the county of Radnor, to the heirs male, lawfully begotten of Jacob Vilcount Folkeftone, deceased.

-to grant unto Richard Cut, D. D the dignity of a canon of Chrift- Church, Oxford, in the room of Dr John Nicol, deceased.

to grant unto Wm Bell, M. A. the dig of a prebend in Wellminder, (D.Nicol,4,

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Major Wm Forrefter, from balf pay-Major to the 27th Reg. (Major Manfe), retired. J ECCLESIASTICAL PREFERMENTS.


EV. Wm Hinton is prefented to Kinnarley, R. Salop, and alfo to the living of Longdon.

Henry Bailey.-Haverley, R. North-Wilts. Mr Fairclough.-Crathorne, R.Yorkshire. Mr Routh,-Tuxtord, V. Nottinghamsh. Mr Cummings,-Buxton and Great Barford, V. Bedfordshire.

Mr Pearce, one of the minor-canons of St Paul's, to the united livings of St Gregory and St Mary Magdalen, Fish-street.

Difpenfation to bold two Livings. Rob. Turnay, 7 New Church, V.2 Kent. M. A. Bonnington, R. 2001.p.4. Jn Vickrey, Lew Trenchard, R. 7 Melton Abbots, V. Devon


B. -KR―――TS.


John Lockwood and John Wardell of Butch♣
er Row, Middlesex, linen drapers.
Wm Higeingbotham of Smithfield, linen-dr.
Charles Everet of Bristol, victualler.
Ed. Williams of Mile-End, Old-Town,carpener
Win Gill of South-Mims, inn-holder.
Wm Ayleway of Haverford-Weft, mercer.
G. Wyckaert of St Martin's-ftreet, taylor.
Kinsey Tirer of Bluit's-buildings, Fetter-lang,
London, dealer.

T. S. Pole, late of Fan-court, merchant.
John Whitlow of Liverpoole, merchant.
Tho. Perrot of Leadenhall-ft. box-maker.
Lawrence Howley of Birmingham, maltfter.
Tho. Badenhurt, late of Borthwufg-Forge,
Merionethfhire, and John Roberts, late of
Wrexham in Denbigfhire, iron-mafters and
co partners.

Price of STOCKs, on Course of EXCHANGE,
Sept. 28, 1765. Sept. 28, 1765.
Bank Stock, fhot. Am. 359a912 UI.
E. Jadia ditto, 63d tro at fight 356
S. Sca ditto, --.
Rotterd. 35 10.
·DittoOld An. gof
Autwerp. No Price
Datto New An. Hamb. 34 6 2 4 Ul.
Paris 1 day's date 31
ditto at 2 U 31
2 Ufance
Cadiz 39
Madrid 398



3 per Ct reduced, fhut. 3 ditto confol. 914a 3 ditto India, 3 Bank 1758, 961 34 ditto 1758 4 percent 1763, fhut. India Bonts prem. 50s. Pilboa 39 Exch. Bills 1763,

Navy difc.

[ocr errors]

Leghorn 50%

Genoa 49

Long Annuities, 28 Venice 52af Navy 4 per Cent. fhut. Lisbon 5s 6d

4 per Ct. 1763,

Oporto 5$ 50%

London Gazette
Daily Advertiser
Old London Spy
London Evening
Gen. Evening
Whitehall Ev.

Public Advert.
London Chron.

Lloyd's Evening
Monday, Wed-
nefday, Friday.
Public Ledger
Univ. Chron.

North Briton


Country News,

Coventry 2

York 2 papers
Dublin 3
Bristol 2

Norwich 2


For OCTOBER 1765.


More in Quantity and greater Bariety than sny Book of the Mind and Price. I. The principles of the late minifterial | XV. Fatal effects of ground-ivy on horfes, changes impartially examined.. II. Reafons for refpiting Lieut. Ogilvie. III. Difcovery and defcription of remarkable bones in Northumberland.

IV. Letters relative to the first fetting out of
Mr Samuel Jobnfon, and David Garrick,

V. Speech of the new Lord Lieutenant of Ire.
land, on opening the prefent feffion of par-

VI. Windfor Palace and Park defcribed.
VII. Curious diffe etion of an Egyptian mum.

VIII. Cafe and cure of a fhip-wright who
fwallowed a wasp.

IX. Account of the new treatife on tythes continued.

X. Ariftotle's idea of tragedy confidered.

XI. Affecting ftory for a new tragedy.
XII. Effays on husbandry, by an eminent hand.
XIII. An account of Voltaire's Dictionaire

XVI. Proceedings of the Americans.
XVII. Unwholefumeness of hofpitals,
XVIII. Anecdote of Shakespeare.

XIX. Comparative advantages of the act of


XX. POETRY. The metamorphofes of a beau, by a celebrated writer; Song for OCTOBER; Split-bottle defeated; the praife of Rhubarb, &e..

Lift of Books with Remarks. XXI. Mr Johnfen's Shakespeare; the merry midnight miflake; Daphne and Amintor; Linden's reply to Dr Lucas; Pott's remarks on the Fiftula.

XXII. Mifcellaneous Articles. Caution against hops; caufe of the high price of provifions; letters and arrangements of the Emprefs Queen.

XXIII. Hiftorical Chronicle. Rouleau's providential efcape; uncertainty of the law; dreadful inundation in China; Harrifon's reward; feffions news, &c. c.

XIV. A new fpecies of extraordinary intelli- XXIV. Lift of births, marriages, deaths, &c. gence, bill of mortality, price of ftocks, &c. &c. With an accurate View of WINDSOR PALACE, and the adjacent Bridge; alfo, felect Copies of fome curious Reprefentations from a new Book, entitled, Eays on Hufbandry, &c. particularly branches of the Aphernoulli and Larch-Trees, and fome foreign Inftru ments of Hufbandry.


URBAN, Gent.

LONDON: Printed by D. HENRY, at St JOHN'S GATE.

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