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and threatens trouble to the tory that fhall refuse them as fuch. "Hurra for

us debtors," is now the cry. Bleffed times! Whole caravans of honeft men are now in motion to pay their debts. Adraftus joins the happy throng; and taking a witness with him, waits on the good old Agathocles, whofe generous loan of a thousand guineas, he pays off with half a quire of paper currency-worth about £. 40.

ALAS! poor honor! when severed from the love of God, and of man, what art thou but an empty name! Had Adraftus loved his God, could he thus have despised that golden precept which enjoins him-to do unto others as he would that others fhould do unto him?-Had Adraftus loved the generous Agathocles, could he have thus requited him evil for good-could he have thus repayed the nobleft friendship with the bafeft

bafeft ingratitude?-Let the following true story reply.

A YOUNG gentleman, whom we shall call Leander, had the good fortune to be born of parents, who well knew that happiness confifts rather in the good qualities of the heart, than in the rich contents of the ftrong box. He was therefore early taught to look on the love of God and of his neighbour, as the best wealth that man or angel can poffefs. His progrefs in virtue was equal to the fondeft expectations of his parents. Truth, honor and goodness, fhone fo confpicuoufly in all his conduct, that to love him, one needed but to know him. At the age of three and twenty he lost his father; and poffeffing but a very small fortune, he refolved to go into trade. Leander had five or fix mercantile friends, each of whom throwing in a couple of hundred pounds worth of goods, made him up a pretty affortment.

affortment. With great alacrity he entered upon this new employment; but, as it would feem, merely to evince the error of thofe parents, who think that religion alone is fufficient to make their children happy. His father had taken great pains to fit him for heaven; but had not fufficiently inftructed him to make his way good here on earth. He had fcarcely ever told Leander, that though it be happiness to love, it is ftill virtue to be prudent; and, that to mingle the harmleffness of the dove with the wisdom of the ferpent, and to take head of men, even while he loves them, are commandments of the Great Teacher himself. He had hardly ever mentioned to Leander, the importance of receipts, vouchers, and written contracts; nor related to him the many fad inftances of unfufpecting goodness fnared and ruined by infidious villainy; and how often, for want of receipts,


the best men have been compelled to a second payment of debts that have kept their noses to the grindstone half their lives after. No; but to confider all men as the children of God, and coheirs of glory; to love them as himself, and to think evil of no man-these were the only fentiments which Leander was taught: Thefe he carried with him behind the counter. Leander was foon found out to be a fine young man! every body admired his goods, and wished to buy if they could but have a little credit. Leander anticipated every wish, and credited every body.

IN a very fhort time, out of a thoufand pounds worth of goods, he had not a remnant left. His rivals were fit to burft with spleen and envy at fuch prodigious fales; while his friends afcribed fuch fingular fuccefs to divine interpofition. At the appointed time his creditors demanded their money. The

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The too credulous Leander was not prepared to pay. Unable to wait longer, they feized on his little patrimony, and threw him into prifon. Cruel parents, who thus expofe your children uncovered by the shield of prudence, to the fiery darts of fraud and villainy! O remember that the want of prudence, is too often, even in the best men, fucceeded by the want of virtue; and that, in many instances, the devil himself asks not an abler advocate for vice than poverty. Happily for Leander, his virtue was full grown, and of a good conftitution. He did not, as thousands have done, curfe that eafinefs of nature, that benevolence of fentiment, which had duped and betrayed him; he did not vow eternal war against his fpecies, and refolve to practise in future the fame arts which had wrought his ruin. No! fraud and injustice now appeared to him hateful as the hags of hell.

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