the subject of its repeal, 298. Writes on political affairs, 312. Appointed agent for Georgia, 316. His opinion of the Farmer's Letters, 317. Mem- ber of numerous societies, 319. Pro- motes the culture of silk, 319. On a committee for protecting the Cathe- dral of St. Paul's from lightning, 321. Appointed agent for New Jersey, 323. Appointed agent for Massachu- setts, 328. Singular interview with Lord Hillsborough, 329. Journey to the North of England, Ireland, and Scotland; Priestley, Percival, Dar. win, Kippis, Price, 331. Meets Lord Hillsborough in Ireland, 332. Dr. Shipley, Bishop of St. Asaph, 335. Singular conduct of Lord Hillsbor- ough, 338. Writes an elaborate paper in favor of Walpole's Grant, 340. On a committee for examining the Pow- der Magazines at Purfleet, 342. Con- troversy about pointed and blunt con- ductors, 343. Interviews with Lord Dartmouth, 345. Abridges the Book of Common Prayer, 352. Experiments to show the effect of oil in stilling waves, 353. Transmits Hutchinson's letters to Massachusetts, 356. Pro- ceedings of the Assembly concerning them, 360. Presents the petition for the removal of Hutchinson, 363. Case heard before the Privy Council, 365. Intercourse with Josiah Quincy, Jr., 372. Death of his wife, 373. Family incidents and relations, 274. Presents the petition of the first Continental Congress to the King, 377. Visits Lord Chatham at Hayes, 379. Plays at chess with a sister of Lord Howe, 380. Dr. Fothergill and Mr. Barclay consult him on the terms of a recon- ciliation between the two countries, 381. Draws up a paper containing his ideas of the subject, 382. His paper shown to the ministers, 383. Requested by Lord Chatham to be present when he offered a motion in the House of Lords relating to Amer- ica, 385. Assists Lord Chatham in preparing a plan of reconciliation, 386. Chatham's compliment to him in a speech in the House of Lords, 387. Negotiation continued, 389. Is unsuccessful, 390. Sails for America, 391. Chosen a member of the Con- tinental Congress, 393. Drafts a plan of Confederation, 397. Appointed Postmaster-general, 398. Member of the Secret Committee, 399. One of the commissioners to the army at Cambridge, 400. Chosen a mem- ber of the Assembly of Pennsylvania, 401. One of the commissioners to
Canada, 403. On the committee for drafting the Declaration of In- dependence, 406. Interview with Lord Howe on Staten Island, 414. Appointed one of the commissioners to the Court of France, 416. Arrives at Nantes, 418; at Paris, 419. Im- pression produced by his arrival in France, 420. Audience of Count de Vergennes, 422. Purchases arms and military supplies for Congress, 424. Troublesome applications of foreign officers, 426. Recommends the Mar- quis de Lafayette, 428. Treaties of amity and alliance between France and the United States, 429. Intro- duced to the King, 434. Secret ad- vances made to Franklin for effecting a reconciliation between England and the United States; Hutton, Pulteney, Hartley, 439. Numerous personal friends; interview with Voltaire, 445. Enmity of Arthur Lee to Franklin, and its causes, 447; of Ralph Izard, 451. Arts of his enemies in Congress, 452. Visited by Sir William Jones, 454. Instructs the American cruisers not to molest Captain Cook's vessel, 455. Paul Jones, 456. Mr. Vaugh- an's edition of his writings, 457. As- sists in procuring a French army to be sent to the United States, 460. His opinion of privateering, 461. mode of transacting affairs with the French Court, 464. Burdened with the concerns of public vessels, 467. Solicits his recall, 468. His opinion of the alliance with France, 471. His per- sonal friends at Passy, 473. Negotia- tions for peace, 474. Objects to Mr. Grenville's commission, 476. Proposes articles of a treaty to Mr. Oswald, 479. Progress of the negotiation, 481. Fish- eries, 484. Loyalists, 485. Treaty signed, 488. American commissioners sign the treaty without the knowledge of the French court, 489. Count de Vergennes's letter on the subject, 490. Franklin's reasons, 496. Error cor- rected, 497. Contract respecting loans, 498. Definitive treaty signed, 502. One of the commissioners appointed by the King of France to investigate animal magnetism, 503. Treaty with Prussia, 506. Leaves Passy, 508. Sails for America, 509. Chosen Pres- ident of Pennsylvania, 512. Member of the Convention for forming the Constitution of the United States, 513. His religious opinions, 515. Requests Congress to settle his accounts, 525. His last illness and death, 529. Pro- ceedings of Congress on the occasion, 533, 592.
His opinions, and facts relating to him. Origin of the Junto, II. 9. Account of the origin of the Busy Body, 13. His account of the Way to Wealth, 92. Its extraordinary circulation, 93. Ac- count of his Parable against Persecu tion, 118. Paper, a Poem, his author- ship of it doubtful, 161. His Baga- telles, 164. Humorous Dialogue be- tween him and the Gout, 194. His fondness for reading about China, 241. His authorship of the Inquiry into the Nature and Necessity of a Paper Currency, 254. Doubts as to his au- thorship of the Essays on Govern- ment, 278. Origin and character of the Remarks and Facts relative to the American Paper Money, 340. Excel- lence of his article on the Price of Corn and the Management of the Poor, 360. Account of his essay on the Slave-Trade, 517. Origin of his Plain Truth, III. 1. Of the Papers relating to a Plan of Union of the Colonies, 22. The plan drawn by him and accept- ed, 24. Evidence that his attention had been for some time turned to the subject, 25. Account of the origin of his Letters to Governor Shirley, 56. No change in his opinions rela- tive to the power of Parliament over the colonies, 67. His view as to the expediency of establishing colonies beyond the Alleganies, 69. Circum- stances under which his Militia Bill was drawn and passed, 78. Interest taken by him in the controversies between the proprietary governors and the Assemblies, 108. As to his authorship of the Historical Review of the Constitution and Government of Pennsylvania, 103. His remarks on a Protest against his Appointment as Agent of Pennsylvania, IV. 143. Vindication of his conduct as agent, 144. His relations with the Proprie- tors, 150. Report in the Assembly on his accounts, 153. His Examination before the House of Commons relative to the Repeal of the Stamp Act, 161. His views of Pownall's scheme, for an equal communication of rights and privileges to America, 201. His Answer to Strahan's Queries, rel- ative to American Affairs, 261. Not the author of the Boston Report in 1772, 381. Account of transactions relative to the Hutchinson Letters, 405, 409. Manner in which the letters came to his possession, 411. And in which they were transmitted to this country, 412. Acknowledges himself responsible for obtaining and transmit- ting them, 435. Whately's chancery
suit against him, 437. His answer to the bill in equity, 438. Not in fault in regard to the duel between Temple and Whately, 446. Is attacked by Wedderburn before the Privy Council, 447. His demeanor on that occasion, 452, 453. Removed from his office of deputy postmaster-general, 455. De- mands an explanation from Dean Tucker of the charge, that he applied for the place of distributor of stamps, 519. Calls for a detailed statement of the charge, 520. The charge stated, 521. And explained by him, 522. His efforts to bring about a reconcili ation between Great Britain and the colonies, V. 3. His first interview with Lord Chatham, 5. Conversation with David Barclay on the subject of reconciliation, 8. With Mrs. Howe and Dr. Fothergill, 10. His Hints for conversation on the terms of union, 12. Interview with Lord Howe, 29. Their conference respecting an ad- justment of the differences between the two countries, 30. His sketch of a plan of reconciliation, drawn at the request of Lord Howe, 38. His Notes for Discourse with Lord Chatham, re- lative to his plan of accommodation, 49. Chatham's panegyric on him, in the House of Lords, 53. His con- versation with Lord Hyde, 74. Pro- poses Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union, in General Congress, 91. His Correspondence and Inter- view with Lord Howe, 97. Acknowl- edgment to, for passports granted to Moravian vessels and Captain Cook, 122. Public Addresses to, and his An- swers, 137. His Speech in the Con- vention, on Salaries, 144; on the Pro- portion between Representation and Votes, 149. His Motion for Prayers, 153. Speech at the Conclusion of its Deliberations, 155. Manner in which his attention was drawn to the subject of electricity and lightning, 173. Es- tablishes their identity, 174. His ex- periments successfully repeated in Europe, 176. Jealousy of him, and attempt to transfer the honor of the discovery to Abbé Nollet, 176. Priest- ley's notice of his discoveries, 179. Accident while making an electrical experiment, 255. Offers to serve as secretary of a Philosophical Society, VI. 17. Logan's account of him in 1750. Compliment paid to his phi- losophical writings by the King of France, 162. His observations in re- ply to Mr. Todd, 174; to Mr. Col- den, 180. His account of a whirlwind in Maryland, 201. His opinion of
Priestley's philosophical experiments, 410. His religious opinions, VII. 6, 8. Part taken by him, in the associa- tion for the defence of Pennsylvania, 22. His plan of retiring from busi- ness and public employments, 35. Notice of his visit to New England, 77. His visit and return, 85. Mor- tality in his family, 114. Is elected a member of the Society for the En- couragement of Arts, Manufactures, &c., 124. Is appointed commission- er to England, 130. His arrival in London, and illness, 149. Is injured by a fall, 257. His second mission to England, 266. His arrival, 283. Re- turn to America, 292. Is elected Speaker of the Assembly, 294. Ac- count of the descendants of his grand- father in England, 326. His family connexions in England, 348. France, 358. Attempt to remove him from his place of deputy postmaster- general, 405. State of his health in 1762, 424. Respecting the report of his willingness to accept office under the British government, 443.
appointment and instructions as agent for New Jersey, 460. Appointed agent for Massachusetts, 490, 493. His sen- timents in regard to resigning his place in the postoffice, 490, 493. Of- fence taken at some of his letters to America, sent back to England, 507. His interview with Lord Hillsborough on the subject of his appointment as agent, 509. His agency in procuring Walpole's Grant, VIII. 1. His agree- able situation in Europe, 15. Is elect- ed into the Royal Academy in Paris, 13. His conversation with Lord Dart- mouth, 43. Vindicates his conduct as agent of Massachusetts, 55. Sug- gests a mode of printing on earth. en ware, 94. Is dismissed from his office of deputy postmaster-general, 113. His treatment in England in consequence of his transmitting the Hutchinson Letters, 117. French edi- tion of his writings mentioned, 117. His portrait, by Chamberlin, 118. Abused by his enemies, 136. Is ap- pointed by Congress one of the com- missioners to Canada, 178. Commis- sioner and afterwards minister plenipo tentiary to France, 190. His descrip- tion of his own person, 202. Purposes for which he was sent to France, 203. Is commissioned to treat with Spain, 205. His remarks respecting Arthur Lee's conduct in regard to the com- missioners' accounts, 260. Refuses to accede to Lee's demand respecting drafts on the American banker, 272.
His remarks on the proposition of M. de Weissenstein, 278 His mode of living in France, 313. Receives his credentials as minister plenipotentia- ry and is presented to the King, 350. His situation in France, 401. Re- quests permission to return from France, IX. 5. His remarks upon his enemies, 21. Congress refuse to ac- cept his resignation, 71. His inter- view with Count de Vergennes, 76. Is appointed a commissioner for nego- tiating peace, 77. Loss of his papers deposited with Mr. Galloway, 78. His remarks to Messrs. Kornmann relative to a claim of relationship, 92. His remarks on M. de Neufville's scheme of a loan, 107. Declines to open negotiations without the con- currence of France, 141. His diffi- culty in meeting the drafts of Con- gress, 146. His remarks on the con- duct of Deane, 177. His Journal of the Negotiation for Peace, 238. His conversation with Mr. Oswald, 243; who he introduces to Count de Vergennes, 246. Accompanies Mr. Grenville on an interview with that minister, 273. Desires that Mr. Os- wald may be sent to treat, 280. An- ecdote respecting the visiting card of Prince Bariatinski and the Count du Nord, 285. Visits the Spanish ambassador with Mr. Jay, 350. Com- plains of the British delay in open- ing the negotiation, 360. Justifies the proceedings in regard to Captain Asgill, 375. Count de Vergennes complains to him, that the prelimina- ries between the British commission- ers had been concluded without com- munication with the French cabinet, 449. His reply, 450. Exchanges full powers with the Swedish ambassador, 460. Declines visiting England, 475. Justifies the signing of the treaty without communication with the French court, 533. His comment on the report, that he did not oppose the hostile views of France relative to the fisheries and boundaries of the United States, in concluding the treaty, X. 6, 10. Asks to be recalled from France, 49. Replies to the ob- jection of a defect of form in ratifying the treaty, 97. Is elected a member of the Royal Academy of History at Ma- drid, 104. His relations with his son, 121. His present to the town of Franklin, 158. Takes leave of Count de Vergennes, 166. His charges as minister plenipotentiary, 184. Leaves Passy for Havre, 201. Of his Abridg- ment of the Book of Common Prayer,
207. Arrives in the United States, 223. Is congratulated by Washing- ton on his return, 227. Rumor of his capture by the Algerines, 230. Of a proposed edition of his writings and his Memoirs, 210. Is elected Presi- dent of Pennsylvania, 245. His do- mestic circumstances in 1786, 251. His occupations and amusements, 257. Inquires of Mr. Grand concerning a million of livres advanced by the French government, 265. Dissuades Thomas Paine from publishing an irre- ligious work, 281. The million of livres advanced by France supposed by him to have been paid to Beaumarchais, 285. His personal circumstances, 301. Is again elected President of Penn- sylvania, 303. His reminiscences of some of his friends, 304. His kind- ness to his sister, 326. Is elected President a third time, 337. Progress of his Memoirs, 368, 393, 397. His account of his public labors and their compensation, 368. Sketch of his services to the United States, 371. Asks for a settlement of his accounts, 375; which are unsettled at his death, 378. The only credit claimed by him in reference to the Parable against Persecution, 401. Stuber's Continuation of his Autobiography, 404. His religious opinions, 423. His explanation of the advance of a mil- lion of livres by France, 441. Franklin family, account of the, I. 539. Genealogy of the, 546. FRANKLIN, JAMES, brother of Benja- min, who is bound to him as an ap- prentice, I. 16. Publishes the New England Courant, 22. Proceedings of the Assembly of Massachusetts against him, 24. Is prohibited from printing the paper, 25. Differences between the brothers, 26. His death, 28. Their reconciliation, 128. FRANKLIN, JANE, acrostic on her name, VII. 183. See MECOM, JANE. FRANKLIN, JOHN, notice of his death, VII. 112.
FRANKLIN, JOSIAH, father of Benjamin, his removal to New England, I. 7. Described, 11. His character, 12. His monument, 13, 14.
FRANKLIN, PETER, brother of Benja- min, his death, VII. 309. FRANKLIN, SAMUEL, VII. 347. FRANKLIN, SARAH, Franklin's daughter, advice to, VII. 267. Of her marriage to Mr. Bache, 346. See BACHE, SARAH. FRANKLIN, THOMAS, uncle of Benja- min, his character, I. 5. VII. 179. FRANKLIN, WILLIAM, account of, by his father, VII. 42. Mr. Strahan's 64
notice of him, 158. His interest in Walpole's Grant, 354. Is appointed Governor of New Jersey, 242. His relations with his father, X. 121. FRANKLIN, WILLIAM TEMPLE, his ac- count of the origin of the Principles of Trade, II. 383. Scheme for remov- ing him from the office of Franklin's private secretary, VIII. 372, 374. Re- commended by Franklin to Congress, IX. 6. Again, X. 49. Mentioned, 86, 88, 89. Applies himself to agricul- ture, 251, 258, 299.
Franklin, a new State of the name of, X. 260. Its name and condition, X. 266, 290.
Franklin, town of, present of books by Franklin to the, X. 158, 182. Franklin Stove, account of the, VI. 34. Description of the, 52. Saving of wood by the, 54. Its other advanta ges, 55. Difference between it and the Dutch stove, 56. Its utility in preventing the consumption of wood, 59. How set up, 60.
Free Ships make Free Goods, equitable- ness of the rule, VIII. 458. Asserted by several of the European courts, 463, 466, 467. Established by the Armed Neutrality, 490.
French Army, in America, suggestion that they be furnished with provisions there, VIII. 521.
French Language, its universality, X.
French Peasant, manuscript of a, in respect to treaties, IX. 360. FREY, Baron de, introduced to Wash- ington, VIII. 221.
Fusion of metals by lightning, reasons for believing that it is cold, V. 240. This idea rejected, 374. Not a cold, VI. 257.
Future State, remarks in regard to a, X. 149, 174.
GABRIEL OF BOURBON, Prince, account of his version of Sallust, VIII. 167. GAGE, THOMAS, General, his conduct towards the citizens of Boston, II. 502. His protection of the Indians, IV. 77. His letters referred to, on the subject of colonization, 361. His proceedings as Governor of Massachusetts in 1774, VIII. 133. His conduct after the affair at Lexington, 153. His perfidy to- wards the people of Boston, 156. Gain, definition of, in its relation to trade, II. 388.
GALLATIN, ALBERT, introduced to Franklin, VIII. 454. GALLOWAY, JOSEPH, preface to the QQ
speech of, on the subject of a petition to the King for changing the proprie- tary government of Pennsylvania in- to a royal one. Circumstances under which it was written, IV. 101. Biog- raphical notice of, VII. 276. His re- marks relative to a memorial of the merchants of Philadelphia, 302. His commendation of Franklin for his agency in procuring the repeal of the Stamp Act, VII. 318. Franklin's con- fidence in his good wishes, VIII. 102. His plan of a union of the colonies with Great Britain transmitted to Eng- land, 144. Its objectionable charac- ter, 145. Loss of Franklin's papers left in charge of, IX. 79. Same sub- ject, X. 122.
GAMBIER, Commodore, his discreet con- duct in America, VII. 547.
GARDOQUI, appointed minister from Spain to the United States, X. 140. His disposition, 141.
Gavelkind, benefit of the law of, X. 205. GEBELIN, ANTOINE COUR DE, notice of, IX. 27.
GENLIS, Madame de, her writings men- tioned, IX. 230.
Gentleman's Magazine, its notice of Franklin's Examination, VII. 328. Geometry, utility of, II. 67.
GEORGE THE THIRD, his political stud- ies, VIII. 283. See King of Great Britain and Great Britain. Georgia, account of parliamentary grants for, IV. 369. Her accession to the confederacy, V. 85. Franklin ap- pointed agent of, 410. Address of her Assembly to the King, quoted, 425. Of land claims in, 526. GERARD, introduced to R. Peters, VIII. 221. His appointment as minister of France to the United States, 257. GERMAIN, GEORGE, Lord, his hostility to the colonies, VIII. 171. Approves Lord North's conciliatory bill, 245. Germans, their character and habits in Pennsylvania, VII. 71. Their rapid emigration to this country, 72. German Stove, account of the, VI. 44. Germany, commercial jealousy of the States of, IV. 29. Franklin's sugges tion of making a tour in, VII. 320. His visit to, 326. Conduct of princes of, in sending troops to America, con- demned, VIII. 215. Character of the Emperor of, X. 165.
GILLON, Commodore, commissioned to procure ships of war for South Caro- lina, VIII. 287. His difficulty with William Jackson, IX. 54. Ginseng, American, referred to, VII. 15. Glass, its electrical qualities, V. 200. The force of the Leyden bottle con-
sists in the, 201. Great quantity of electric fire in, 208. Accumulation of the electric fire proved to be in the, 223. Impossibility of forcing the electric fluid through, 242. The fluid strongly attracted by, 244. Reasons of the electrical quality of, 245. Dif- ference between non-electrics and, 250. Difference between the electric- ity of a globe of, charged, and a globe of sulphur, 273. Probable cause of the difference, 275. Reasons for sup- posing that the globe of, charges posi tively, 280. Difference in the quali ties of, 348. Of the pores of, 349. Its impermeability, 356. Experiments on, 367. Description of a singular tube of, 424. On choosing, for the Leyden experiment, 453. Its quali- ties, 454. And solvents, 454. Wheth- er there may not be some which con- ducts electricity, 455. On the break- ing of, in the Leyden experiment, 460. Perforation of, when overcharged, 474. Respecting its density, 478. Glaucon, Dialogue between Socrates and, respecting public men, II. 57. Gnadenhutten, Franklin's account of his military operations at, I. 199. His situation at, VII. 105. March of troops to, 106. Fort built at, 107. Number and position of the troops at,
GOD, Lecture on the Providence of, in the Government of the World, II. 525. His goodness shown, 526. His power, 527.
GODFREY, THOMAS, inventor of the quadrant, I. 81.
Godsend, or the Wreckers, extract from a supposed farce of, VIII. 318. GOOKIN, CHARLES, Succeeds Evans as Governor of Pennsylvania, some par- ticulars of his conduct, III. 185. GORDON, WILLIAM, his remarks on Galloway's plan of union, VIII. 145. Gout, Dialogue between Franklin and the, II. 194. Mode of relieving the pain of, VIII. 481. Government, Essays on, II. 278, 282. Fitness of popular, 279. Roman views of, 280; 282.
Governors, Franklin's proposition rela- tive to the appointment of, for the colonies, V. 23. Why they should not be paid by the crown, 545. Grain, of bounties on, II. 403. Policy of France in regard to such bounties, 406.
GRAND, SIR GEORGE, opens a letter of M. Dumas, VIII. 448. GRAND, F., misunderstanding between
the American commissioners as to the mode of drawing on, VIII. 272. Rec-
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