Abbildungen der Seite

Remarks concerning the provision
made in, against famine, 381. Views of
the physicians of, relative to a draught
of cold air, VI. 42. Method of warm-
ing rooms in, 538. Mode of making
paper in, 577. Manufacture of cheese
in, VII. 464. Culture of silk in, 536.
Of the paper made in, VIII. 88. Of
ascending honors in, X. 59.
China-ware, art of printing on, VIII. 94.
CHOLMONDELY, Lord, proposes
Franklin to write to Lord Shelburne,
IX. 239.

Church, importance of attending, VII.

Church of England, respecting a bishop
of the, in America, VII. 402, 437.
See Clergy.

Churches, number of, struck by light-
ning, V. 423. Effect of multiplying
congregations in, VII. 49. Franklin's
method of warming, alluded to, VIII.


CHURCHMAN, JOHN, on his theory of the
variation of the magnetic needle, VI.
571. His "Magnetic Atlas," X. 289.
Cincinnati, order of, remarks on the,
X. 58. Disapproved, 176.
Circle, Magical, VI. 104.

CLAP, THOMAS, notice of, VI. 188.
CLARE, Lord, Franklin's conversation
with, on American affairs, VII. 365.
Ceases to be a member of the Board
of Trade, 410. Again referred to, 411.
CLARE, M., his Treatise on the Motion
of Fluids, quoted, relative to the dan-
ger of exposure to a draught of cold
air, VI. 40.

CLARKE, his observations on the late
and present conduct of the French
quoted, in reference to the Indians in
the French interest, IV. 7. Again
quoted, respecting their habits of life,
12. And military resources, 13.
CLARKE, WILLIAM, remark by, quoted,
concerning Franklin's Observations
on the Increase of Mankind, II. 311.
CLAYPOOLE, GEORGE, mortality in his
family, VII. 4.

Clergy, of the provision in the consti-
tution of Massachusetts for the main-
tenance of the, IX. 36. Ordination of
the American Episcopal in England

X. 109.

CLINTON, SIR HENRY, respecting a let-
ter of, VIII. 468.

Clock, Whitehurst's, with three wheels,
noticed, VI. 461.

Cloth, effect of the sun's rays on, of
different colors, VI. 237. Adaptation
of the colors of, to different climates,

Clouds, of those formed by vapors from
the earth and sea, V. 215. Electricity

387. Definition of, 388. Known only
in civilized countries, 393. Produced
by contagion, 400. Not produced by
cold air, 401.

COLEMAN, WILLIAM, an associate of
Franklin, I. 82.

Colica Pictonum, cause of the, VI. 278.
Instance of the, 566.

Colleges, of instruction in, VII. 44.
Subjects which should be studied in,
45. Best location of, 46.
COLLINS, JOHN, his intimacy with Frank-
lin, I. 17. His intemperance, 43.
COLLINSON, PETER, publishes in Eng-
land Franklin's Letters on Electricity,
V. 175. His description of bones of
the Great Mastodon, VI. 276. Notice
of, VII. 50. Some facts relating to,
Colonies, observations on the peopling
of, II. 311. Plan of union of the
American, III. 23. Taxation of the
American, 58. On their representa-
tion in Parliament, 64. See American

Colonies, British and French American,
of commerce with the, X. 85.
Comazants, explanation of, V. 224.
Comet, seen in Yorkshire, VI. 451.
Commerce, its effect upon manners, II.
329. Results of fair, 374. Remarks
on American, VII. 321. Correction
of an error respecting, IX. 55.
Commercial Convention proposed by Mr.
Hartley, IX. 416.

Commissioners of the Colonies, their
meeting at Albany in 1754, III. 22.
Plan of union adopted by the, 23.
List of their names, 28.

Commissioners of Customs, of their ex-
emption from taxes, VII. 533. Injus
tice of the scheme, 547.
Commissioners for American Affairs in
Europe, VIII. 190. Of bills drawn by
Congress upon, 249. On the settle-
ment of their accounts, 256. Arthur
Lee's course in regard to the accounts,
260. Inconvenience of maintaining
three, 291. Their financial situation
308. Their advances to Izard and Lee,
310. Their correspondence with Lord
Stormont on the subject of American
prisoners, IX. 166.

Commissioners for Negotiating Peace,
American, who, IX. 82. Nature of
their authority, 143. Their readiness
to treat, announced by Franklin, 195.
Sign the treaty with Great Britain
without communicating with
French government, 453. Substance
of their instructions, relative to that
communication, 458. Their unreason-
able distrust of the French cabinet,
458. Of their conduct relative to the



signature of the treaty, 533. See

Commissioners, British, for treating with
Congress, character of their proposi-
tions, VIII. 302.

Commissioners to Canada, appointed by
Congress, VIII. 178. Their commis-
sion, 179.

Committee of Correspondence, appoint-
ment of the Rhode Island, VII. 264.
Constituted by several colonies, VIII.

Committee of the States dissolved, X.

Committec of Congress, to confer with
Washington respecting the army,
mentioned, VIII. 160.

Common Law, to what extent recog-
nised in the colonies, IV. 271.
Common Sense, Thomas Paine's, men-
tioned, VIII. 174.
Comparison of the Conduct of the an-
cient Jews and of the Anti-Federal-
ists in the United States of America, V.

Comparison of Great Britain and the
United States in Regard to the Basis of
Credit in the two Countries, II. 426.
Compass, Mariner's, effect of lightning
on the, V. 276. Its antiquity, IX. 29.
Composition, rules for, X. 399.
CONDORCET, Marquis de, Franklin's re-
plies to certain inquiries by, VI. 411.
Disapproves the constitution of the
United States, X. 353.

Conductors, a more appropriate term
than non-electric, V. 260. Correction
of the mistake, that only water and
metals are, 283. Difference in the
quality of, 350. What constitute the
best, 415. On the controversy respect-
ing blunt and pointed, VIII. 226. See

Conestogo Indians, their treaty with
Penn, IV. 54. Account of the mas-
sacre of the, 59. Cruel dealing of
the whites with the, 72.
Confederacy, vessel of war, apprehen-
sion expressed of her loss, VIII. 412.
Confidence in the Divine Goodness, on,
VII. 261.

Congress, Colonial, meeting of, in 1765,
concerning the Stamp Act, IV. 471.
Principles on which they were con-
vened, 472.

Congress, Continental, suggested by
Franklin, VIII. 55, 63. Their petition
to the King, V. 26. Chatham's opinion
of their proceedings, 34. Franklin's
Articles of Confederation proposed in
the, 91. Appoint a committee to con
fer with Lord Howe, 97. Report of
the committee respecting the inter-
view, 106. Proposed meeting of a, in



New York, VII. 298. Importance of
unanimity in the, VIII. 132. Com-
mittee appointed by, to confer with
Washington respecting the army, 160.
Secret committee of correspondence,
when constituted, 163. Their mea-
sures censured as unfavorable to con-
ciliation, 177. Appoint commissioners
to Canada, 178. Of constituting them
a supreme legislature, 181. Recom-
mend the distribution of papers among
the Hessian troops, 185. Of their
bills drawn on the American commis-
sioners in France, 249. Their reso-
lution in compliment to Dr. Price,
354. Remonstrance of Count de Ver-
gennes against their resolutions re-
specting paper money held by foreign-
ers, 478 Those resolutions explained,
499. Of the aid of France to meet
the drafts of, 500. Remarks on their
issue of paper money, 506. Comment
of Vergennes on their resolution, or-
dering drafts on Franklin, 515. Em-
barrassment occasioned by their drafts,
520. Their instructions respecting
representations to the French court,
534. Accept the mediation of Russia
and Austria, IX. 47. Refuse to ac-
cept Franklin's resignation, 71. Of
their bills drawn on the ministers in
Europe, 74. Difficulty of meeting
those bills, 145. Their acts relative
to spoliations of the enemy, and
claims of loyalists, 426. Their instruc-
tions to the commissioners for nego-
tiating peace, relative to communicat-
ing with the French cabinet, 458.
Ratify the treaty of peace, X. 56.
Their resolves to place no party to a
commercial treaty on a better footing
than France, 138. Character of the,
in 1784, 153. Security to the people
derived from the mode of election of
its members, 177. First petition of, to
the King and Parliament, 433.
Constitution of the United States, Frank-
lin's general views respecting the, V.
155. Progress in its adoption, X. 337.
Remarks on the, 345. Its progress,
349, 350, 360, 409.

Constitutions, American, Franklin re-
quests leave to publish them in
France, IX. 503. Translated and pub-
lished in Paris, X. 39.
Convention for forming the Constitution,
proposals for consideration in the, V.
142. Franklin's speech in, on salaries,
144. And motion for prayers in the,
153. His speech at the conclusion of
its deliberations, 155.
Convention, commercial, proposed by
Mr. Hartley, IX. 416.
Convention of Deputies from the sever-

al towns in Massachusetts, their pe-
tition to the King, II. 485.
CONWAY, General, conversation of
Franklin with, on American affairs,
VII. 354. Another conversation with,

Cook, Captain, passport granted by
Franklin, for, V. 122. His voyages,
X. 111. Copy sent to Franklin by the
King's order, 125.

Cookery, modes of, at sea, II. 109. Its
quality at sea, VI. 493.

Cool Thoughts on the Present Situation
of our Public Affairs, object for which
it was written, IV. 78.
COOPER, SIR GREY, Franklin's conver-
sation with, relative to his post of
deputy postmaster-general, VII. 406.
Writes respecting the treatment of
Colonel Laurens in the Tower, VIII.

COOPER, SAMUEL, Franklin's letter to,
quoted, on the relation of the colonies
to Great Britain, III. 67. His letter
on the Hutchinson Letters, quoted, 421.
Curious incident relating to Franklin's
letters to, VII. 440. Refers to a ru
mor respecting the conduct of Frank-
lin in regard to the fisheries in nego-
tiating the treaty of peace, X. 6.
Copper, account of a mine of, in the
Jerseys, VI. 107. On covering houses
with, 329. Description of the mode
of doing this, 335.

Copper coinage, for the United States,
projected, VIII. 383. Suitable devices
for, 384.

Cork balls, electrical experiments with,
V. 330.

Corn, remarks on the price of, II. 355.
Effect of the British laws relative to
the exportation of, 356.
CORNBURY, Lord, Queen Anne's in-
structions to, relative to liberty of con-
science, IV. 86.

CORNWALLIS, Lord, his capitulation, IX.
95. His exchange for Mr. Laurens
suggested, 263, 292, 319. Is discharg-
ed from his parole by Franklin, 327.
COUR, MATHON DE LA, some of his
writings mentioned, X. 212. Frank-
lin's compliment to him, 239.
Court of the Press, account of the, II.

COWPER, WILLIAM, Franklin's opinion
of his poetry, IX. 221.
Craven Street Gazette, II. 233 to 240.
Credit, circumstances on which that of
individuals depends, II. 426.
Cremona, effect of lightning on a church
in, V. 467.

CRIGAN, CLAUDIUS, Bishop of Sodor
and Man, his complimentary letter to
Franklin, X. 183.

Criminal law, its impolitic severity, II.


CROGHAN, Colonel, his agency in re-
gard to Walpole's Grant, VII. 355.
Crown Officers, their independence of
the people a violation of the colonial
charters, VII. 529.

CUMBERLAND, Duke of, Governor Pow-
nall's memorial to, respecting barrier
colonies, III. 69.

Currency, on the importance of estab-
lishing a, in America, VII. 321. Pro-
clamation of Queen Anne for pro-
ducing uniformity in the, VIII. 115.
See Paper Money.

CUSHING, THOMAS, his letters to Frank-
lin and Dr. Cooper quoted, IV. 419.
Speaker of the Assembly of Massa-
chusetts, VIII. 492.

Customs, objectionable method of col-
lecting, in America, VII. 521.


Daggestans, their principle in regard to
hospitality, IV. 66.

DALIBARD, translates Franklin's Ex-
periments and Observations on Elec-
tricity into French, V. 175. Repeats
some experiments with success, 176.
His account of an electrical experi-
ment at Marly, 288.

D'ALLONE, his charities, VII. 202.
DALRYMPLE, SIR JOHN, his discovery
of classical writings in the Escurial
library, VIII. 470. His memorial
mentioned, 472; and given at length,

DALRYMPLE, his plan prepared in con-
cert with Franklin, for benefiting dis-
tant, unprovided countries, II. 377.
DAMPIER, extract from the Voyages of,
on the subject of water-spouts, VI.
183. And on the customs of the peo-
ple of Mindanoo, 393.

DANA, FRANCIS, his conference with
Count de Vergennes relative to his
mission to St. Petersburgh, IX. 17.
DARTMOUTH, Lord, his liberal disposi-
tion towards the colonists, IV. 432.
Franklin's proposed memorial to, V.
79. Succeeds Lord Hillsborough; his
disposition toward the colonies, VIII.
11, 18, 19. Petition to the King pre-
sented to, 22. Franklin's conversa-
tion with, respecting it, 25. Another
conversation with, on American affairs,
28. General change of feeling in re-
gard to, 36. His desire to heal the
difficulties, 38. Details of a conver-
sation between Franklin and, 43. Pre-
sents the petition to the King, 47.
Petition for the removal of Hutchinson
and Oliver presented by, 100.

[blocks in formation]

Dead Bodies, of infection retained in,
after sepulture, VI. 433.

DEANE, SILAS, is appointed agent of
the United States in France, and after-
wards a commissioner, VIII. 190.
Commended by Franklin, 255. Is in-
structed to communicate with Dr.
Bancroft, 266. Proceedings of Con-
gress in reference to, 288. Allusion
to the charge affecting his integrity,
399. His dissatisfaction and objec-
tionable conduct, IX. 177.

Death, observations on, VII. 113.
DE BERDT, is recognised as agent of
Massachusetts, IV. 504.
DEBORRE, Major, VIII. 391.

Debt, catechism relative to the British
National, V. 120.

Declamation, importance of studying
the art of public, VII. 55.
Dedications, uselessness of, IX. 232.
Delaware Counties, Secretary Logan's
letter on the proprietary right to the
government of the three, III. 573.
Delaware Indians, anxiety of the Gov-
ernor of Pennsylvania to involve the
province in war with the, III. 471.
Delaware River, respecting fortifications
on the, VII. 28. Lottery for the pur-
pose of erecting them, 32.
DELFINO, Chevalier, communicates to
Franklin his election as a member of
the Academy of Arts and Sciences in
Padua, IX. 197.


DE LOR, repeats the electrical experi
ments of Franklin, V. 176.
Denmark, use of stoves in, VI. 53.
Seizure of American prizes in Nor
way, by officers of, VIII. 407, 425,
433. Explanation of it, 462.
capture of American vessels referred
to, IX. 171. Courtesy of the King
to Franklin, 286. Of a treaty of com-
merce between the United States and,
487, 510. Her seizure of American
vessels, 511. Of a treaty with, 529,
537. Progress of the treaty, X. 29.
DENNY, WILLIAM, Governor of Penn-
sylvania, his conversations with Frank-
lin, 1. 214. Is well received, III. 506.
Continues the system of his predeces-
sor, 507.
Declares his inability to
recede from the proprietary instruc-
tions, 517. Asks a conference with
the Assembly relative to a bill for sup-
plies, 518. His objections, 519. Re-
jects the bill, 524. Induces the As-


sembly to pass a bill, waving their
objections to the proprietary instruc-
tions, 527. Remarks on his adminis-
tration, IV. 102. His misunderstand-
ing with the Proprietors, VII. 171.
DESAGULIERS, his experiment, proving
that no pernicious vapors arise from
hot iron, VI. 57.

DE SAUSSURE, on the attraction of
mountains, VI. 371; X. 274.
DEUX-PONTS, Prince de, applies to
Franklin relative to commercial rela-
tions between Bavaria and the United
States, IX. 526.

Dialogue between Franklin and the
Gout, II. 194. Between X. Y. and Z.,
concerning the present state of affairs
in Pennsylvania, object with which it
was written, III. 84. Between France,
Spain, Holland, Saxony, and America,
V. 116.

Diamond Necklace, affair of the, X. 231.
Diary, Franklin's, extracts from, I.579.
DICKINSON, JOHN, Preface to the Speech
of Joseph Galloway in reply to, IV.
101. His "Farmer's Letters" quoted,
251. Extract from one of his speeches
in reference to Franklin, VII. 268.
Dictionary, Spanish and Arabic, pub-
lished by the Royal Academy of His-
tory of Madrid, X. 309. Need of a
commercial, 352.

DIGBY, Admiral, communicates to
Washington the opening of negotia-
tions for peace, IX. 380.
DIGGES, T., his interview with Mr.
Adams, on the subject of negotiations
for peace, IX. 186. Nature of his
mission, 191. His embezzlement of
money designed to relieve American
prisoners, IX. 15, 341.
Discoveries, importance and extent of
modern, II. 73.

Discases, effect of cold air in, VI. 386.
Disputation, advantage of modesty in,
VI. 325.

Dissenters, respecting the charge of per-
secution brought against the Ameri-
can, II. 113. Benefits likely to result
to the, from a change of the proprie-
tary government of Pennsylvania to
a royal one, IV. 83. Their rights in
Massachusetts and New Hampshire,


[blocks in formation]

Dolls, playful remark on, VIII. 374.
DOMIEN, account of, V. 348.
Dove, his success in conducting the
English School in Philadelphia, II.


Dreams, art of procuring pleasant,
II. 172.

Drinking, remarks on, addressed to
Abbé Morellet, II. 222. The same
translated, 225.

DUBOURG, BARBEU, his Translation of
Franklin's writings on electricity,
noticed, V. 180. His parallel be-
tween the theories of Nollet and

Franklin, 514. His translation no-
ticed, VI. 408. His edition of Frank-
lin's writings mentioned, VIII. 117.
Duelling, remarks on, X. 107.
Du FAYE, his vitreous and resinous
electricity identical with the positive
and negative states, observed by
Franklin, V. 177.

DUMAS, CHARLES W. F., account of,
VIII. 162. Franklin's opinion of
some of his writings, 163. Instructed
to ascertain whether the European
courts are disposed to aid the colo-
nies, 164. Irritation of Sir George
Grand with, 448. His difficulties
with the Spanish ambassador, 452.
Respecting his appointment and ser-
vices, 498.

Dungannon Resolutions mentioned, X.

Dunkers, their religious opinions, I.

DUNLAP, WILLIAM, mentioned, VII.
DUNNING, JOHN, appears as counsel for
Massachusetts before the Privy Coun-
cil, VIII. 110.

DUPONT, his Table Economique men-
tioned, VIII. 405.

DURAND, alluded to, VII. 357.
DURIVAL, explains the advance of a
million of livres by France in 1777,
X. 269.

Dutch Church, at New York, effect of
lightning on the, V. 277.

Duties on Exports, impolicy of, IX. 38.
Duties on Imports, Abbé Morellet ob-
jects to, X. 315. Why levied in the
United States, 346.


Eagle, Bald, a bad representative of
the United States, X. 63.
Earth, the, when dry, a non-conductor
of the electric fluid, V. 208. Strikes
into the clouds in thunder-storms.
And not the clouds into the, 305.
Will dissolve or mix with air, VI. 128.
On the advantages of the different

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