Abbildungen der Seite

Maxima: The Ara Maxima, sacred to Hercules, in the Forum Boarium, or Ox-Market, at Rome.

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Hercule-suo: in which the earth would have enjoyed (long) enough its (benefactor) Hercules.

emeritum : which has served its time, deserved its discharge, as a soldier when his years of service are at an end.

pagum lustrate: purify the village, by leading the victim round its boundaries.

gravida suis: of a pregnant sow.

usta: nipped, blasted.

neve-cavete: and take care, lest birds mischievous to cultivated lands: cultis fr. culta, orum.

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pinguior æquo: more abundant than is fitting.

gratia dis domuique tuæ: thanks to the Gods and to thy house? that of Augustus.

frondibus Actiacis: with the laurels of Actium: a town of Acarnania, famous for the victory gained there by Octavianus (afterwards Augustus) over the fleet of Mark Antony.

bello: than war.

Horreat orbis: let the world far and near (primus) dread the descendants of Æneas, the Romans.

si qua terra: for si aliqua: if any land.

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cum Palladis alte: the owl.

Cynthia: Diana.

fraternis modis: her brother's notes; those of Apollo.

Ausonis ora: the coast of Italy.


cetera-conscia turba: the rest of the crew, privy to his


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pauca referre: to run over a few notes.

bis tinctam : twice dyed: and therefore of a deep purple. fide majus: beyond belief; incredible to relate.

pretiumque vehendi: and as a return (to the dolphin) for carrying him.

astris constellations: stellas: stars.

ter centum ter-duo: 306 Fabii fell: see Classical Dictionary. sumunt―manus: bands of the same clan (gens) take up the promised arms, i. e., undertake the war according to their promise: professa, fr. profiteor, is here used passively.

e quís-aptus erat: out of which any one was qualified to be elected a general.

Cremeram-rapacem: the rapid Cremera, a river of Tuscany.

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non datur: no opportunity is given: arma cæca: an ambuscade. nec metus alter inest: nor is there a second fear in (their minds). male creditur hosti: it is ill to trust a foe.

fulmineo ore: fierce, terrible, or attacking with the rapidity of lightning.

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Herculea gentis: the Fabii claimed descent from Hercules, by a daughter of Evander.


cui res-foret: by whom the state would have to be restored by delaying this was the famous Fabius Maximus, who received the title of Cunctator, from his successful policy in avoiding a general engagement with Hannibal, and harassing him by delays.

sacrorum: of these sacred rites, the Lupercalia: for an account of which, see the Classical Dictionary.

unde petita: from whence derived.

plurimus ille jugis: he is very frequently among the hills of Arcadia; resorts there much.

Pholoë: a mountain, Stymphalus, a lake, Ladon, a river of Arcadia.

ille ferebat munus ob incolumes oves: for (keeping) the sheep safe. locus urbis: the (mere) site of the city.

devecta Pelasgis: derived from the Pelasgians, i. e., Arcadians : see the Classical Dictionary.

Flamen Dialis: a priest of Jove: erat ad hæc: took part in these rites.

satis-commoda: altogether convenient.

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feris similis like (that of) wild beasts.

nullos agitata per usus: (i. q.,) acta: passed without any of the conveniences (of life).

sub Jove durabant: they used to keep in the open air.

detecti-moris: (the Luperci) by throwing off their clothing renew the memorials, exhibit traces of their ancient mode (of life).

et antiquas testificantur opes: and testify the riches of the olden time: i. e., that men were unencumbered with them.

causas—Latinas: a Latin origin, for the Lupercalia.

inque suo—equus: and let my steed run in its own dust: poets frequently use metaphors taken from the race-course or from the sea, in alluding to the difficulties of their works.

de more according to custom.

verubus transsuta salignis: threaded, i. e., pierced through with spits made of willow.

ab excelso: from an eminence.

Romule, prædones agunt juvencos Per devia rura: eripe, rescue them.

longum erat: it would have occupied too long a time.

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Fabii: the Fabii, we infer, accompanied Remus in the pursuit of the robbers: the Quinctilü, Romulus : irritus: disappointed. quod bene cessit: that which turned out well, this successful encounter has a lasting fame.

tali nomine: sc. the Lupercalia.

ex istis Romulus alter erit: one of them will be a Romulus.

recusantes: with reluctance.

quem-Reddidit: which (name) Tiberinus (an ancient king of Alba) drowned in its waters converted into Tibris, the Tiber.

Maxime Circe for an account of the Circus Maximus, see the Classical Dictionary.

at quam sunt similes! well! how like they are!

suspicor nescio quem (i. q. aliquem) deum esse vobis, (auctorem): I suspect that you have some god (for your father).

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desierat: fr. desino, to cease.

tabella: i. q., alveus, a trough, made of wood scooped to the thickness of a plank.

cognatæ manus: a kinsman's hands, viz., of their uncle Amulius. Marte satos scires: you might know that they were sons of Mars.

nec sibi-ope: and are nourished by the aid of milk not intended

for them.

sanguinis mei: it needs not the services of my offspring: i. e., Romulus.

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intercidit alter: one (Remus) has perished.

qui mihi restat: the one who remains to me, will serve for both. in cærula (templa) cœli: to the azure (vault) of heaven.

tuis: to thy citizens.

Patresque (erant) in crimine falsæ cædis: under a charge of an unfounded murder: for in falso crimine cædis.

humano major: above his size as a mortal.

novum Quirinum: their new deity Quirinus; the name given to Romulus when deified.

collis: sc. Quirinalis.

sacra paterna: the rites of (Romulus) their founder: the Quirinalia.

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Termine: see Terminus in the Classical Dictionary. defossus: planted, stuck deep.

curto-testu: in a small earthen vessel: testu, n. indecl. i. q.


pugnat: works hard: a word descriptive of the old man's exertions, the ground being hard; he fixes some boughs or stakes in the ground for the purpose of keeping the pile of wood together.

incisos favos: honey-combs, cut into small portions.

libantur singula fiammis: a portion of each is cast as an offering into the flames.

candida: clad in white garments: linguis favent: are silent. ambitio: partiality.

Thyreatida terram: Thyrea in Argolis, of which the boundaries being a subject of dispute between the Spartans and the Argives, three hundred of each nation were selected to decide the question by a combat. See the word Othryades in the Classical Dictionary

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Terminus-restitit: Terminus, being found in his temple, remained; Terminus and Juventas (according to Livy) could not be displaced, i. e., the auspices would not sanction it, at the foundation of the Capitoline temple; this indicated that the boundaries

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