Stories of Boccaccio (The Decameron) ...: Including Also Ye Merry Tale, Now First Done Into EnglishBibliophilist Library, 1903 - 529 Seiten |
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Stories of Boccaccio (The Decameron) ...: Including Also Ye Merry Tale, Now ... Keine Leseprobe verfügbar - 2020 |
Häufige Begriffe und Wortgruppen
abbot acquainted affair afterwards agreeable Aldobrandino Andreuccio Ansaldo answer Antigono beauty began Boccaccio Bologna brothers brought Bruno Buffalmacco Calandrino called chamber Cisti command confess daughter DAY NOVEL death Decameron desired Dioneo divert door Fabliau father favour fear Ferondo Filostrato Florence fortune friar friends gave Genoa gentleman Ghino di Tacco Gisippus give hand happened heard hearing heart honour horse husband king knew lady laugh leave lived lord lover Lysimachus Madam maid manner married matter means mind mistress morning never Nicostratus night NOVEL ordered Palermo Pampinea Pavia perceiving person Perugia Petrus Alphonsus Pietro pleased promise Pyrrhus queen quoth regard replied resolved Ricciardo Rossiglione Saladin sent servant Signor sleep soon speak story supposing tell thee things thither thou thought told took Torello waiting whilst wife woman women words young
Beliebte Passagen
Seite 281 - Sweet Hour of Twilight!— in the solitude Of the pine forest, and the silent shore Which bounds Ravenna's immemorial wood, Rooted where once the Adrian wave flowed o'er, To where the last Caesarean fortress stood, Evergreen forest!
Seite 281 - To where the last Caesarean fortress stood, Evergreen forest! which Boccaccio's lore And Dryden's lay made haunted ground to me, How have I loved the twilight hour and thee...
Seite 462 - Ghino went away on hearing this ; and having made up his mind that he would cure his lordship without a bath, he ordered a great fire to be kept constantly in his room, coming to him no more till next morning, when he brought him two slices of toasted bread, in a fine napkin, and a large glass of his own rich white wine, saying to him, " My lord, when Ghino was young he studied physic, and he declares, that the very best medicine for a pain in the stomach is what he has now provided for you, of which...
Seite 284 - How can I send or go to ask for this hawk, which I hear is the very best of the kind, and what alone maintains him in the world ? Or how can I offer to take away from a gentleman all the pleasure that he has in life?" Being in this perplexity, though she was very sure of having it for a word, she stood without making any reply, till at last the love of her son so far prevailed, that she resolved at all events to make him easy, and not send, but go herself, to bring it.
Seite 524 - Boccaccio was ashamed of the work,) read it with much admiration, as appears from his letters, and translated it into Latin in 1373. Chaucer, who borrowed the story from Petrarch, assigns it to the Clerk of Oxenforde, in his Canterbury Tales. The clerk declares in his prologue, that he learned it from Petrarch at Padua; and if we may believe Warton, Chaucer, when in Italy, actually, heard the story related by Petrarch, who, before translating it into Latin, had got it by heart, in order to repeat...
Seite 272 - Ed oh mia sorte aventurosa a pieno! oh fortunati miei dolci martiri! s'impetrarò che, giunto seno a seno, l'anima mia ne la tua bocca io spiri; e venendo tu meco a un tempo meno, in me fuor mandi gli ultimi sospiri.
Seite 284 - Although his poverty was extreme, never till now had he been so sensible of his past extravagance ; but finding nothing to entertain the lady with, for whose sake he had treated thousands, he was in the utmost perplexity, cursing his evil fortune, and running up and down like one out of his wits. At length, having neither money nor anything he could pawn, and...
Seite 280 - The lady, who was sensible that it had been always her fault they were not married, answered, that she was willing ; and going herself to her father and mother, she acquainted them with her intention. This gave them the utmost satisfaction ; and the next Sunday the marriage was solemnized with all possible demonstrations of joy. And that spectacle was not attended with this good alone ; but all the women of Ravenna, for the time to come, were so terrified with it, that they were more ready to listen...
Seite xiv - ... in the groin, or under the armpits, some as big as a small apple, others as an egg; and afterwards purple spots in most parts of the body, in some cases large and but few in number, in others less and more numerous, both sorts the usual messengers of death.
Seite 522 - I have no women with me able to set out the rooms, and do many other things which are requisite on so solemn an occasion. As, therefore, thou art best acquainted with the state of the house, I would have thee make such provision as thou shalt judge proper, and invite what ladies thou wilt, even as though thou wert mistress of the house ; and when the marriage is ended, return thee home to thy father's again.