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the best epitome of general information. Having thrown myself on a Grecian couch, I prepared to "kill two birds with one stone," by eating my breakfast, and reading your Magazine, as I had an engagement, which demanded my attention at four to attend Lady Caroline Flirt, to a view at Christey's. -I rapidly glanced over the contents; and perceiving, "On Modern Refinement in Manners," hastily perused it, as well as my anger would allow, when I found it was written by that Old School Correspondent, who had attacked our fashionable improvements in language, a short time before. I was extremely angry, and was about to assert, I would no longer subscribe to your Publication, if such fellow's lucubrations obtained admission into its pages; when I recollected that such a course of proceeding would be paying too great a deference to his opinions; and that it would be very much better to castigate him as he deserves with his own weapons, and to hold him up to the universal execration and contempt of the bon-ton. I instantly began this letter, and trust this statement will be a sufficient apology for its impetuous com


I have read, Sir, bis illiberal and antiquated remarks, and, 'tis pity, so it is," that such a stupid old fellow should be allowed to enter into those circles, whose manners he makes the subject of his ridicule and satire: however, as we shrewdly suspect who he is, let him expect to be greeted by our approbation, when we next meet. As I am not much in the habit of reading, and still less of writing;-you must look over the defects in my style and composition, having never made those acquirements my study, as they are not taken into account in the education of a gentleman.

The indignation with which I, and all my companions, viewed the former remarks of your Old Correspondent, can only be equalled by the contempt we feel for his opinions; and certainly this last Essay is not calculated to raise him higher in our estimation. It is time he should be taught, that the world increases in knowledge, as it grows older; and that what might have been considered the very quintessence of polite ness in his younger days, would now be regarded as the grossest vulgarity in fact, such an old-fashioned piece of goods as your Correspondent, is only fit


to be deposited in our National Museum, as a specimen of the manners and primitive taste of the last generation. For myself, I consider the attacks of this individual to be easily rebutted;

indeed, he repeatedly shews his ignorance of our manners, and the motives which are the spring of them; and I therefore anticipate an easy conquest. -He complains of our education as far inferior to that of a gentleman of the last age-really, Sir, these old men think none are so learned and wise as they-but, Mr. Editor, though I do not understand either Greek or Hebrew, nor am I versed in Eastern literature, it is my own fault, for all these might have been altained bad I felt the disposition;-other, and to me more important, matters early engaged my mind:-my uncle was desirous of my being initiated into fashionable society; this therefore occupied all my thoughts; and my study was, to think how I should eclipse all my competitors in the novelty of my dress, and the splendor of my equipage, than to excite their wonder by internal accomplishments, which, you must have observed, fail to strike the generality of mankind so powerfully as those which are external. For this refinement we have cause for gratitude; since it was useless to expend a fortune in furnishing a young man with such an education, whose future occupation was to consist in attending the ladies, and studying the beau-monde I therefore, Sir, only obtained an acquaintance with French and Italian; both of these were indispensable: the one, as the general fashionable language; and the other, that I might be able to enjoy the pleasures of the Opera. The charge, therefore, of your Correspondent is groundless: we may not be able to quote Greek or Hebrew with facility, but we can refer for our justification to the polite language of Paris, and the soft strains of Italia. After censuring, thus unjustly, our mental acquirements, he proceeds to ridicule our dress. Whether we are to be blamed for dressing according to our station, I leave the world to decide; and only remark, that it is out of a real regard for the interest of our country, and in order to keep the poor manufacturers in employ, that we change it so frequently; and such praiseworthy motives ought surely not to be misrepresented.

I would ask what right he has to


attack us for carrying the snuff-boxes to which he alludes; when he acknowledges, that we confine them to our own observation. Is it any business of his? Every one must confess it is not. As for his remarks on our being well acquainted with the vulgar tongue, it is absolutely needful to possess that ac complishment;-how frequently does it occur, that, in a convivial moment, we are apt to endanger our personal freedom, by combat with the guardians of the night, or in an affray with the coachmen at the theatre; and when in such situations, this knowledge is found to be no mean acquisition, and is frequently productive of great advantages.

So far as respects the occupation of our time-our pursuits and amusements, I could furnish good authority for them; but I forbear!-suffice it to say, that we are not to be beat out of our own opinions, either by argument or common sense; when it is against our inclination :-we have that only to consult, and, as free agents, we feel at liberty to do that which seems right in our own eyes. For myself, I love boxing, and would be a candidate for pugilistic fame, were it not for incurring a liability to disarrange my whiskers, and discolour my features; but I like to encourage it, as keeping up the true British stamina in our peasantry, which cannot be inculcated by any other means so effectual.

Your fastidious Correspondent also censures the truly polite dance called the Waltz! What! would he condemn that graceful, easy, and charming movement of the limbs, which, when slightly clothed, is so well calculated to raise our admiration of the perfection of Nature, in the formation of the human frame? Really, Mr. Editor, the nearer the ladies approach to a state of primeval appearance, the higher my admiration is raised; besides, there is something truly gratifying in this dance to our taste as young men, however disagreeable it may be to old men in their dotage, who are incapable of ap. preciating those pleasures, which exhilirate the spirits, and give a zest to the enjoyments of the young.-In conclusion, your Correspondent may make his remarks on our manners and amusements; but let him recollect, that they "who have glass windows should beware of throwing stones" with impunity. Were I disposed, it would be in my power to shew, that the last age was not without its follies and errors; but I

forbear, not only because I should weary you, but having, as I before stated, a pressing engagement, which I cannot break, at four; after which I have to call and leave my congratulations with the Honourable Miss D― on her recovery; and my card with several others:-I must then return to dress, and shall scarce know which way to direct myself first, as I have a card for Lady C's to dinner at nine-another to the Countess of B―'s conversazioné at ten-and I have positively engaged myself to attend the two Ladies. G to the Duchess of B- -'s diver tissement; where I shall be fully occu pied in the delights and enjoyments of the waltz, till the returning appearance of morning (which to my sincere regret now comes so early). Thus you see, Mr. Editor, if I had not seized the present opportunity, and wrote you while my feelings were warm on the subject, it might never have been done; as I am equally engaged till the end of this month three-deep, when I intend visiting the seat of all politeness, and elegance, and fashion; for notwithstanding an almost unconquerable aversion I have to the sea, I find it needful to repair to Paris, if I would maintain my present station and character in the fashionable world.

Should I perceive any further reflections on Men of Fashion in your Miscel lany, I shall not fail, if I can spare time," and feel the inclination, to trouble you again: and I hope some female will chastise your Correspondent, for his illiberal animadversions on the female part of fashionable society. Leaving this to your candid perusal, I remain, Sir, your's, very respectfully,



To the Editor of the European Magazine. Islington, May 20, 1818. perated Dr. William Thompson, N perusing the Biography of the late who died at Kensington, March 16, 1817, in the 71st year of his age: the following singular instance of his facetiousness when a youth, at College, occurred; which I transcribe for the amusement of the numerous readers of your valuable Miscellany.

"About the year 1774, while young Thompson attended the Divinity school at St. Andrews, it was the custom on certain days for all the students, in turn, to read a chaper of the bible, and repeat a prayer, in order to initiate them in the practice of public speaking; for

which purpose, in order to increase the audience, many of the respectable town's-people were usually admitted. At length, it came to the turn of Alexander Meldrum, a very modest young man, and then not a little remarkable for his stiffness and formality. The portion of scripture selected on this occasion, happened to be the 15th chapter of St. Paul's Epistle to the Corinthians, in which, by hastily scraping out the letter e, our wicked candidate for holy orders, continued to render the whole passage ludicrous-viz. Behold I shew you a mystery-we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be HANGED (changed) in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye at the last trump! in consequence of this New Reading, the whole Hall was instantly in a titter, which increased to a broad laugh, and discomposed the muscles of the grave and venerable Professor of Divinity; when Willie, as he was then called, with much assumed gravity, exclaimed -"A very quick execution indeed."

I am, Sir, your's, respectfully,

JEWEL presented by the BRETHREN of

[blocks in formation]

THIS superb JEWEL was presented to half of the Brethren of the Grand Stewards Lodge, by Br. GEORGE Reed (his successor as Worshipful Master), in Open Lodge assembled, immediately on his Installation into the Chair; accompanied by an able, pathetic, and appropriate Address, which did honour to the Lodge, credit to himself, and justice to the highly-distinguished Individual to whom the Jewel was presented. The Inscription engraven around it, although it points out some of the causes which prompted the Brethren to this act of respectful attention, does not, and indeed cannot, sufficiently convey those feelings and sentiments of sincere regard and attachment, with which they are most deeply impressed, towards one whose talents are so conspicuous, to whose unremitting zeal and perseverance they are so greatly indebted, and by whose general conduct, both as a Man and a Mason, so many bright and admirable examples have been set forth through the widely-extended circle of the Craft, as

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well as in those numerous Public Institutions which have derived so much advantage from his unwearied exertions.

The Brethren of the Grand Stewards Lodge are under the greatest obligation, for the design and execution of this chaste, tasteful, and truly elegant production of art, to one of their own body, Brother J. C. BURCKHARDT, of Northumberland-street, Strand (Past Senior Grand Deacon, the Presentacting Worshipful Master, under His Royal Highness the Duke of SUSSEX, of the Lodge of Antiquity, [No. 2.] and Past-Warden of the Grand Stewards Lodge). This distinguished Brother, whose zeal and ability have been exerted in the Craft, for many years past, with the greatest effect, and who, for private worth, stands so highly respected by the Fraternity, displayed on a former great and ever-memorable occasion, equal skill, judgment, and fiberality, as in the present instance, in preparing that very superb Jewel (without any pecuniary advantage whatever) which was presented to the Most Noble the Marquis of HASTINGS (then Earl MOIRA), Past-acting Grand Master, on his quitting this Country, to take upon himself the high and most important station of Governor-general and Commander-inChief of all India.


A Border of Purple Enamel, with the


Branch of Accassia, of Diamonds, within Two Circles of Brilliants; in the Centre, the Emblem of Provincial Grand Master, in Brilliants, on a chased fine Gold Ground the whole suspended by Two Rings, formed of Brilliants. Reverse.

A Border of polished Gold, containing the following Inscription: ("Respect fully presented by the BRETHREN of the GRAND STEWARD'S LODGE, to their PAST-MASTER the R. W. WM. WILLIAMS, Provincial Grand MASTER for DORSET, in testimony of their individual gratitude, not only for the great zeal, and distinguished abilities. with which he has uniformly promoted the best interests of the Lodge, but also for his extensive and invaluable services to the Craft at large, 18th February, A. L. 5822, A. D. 1818,”) within Two Circles of Laurel Wreaths, of coloured chased Gold; in the Centre, the Emblem of Past Master of the Grand Steward's Lodge, of fine Gold, on a crimson enamelled Ground.

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