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From M. Durival to Mr. Grand. 30 August, 1786.
From M. Durival to Mr. Grand.
From Mr. Grand to B. Franklin.
5 September.
9 September.
10 September.
From Mr. Grand to B. Franklin. 12 September.
From Thomas Percival to B. Franklin. 27 October.
Influence of Manufacturing Establishments on the Purity
of the Air.-Priestley, Kippis, Price.
To William Hunter. 24 November, .
Condition of America.
From M. de Saussure to B. Franklin.
17 December.
Travels in the Alps.-Account of the first Ascent to the
Summit of Mont Blanc by M. Paccard, and M. de Saus-
sure's unsuccessful Attempt.
Dissuading him from publishing a Work of an irreligious
From Richard Price to B. Franklin. 26 January.
Sending a Copy of his Work on the Constitutions and
Government of the United States.
To Charles Thomson. 27 January.
Concerning a Million of Livres given by the King of
From John Sevier to B. Franklin. 9 April.
To the Duke de la Rochefoucauld. 15 April.
To the Marquis de Chastellux. 17 April.
Reply to his Congratulations. United States. - Consti-
tutions of the States. Introduces Thomas Paine.
His Journal of Travels.— Assembly of Notables.
To Messrs. the Abbés Chalut and Arnaud. 17 April.
To the Marquis de Lafayette. 17 April, 1787.
Attempts of the Enemies of America to disparage that
Country. Constitutions of the States.-Indian Vocabu-
To the Abbé Morellet. 22 April.
From Mather Byles to B. Franklin. 14 May..
To Thomas Jordan. 18 May.
Personal Circumstances.-Freedom of Commerce.
dition of the United States.
Scheme for
Reminiscences of his Friends.
To George Whatley. 18 May.
United States Bank.. - Commercial Treaty.
From Count de Campomanes to B. Franklin. 24 May.
American Philosophical Society. — Spanish and Arabic
From Thomas Paine to B. Franklin. 22 June.
Journey in France. Paris.- Fireworks. - Model of a
From Count de Buffon to B. Franklin. 18 July.
From the Abbé Morellet to B. Franklin. 31 July.
Reminiscences. Commercial Regulations, as to Imposts
and Taxation.- Affairs in France.—Madame Helvetius
Paine's Model of an Iron Bridge.
From Richard Price to B. Franklin. 26 September.
Society for abolishing the Slave Trade.— Spirit of Liberty
beginning to prevail in Europe as a Consequence of the
American War.
Disorders in Holland. - Projected Conquest of Turkey.
Justification of the State of Massachusetts, against certain
Censures in the British Papers.
To Mather Byles. 1 January.
Electrical Points and Electricity.
From Alexander Small to B. Franklin. 2 January.
Affairs in England. - American Tories.
To John Ingenhousz. 11 February. .
Wars in Europe. -Russia and Turkey. - Public Credit in
the United States.
Dr. Franklin's Memoirs of his own Life. - New Constitu-
tion of the United States. Restrictions on Trade..
Paper Money.
To the Editors of the Pennsylvania Gazette. 30 March.
On the Abuse of the Press.
From Thomas Pownall to B. Franklin. 8 April.
Political Condition of the Swiss Cantons. Constitution
of the United States.
To M. Le Veillard. 22 April.
To John Lathrop. 31 May.
New Constitution. — Custom-House Duties.
Attachment to his early Friends and the Associations of
his Youth.-Growing Felicity of Mankind by Improve-
ments in Philosophy.
To M. Le Veillard. 8 June.
Toleration.. -Constitution of the United States.
Constitution of the United States. - Principles of Trade.-
Commercial Dictionary.
Constitution of the United States.
Affairs in France.
From M. de Condorcet to B. Franklin. 8 July.
From the Duke de la Rochefoucauld to B. Franklin. 12 July. 354
Constitution of the United States. Washington.- Politi-
cal Condition of France.
From Charlotte Filangieri to B. Franklin. 27 September. 359
To the Duke de la Rochefoucauld. 22 October.
Memoirs of his Life.-Turkish War.- Price and Priest-
To Benjamin Vaughan. 24 October, 1788. .
To Mrs. Elizabeth Partridge. 25 November.
To Mrs. Jane Mecom. 26 November.
To Charles Thomson. 29 November.
Dr. Franklin's Public Services.
To the President of Congress. 29 November.
Requesting a Settlement of his Accounts.
From Miss Catherine L. Shipley to B. Franklin. 24 Dec. 379
On the Death of her Father, the Bishop of St. Asaph.
From Richard Price to B. Franklin.
Death of the Bishop of St. Asaph.-Dr. Rush.- Federal
Constitution.-Affairs in England.
To the Abbé Morellet. 30 December.
To Alexander Small. 17 February.
To Mrs. Catherine Greene. 2 March.
From M. Le Veillard to B. Franklin. 25 April.
State of Affairs in France. - Duke of Orleans.
To Miss Catherine Louisa Shipley. 27 April.
On the Death of her Father.
To Charles Carroll. 25 May.
To Richard Price. 31 May.
Reflections on Life and Death.
To Benjamin Vaughan. 3 June.
Relative to the Memoirs of his Life.
To Mrs. Jane Mecom. 3 August.
To George Washington. 16 September.
From George Washington to B. Franklin. 23 September. 396
To Benjamin Vaughan. 2 November.
To John Wright. 4 November.
United States.Abolition of the Slave Trade.
From the Princess of Daschkoff to B. Franklin. 4 Nov.
Giving him Notice of his having been chosen a Member
of the Imperial Academy of Sciences.
Convulsions in France. Great Britain and the United
To Mrs. Jane Mecom. 17 December.
To Noah Webster. 26 December.
On the English Language. Improper Use of certain
Words in America. Universality of the French Lan-
From John Paul Jones to B. Franklin. 27 December.
On his leaving the Employment of the Empress of Russia.
Construction of the Treaty of Commerce between France
and the United States.
From Ezra Stiles to B. Franklin. 28 January.
Requesting a Portrait of Dr. Franklin for Yale College.-
Inquiry respecting his religious Sentiments.