Abbildungen der Seite

Tertual Variants

The text in the present edition is based upon the first Folio, and the following list records the more important variations from that version.

I. i. 65. tempts . . . harsh] Ff; tempers him to this Q1.

75. to her for his] Qq; for her F1.

101, 102. Qi omits.

133. play] Ff; prey Qq.

138. John] Ff; Paul Qq.

ii. 16, 25. Qq omit.

19. wolves, to spiders] Ff; adders, spiders Qq.
79. For] Qq; of Ff.

180. for... Henry] Ff; twas I that kild your husband Qq.
182. that

Edward] Ff; that kild King Henry Qq.

[blocks in formation]

30. Q. Eliz.] Qu. Ff; Ri. Qq.

68. send . . . ground] Ff; send; that thereby he may

gather The ground of your ill-will, and to remove it Qq.

80. while great] Ff; whilst many fair Qq.

114. Qq; Ff omit.

167-169. Qq omit.

304. Buck.] Ff; Hast. Qq.

323. We... upon] Ff; Madam, we will attend Qq.

333. Dorset] Ff; Vaughan Qq.

342, 350, 356. 1 Murd.] Capell; Exec. Qq; Vil. Ff.

iv. 9, 10. Ff; Me thoughts I was imbarkt for Burgundy Qq.
54. shriek'd] Ff; squakt Q1.

69-72. Qq omit.

85. Ff; in God's name what are you, and how came

you hither? Qq.

105. Why] Ff; When he wakes! why, fool Qq.

115-116. Qq omit.

120. this... mine] Ff; my holy humour Qq.

128. 'Zounds] Qq; Come Ff.

151, 156, 162, 164. [1.] Murd.] 2 Qq Ff.

154, 159, 163. [2.] Murd.] 1 Qq. Ff.

157. fall to work] Ff; to this gear Qq.

159. throw him into] Ff; we will chop him in Qq.

165, 170, 172, 174. [2.] Murd.] Qq; 1 Ff.

167. [1] Murd.] Qq. 2 Ff.

176. Your pale ?] Ff; Qq omit.

186. drawn

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194-195. [to .

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sins] Qq; for any goodnesse Ff.

218. After sake Qq insert Why, sirs, as a line.

222. Qq omit.

230. our duty] Ff; the diuell Qq.

243. Qq; Ff omit.

251–252. for . . . And] Ff; for when I parted from him,

He Qq.

254, 256. 1.


[merged small][ocr errors]

264-265. Tyrwhitt's arrangement; after 273 in F.

270-272. Tyrwhitt's arrangement; before 274 in F. In
Qq 264-273 run as follows:

1 Relent, tis cowardly and womanish.

Cla. Not to relent, is beastly, sauage, diuelish,
My frend, I spie some pitty in thy lookes :

Oh if thy eye be not a flatterer,

Come thou on my side, and intreet for me.

275. Qq. omit.

276. Take. do] Ff; I thus, and thus: if this wil not

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serve Qq.

277. drown you . . within] Ff; chop thee


the next room Qq.

280. murder] Ff; guilty murder done Qq.
II. i. 1. s. d. Hastings] Qq; Hastings, Catesby Ff.


[ocr errors][merged small]

5. more in] Steevens; now in Qq; more to Ff.
7. Hastings and Rivers] Rowe; Rivers and Hastings
Qq; Dorset and Rivers Ff.

25. Qq omit.

33. Upon your Grace] Ff; On you or yours Qq.
46. comes... the] Ff; comes the noble Qq.

56. unwittingly] Qq; unwillingly Ff.

68. Of... you] Ff; Qq omit.

81. K. Edw.] Ff; Riv. Qq.

140. Qq omit.

3. Girl.] Boy. Qq; Daugh. Ff. weep so oft] Ff; wring

your hands Qq.

5. Boy] Ff; Gerl. Qq.

16. Qq. omit.

24. pitied me] Ff; hugd me in his arme Qq.

28. deep vice] Ff; foul guile Qq.

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41. when gone] Ff; now the root is wither'd Qq.
42. that sap] Ff; the sap being gone Qq.

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46. ne'er-changing night] Ff; perpetual rest Qq.
84-85. [and . . . weep] Qq; Ff omit.

89-100. Qq omit.


117. hates] Ff; hearts Qq.

123-140. Qq omit.

142, 154. Ludlow] Qq; London Ff.

143. sister] Ff; mother Qq.

145. Ff omit.

1. Good morrow, neighbour] Ff; Neighbour, well met Qq.
6. 1 Cit... sir] Qq omit.

iv. 1, 2. Northampton . . . Stratford] Qq; Stony Strat-
ford, And at Northampton Ff.

21. [Arch.] Capell; Car. Qq; Yor. Ff.

36. Duch.] Ff; Car. Qq.

51. jut] Ff; iet Qq.

62. brother to brother] Ff; Qq omit.

65. earth] Ff; death Qq.

III. i. 40. [in heaven] Q1; Ff omit.
63. think'st] Ff; seems Q1.

78. all-ending] Q1; ending Ff.
97. dread] Q1; deare Ff.

141. needs] Q1; Ff omit.

172, 173. Qq omit.

ii. 10, 11. Then . . . dreamt] Ff; And then he sends you
word He dreamt to-night Qq.

109. I . . . honour] Ff; God save your lordship Qq.

113-114. Priest . . . lordship] Ff; Qq omit.

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[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

1. Now peers] Ff; My lords, at once Qq.

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10. Qq; Ff omit.

32. Qq; My Lord of Ely Ff.


43. yourself you] Ff; you hence, my lord, I'll follow you Qq.

57. likelihood] Qq; livelyhood Ff.

60. Qq, with Dar. for Der.; Ff omit.

84. raze Qq; rowse Ff.


91, 92. too... how To-day] Ff; 'twere... at... How they Qq.

7. Ff; Qq omit.

50. I] Qq; Buck. I Ff.

52. Glou.] Q; Dut. Q1; Continued to Buck. Ff.

69. But] Qq; Which Ff.

83, 84. raging . . . lusted] Ff; lustful . . . listed Qq. 103-105. Qq omit.

108. notice] Qq; order Ff.

vii. 5-6. his . . . France] Qq omit.

8, 11, 37. Qq. omit.

24. they... word] Qq omit.

82. Here .. again] Qq omit.

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98, 99, 120, 127. Qq omit.

131, 132. the charge . . . land] Ff; the soveraingtie

thereof Qq.

144-153. Qq omit.

158. my right] Q2; my ripe Q1; the ripe Ff.

202, 245. Qq omit.

220. Qq; Ff omit.

IV. i. 2-6, 37, 98-104. Qq omit.

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