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ACICHORIUS the Gaul invades Pan-
nonia 50.

Ace and Acon, Ptolemais so called

Achean commonwealth, what it was

Acheus, his good services to Seleu-
cus Ceraunus 136, refuses the
kingdom of Syria 137, recovers
part of it ib. usurps it 145, be-
sieged in Sardis 162, betrayed and
delivered to Antiochus ib. behead-
ed 163.

Adamantias, why Origen so called 90.
Era of the Seleucida and the Julian,

how they differ 251, 292, 300.
Etolians invite Antiochus the Great
to make war on the Romans in
Greece 186, 187.
Agathoclea, her wickedness 147,
plunders Ptolemy's treasury at his
death 168, killed ib.
Agathocles, her brother, his treason
169, killed ib.
Agathocles, governour of Parthia for
Antiochus, occasions the loss of
the province by sodomy 113.
Agathocles, son of Lysimachus, his
actions against Demetrius 26, 27,
murdered by means of his aunt
and stepmother, Arsinoe 45.
Aldus, his edition of the Septuagint


Alexander made governour of Persia
by Antiochus the Great 138, re-
bels, and slays himself 143.
Alexandria, Jews very numerous
there 76, trade of the East brought
thither 108, inhabited by three
sorts of people 156.

Alexandrian copy of the Septuagint,
by whom written 95, its antiquity ib.
Alexandrians, their skill in astrono-

my 317, leave their city 390.
Ammianus Marcellinus corrected 32.
Ammonius, minister to the impostor
Balas of Syria 358, his cruelty ib.
plots against the king of Egypt
362, slain ib.

Anacleteria of Ptolemy, what it was

Andreas solicits Ptolemy for the Jews

Andriscus, an impostor, pretends to
the kingdom of Macedon 351.
Andronicus, governour of Antioch,
puts Onias the high priest to death
224, punished for it ib.
Antigonus of Socho chosen president
of the sanhedrim 21, his learning
ib. death 104, character ib.
Antigonus Gonatas, son of Demetrius
king of Macedon, routs the Gauls
53, marries the daughter of Seleu-
cus, and has peaceable possession
of the kingdom 99, besieges A-
thens 101, drives Cleomenes out
of Sparta 140.

Antiochus Soter, son of Seleucus,
how he got his father's wife Stra-
tonice 29, succeeds him 48, 49,
wars for the kingdom of Mace-
don 99, yields it to Antigonus ib.
beats the Gauls and is thence cal-
led Soter ib. defeated by Eumenes
106, his death ib.

Antiochus Theus succeeds his father

Soter 106, marries his sister Lao-
dice ib. his war with Ptolemy Phi-
ladelphus 112, loses his eastern
provinces 113, divorces Laodice,
and marries Ptolemy's daughter
Berenice 114, turns off Berenice
and retakes Laodice 119, poison-
ed ib.

Antiochus Hierax, why so called 124,
routs his brother Seleucus 125, his
misfortunes and death 127, 128
Antiochus the Great ascends the Sy-
rian throne 138, wars with Ptole-
my Philopater 141, reduces the
eastern rebels 142, loses the battle
at Raphia 152, reduces Acheus
162, his Parthian war 164, his
march into India 168, his league
against the young king Ptolemy
Epiphanes 171, takes Šidon 174,
is at Jerusalem ib his decree in
favour of the Jews ib. his successes
in Asia Minor 178, gives audience
to the Roman ambassadors in
Thrace 179. flies into a passion
180, suffers by a storm ib. Han-
nibal with him 182 engaged by
him in a war with the Romans
183, makes alliances with him 184,
his mourning for his son Antiochus

185, begins the war with the Ro-
mans rashly 187, marries an or-
dinary woman in his old age 189,
driven into Asia ib. his fleet beaten
191, sues in vain for a peace with
the Romans 192, routed by them
193, pays a prodigious sum for a
peace 194, a saying of his on the
loss of his provinces to them 196,
robs the temple of Jupiter Belus,
and is murdered ib. Daniel's pro-
phecies of him fulfilled 197-200.
Antiochus Epiphanes his son an hos-
tage at Rome 195, obtains the
crown 212, his extravagancies 213,
and madness ib. nicknamed Epima-
nes 214, treated at Jerusalem 220,
routs the Egyptians 227, puts the
Jewish ambassadors to death ib.
his victories in Egypt ib. his cruel-
ty and profaneness at Jerusalem
230,231, his immense booty ib. in-
vades Egypt again 233, 234, gives
audience to ambassadors in favour
of Ptolemy 234, his severe decree
against the Jews 239, his folly at
Daphne 257, his death and wicked
character 271, Daniel's prophecies
concerning him fulfilled 276, suc-
Iceeded by his son 285.
Antiochus Eupator, his breach of
faith to the Jews 299, put to death
by his brother Demetrius 305.
Antiochus Theos, son of Balas, ex-
pels Demetrius, king of Syria 370,
kind to Jonathan ib. murdered by
his minister Tryphon 375.
Antiochus Sidetes, brother of De-
metrius, marries his wife 383, kills
the usurper Tryphon, and obtains
the kingdom of Syria 384, wars
with Simon 386, over-runs Pales-
tine 397, compels Hyrcanus to sue
for peace 398, his benignity saves
the Jews from destruction 399,
sends presents to Scipio in Spain
401, his expedition against the Par-
thians 404, killed 405.
Antiochus Grypus made king of Syria
by his mother 421, educated at A-
thens ib. forces his mother to drink
the poison she had prepared for him
423, his arguments with his wife
not to murder her sister 426, forc-
ed to fly 427.

Antiochus Cyzicenus, Grypus his de-
sign against him 425, marries Cleo-
patra, sister and wife to Lathyrus
king of Egypt ib. routs Grypus and
revenges the death of his wife 427,
routed by the Jews 428.
Antiochis, daughter of Antiochus the

Great, imposes two suppositious
princes on the Cappadocians 340.
Antonia, castle of, at Jerusalem de-
scribed 438, called Baris at first
439, what use it was put to 440,
the pontifical robes kept there ib.
Apame, her scandalous love for De-
metrius, son of Poliorcetes 111, the
occasion of a war between Antio-
chus Theos and Ptolemy Philadel.
phus ib.

Apostates, how hated and used by
the Jews 158, 159.
Apollonius Rhodius, library-keeper
at Alexandria 184.
Apollophanes, Antiochus' physician,
his advice at a council of war 146.
Apollonius, lieutenant to Antiochus
Epiphanes,destroys Jerusalem 239,
routed and slain 258, several persons
of that name distinguished 359.
Aquila undertakes a translation of the
Bible in opposition to the Septua-
gint 81, his method in it 84.
Aratus the poet, favoured by Ptole.
my 117.

Aratus expels Nicocles, tyrant of Si-

cyone 112, generously assisted by
Ptolemy Philadelphus, and why ib.
Archias, his avarice 346, the occa-
sion of his death 346, 347.
Ariarathes, king of Cappadocia, op.
posed by an impostor 340, refuses
the king of Syria's sister in mar-
riage 341.

Aristeas, his account of the Septua-
gint confuted 54.
Aristobulus, his account of the trans-
lation of the Septuagint 57, confut-
ed 68, his commentaries on Moses
suspected 68, 69.

Aristonicus, his war with the Romans
for the kingdom of Pergamus 402.
Aristotle instructed by a learned Jew
70, studied by the Christian school-
men from an ill translation 392.
Arsaces occasions the revolt of Par-
thia from Antiochus 113, founds
that kingdom, and enlarges it 126,
settles 129, gives his name to his
successors 130.

Arsaces his son, leagues with Anti-
ochus the Great 165, his succes-
sors 381.
Arsinoe, wife of Lysimachus, con-
trives the death of his son Agath-
ocles 45, banished 47, marries her
brother Ptolemy Philadelphus 48,
beloved by him ib. her death 116.
Arsinoe, wife of Ptolemy, and daugh-
ter of Lysimachus, divorced by him
and banished 48.

Arsinoe, wife and sister to Ptolemy
Philopater, her courage 152, put
to death 166.

Artemon personates Antiochus The-
us 119.

Arundel, earl of, a column concern-
ing Seleucus king of Syria, brought
by him out of Italy 124.
Asia Proper, and the Less, distin-
guished 402.

Asideans, who they were that joined
Mattathias 248, 249.
Asmonean race, when they became
possessed of the high priesthood
350, of the first class of the sons of
Aaron 351.

Astacus, Nicomedia built on its ru-
ins 105.

Athens besieged by Antigonus king
of Macedon 100.
Atropatians, now the Georgians, sub-
mit to Antiochus 143.
Attalus, king of Pergamus, succeeds
Eumenes 126, curtails the Syrian
empire 137, his league with the
Romans, and death 177, how it
happened ib.

Attalus, brother of Eumenes king of
Pergamus, made king by him 341,
resigns to his nephew ib.
Attalus Philometor succeeds his un-
cle Attalus 388, his vices and folly
ib. 401, dies, and leaves his goods
to the Romans by will 402.
Azarias, one of Judas Maccabæus'
commanders, his ill conduct 290.
Azotus taken by John son of Simon


Bacchides sent by the king of Syria
against Judas Maccabæus 334, kills
him 335, his cruelty ib. worsted by
Jonathan 337, quits Palestine ib.
returns and makes peace with the
Jews 343.

Bactria revolts from Antiochus 113,
the largeness of the province ib.
Balas, called also Alexander, an im-
postor, pretends to the kingdom of
Syria 347, the Romans declare for
bim 348, makes Jonathan high
priest 349, obtains the Syrian em-
pire, and is kind to Jonathan 352,
353, marries the king of Egypt's
daughter ib. his mal-administra.
tion 358, the cruelty of his favour-
ite ib. killed 362.
Baris, castle of, at Jerusalem, built
by Hyrcanus 437, the seat of the
Asmonean princes 438, described

Baronius abuses Eusebius 475.

Baruch, epistles of, not in the He-
brew canon 62.

Bath Kol, a kind of prophecy, what
it was 433, like the Sortes Virgi-
lianæ 435.

Bede, an epistle penned by him 324.
Belgius, the Gaul, invades Macedo-
nia, and is defeated 50.

Ben Sira, a book among the Jews so
called, thought to be Ecclesiasti-
cus 404.

Bere taken by Pyrrhus 25.
Berenice gets Ptolemy to make her
son king, though he had an elder
brother 30.

Berenice, city of, built by Ptolemy
Philadelphus 109.

Berenice, daughter of Apame, gets
her mother's gallant assassinated


Berenice, daughter of Ptolemy, mar-
ried to Antiochus Theus 114, she
is turned off 119, and flies 120,
murdered ib.

Berenice, wife of Ptolemy Euergetes,
her hair turned into a constellation

Berhea, Aleppo so called anciently


Berosus, the historian, when he lived
107, an account of him ib.
Bethsan in Palestine, called Scytho-
polis 296.

Bias makes his city renowned for
justice 344, Note.

Bible used by Christians in divina-
tions 435, 436.

Bishop of the Jews, an officer in En.

gland so called 448, Note.
Bishops, their temporal power distin-
guished from the spiritual 222.
Bishops in king William III's time
justly deprived by the state 223,
still so of the church universal ib.
Bolis, the Cretan, his treachery 162.
Brass, Corinthian, when first made

Brennus, the Gaul, invades Macedo-
nia, and is defeated 50, dies of
despair and drunkenness 52, a say-
ing of another Gaul of the same
name to the Romans 194, Note.
Byzantium seized by the Gauls 51.


Calippic cycle, what it was 312.
Callimachus, his satire against his

disciple Apollonius, library-keep-
er at Alexandria 184.
Calisthenes burnt for burning the

temple gates at Jerusalem 264.
Carthage destroyed 363.
Cato, the Roman general, routs An-

tiochus the Great in Greece 189.
Celsus well acquainted with the
Scriptures 79.
Cendebeus, general of the Syrians
for Antiochus Sidetes, routed by
the sons of Simon 387.
Chares of Lindus, builds the colos-
sus at Rhodes 138.

lem, made governour of Cyprus
by Antiochus Epiphanes 228.
Cretans, their bad character 162.
Cycle, how it differs from a period

311, of nineteen years the best 318.
Cycle of eighty-four years, when be.
gun by the Jews 310, how made up
311, wholly abolished 325.

Chasidim, or Asidæans, who the peo- Cycles treated of 310.
ple so called 249.

Christ honours the feast of dedica-
tion appointed by Judas Macca-
bæus with his presence 268.
Christian churches make use of dif-

ferent translations of the Bible 92.
Christians, names given them by the
Jews 408, 409.

Chronicon Alexandrinum preferred
in some things to Eusebius 225,
why so called ib.

Cicero, whence his name 424.
Cleomenes poisoned in Egypt 140.
Cleopatra, mother of Ptolemy Phi-
lometor, regent of Egypt 207, her
death 219.

Cleopatra, queen of Syria, her many
husbands 416, murders her own
son to reign in his stead 418, at-
tempts to murder another son 423,
her wickedness ib. forced to drink
poison ib.

Cleopatra, wife of Antiochus Cyzi-
cenus, murdered by her sister Try.
phæna 426.

Cleopatra, mother of Lathyrus and
Alexander, kings of Egypt and
Cyprus, her ambition 424.
Cale-Syria, what that country was

Colossus of Rhodes thrown down

138, described ib.
Comets, appearances of them 421.
Conon of Samus, the mathematician,
his gross flattery of Berenice, wife
to Ptolemy Euergetes 122.
Constellation, why called Coma Be-
renices 123.

Coptus on the Nile, made a mart for
the eastern trade 109.
Corinth destroyed 363.
Cornelia, mother of the Gracchi, re-
fuses to marry Ptolemy Physcon,
king of Egypt 305.
Corupedion, a fight there between
Seleucus and Lysimachus 46.
Corycus, naval fight of, between the
Syrian and Roman fleets 190.
Cos, island of, Hippocrates born there
108, Berosus there ib.
Court, outer, of the temple, what it
was 374, Note.

Crates, deputy-governour of Jerusa

Cynocephalus, battle of, between the
Romans and Macedonians 178.
Cyprus delivered to the king of Sy.
ria 228.

Cyrillus Lucaris, patriarch of Con-
stantinople, presents king Charles
I. with the Alexandrian copy of
the Septuagint 95.


Damascus taken by Antiochus the
Great 148.

Daniel, book of, the Septuagint ver-
sion faulty 85, a prophecy of his
touching the marriage of Antio-
chus Theus with Ptolemy's daugh-
ter Berenice fulfilled 115, to whom
the prophecies in his eleventh chap-
ter are to be applied ib. his prophe-
cy of the effects of Berenice's mar-
riage fulfilled 122, of Antiochus the
Great 197, and of the Ptolemies ib.
of Seleucus Philopater 211, of An-
tiochus Epimanes 212. 276, the end
of the prophecies relating to the
kings of Syria and Egypt 278, to
the persecution of the Jews ib.
Porphyry the Pagan owns the full
completion of them 279, relate also
to Antichrist 282, what is meant
by his time, times, and half a time

David, sepulchre of, the story of the
treasure there false 399.
Dedication, feast of, appointed by
Judas Maccabæus 267, honoured
with Christ's presence 268.
Delphos, the Gauls defeated there 51.
Demetrius Soter, son of Seleucus
Philopater, set aside in the suc-
cession by the Romans 290, his
escape from Rome 304, seizes the
kingdom of Syria 305, courts the
Romans 338, assists an impostor
in Cappadocia 343, a plot against
him 347, distressed by an impos-
tor 551, killed 352.
Demetrius Nicator his son, attempts
for the kingdom 358, obtains it
363, his ill qualities 366, assisted
by Jonathan in his distress 369, his
vices 377, routed and taken by the
Parthians 381, kept in easy cap-
tivity ib. returns and recovers his

kingdom 406, overthrown by an
impostor 417, killed ib.
Demetrius, his great preparations
for war 25, abandoned by his army
ib. straitened 26, fights his way
through his enemies 27, surren-
ders himself to Seleucus 28, his
way of living afterwards ib. quits
the siege of Rhodes 139.
Demetrius his son, murdered for his

amour with Apame 111.
Demetrius, the Phalerean, first librá-
rian at Alexandria 41, prince of
Athens 42, his story 44, dissuades
Ptolemy from disinheriting his
eldest son ib. imprisoned, and dies
of the bite of an asp ib.
Demetrius, the historian, what of
him preserved by Eusebius 78.
Dicearchus, his treason and punish-
ment 182.

Dinocrates, the architect, proposes
to build an extraordinary temple
for Arsinoe at Alexandria 116.
Dionysius' rules for keeping Easter
observed $26.

Divination, a way of it used by Chris-
tians 435.

Doctors of the Jewish law cease 22,
revive ib. compose the Jewish san-
hedrims ib. Mishnical, the first of
them 104, of the law, slain by king
Alexander for opposing his priest-
hood 172, of the divinity school at
Jerusalem 382, their degree of
Gaon, what 448.

Dor, near Mount Carmel, taken by
the Syrians 149.


Easter, how settled by the first Chris-
tians 315, the use of the British
church about it 320, a schism about
it in Britain 321, rules for keeping
it observed 326, when it will fall
any year 327.

Ebionites, their heresy explained 83.
Ecclesiasticns, book of, when pub-

lished 75, translated in Egypt by
Jesus the son of Sirach 402, not
written by Sirach 403, the Latin
version has more in it than the
Greek 404.
Ekron, and its territory, given to
Jonathan, the high priest, by Ba.
las, the impostor of Syria 361.
Edomites, where they dwelt 270,
slain by Judas Maccabæus 286.
Egyptians will not offer the blood of

beasts in their sacrifices 36, mur-
der a man for killing a cat 37.
Elath, a great mart of the Tyrians

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Eleazar succeeds his brother, the
high priest 21.
Eleazar, the martyr 248.
Eleazar, brother of Judas, his rash
actions and death 298.

Elymais, temple of Diana, attempted
to be robbed by Antiochus Epiph-
anes 272, as that of Belus had been
by his father 275.
Ephesus taken by Antiochus the
Great 178.

Ephron taken by storm, and razed,
by Judas Maccabæus 296.
Epicrates, general to Antiochus Cy-
zicenus, his treason 428, 429.
Epicureans, wherein they differed
from the Sadducees 105, 443, the
boast of their founder 444.
Epigenes, Antiochus' general, mur-
dered by treason 142.

Epiphanius, bishop of Salamine, his
account of the Septuagint 61, con-
futed 74.

Eratosthenes, the Athenian, made
library-keeper by Ptolemy Euer-
getes 128, a picce of his extant ib.
his death 184.

Essenes, a sect of the Jews, their
opinions about predestination and
free will 453, never mentioned by
our Saviour, and why ib. a large
account of them 454, their great
purity 456, 457, their novitiates
457, their sabbaths 459, for the
immortality of the soul 460, their
prophecies 461, their number 463,
their ethics 464, haters of servi-
tude 473, their mean fare 474, what
Pliny says of them ib. errours of
papists about them 475, of deists
478, Christ said to be one of them

Euleus, the eunuch, a wicked min-
ister of Ptolemy's 230.
Eumenes succeeds his uncle Phile-
terus, the eunuch, in the kingdom
of Pergamus 103, defeats Antio-
chus Soter 106, over-runs Asia
Minor 125, his luxury 126.
Eumenes succeeds his father Atta-
lus 177, founds the library at Per-
gamus ib. his love to his brethren
ib. refuses to marry a daughter of
Antiochus the Great 185, relieved
by the Romans 191, they gave
him some of Antiochus' provinces
195, assists the king of Cappado-
cia against an impostor 341, his
death ib.

Euthydemus makes himself king of
Bactria 165, allowed that title by
Antiochus 167.

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