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plays, and the dealer does not lay down another to it, he gains a point; but, should the dealer either win the same, pass it, or lay down one of equal value, forming what is styled a tie, the nondealer is still at liberty to put, that is play, or not, and his opponent then only gains a point; then if both parties agree to go on, whoever gains all the tricks or two out of three, wins five points, which are the game; if each player obtains one trick, and the third is a tie, then neither party scores.

Four-handed put differs only in that any two of the players give each their best card to his partner, who then lays out one of his, and the game is afterwards played as in two-handed put.

If the dealer turns up any of his adversary's cards another deal may be demanded; but, when he shews his own, he is to abide by them; and should a faced card occur, the pack must be shuffled and dealt again; when more cards than necessary are given to the non-dealer, he may either claim a fresh deal, or have the extra cards drawn out; but should the dealer give himself too many, then his opponent is entitled to a point, and may either have another deal, or draw the supernumerary cards. By-standers ought never to interfere, under penalty of paying the stakes. Either party saying I put, must abide the event of the game, or pay the stakes.

THE GAME OF ALL-FOURS. THIS game, usually played by two people, sometimes by four, with a complete pack of cards, derives its name from the four chances

therein, for each of which a point is scored, namely, high, the best trump out; low, the smallest trump dealt; jack, the knave of trumps; game, the majority of pips reckoned from such of the following cards as the respective players have in their tricks; viz. every ace counted as 4; king 3; queen 2; knave 1; and ten for 10. Low is always scored by the person to whom it was dealt; but jack being the property of whoever can win or save it, the possessor is permitted to revoke and trump with that card; and when turned up as trump the dealer scores; it is also allowable for the player who lays down a high or low trump to inquire at the time whether the same be high or low.

After cutting for deal, at which either the highest or lowest card wins, as previously fixed, six are to be given to each player, either by three or one at a time, and the 13th turned up for trump; then if the eldest does not like his cards, he may, for once in a hand, say, I beg, when the dealer must either give a point or three more cards to each, and turn up the 7th for trump; but if that should prove of the same suit as the first turned up, then three cards more are to be given, and so on till a different suit occurs. The cards rank as at whist, and each player should always strive to secure his own tens and court cards, or take those of the adversary, to obtain which, except when commanding cards are held, it is usual to play a low one to throw the lead into the opponent's hand. Ten or eleven points form the game, which may be set up as at whist, though a very customary method is to draw two cards from the pack, and lay them one on the other, so as to exhibit only the number of pips the player has gained.

When the dealer shews any of his adversary's cards a new deal may be demanded, but in shewing his own he must abide by the same.

If discovered, previous to playing, that too many cards are given to either party, a fresh deal may be claimed, or the extra cards drawn out by the opponent; but should even a single card have been played, then there must be another deal.

With strict players the adversary may score a point whenever his opponent does not trump or follow suit, and each calculates his game without inspecting the tricks, which when erroneously set up must not only be taken down, but also the antagonist either scores 4 points or 1 as shall have been agreed on.

THE GAME OF SPECULATION. THIS is a noisy round game, that several may play, using a complete pack of cards, bearing the same import as at whist, with fish or counters, on which such a value is fixed as the company agree; the highest trump, in each deal, wins the pool; and whenever it happens that not one is dealt, then the company pool again, and the event is decided by the succeeding coup. After determining the deal, &c. the dealer pools six fish, and every other player four; next three cards are given to each by one at a time, and another turned up for trump; the cards are not to be looked at, except in this manner, the eldest hand shews the uppermost card, which if a trump, the company may speculate on or bid for; the highest bidder buying and paying for it, provided the price offered is approved of by the seller.

After this is settled, or if the first card does not prove trump, then the next eldest shews the uppermost card, and so on, the company speculating as they please, till all are discovered; when the possessor of the highest trump, whether by purchase or otherwise, gains the pool.

To play this game well, little more is requisite than recollecting what superior cards of that particular suit have appeared in the preceding deals, and calculating the probability of the trump of fered proving the highest in the deal then undetermined.



00 or Lue, subdivided into limited and unlimited Loo, a game, the complete knowledge of which can easily be acquired, is played two ways, both with five and three cards, though most commonly with five cards dealt from a whole pack, either first three and then two, or by one at a time. Several persons may play together, but the greatest number can be admitted when with three cards only.

After five cards have been given to each player another is turned up for trump; the knave of clubs generally, or sometimes the knave of the trump suit, as agreed upon, is the highest card, and stiled Pam; the ace of trumps is next in value, and the rest in succession, as at whist. Each player has the liberty of changing for others from the pack all or any of the five cards dealt, or of throwing up the hand in order to escape being looed. Those who play their cards either

with or without changing, and do not gain a trick, are looed; as is likewise the case with all who have stood the game, when a flush or flushes occur, and each, except any player holding Pam, or an inferior flush, is required to deposit a stake to be given to the person who sweeps the board, or divided among the winners at the ensuing deal, according to the tricks which may then be made. For instance, if every one at dealing stakes half a crown, the tricks are entitled to sixpence apiece, and whoever is looed must put down half a crown, exclusive of the deal; sometimes it is settled that each person looed shall pay a sum equal to what happens to be on the table at the time. Five cards of a suit, or four with Pam, compose a flush, which sweeps the board, and yields only to a superior flush, or the elder hand. When the ace of trumps is led, it is usual to say "Pam be civil," the holder of which last mentioned card is then expected to let the ace pass.

When Loo is played with three cards, they are dealt by one at a time, Pam is omitted, and the cards are not exchanged nor permitted to be thrown up.

In different companies these games are frequently played with a few trifling variations from the manner as before stated.


LOTTERY may be played by a large company with two complete packs of cards, one for the prizes, the other for the tickets, and dealt by any two of the party as may chuse, for the deal

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