BEING A NEW SELECTION OF LESSONS FOR READING AND SPEAKING. DESIGNED FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS. BY CALEB BINGHAM, a. m. "TRAIN UP A CHILD IN THE WAY HE SHOULD GO,-" The Ninth Edition. Published according to A&t of Congress. BOSTON: PRINTED BY MANNING AND LORING, 1801. Tiene 13, 1940 Edeec T 758.01.208 nius. IN making felections for the following work, a preference has been given to the productions of American geThe Compiler, however, has not been wholly confined to America; but has extracted from approved writers of dif ferent ages and countries. Convinced of the impropriety of inftilling falfe notions into the minds of children, he has not given place to romantic fiction. Although moral effays have not been neglected; yet pleafing and interefling ftories, exemplifying moral virtues, were judged beft calculated to engage the attention and improve the heart. Tales of love have not gained admiffion. The Compiler pledges himself, that, while this book contains nothing offenfive to the moft rigid moralift, neither a word nor a fentiment fhall be found, which would “raise a blush on the cheek of modely." In the arrangement of pieces, the ufual order has not been obferved. But with defign to render it more entertaining to children, dialogues, orations, hiftorical anecdotes, &c. with the different kinds of reading in profe and verfe, are variously interfperfed through the whole work. For the conveniency of large claffes, the feveral pieces are divided into paragraphs of a moderate length; the utility of which, thofe converfant in the inftruction of youth will readily difcover. Inftructors are affured, that the inconveniency arifing from the frequent alterations in the different editions of fchool-books will never be experienced in this. The Compiler is far from wishing to establish the merits of this, by making objections to other performances. Improvement has been his object. How far he has fuccceded, a candid public will decide. |