American Medical and Philosophical Register, some account of the, VI. 18. American Philosophical Miscellany, Franklin's scheme of publishing an, VI. 72.
American Philosophical Society, account of the, I. 576, II. 9. Its address to Franklin, on his return from France, V. 138. First suggested by Franklin, and its plan, as proposed by him, VI. 14. Its condition and purposes, 15. How formed, 28. Its establishment alluded to, VII. 455. Efforts of Frank- lin to animate it, X. 90. Count de Campomanes's notice of its Transac- tions, 308.
AMONTONS, his discourse relative to air, as the cause of earthquakes, VI. 7. Anchor, suggestion of a swimming, for vessels, VI. 481. How constructed,
Animal Magnetism, its efficacy doubted, X. 75. Commission in Paris to exam- ine the subject, 76.
ANSTEY, mentioned, X. 276. Anthony Afterwit, letter from, II. 532. Anti-Federalists, their conduct compar- ed with that of the ancient Jews, V. 158.
Antigua, description of a water-spout at, VI. 143. Salubrity of, VII. 59. Apologue by Franklin, II. 168. An- other, showing the conduct of man- kind towards one another, IX. 226. Appalachian Mountains, discovery of sea shells in the, VI. 81. Apparatus, construction of a portable, to demonstrate Franklin's principles of electricity, V. 446. Mode of using it, 447.
Apprentices, general conduct of, VII. 12.
Arabian Tale, II. 193.
Arabs, their treatment of prisoners of war, IV. 66.
ARANDA, Count d', interview of the American commissioners with, VIII. 194. Remarks addressed to, on the proposition of the United States in re- gard to Spain, 212. His interview with Franklin and Jay, respecting a treaty with Spain, IX. 350. Arcana Imperii, remarks on a work en- titled, VIII. 283.
ARENDT, Baron d', recommended to the President of Congress, VIII. 455. ARISTOTLE, his distinction of the differ- ent kinds of earthquakes, VI. 9. Armed Neutrality, its origin, VIII. 463, 466. Completed and proclaimed, 490. Armonica, an ode composed by Metasta- sio, and expressly designed to be ac- companied by the, I. 265. Account of the origin of the, VI. 245. The in-
strument described, 246. Directions for drawing out its tones, 353. ARMSTRONG, his suggestions respect- ing fresh air in fevers, VI. 314. Army, American, their inadequate sup- ply of military stores, VIII. 198. Their operations early in 1777, 206. Of sup- plies of arms and clothing for the, from the French court, 422. Their dis- tressed condition, 535. Their con- dition in 1782, IX. 413.
Army, British, their conduct in Ameri- ca, VIII. 416.
Army, French, in America, suggestion that they be furnished with provisions there, VIII. 521.
ARNOLD, BENEDICT, curious impres- sions respecting his personal history, VIII. 304. His treachery, IX. 30. Art of Procuring Pleasant Dreams, II.
Art of Virtue, Franklin's plan of pre- paring a work entitled, I. 115. Ex- plained, VII. 197. Alluded to, 232. Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union, proposed in General Congress, origin of the, and difference from the plan finally adopted, V. 91. Mode of election under, and the powers and duty of Congress, 92. How to be ratified, 95. ARUNDEL, VIII, 169.
Asbestos, a purse made of, VII. 1. ASGILL, Captain, his case alluded to; justice of the proceedings against him, IX. 375.
Assembly of Massachusetts. See Mas-
Atlantic Ocean, conjecture as to the cause why westward voyages across the, are longer than the eastward, VI. 74. This to be attributed to the preva- lence of westerly winds, 77. Attraction, of the law of, between dif- ferent quantities of the electric fluid, V. 386.
AUBERTEUIL, HILLIARD D', his History of the American Revolution mention- ed, IX. 444.
Aurora Borealis, V. 219. Suggestion respecting its cause, 284. Whether it may not be the flashing of electrical fire from positive towards negative clouds, 337. Suppositions and hints towards forming a hypothesis to explain the, VI. 417. Paper by Franklin on the, mentioned, VIII. 327.
Austria, offers to mediate between the belligerents. Her offer declined by France, IX. 3. Declined by England, 89. Her willingness to acknowledge the independence of the United States, 501. Of a commercial treaty with, X. 118, 142.
Automaton Chess-Player, Kempel's BARTRAM, JOHN, his account of a re- mentioned, X. 23.
BACHE, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, VIII. 195. His proficiency in his studies, 372, 375. Again mentioned, X. 3. BACHE, RICHARD, marries Franklin's daughter, VII. 350.
BACHE, SARAH, her exertions to sup- ply the American troops with clothing, VIII. 528. See FRANKLIN, SARAH. BACHE, Professor, his attempt to fix the date of Franklin's observation rel- ative to northeast storins, referred to, VI. 106.
Bagatelle, by Franklin, II. 164. Balloons, remarks on, VI. 452. Those of Charles and Robert, and Montgolfier, 453. On the invention of, X. 13. Ascent of one, 32. Of the means of directing their course, 93. Improve- ments in constructing, 123. Inflated with inflammable air, 146. Danger of ascending in, 187. BALM, Captain, recommended by Frank- lin to Congress, VIII. 195. Baltimore, rapid growth of, VII. 519. BANCROFT, EDWARD, his account of Franklin's demeanor before the Privy Council, IV. 453. And of his dress when signing the treaty with France, 454. Mentioned, VIII. 266, IX. 525. Bank of the United States, its success, X. 306.
Banks, nature and utility of, II. 266. BANKS, SIR JOSEPH, VI. 342. Barbary States, relations between the United States and the, alluded to, VIII. 361, IX. 544.
BARCLAY, DAVID, his conversation with Franklin on the subject of a reconciliation between the colonies and Britain, V. 8. Produces a plan of permanent union, 58.
BARCLAY, THOMAS, is admitted as consul of the United States for France, IX. 415.
BARD, JOHN, account of, VI. 73. BARIATINSKI, Prince, anecdote relating to his visit to Franklin, IX. 285. His civilities to Franklin, 299. Barometer, effect of air on the, VI. 222. Remark on the changes of the, VII.
Barrier Colonies, Pownall's plan for settling, III. 69.
BARROW, MRS., her situation in New York, VIII. 200.
BARRY, JOHN, Captain, his services to a Venetian vessel, IX. 88. Mentioned, 154. Requested to take goods to America for the use of the troops, 159.
markable Aurora Borealis, VI. 211. His character, VII.55, 88. Some par- ticulars respecting him, 433. Of the publication of his "Travels and Obser- vations," 446. His pension, 534. BASKERVILLE, JOHN, account of his printing, VII. 212. Franklin's opin- ion of his skill, 213.
BATH, Earl of, his Letter to Two Great Men on the subject of Canada, alluded to, IV. 1.
Bathing, cold, not injurious, VI. 58. Bavaria, Electorate of, on establishing commercial relations between the United States and the, IX. 526, 543. BAXTER, ANDREW, his " Inquiry into the Nature of the Human Soul," VI. 87. His doctrine examined, 88. His book again referred to, 93. BEAUMARCHAIS, CARON DE, mentioned, VIII. 289. His contract for supplies for the United States, 294. Of his accounts, 355. His delay in settling his accounts, IX. 390. His Figaro mentioned, X. 162. Advance of a million of livres by the French Gov- ernment to, 287.
BEAUMONT, his Reflexions d'un Etranger désintéressé, alluded to, VII. 470. BECCARIA, JOHN BAPTIST, of his work on electricity, V. 355. Franklin's view of it, 356. His experiment of the explosion of water, 393. Paper by, containing an account of electri- cal experiments, 505. Notice of his work on electricity, VII. 84. BECKFORD, allusion to his bill for pre- venting bribery at elections, VII. 384. BECKWITH, General, his plan of join- ing the American army discouraged, VIII. 348.
Bedford Party, their hostility to the Americans, VII. 467.
BELL, his account of the hospitality of the Daggestans, IV. 66. Bells, superstitious notion respecting, during thunder-storms, V. 422. BELTON, JOSEPH, his contrivance for destroying the vessels of an enemy, mentioned, VIII. 185.
Benefits, motives with which they should be conferred, VII. 74. BENEZET, ANTHONY, VIII. 16. BENTINCK, Captain, his experiment to show the efficacy of oil in stilling waves, VI. 365.
BERGMANN, Professor, his remarks on one of Franklin's electrical experi ments, V. 513. BERNARD, FRANCIS, Governor, his of ficial communication to the Houses of Assembly in Massachusetts, IV. 466. His acknowledgment relative to the
conduct of the Assembly after the re- peal of the stamp act, 476. His pro- ceedings in regard to quartering the troops, 491. Rejection of the petition for his removal, 493. His conduct as Governor of Massachusetts, VII. 365. His proceeding in regard to a separ- ation of the eastern townships from Massachusetts, VIII. 66.
BERNOUILLI, his suggestion of a mov- ing power for boats, VI. 478. BERNSTORFF, his communication to Franklin on the seizure of American prizes in Norway, VIII. 433. BEVAN, SYLVANUS, his bust of William Penn, VII. 190.
Bible, Proposed New Version of the, II. 166.
Bills of Credit, their convenience and utility in commerce, II. 266. Of those issued upon landed security, 268. Bills of Exchange, American, correction of erroneous impressions respecting, IX. 55.
BINGHAM, WILLIAM, his complaint of Franklin's refusing his drafts, VIII. 460.
Bipontine Edition of the classics, men- tioned, IX. 126.
Birmingham, visit of Franklin to, VII, 180.
Bishops, first consecration of in Ameri- ca, II. 116. Sketch of the trial of the seven, for libel, 298. On the appoint- ment of, for America, VII. 437. Or- dination of American, X. 109. Blackbirds, effect of destroying, in New England, VII. 67.
Black Prince, privateer, exploits of the, VIII. 390, 402.
Blackrie's Solvent, a remedy for the stone, X. 163.
Blacks, plan for improving the condition of the free, II. 513.
BLACKWELL, JOHN, his appointment and conduct as deputy Governor of Pennsylvania, III. 129. His address to the Assembly, 130. Their reply, 131. BLOME, complains of an outrage by American vessels on the coast of Nor- way, IX. 157.
Blood, remarks on its motion in the heart, VI. 68. On the circulation of the, 70. Conjecture as to the cause of its heat in healthy persons, 97. Its use in respiration, VIII. 172. Board of Trade, reasons assigned in their report, in favor of restraining the issues of paper money, II. 341. Those reasons examined, 342. Their agency in regard to the laws of Pennsylvania, VII. 250. Boats, various modes suggested for giving motion to, VI. 478.
Body, suggestion of the existence of imbibing pores in the human, VI. 233. BOERHAAVE, his remark on the danger of exposure to a draught of air, VI.
42. Book of Common Prayer, Franklin's abridgment of the, X. 207.
Books, description of an instrument for taking them from shelves, VI. 562. High price of, X. 161.
Boroughs, expediency of disfranchising the small English, II. 491. BoscoVICH, his account of a whirlwind at Rome, VI. 149.
Boston, proceedings of the town of, in 1772, IV. 381. Vote of the inhabitants of, relative to disorders, in 1765, 471. Seizure of a vessel of war and im- pressment of seamen in, 481. Petition to the Governor on this subject, 482. British troops sent to, and quartered in, 483. Its inhabitants summon a convention of deputies from the other towns, 484. Massacre of the 5th of March, and removal of the troops from, 486. Address of the House of Lords to the King relative to proceed- ings in, 489; and the King's reply, 490. Narrative of the inhabitants of, respecting the conduct of Governor Bernard, 491. Arrival of the tea in, in 1773, 506. Deaths in, by inocula- tion, VÍ. 118. Resolutions adopted in, relative to non-importation and manufactures, VII. 371. Their effect in England, 376, 387. Arrival of for- eign troops in, 418. Committee of, transmit a correspondence to Frank- lin, 459. Military preparations in, in 1774, VIII. 135. General Gage's treachery in, 157.
Boston Port-Bill, its objectionable char- acter, VIII. 128.
Boundaries of the United States, sugges tion respecting them as a condition of peace, IX. 129. See Peace. Bounties, general expediency of, II. 402. Remarks respecting those on grain, 405.
BOUQUET, HENRY, Colonel, his account of Franklin's services in the French war, VII. 260. Sketch of the military services of, 261.
BowDOIN, JAMES, account of, V. 255. His observations on the crooked di- rection of lightning, 263. Objections to the hypothesis, that the sea is the source of lightning, 268. His obser- vation of the effect of lightning on the compass, 277. His observations on the electricity of the clouds, 279. His account of preparations made in Boston to observe the transit of Mer- cury, VI. 161. His theory with re-
spect to the light in sea-water, 190. His remarks on the method of furnish- ing supplies to the Indians, VII. 78. Bows and Arrows, their utility in war, VIII. 170.
BOYLE, on the exposure of the Russians to the extremes of heat and cold, VI. 59. BRADDOCK, EDWARD, General, is aided by Franklin in procuring horses and wagons for the army, I. 184. His character, 189. Defects as a general, 190. His call on the Governor of
Pennsylvania for supplies of provi- sions under convoy, III. 357. His letter requested of the Governor by the Assembly, 358. His instructions quoted, relative to the Six Nations, IV. 328.
BRADFORD, ANDREW, the printer, visit- ed by Franklin in Philadelphia, I. 35. Becomes Publisher of the Weekly Mercury, the first newspaper printed in Pennsylvania, II. 13.
BRAY, THOMAS, his benevolent charac- ter, VII. 202.
Brescia, explosion of the powder-maga- zine at, alluded to, V. 432.
Breviate, Mr. Hartley's, laid before the British ministers, IX. 216.
Bribery, at elections in England, VII. 398.
BRIENNE, Archbishop of Toulouse, his character as a minister, X. 316. BRILLON, Madame de, VIII. 473. British Army, their conduct in Ameri- ca, VIII. 422.
BROGLIE, Prince de, introduced to Washington, IX. 199. To Mr. Liv- ingston, 201. To Robert Morris, 203. Brotherly Love, Franklin's parable on, II. 123.
BUCHAN, Earl of, inquires of Franklin respecting the expediency of emi- gration from Scotland to the United States, IX. 486.
BUFFON, M. de, his experiments in electricity, V. 176. His complimentary letter to Franklin, X. 312.
BURGH, his death and character, IX. 231.
BURGOYNE, General, of his exchange for Colonel Laurens, IX. 84. BURKE, EDMUND, remarks on the Letter to Two Great Men ascribed by some to, IV. 1. Examination of the com- mercial principles of the late negotia- tion between Great Britain and France in 1761, attributed to, 2. His speeches quoted, 262, 266. His kindness to Mr. Laurens, IX. 84.
BURNET, Governor, his controversy with the Assembly of Massachusetts, I. 86.
Busy-Body, written by Franklin, I. 84. Origin of the, II. 13. BYLES, MATHER, his complimentary letter to Franklin, X. 303.
Cables of vessels, construction of, VI. 468.
CALEF, Captain, his agency in regard to the proposed separation of the east- ern townships from Massachusetts, VIII. 66.
CALVET, PIERRE DU, his claims on the United States, X. 30. Cambridge, Franklin visits the English University of, VII. 177.
CAMPOMANES, Count de, his character, X. 98. His laudable efforts to promote intelligence and industry in Spain, 99. His remarks on Franklin's writ- ings, 114. And discoveries, 115. Canada, sums voted by the Assembly of Pennsylvania for an expedition against, III. 212. Interest of Great Britain, considered in reference to the acquisition of, IV. 1. Benefits which would result from the cession of, by France, 10. Its possession a sufficient safeguard against the French and In- dians, 11. Easily peopled, without draining England of her population,
Proposition for granting a free government to, V. 21. Importance of, to England, VII. 193. Commissioners to, appointed by Congress, VIII. 178. Offered by Great Britain to France, to induce her to treat, IX. 210. Its surrender suggested by Franklin to Mr. Oswald, 251. CANASSETEGO, an Indian chief, anecdote of, II. 458.
Cancer, pokeweed a remedy for, V. 287. CANTON, JOHN, his experiment of draw- ing the electric fluid from the clouds, V. 297. Experiments by Franklin in pursuance of those of, 346. Notice of, VI. 256.
Cantoon Stone, its quality of absorbing water, VI. 321.
Cape Breton, humorous remarks on the expedition against, VII. 16. Of the engineers employed against, 28. Capital Punishment, objections to the infliction of, II. 479.
CARLETON, SIR GUY, General, his con- duct at the evacuation of New York by the British, II. 504. His attempt to open a negotiation in the United States, IX. 222, 346, 348. 349. Com- municates with Washington, 380. CARMARTHEN, Lord, complains of al- leged defects of form in the ratification of the treaty of peace, X. 95.
CARMICHAEL, WILLIAM, his allusion to Lafayette, VIII. 305. His diplomatic station, 471.
Carriage-wheel, account of a newly invented, VI. 383.
Carthagena, grant made by the Assem- bly of Pennsylvania, for the expedi- tion against, III. 210.
CARVER, JOHN, the traveller, VII. 438. CASTERA, his edition of Franklin's works alluded to, II. 435.
Castle William, Franklin's proposition for the restoration of, to Massachusetts, V. 21.
CASTRIES, M. de, his compliment to Franklin, X. 218.
Casuistry, case of, II. 545.
Catania, its destruction by an earth- quake, VI. 10.
Catarrh, opinion of ancient philosophers respecting, VI. 339.
Catechism relative to the English Na- tional Debt, V. 120.
Cats, humorous Petition of the, to Ma- dame Helvétius, II. 206. The same translated, 214.
Causes of the American Discontents be- fore 1768, explanation of the circum- stances that induced its publication, IV. 242.
Causes of Earthquakes and theories concerning them, VI. 1.
CAVE, EDMUND, publishes in London Franklin's Letters on Electricity, V. 173. His preface, 179.
Cavendish, CHARLES, Lord, his ex- periment to show the heat requisite to render thick glass permeable by electricity, V. 383.
Celia Single, letter from, II. 536. CELSUS, his views respecting colds, VI. 339.
Chain, experiments with an electrified,
Chambers of legislation, one preferable to two, X. 345, 361.
CHAMBERLIN, portrait of Franklin by, VIII. 118.
CHAPMAN, account of his conversation with Franklin, respecting peace, VII. 269.
Charcoal, its qualities as an electrical conductor, V. 426. Danger of burn- ing, in pots, VI. 44.
Charity, remarks on, VII. 9, 184. CHARLES THE FIRST, policy of, in re- gard to libel, II. 239.
CHARLES THE SECOND, his policy in regard to libel, II. 291. CHARLES, ROBERT, VII. 127.
Charleston, fire in, VIII. 252. Its cap- ture by the British, 482.
Charmidas, Dialogue between Socrates and, concerning public employments, II. 62.
Charter of Privileges, Penn's, to the Province of Pennsylvania and terri- tories, III. 158.
Charter governments, of the colonies, what, III. 97.
Charters, colonial, subject to alteration only by agreement between the King and the colonies, IV. 273. CHASTELLUX, Chevalier de, his Travels mentioned, VIII. 442. Again, X. 262. His translation of a poem by Hum- phreys, 263. Both again alluded to,
CHATHAM, Lord, his attempts and plan for reconciliation between Great Brit- ain and the colonies, V. 1. His first interview with Franklin, 5. Second interview, and his opinion of the con- duct of Congress, 34. His motion for a reconciliation, in the House of Lords, 45. Franklin's opinion of his eloquence, 46. Communicates to Franklin his plan of compromise, 47. Opens his plan in the House of Lords, 51. His panegyric of Frank- lin, 53. His declining health, VII. 336. Extract from one of his speeches, 468. His speech relative to the con- duct of the colonies, quoted, VIII. 122. His motion for conciliation rejected, 140. His view of the proceedings of Congress, X. 435.
CHAUMONT, recommended to the Presi- dent of Congress, X. 160. Cheese, manufacture of, in China, VII. 464.
Cherokees, invalidity of their claim to lands south of the Ohio, IV. 325. Chess, morals of, II. 187. Instruction to be drawn from, 188. CHEZAULX, Communicates the Danish seizure of American prizes, VIII. 407. Chimneys, causes of neighbouring smoke coming down the vents of, VI. 281. Their utility for the purpose of ventilation, 309. Method of contract- ing, 324. On the causes and remedy for smoky, 505. Want of air, a fre quent cause of smoky, 509. Reme- dies suggested, 511. Large size of their openings, another cause, 514. Remedy for this, 515. Shortness of the funnel, a third, and the remedy, 517. Their overpowering one another, 519. Inconvenient situation of doors in reference to, 521. Their modern origin, 524. Account of the Stafford- shire, 531. Their use as a means of cooling in summer, 536. On smoky, VII. 431.
China, a fictitious Letter from, II. 241.
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