ognised as American banker at Paris, IX. 68. His explanation respecting the million of francs advanced by France, X. 271.
Grand Council, constituted under the plan of union in 1754, III. 39. Its place of meeting, 41. New election and proportion of its members, 42. Of its meeting, 44. And continuance, and compensation of members, 45. Its power, 46. Quorum of, how con- stituted, 52.
Grass, cultivation of, in meadows, VI. 83. Method of sowing, 84. Gravel, remedies for the, VII. 14. GRAVES, declines the offer of being governor of Pennsylvania, VII. 171. Gravitation, some remarks on, VI. 461. Great Britain, compared with the Uni- ted States in regard to the basis of credit, II. 426. Her interest consid- ered in regard to the acquisition of Guadaloupe and to her colonies, IV. 1. More benefited by the blood and treasure spent in the American wars, than the colonies, 17. The colonies, the frontier of her empire, 20. Ben- efits resulting to, from their growth, 24. Extent of her trade with Penn- sylvania, 39. The colonies not dan- gerous in their nature to, and why, 41. Importance of Guadaloupe to, over-valued, 49. Franklin's letter concerning the probability and effect of a union of the colonies with, 156. Wars in the colonies not carried on at her expense alone, 157. Extent to which her system of law is recog- nised in the colonies, 271. Taxation in, 300. Rental of land in, 301. The colonies not settled at her expense, V. 84. On the benefit of a consoli- dating union between the colonies and, VII. 334. Their independence predicted, 522. Submission of the col- onies rendered impracticable by her treatment of them, VIII. 223. Can make no treaty with the United States, without including France, 301. Of a truce between the United States and, 332. Her injustice as respects the exchange of prisoners, 435. Scheme of a federal union between the United States and, 508. Causes of jealousy between France and, IX. 164. Her policy to separate France and the Uni- ted States, 189. Change of ministry in, 200, 202. Proposes to France to make a separate treaty, 205. Offers her Canada as an inducement to treat, 210. Separate commissioners appoint- ed by, to negotiate treaties of peace, 345. Substance of the preliminary articles of peace between France and,
GREENE, CATHERINE, her marriage, VII. 244.
GREENE, NATHANAEL, General, his military services in South Carolina, IX. 95.
GREGORY, his remarks on colds quoted, VI. 393.
Grenada, government of, as erected by royal proclamation, IV. 375. GRENVILLE, GEORGE, his proposal to raise a revenue in America, VII. 339. His extravagances in Parliament, 369. Anecdote of, 372. His sentiments respecting American affairs, 549. GRENVILLE, THOMAS, sent by Mr. Fox to Paris respecting the negotiation of a treaty of peace, IX. 267. Is intro- duced by him to Franklin, 271. His conversation with Count de Ver- gennes, 273. Declares himself com- missioned to treat with France and her allies, 297. His commission in terms applicable to France only, 299. Ex- plains the character of his commis- sion, 305. Receives authority to treat with France and her allies, 310. Pro- fesses to have received full powers to treat, 331. By whom commissioned, 336. His faith doubted by Count de Vergennes, 338.
GREW, THEOPHILUS, noticed, VII. 63. GRIFFITH, HANNAH, her lines on Franklin quoted, VII. 270. GRONOVIUS, his remark on Franklin's account of the Pennsylvania fireplace, VI. 64.
Guadaloupe, interest of Great Britain considered in regard to the acquisition of, IV. 1. Importance of retaining, 23. Her merits to Great Britain, over- valued, 49.
Gulf Stream, its effect on the motion of vessels, V1. 485. How generated 486. Its temperature, 487. Tables of observations of the temperature in crossing the, 498. Chart of the, 504. Gunpowder, mode of firing, by the elec- tric fluid, V. 225.
Hackney Coaches in London, mention- ed, VII. 143. Hail always draws down the electrical fire, V. 337. Suggestion as to the
origin of, VI. 131. specting, 455. HALDIMAND, General, his account of the resolution of the colonies relative to tea, IV. 506.
HALES, STEPHEN, his suggestion re- specting ventilation, VI. 310. HALL, DAVID, becomes Franklin's part- ner in business, I. 161. Account of, VI. 30. Again referred to, VII. 29. HALLOWELL, Commissioner, ineffectual attempts to arrest, VIII. 134. HAMILTON, ANDREW, acts as deputy- governor of Pennsylvania, III. 158. HAMILTON, JAMES, Governor of Penn- sylvania, his message to the Assembly relative to the bill restraining the use of paper in the northern colonies, III. 213. Negatives a bill for the issue of additional paper, 217. Message of the Assembly to, on again sending up the currency bill, 226. Another message to, respecting Indians affairs, 229. Accepts the currency bill with amendments, 231. Which are rejected by the Assembly, 232. Calls on the Assembly for a levy and supplies in consequence of the French war, 255. His assent requested to the currency bill, 257. His message relative to the paper-money instructions, 259. Bill of the Assembly for an aid to the King returned by him with amend- ments, 267. Proceedings of the As- sembly thereon, 268. His reply, 270. Paper-money bill rejected by him, 280. His appointment alluded to, VII. 34. Difficulty with, in regard
to the taxation of the estate of the Proprietors, 172.
HAMILTON, SIR WILLIAM, VI. 373. His experiment on the torpedo, 374. HANBURY, the grant to him and others of lands on the Ohio, IV. 336. HANDEL, some defects in the musical compositions of, noticed, VI. 270. Happiness, in what consists true, II. 70. Verses on, addressed to Abbé de la Roche, 220.
HARRISON, BENJAMIN, Governor of Vir- ginia, requests Franklin to engage an artist for a statue of Washington, X. 116.
HARTMANN, JOHN F., his compliment to Franklin, VII. 326. HARTLEY, DAVID, his exertions in fa- vor of reconciliation between the Uni- ted States and Great Britain, VIII. 175. His efforts to relieve American prisoners, 234. His secret mission
with propositions for peace, 267. His conversation with Franklin on the subject, 268. His suggestion as to the mode of procuring peace, 301.
His proposal of a truce between the United States and Great Britain, 332; and suggestion of a plan of negotia- tion, 336. Franklin's comment on his plan, 346. His plan for securing theatres from fire, IX. 112. His ac- count of proceedings for promoting negotiations for peace, 118. His in- terview with Lord North on the sub- ject, 121. Misapprehension in regard to his conciliatory propositions cor- rected by Franklin, 149. His breviate laid before the British ministry, 216. His interview with Lord Shelburne, 294. Before whom he lays prelim- inaries of peace, 296. Proposes to Franklin a commercial convention, 416. His Supplemental Treaty men- tioned, 505. Suggests some supposed defects of form in ratifying the treaty of peace, X. 96. His objections refut- ed, 97.
Harvard College, present of Franklin to, V. 363. Respecting a telescope and books for, VI. 305. Havana, on the capture of, VII. 243. HAWLEY, JOSEPH, VIII. 99. Health, Franklin's rules of, II. 86. Heart, on the motion of blood in the, VI. 68. Dilatation of the ventricles of the, 70. Heat produced by the action of the, 98.
Heat produced by electricity in passing through substances, but not always, and why, V. 374. Its effect in ren- dering glass permeable by electricity, 381. Evidence that it is produced by electricity, 389. Its effect upon air, VI. 36. Relative to conductors of, and their qualities, 205. Imbibed from the sun's rays by cloth of different colors, 257. Remarks on conductors of, VI. 439. Suggestion that it was originally in a fluid state, 447. La- voisier's experiments on, IX. 228, 235. Hedges, Franklin's inquiries relative to the mode of planting, VI. 111. HELVÉTIUS, Madame, dream addressed to, in French, II. 202. The same translated, 204. Petition of the Cats to, in French, 206. Translation of the same, 214. Her cats, X. 317. Hemp, fitness of the soil of the Ohio for its production, IV. 350. Amount of, imported, 351.
HEMPHILL, a preacher, controversy re- specting, I. 125. HENDRICK, the Mohawk chief, his speech at the meeting of the commis- sioners of the colonies at Albany, quoted, III. 22.
HENRY THE SEVENTH, his policy in re- gard to libel, II. 287. Hereditary, ironical suggestion to ren-
der offices of state, X. 55. Why es- tates should not be, 99.
HERSCHEL, WILLIAM, elected a mem- ber of the American Philosophical Society, VI. 569.
Hessians, recommendation of Congress, that papers be distributed among the, VIII. 185.
HEWSON, WILLIAM, brief notice of, VII. 151. Franklin's remarks on his proposal of marriage to Miss Steven- son, 471. His death and character, VIII. 121.
High Church Factor, anecdote of a, X. 170.
HILLSBOROUGH, Lord, his conduct re- lative to Walpole's grant, IV. 302. His view in regard to inland colonies in America, 315. Evidence of his views afforded by his conduct, 358. Brief account of his administration, 528. His plan for dissolving the American parliaments, 530. His char- acter, VII. 378. His conversations with Franklin, on the subject of paper money, 381. His plan for defence in America, 390. His opinion of the Farmer's Letters, 391. Restored to office, 411. Objects to Franklin's ap- pointment as agent for Massachusetts, 503. His character, 506. His inter- view with Franklin on the subject of that appointment, 507. Character of his measures, 529. His meeting with Franklin in Ireland and courtesy to him, 556, 564, 565. His removal, VIII. 10. Refuses to receive Frank lin, 13. His removal again mention- ed, 18. Anecdote of, 75.
Hints for a Reply to the Protests of certain Members of the House of Lords against the repeal of the Stamp Act, IV. 206.
Historical Reviews of the Constitution and Government of Pennsylvania, cir- cumstances under which it was writ- ten, III. 106. Introduction to the, 112. Details respecting the author- ship, VII. 208.
HODGSON, WILLIAM, VIII. 415. Rec- ommended as consul in London, X. 50.
HOLDERNESSE, Lord, his letter to the governor of Pennsylvania, III. 251. Holland, benefits and disadvantages of the iron stoves used in, VI. 43. Frank- lin's tour in, VII. 229. Loan of the United States in, guarantied by the King of France, VIII. 355. Her rela- tions with England, 389. Of a treaty between the United States and, 452. Her hostile demonstrations against
England, 464. Of American affairs in, 519,522. Difficulty of procuring a loan in, IX. 19. Franklin stops the pay- ment of money in, 48, 49. Little aid to be expected from, 69. Impolicy. of the large purchases made in, 102. Of the loan in, 147. Movement in, favorable to the United States, 188, 202. Cessation of arms offered by Great Britain to, 206. Her disposi- tion towards the United States, 233. Difficulty respecting a loan in, 261. Russian mediation offered to, 317. Declined, 331.
HOLLIS, THOMAS, his memoirs and character, X. 21.
HOMER, his Odyssey quoted, relative to the duty of hospitality, IV. 63; and treatment of a captive enemy, 64.
Honesty, importance of, VII. 143. Honors, of ascending and descending, X. 59.
Hope, remarks on, VII. 184. HOPKINS, Governor, his report on the population of Rhode Island, IV. 38. HOPKINSON, FRANCIS, his new game of cards mentioned, IX. 505. HOPKINSON, THOMAS, his discovery of the power of points to throw off the electrical fires, V. 182. Sketch of his life, VI. 87.
Horatio, Dialogue between Philocles and, concerning Virtue and Pleasure, II. 46. Second Dialogue on the same subject, 51.
Horse, value of the, in agriculture, VII. 434.
Horse-race, electrical, how contrived,
HOSACK, DAVID, his memoir of Hugh Williamson quoted, relative to Hutch- inson's Letters, IV. 441. Hospital, Pennsylvania, Franklin's agency in founding, I. 164-167. Hospitals, imperfect ventilation of, VI. 315. Mention of several, 316. Par- ticulars relative to the ventilation of one in the island of Minorca, 317. Some remarks relative to, 386. Penn. sylvania referred to, VII. 314. For foundlings, X. 148, 174. HOUDETOT, Countess d', her fête in honor of Franklin, IX. 22. HOUDON, his statue of Washington, X. 117. Introduced to Washington, 218. House of Commons, extracts from the journals of the, relative to Franklin's examination, IV. 161. Their resolve for a grant to the colonists, 468. And for the imposition of duties, 469. Con- ciliatory bills rejected by the, in 1780, VIII. 480. Certain resolutions of the, alluded to, IX. 170. Their address to * QQ
House of Lords, their address to the King on the subject of proceedings in Boston, IV. 489.
Houses, importance of their situation, as affecting health, VI. 319. On cov- ering them with copper, 329. And securing them from fire, 332. Ad- vantageous construction of the French, in this respect, 333. Description of the mode of covering them with cop- per, 334.
Howe, Lord, his interview with Frank- lin, V. 29. Their conferences relative to an adjustment of the controversy be- tween Great Britain and the colonies, 30. His suggestion of a reward for Franklin, 37. Objects to Franklin's terms of compromise, 42. Further
suggestion of reward, 68. Signifies Lord Hyde's objections to an inter- view with Franklin, 69. Breaks off the negotiation as fruitless, 77. Is appointed commissioner to effect a reconciliation with the colonies, 97. Declines to acknowledge the Ameri- can Congress, 104. Intended inter- view of Franklin, Adams, and Rut- ledge with, mentioned, VIII. 187. HowE, MRS., Franklin's game of chess with, introducing political negotia- tions, V. 8.
HOWE, SIR WILLIAM, General, is ap- pointed a British commissioner to ef- fect a reconciliation with the colonies, V. 96.
HUME, DAVID, his compliment to Franklin, VI. 244. His essay on the Jealousy of Commerce noticed, VII. 210. Complains of the prejudice against his writings, VIII. 6. HUMPHREYS, DAVID, one of his poems translated by Marquis de Chastellux, X. 263.
HUNTER, Colonel, alluded to, VII. 116. Husbandry, some remarks on, VI. 113. HUTCHINS, THOMAS, his memorial, de- tailing his sufferings as a prisoner in England, VIII. 436. His services, 438. HUTCHINSON, THOMAS, Governor, his remarks relative to the correspondence of Franklin with Governor Shirley, III. 57. His comment on one of the letters, 67. His agency in effecting the abolition of the paper currency of Massachusetts, IV. 178. His com- ment on the report of the Boston com- mittee in 1772, 381. Petition to the King for his removal, 430. His His- tory quoted, 444. Hearing before the Privy Council of the petition for his removal, 447. Obtains a copy of one of Franklin's letters and forwards it
Iceland, economy of fuel, in, VI. 539. Impressment of Seamen, Judge Foster's argument in favor of, examined, II. 331.
Inconveniences, in all situations in life, VIII. 419.
Independence, American, I. 373, 380. Declaration of, 406. Admitted as the basis of a treaty of peace, IX. 267. To be acknowledged before commenc- ing to treat, 305. Mr. Jay's view of the proper mode of acknowledging, 377; Dr. Franklin's, 389. Not to be admitted, except as an article in a treaty, 403. Mr. Oswald's instruc- tions on the subject, 407. Independent Chronicle, humorous Sup- plement to the Boston, V. 125. Indian Corn, Observations on, II. 103. Indian Goods, law of New York to prevent supplying the French with, VII. 79.
Indian Language, remarks upon, IX. 28.
Indian Trade, on the power given by the plan of union relative to, III. 46. Bill respecting, passed by the Assem- bly of Pennsylvania, 431. Not ap- proved by the governor, 456. To be regarded solely as a British interest, 189. Remarks relative to, 203. Mode in which it is carried on, 204. Regu- lation of, VII. 81.
Indian Vocabularies desired by the Em- press of Russia, X. 248. Procured by Franklin, 299.
Indians, remarks concerning the North American and their mode of life, II. 453. Their indifference to learning, 454. Mode of conducting their coun- cils, 455. Their courtesy of demean- or, illustrated by an anecdote, 456. Their hospitality, 458. Dangers to be apprehended from the, in Pennsyl- vania, III. 8. Conduct of those in the French interest, IV. 7. Their habits of life, 12. Remarks on the injustice with which they are treated, 62. Their honorable feeling, 68. Their condition in Pennsylvania, 75. Plan for the future conduct of affairs with the, 201. True policy of Great Britain with respect to the, 318. Pro- ceedings relating to the establishment of a boundary line between the prov- inces and the, 341. Difficulty of in- structing them in the arts of life, VII. 67. Mode of supplying the, 78. Conference with the, at Easton, 125. Massacre of the, 293. Of the bound- ary line of the, 395. Proposal to aban- don the posts in the country of the, 396. Industry, more beneficial to trade than money, II. 392.
Infection, long retention of, in dead bodies after burial, VI. 433. Various instances of this, 434.
Information to those who would remove to America, II. 467. INGENHOUSZ, JOHN, his Queries on Electricity, and Franklin's Answers, V. 462. Some account of, VI. 406. Franklin's view of his philosophical character, 439. His experiment for burning wire, 448. His vindication of pointed conductors alluded to, VIII. 227. His experiments mentioned, 395. His discovery of the utility of leaves in purifying the air, 432. Invited by Franklin to accompany him to the United States, X. 164. His commer- cial disasters, 333.
Inland Colonies in America, true poli- cy of Great Britain in regard to, IV. 307. Lord Hillsborough's views re- specting, 315. Those of Governor Wright, 319. Their tendency to in- crease emigration, 322.
Inoculation, of the deaths in Boston by, VI. 118; and in Philadelphia, 120. Insects, benefits arising from the study of, VI. 223.
Instruction in Colleges, remarks on, VII. 44.
Insurance of lottery tickets, VII. 32. Interest of Great Britain considered, with Regard to her Colonies, and the Acquisition of Canada and Guada- loupe, circumstances under which it was written, IV. 1.
Interest, rate of, how affected by the scarcity of money, II. 255. Introduction to the Art of Thinking, Lord Kames's, VII. 231. Invention, on the spirit of, V. 354. Ireland, condition of the poor in, VII. 553. Franklin's Tour in, 554. Of the Parliament of, and their reception of Franklin, 558, 565. Projected un- ion of, with Great Britain, VIII. 84. Of emigration from, to America, 364. Whether or not to be included in the treaty of commerce with Great Brit- ain, X. 21. Of manufactures in, 161. Iron, no injurious vapor arises from heated, Desaguliers's experiment in proof of this, VI. 57.
IZARD, RALPH, noticed, his dissatisfac- tion with Franklin, VIII. 230. Mr. Pringle's interview with Franklin, on the subject, 250. His complaint of Franklin relative to pecuniary mat- ters, 358, 369.
JACKSON, RICHARD, his letter, contain- ing remarks on Franklin's Observa- tions on Population, II. 321.
JACKSON, WILLIAM, his public employ- ment, IX. 47. Acknowledges the judgment of Franklin, in stopping the payment of money in Holland. His controversy with Commodore Gil- lon, 54.
JACKSON, parody of his speech in favor of Slavery, II. 517. Jamaica, account of a great earthquake in, VI. 11.
JAMES, ABEL, urges Franklin to write his memoirs, IX. 479. JAMES THE FIRST, his policy in regard to libel, II. 289.
Jars, Electrical, on the mode of coat- ing, V. 299.
JAY, JOHN, appointed minister to Spain, VIII. 469. His testimonial respecting Franklin's public conduct, IX. 5, 43. Is appointed one of the commissioners for negotiating peace, 82. His con- versation with Mr. Oswald relative to negotiating, 377. His view of the
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