Ask me what question thou canst possible, My courage try by combat, if thou dar'st, Only this proof I'll of thy valour make,- Puc. I am prepar'd: here is my keen-edg'd sword, Deck'd with five flower-de-luces on each side; The which, at Touraine, in saint Katharine's church- [thrall. Char. Mean time, look gracious on thy prostrate Reig. My lord, methinks, is very long in talk. Alen. Doubtless heshrivesthis woman to hersmock; Else ne'er could he so long protract his speech. Reig. Shall we disturb him, since he keeps no mean? Alen. He may mean more than we poor men do know: These women are shrewd tempters with their tongues. Reig. My lord, where are you? what devise you on? Shall we give over Orleans, or no? Puc. Why, no, I say, distrustful recreants! Fight till the last gasp; I will be your guard. Char. What she says, I'll confirm; ; we'll fight it out. Puc. Assign'd am I to be the English scourge, This night the siege assuredly I'll raise: Expect saint Martin's summer, halcyon days, Since I have entered into these wars. Glory is like a circle in the water, Which never ceaseth to enlarge itself, Till, by broad spreading, it disperse to nought. With Henry's death, the English circle ends; Dispersed are the glories it included. Now am I like that proud insulting ship, Which Cæsar and his fortune bare at once. Char. Was Mahomet inspired with a dove? Thou with an eagle art inspired then. How may I reverently worship thee enough? Drive them from Orleans, and be immortaliz'd. Char. Presently we'll try;--Come, let's away about it: No prophet will I trust, if she prove false. [Exeunt. SCENE III. London. Hill before the Tower. Enter, at the Gates, the Duke of Gloster, with his Serving-men in blue Coats. Glo. I am come to survey the Tower this day; Since Henry's death, I fear, there is conveyance.Where be these warders, that they wait not here? Open the gates; Gloster it is that calls. [Servants knock. 1 Ward. [Within] Who is there that knocks so imperiously? 1 Serv. It is the noble duke of Gloster. [let in. 2 Ward. [Within] Whoe'er he be, you may not be 1 Serv. Answer you so the lord protector, villains? 1 Ward. [Within] The Lord protect him! so we answer him: We do no otherwise than we are will'd. [mine? Glo. Who willed you? or whose will stands but There's none protector of the realm, but I. Servants rush at the Tower Gates. Enter, to the Gates, Woodville, the Lieutenant. Wood. [Within] What noise is this? what traitors have we here? Glo. Lieutenant, is it you, whose voice I hear? Open the gates; here's Gloster, that would enter. Wood. [Within] Have patience, noble duke: I may The cardinal of Winchester forbids: [not open; From him I have express commandment, That thou, nor none of thine, shall be let in. Glo. Faint-hearted Woodville, prizest him 'fore me? Arrogant Winchester? that haughty prelate, Whom Henry, our late sovereign, ne'er could brook? Thou art no friend to God, or to the king: Open the gates, or I'll shut thee out shortly. I Serv. Open the gates unto the lord protector; Or we'll burst them open, if that you come not quickly. Enter Winchester, attended by a Train of Servants, in tawny Coats. Win. How now, ambitious Humphry? what means this? [out? Glo. Piel'd priest, dost thou command me to be shut Win. I do, thou most usurping proditor, And not protector of the king, or realm. Glo. Stand back, thou manifest conspirator; Win. Nay, stand thou back, I will not budge a foot; Glo. I will not slay thee, but I'll drive thee back: Thy scarlet robes, as a child's bearing-cloth, I'll use, to carry thee out of this place. Win. Do what thou dar'st; I beard thee to thy face. Glo. What? am I dar'd, and bearded to my face?Draw, men, for all this privileged place; Blue-coats to tawny-coats. Priest, beware your beard; [Gloster and his Men attack the Bishop. I mean to tug it, and to cuff you soundly: wrongs: Here's Beaufort, that regards nor God nor king, Win. Here's Gloster too, a foe to citizens; May. Nought rests for me, in this tumultuous strife, But to make open proclamation: Come, officer; as loud as e'er thou canst. Off. All manner of men, assembled here in arms this day, against God's peace and the king's, we charge and command you, in his highness' name, to repair to your several dwelling-places; and not to wear, handle, or use, any sword, weapon, or dagger, henceforward, upon pain of death. Glo. Cardinal, I'll be no breaker of the law: But we shall meet, and break our minds at large. Win. Gloster, we'll meet; to thy dearcost, be sure: Thy heart-blood I will have, for this day's work. May. I'll call for clubs, if you will not away:This cardinal is more haughty than the devil. [may'st. Glo. Mayor, farewell: thou dost but what thou Win. Abominable Gloster! guard thy head; [Exeunt. For I intend to have it, ere long. Good God! that nobles should such stomachs bear! A piece of ordance 'gainst it I have plac'd; And fully even these three days have I watch'd, If I could see them. Now, boy, do thou watch, For I can stay no longer. If thou spy'st any, run and bring me word; And thou shalt find me at the governor's. warrant you; tak [Exit. take you no care; Son. Father, I Enter, in an upper Chamber of a Tower, the Lords Sal. Talbot, my life, my joy, again return'd ! Tal. The duke of Bedford had a prisoner, In fine, redeem'd I was as I desir'd. Sal. Yet tell'st thou not, how thou wert enter- Tal. With scoffs, and scorns, and contumelious Here, said they, is the terror of the French, My grisly countenance made others fly; And spurn in pieces posts of adamant: Ready they were to shoot me to the heart. Henry the fifth he first train'd to the wars; He beckons with his hand, and smiles on me; [Thunder heard; afterwards an Alarum. What stir is this! What tumult's in the heavens? Whence cometh this alarum, and the noise? [Salisbury groans. : Tal. Hear, hear, how dying Salisbury doth groan! It irks his heart he cannot be reveng'd.Frenchmen, I'll be a Salisbury to you Pucelle or puzzel, dolphin or dogfish, Your hearts I'll stamp out with my horse's heels, And make a quagmire of your mingled brains.Convey me Salisbury into his tent, And then we'll try what these dastard Frenchmen dare. [Exeunt, bearing out the Bodies. SCENE V. The same. Before one of the Gates. Alarum. Skirmishings. Talbot pursueth the Dauphin, and driveth him in: then enter Joan la Pucelle, driving Englishmen before her. Then enter Talbot. Tal. Where is my strength, my valour, and my force? Our English troops retire, I cannot stay them; Here, here she comes: I'll have a bout with thee; thee. Tal. Heavens, can you suffer hell so to prevail ? My breast I'll burst with straining of my courage, And from my shoulders crack my arms asunder, But I will chastise this high-minded strumpet. Puc. Talbot, farewell; thy hour is not yet come: O'ertake me, if thou canst; I scorn thy strength. Sal. I grieve to hear what torments you endur'd; This day is ours, as many more shall be. But we will be reveng'd sufficiently. Now it is supper-time in Orleans: thee. Here, through this grate, I can count every one, Where is best place to make our battery next. Gar. I think, at the north gate; for there stand lords. Glan. And I, here, at the bulwark of the bridge. Tal. For aught I see, this city must be famish'd, Or with slight skirmishes enfeebled. [Shot from the Town, Salisbury and Sir Thomas Gargrave fall. Sal. O Lord, have mercy on us, wretched sinners! Gar. O Lord, have mercy on me, woful man! [Pucelle enters the Town, with Soldiers. Tal. My thoughts are whirled like a potter's wheel; I know not where I am, nor what I do: A witch, by fear, not force, like Hannibal, Drives back our troops, and conquers as she lists: So bees with smoke, and doves with noisome stench, Are from their hives, and houses, driven away. They call'd us, for our fierceness, English dogs; Now, like to whelps, we crying run away. [A short Alarum. Hark, countrymen! either renew the fight, Tal. What chance is this, that suddenly hath It will not be:-Retire into your trenches: cross'd us? Speak, Salisbury; at least, if thou canst speak; How far'st thou, mirror of all martial men? One of thy eyes, and thy cheek's side struck off!Accursed tower! accursed fatal hand, That hath contriv'd this woful tragedy! In thirteen battles Salisbury o'ercame; You all consented unto Salisbury's death, In spite of us, or aught that we could do. The shame hereof will make me hide my head. SCENE VI. The same. Enter, on the Walls, Pucelle, Charles, Reignier, Alencon, and Soldiers. Puc. Advance our waving colours on the walls; Rescu'd is Orleans from the English wolves :Thus Joan la Pucelle hath perform'd her word. Char. Divinest creature, bright Astræa's daughter, How shall I honour thee for this success? Thy promises are like Adonis' gardens, More blessed hap did ne'er befall our state. Reig. Why ring not out the bells throughout the town? Alen. All France will be replete with mirth and joy. After this golden day of victory. [Flourish. Exeunt. ACT II. SCENE I. The same. Enter, to the Gates, a French Sergeant, and two Serg. Sirs, take your places, and be vigilant: 1 Sent. Sergeant, you shall. [Exit Serg.] Thus are poor servitors (When others sleep upon their quiet beds), Constrain'd to watch in darkness, rain, and cold. Enter Talbot, Bedford, Burgundy, and Forces, mith Scaling-ladders; their Drums beating a dead March. Tal. Lord regent, and redoubted Burgundy,- As fitting best to quittance their deceit, Bed. Coward of France! how much he wrongs [his fame, Despairing of his own arm's fortitude, But what's that Pucelle, whom they term so pure? Bed. A maid? and be so martial? Bur. Pray God, she prove not masculine ere long; If underneath the standard of the French, She carry armour, as she hath begun. [spirits: Tal. Well, let them practise and converse with God is our fortress; in whose conquering name, Let us resolve to scale their flinty bulwarks. Bed. Ascend, brave Talbot; we will follow thee. Tal. Not all together; better far, I guess, That we do make our entrance several ways; That, if it chance the one of us do fail, The other yet may rise against their force. Bed. Agreed; I'll to yon corner. Bur. And I to this. Tal. And here will Talbot mount, or make his The French leap over the Walls in their Shirts. Enter, several Ways, Bastard, Alencon, Reignier, half ready, and half unready. Alen. How now, my lords? what, all unready so? Hearing alarums at our chamber-doors. More venturous, or desperate, than this. Bast. I think, this Talbot be a fiend of hell. Reig. If not of hell, the heavens, sure, favour him. Alen. Here cometh Charles; I marvel, how he sped. Enter Charles and La Pucelle. Bast. Tut! holy Joan was his defensive guard. Char. Is this thy cunning, thou deceitful dame? Didst thou at first, to flatter us withal, Make us partakers of a little gain, That now our loss might be ten times so much? Puc. Wherefore is Charles impatient with his friend? At all times will you have my power alike ? Sleeping, or waking, must I still prevail, Or will you blame and lay the fault on me?Improvident soldiers! had your watch been good, This sudden mischief never could have fall'n. Char. Duke of Alencon, this was your default; That, being captain of the watch to-night, Did look no better to that weighty charge. Alen. Had all your quarters been as safely kept, As that whereof I had the government, We had not been thus shamefully surpris'd. Bast. Mine was secure. Reig. And so was mine, my lord. Char. And, for myself, most part of all this night, Within her quarter, and mine own precinct, I was employ'd in passing to and fro, About relieving of the sentinels: Then how, or which way, should they first break in ? Puc. Question, my lords, no further of the case, How, or which way; 'tis sure, they found some place But weakly guarded, where the breach was made. And now there rests no other shift but this,To gather our soldiers, scatter'd and dispers'd, And lay new platforms to endamage them. Alarum. Enter an English Soldier, crying, A Talbot! a Talbot! They fly, leaving their Clothes behind. Sold. I'll be so bold to take what they have left. The cry of Talbot serves me for a sword; For I have loaden me with many spoils, Using no other weapon but his name. [Exit. Bed. The day begins to break, and night is fled, Whose pitchy mantle overveil'd the earth. Here sound retreat, and cease our hot pursuit. [Retreat sounded. Tal. Bring forth the body of old Salisbury; I muse, we met not with the dauphin's grace; [gan Bed. 'Tis thought, lord Talbot, when the fight beRous'd on the sudden from their drowsy beds, They did, amongst the troops of armed men, Leap o'er the walls for refuge in the field. Bur. Myself (as far as I could well discern, For smoke, and dusky vapours of the night), Am sure, I scar'd the dauphin, and his trull; When arm in arm they both came swiftly running, Like to a pair of loving turtle-doves, That could not live asunder day or night. After that things are set in order here, We'll follow them with all the power we have. Enter a Messenger. Mess. All hail, my lords! which of this princely train Call ye the warlike Talbot, for his acts So much applauded through the realm of France? Tal. Here is the Talbot; who would speak with him? Mess. The virtuous lady, countess of Auvergne, With modesty modesty admiring thy renown, By me entreats, good lord, thou wouldst vouchsafe To visit her poor castle where she lies; That she may boast, she hath beheld the man Whose glory fills the world with loud report. Bur. Is it even so? Nay, then, 1 see, our wars Will turn unto a peaceful comic sport, When ladies crave to be encounter'd with.You may not, my lord, despise her gentle suit. Tal. Ne'er trust me then; for, when a world of Could not prevail with all their oratory, Yet hath a woman's kindness overrul'd And therefore tell her, I return great thanks; And in submission will attend on her.Will not your honours bear me company ? : [men Bed. No, truly; it is more than manners will: And I have heard it said,-Unbidden guests Are often welcomest when they are gone. [mind. Tal. Well then, alone, since there's no remedy, I mean to prove this lady's courtesy. Come hither, captain. [Whispers]-You perceive my Capt. I do, my lord; and mean accordingly. [Exeunt. SCENE III. Auvergne. Court of the Castle. Enter the Countess and her Porter. Count. Porter, remember what I gave in charge; And, when you have done so, bring the keys Porter. Madam, I will. to me. [Exit. Count. The plot is laid if all things fall out right, I shall as famous be by this exploit, Fain would mine eyes be witness with mine ears. Enter Messenger and Talbot. Mess. Madam, By message crav'd, so is lord Talbot come. Count. And he is welcome. What! is this the man? Is this the scourge of France ? Is this the Talbot, so much fear'd abroad, I thought, I should have seen some Hercules, It cannot be, this weak and writhled shrimp Tal. Madam, I have been bold to trouble you: Re-enter Porter, with Keys. Count. If thou be he, then art thou prisoner. To me, blood-thirsty lord; And for that cause I train'd thee to my house. But now the substance shall endure the like; That hast, by tyranny, these many years, Tal. Ha, ha, ha! [to moan. Count. Laughest thou, wretch? thy mirth shall turn Tal. I laugh to see your ladyship so fond, To think that you have aught but Talbot's shadow, Count. Why, art not thou the man? Count. Then have I substance too. Tal. No, no, I am but shadow of myself: Count. This is a riddling merchant for the nonce; Tal. That will I show you presently. He winds a Horn. Drums heard; then a Peal of These are his substance, sinews, arms, and strength, Count. Victorious Talbot! pardon my abuse: I did not entertain thee as thou art. Tal. Be not dismay'd, fair lady; nor misconstrue The mind of Talbot, as you did mistake The outward composition of his body. What you have done, hath not offended me: No other satisfaction do I crave, But only (with your patience), that we may Taste of your wine, and see what cates you have; For soldiers' stomachs always serve them well. Count. With all my heart: and think me honoured To feast so great a warrior in my house. [Exeunt. SCENE IV. London. The Temple Garden. Enter the Earls of Somerset, Suffolk, and Warwick; Richard Plantagenet, Vernon, and another Lawyer. Plan. Great lords, and gentlemen, what means this Dare no man answer in a case of truth? [silence? Suff. Within the Temple hall we were too loud; The garden here is more convenient. Plan. Then say at once, if I maintain'd the truth; Or, else was wrangling Somerset in the error ? tween us. Suff. 'Faith, I have been a truant in the law; And never yet could frame my will to it; And, therefore, frame the law unto my will. Som. Judge you, my lord of Warwick, then be[pitch; War. Between two hawks, which flies the higher Between two dogs, which hath the deeper mouth; Between two blades, which bears the better temper; Between two horses, which doth bear him best; Between two girls, which hath the merriest eye; I have, perhaps, some shallow spirit of judgment: But in these nice sharp quillets of the law, Good faith, I am no wiser than a daw. Plan. Tut, tut, here is a mannerly forbearance: The truth appears so naked on my side, That any purblind eye may find it out. Som. And on my side it is so well apparell'd, So clear, so shining, and so evident, That it will glimmer through a blind man's eye. Plan. Since you are tongue-tied, and so loath to speak, In dumb significants proclaim your thoughts: War. I love no colours; and, without all colour Of base insinuating flattery, I pluck this white rose, with Plantagenet. Suff. I pluck this red rose, with young Somerset; And say withal, I think he held the right. [more, Som. Prick not your finger as you pluck it off; Lest, bleeding, you do paint the white rose red, And fall on my side so against your will. Ver. Stay, lords and gentlemen and pluck no If I have fewest, I subscribe in silence. Ver. Then, for the truth and plainness of the case, I am indeed. I pluck this pale, and maiden blossom here, Ver. If I, my lord, for my opinion bleed, Law. Unless my study and my books be false, The argument you held, was wrongi in you; [To Som. In sign whereof, I pluck a white rose too. Plan. Now, Somerset, where is your argument? Som. Here, in my scabbard; meditating that, Shall die your white rose in a bloody red. Plan. Mean time, your cheeks do counterfeit our For pale they look with fear, as witnessing [roses; The truth on our side. Som. No, Plantagenet, 'Tis not for fear; but anger, that thy cheeks Som. Well, I'll find friends to wear my bleeding That shall maintain what I have said is true, [roses, Where false Plantagenet dare not be seen. Plan. Now, by this maiden blossom in my hand, I scorn thee and thy fashion, peevish boy. Suff. Turn not thy scorns this way, Plantagenet. Plan. Proud Poole, I will; and scorn both him and thee. Suff. I'll turn my part thereof into thy throat. Som. Away, away, good William De-la-Poole! We grace the yeoman, by conversing with him. War. Now, by God's will, thou wrong'st him, Somerset; His grandfather was Lionel, duke of Clarence, d, till thou be restor'd, thou art a yeoman. [tion! Suff. Go forward, and be chok'd with thy ambi And so farewell, until I meet thee next. [Exit. Som. Have with thee, Poole. Farewell, ambitious Richard. (Exit. Plan. How I am brav'd, and must perforce endare it! War This blot, that they object against your house, Shall be wip'd out in the next parliament, Call'd for the truce of Winchester and Gloster: And, if thou be not then created York, I will not live to be accounted Warwick. Meantime, in signal of my love to thee, Against proud Somerset, and William Poole, Will I upon thy party wear this rose: And here 1 prophesy, This brawl to-day, Grown to this faction, in the Temple garden, Shall send, between the red rose and the white, A thousand souls to death and deadly night. Plan. Good master Vernon, I am bound to That you on my behalf would pluck a flower. Ver. In your behalf still will I wear the same. Law. And so will I. Plan. Thanks, gentle sir. Come, let us four to dinner: I dare say, you, SCENE V. The same. A Room in the Tower. Enter Mortimer, brought in a Chair by two Keepers. Mor. Kind keepers of my weak decaying age, Let dying Mortimer here rest himself.Even like a man new haled from the rack, So fare my limbs with long imprisonment: And these gray locks, the pursuivants of death, Nestor-like aged, in an age of care, Argue the end of Edmund Mortimer. These eyes, -like lamps whose wasting oil is spent,Wax dim, as drawing to their exigent: Weak shoulders, overborne with burd'ning grief; That droops his sapless branches to the ground.- As Mor. Enough; my soul shall then be satisfied.Poor gentleman! his wrong doth equal mine. Since Henry Monmonth first began to reign (Before whose glory I was great in arms), This loathsome sequestration have I had; And even since then hath Richard been obscur'd, Depriv'd of honour and inheritance: But now, the arbitrator of despairs, Just death, kind umpire of men's miseries, With sweet enlargement doth dismiss me hence; I would, his troubles likewise were expir'd, That so he might recover what was lost. Enter Richard Plantagenet. 1 Keep. My lord, your loving nephew now is come. Mor. Richard Plantagenet, my friend? Is he come? Plan. Ay, noble uncle, thus ignobly us'd, Your nephew, late-despised Richard, comes. Mor. Direct mine arms, I may embrace his neck, And in his bosom spend my latter gasp: ? O, tell me, when my lips do touch his cheeks, Some words there grew 'twixt Somerset and me: Plan. Discover more at large what cause that was; For I am ignorant, and cannot guess. Mor. I will, if that my fading breath permit, From Lionel, duke of Clarence, the third son But mark; as, in this haughty great attempt, This quarrel will drink blood another day. [Exeunt. Marrying my sister, that thy mother was, FF |