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again: to save him that trouble, I told him my name was Random. Upon which he went on,,,Ay, ay, Random, Random, Raudom-I think I remember the name; and very well he might for this very individual, Mr.

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lieve it will be a difficult matter (continued he) to procure a warrant, there being already such a swarm of Scotch surgeons at the Navy-office, in expation of the

next vacancy that the commoners are afraid of being torn ruge pieces and have actually applied for a guard to protect them. However, some ships will soon be put in commiep, and then we shall see what's to be done. So saying, he left me exceedingly mortified at the different.

reception Mr Gavky and ott lämn

from this upstart, proud, mean member, who, (I imagined) would have been glad

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and board!f continued to dance attendance ever other morning at the levee of Mr. Cringer, during a fortnight, in which time I became acquainted with a young fellow of my oyn country and profeffion the effe debent On the member's interest but was treated with much more respect than I, both by the servants and master, and often admitted into a parlour, where there was a for the convenience of the better sort of oyoung those who waited for h. Thither was never permitted to penetrate our account of my appearance, which was not at fashionable but was obliged to stand blowing my fingers in in a cold lobby, and take the first opportunity of Mr. Gringer's going



to the door to speak with him. One day, while I enjoyed this occafion, a person was introduced whom Mr. Cringer no sooner saw than running towards him, he saluted him with a bow to the very ground, and afterwards shaking him by the hand with great heartinels and familiarity, called him his good friend, and afked very kindly after MyS Staytape and the young ladies then after a whisper which continued some minutes, wherein I overheard the word honour repeated several times with great emphasis, Mr Cringer introduced me to this gentleman as to a person whose advice and affiscace I might depend upon, and having given me his direction followed me to the door, wher he told me I need not give myself the trouble to call at his house any more, at his house for Mr. Staytape would do my bulineis At that instant my fellow dependant coming out after me, overheard the discourse of Mr. Cringer and making up to me in the street, accosted me very civilly. This addrels I looked upon as no small honour,


betragtede It 331

confidering the figurerade; for he

was dreffed in a blue frock with a gord

button, a green ilk
by played trimmed with
gold, black velvet breeches, white bal
stockings filver buckles, a gold laced bat

a spencer wig, and a filver hilted hanger,
with a fine clouded cane in his hand.,,I
perceive, (says he) you are hut lately
come from Scotland;
your hufinefs with Mr.
suppose it is not secret,


pray what may

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Cringer be? I
and I may pos-

sibly give you some advice that will be
serviceable; for I have been surgeon's se-
cond mate on board of a seventy gun ship,
and consequently know a good deal of the
I made no scruple to disclose
my fituation, which when he had lear-
ned, he shook his head and told me he
had been pretty much in the same cir-
cumstances about a year ago! that he had
relied on Cringer's promises, until his
money (which was confideratle) as well
as his credit, was quite exhan bed: 'and
when he wrote to his relations for a fresh
supply, instead of money, he received

nothing but reproaches, and the epithets of idle, debauched fellow: that after he had waited at the navy office many months for a warrant to no purpose, he was fain to pawn some of his clothes, which raised a fmall sum, wherewith, he bribed the st-y, who soon procured a warrant for him, notwithstanding he had affirmed, the same da that there was not one vacanсу. That he had gone one board, where he remained nine months; at the end of which, the ship was put out of commisfion: and he said the company were to be paid off, in Broad street, the very next day. That, his relations being reconciled to him, had charged him to pay his devoirs regularly to Mr. Cringer, who had informed them by lefter, 'that his interest alone had procured the warrant; in obedience to which command, he came to his levee every morning as saw, though he looked upon him to be a very pitiful Scoundrel. In conclufion he afked me if I had yet paffed at surgeon's hall? To which question I answered, 1 did not so

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