Effect of an Electrical Shock Clock with Three Wheels; Gravitation in Bodies On the Causes and Cure of Smoky Chimneys Description of an Instrument for taking down Books On the Effects of Lead upon the Human Constitution VI. 564 1787. Proposals for Consideration in the Convention for form- ing the Constitution of the United States Motion for Prayers in the Convention Speech in the Convention at the Conclusion of its De- On the Utility of Electrical Conductors On Balloons; Pigeons killed by Lightning Comparison of the Conduct of the Ancient Jews and + Description of the Process to be observed in making 1789. Observations relative to the Intentions of the Original + Hints for Consideration respecting the Orphan School- Vol. Page. II. 133 II. 159 II. 508 II. 513 An Account of the Supremest Court of Judicature in II. 515 No. II. LETTERS WRITTEN BY FRANKLIN TO INDIVIDUALS AND The names of the persons, to whom letters are addressed, are arranged alpha 1. LETTERS TO INDIVIDUALS. Vol. Page. BACHE, RICHARD, 1779, 19 May, 38 BACHE, SARAH, 11 June, 44 29 January, 1772, *6 August, 68 3 June, 12 October, 82 26 November, 14 December, 106 31 March, 1782, 190 13 April, 20 20 - 8 May, 210 253 1779, VIII. 373 26 January, 1784, X. 58 BANCROFT, EDWARD, 16 April, 1778, VIII. 266 BANKS, SIR JOSEPH, 259 270 9 September, 1782, 1783, 2 June, 309 BARCLAY, DAVID, 12 February, 1781, VIII. 532 19 June, 1785, X. 184 BARD, JOHN, AND MRS. BARD, * 14 November, 1785, X. 239 BARRY, JOHN, 1782, IX. 236 1778, I. 291 BARTRAM, JOHN, 11 January, VII. 413 9 January, 9 July, 9 August, 1768, 7 April, 1777, VIII. 212 ARGENTEAU, COUNT DE MERCY, +11 January, 1770, 17 October, 1772, VIII. BASKERVILLE, JOHN, 1760, VII. 212 21 September, 1773, Vol. Page. CONGRESS, PRESIDENT OF, CUSHING, THOMAS, 27 September, 1783, X. 19 1 September, 1773, 28 12 25 December, 1 November, 5 January, 1774, * 15 February, 16 June, 100 * 2 April, +1 June, 12 April, 160 28 January, 29 November, 1788, CONYNGHAM, GUSTAVUS, 375 1 May, 21 February, 1778, 6 February, 1782, IX. 156 COOMBE, MR. D. +22 July, 1774, VIII. 124 COOPER, SIR GREY, DALIBARD, M. 29 June, 1755, V. 355 COOPER, SAMUEL, + 31 January, 1768, 24 February, DANA, FRANCIS, +27 April, 438 7 April, 30 September, 458 +14 April, + 8 June, 475 5 February, 13 January, 7 July, 1773, VIII. 71 25 81 16 March, DANFORTH, SAMUEL, 25 July, 1773, VIII. 77 DARTMOUTH, EARL OF, 8 December, 1772, VIII. February, 1775, DAVENPORT, SARAH, 1781, 1 May, 22 April, 1779, 323 DAWSON, MAJOR, 27 October, 402 +29 May, 1772, V. 427 16 March, DEANE, WILLIAM, 15 May, +11 April, 1773, VI. 383 28 June, DUBOURG AND DALIBARD, MESSRS. 26 December, 462 COUR, MATHON DE LA, DUBOURG, M. 9 July, 18 November, 239 5 July, CRIGAN, CLAUDIUS, CROCCO, GIACOMO FRANCESCO, 1785, 30 August, 1769, 8 December, 1772, 1770, X. 35 10 March, 1773, CROGHAN, GEORGE, 10 5 August, CUSHING, THOMAS, 24 December, 1770, 13 January, 1772, 554 13 April, 3 September, 4 November, 2 December, 25 27 January, 1780, 2 29 March, 9 March, 34 3 April, 6 May, 39 5 June, 7 25 VIII. 79 4 May, 6 August, |