Abbildungen der Seite

Grafton, the duke of, suddenly
quits administration, ii. 48.

mand the southern army, 72. ad- the protestant association to those
vances towards Camden, 97, his measures which proves introduc-
general orders at Clermont, 99. tory to the most extraordinary
marches and unexpectedly meets risings in London and Westmin-
the British army under lord Corn- ter, iii. 88. he is taken and com-
wallis, 101. engages the British, mitted to the tower, 92. tried
and is defeated, 102. proceeds to and acquitted, 184.
Hillsborough, 106. his broken
troops retreat to Salsbury, 108.
his exertions in favour of the re- Grasse, count de, engages Sir
lics of his unfortunate army, 114. Samuel Hood, iii. 220, arrives in
these are reinforced, 115. he re- the Chesapeak, and afterwards
ceives private information of con- engages Graves, 251, sails for
gress's having appointed an officer the West Indies, 262, attacks
to supersede him, 121. removes Hood, 284, engages Rodney, 306,
his head quarters to Charlotte, engages him afresh, is defeated
and surrenders the command of and taken, 308. lands at Ports-
the army into general Greene's mouth, 312.
hands, 123. meets with a polite
return from Greene, 124.

Generals Howe, Clinton and
Burgoyne, arrive at Boston, i.


George, the Royal, is lost, iii.


Georgia settled, i. 70. accedes
to the general association of the
twelve colonies, 387. 388. at-
tacked by the British troops, Sa-
vannah, the capital, taken, and
the state subdued, ii. 404.

Germaine, lord George, extracts
from his letters, iii. 200.

Gibraltar invested by the Span-
iards, ii. 450. relieved by Rod-

Graves, admiral, engages de
Grasse, iii. 251.

Greene, general, addresses ge-
neral Washington, i. 367. takes
the command of the southern ar-
my, iii. 124. he disapproves of
the censure passed upon Gates by
congress, 125. the embarrassment
attending his command, 156. his
answer to lord Cornwallis's letter,
157. separates his forces through
necessity, 158. sends Lee's parti-
zan corps to surprize Georgetown,
160. forms a light army and mar-
ches with the main army for the
Dan, 166. crosses it, 167. he
recrosses the Dan, 169. marches

iii. 82. by Darby, 184. 185. to Guilford court-house, and pre-
tremendous torrents of fire dis- pares for action, 173. is attacked
gorged on the fortress, from the by Cornwallis, and forced to re-
Spanish artillery, and returned by treat, 174. pursues his lordship
general Elliot, 184. the stupen- to Deep river, 176. marches to
dous works erected against it, de- South Carolina, 189. is attacked
stroyed, 271. the grand attack, by lord Rawdon near Camden and
339. the battering ships set on obliged to retreat, 190. proceeds
fire by red hot balls from the for- to Ninety-Six, and besieges the
tress, 340. the captain with his garrison under col. Cruger, 195.
marine brigade hazard themselves raises the siege and is pursued by
to rescue the distressed from sur- Rawdon; soon after pursues his
rounding destruction, 341. the lordship and offers him battle,
place relieved by lord Howe, 343. 198. he retires to the high hills
Gordon, lord George, advises of Santee, and from thence trans-

mits his opinion on Gates's defeat,

a number of them,

199. his account of the miseries and lieut. col. Campbell, taken
attending the war in South Caro- in Boston bay, ii. 73.
lina, 200. his answer to Balfour Hood, Sir Samuel, engages de
respecting the execution of Hayne, Grasse, iii. 220. arrives at San-
240. engages lieutenant colonel dy Hook, 251. attacked by the
Stewart at the Eutaw springs, count, 284 takes the Ville de
242. happily suppresses the spirit Paris, count de Grasse's ship, 310
of mutiny among his troops, 245. takes the Jason and Cato, 311.
writes to general Gould, 246. his
account of the distresses of his
army, 295. a few strictures con-
cerning him, 391, 392.

Grenada taken, ii. 453,
Grenadier, a British, surprised
and made prisoner by an Ameri-
can boy, ii. 121.

Grey, general, surprises gene-
ral Wayne in the night, ii. 229.
Griswold, fort, on Groton hill,
taken by the British, iii. 249,


Hopkins, commodore, returns
from his naval expedition, ii. 40.
engages the Glasgow man of war,
41. puts into New London, ib.

Hostile preparations in differ-
ent parts of the Massachusetts
colony, i. 275. it is however ho-
ped, that all differences will be
amicably settled without blood-
shed, 277.

Hostilities commence between
Great Britain and France, ii. 344:
Howe, general prepares to at-
Hancock, Mr. John, is elect- tack the Americans on Dorcester
ed one of the Boston represent- Heights, ii. 28. is prevented by
atives, i. 154. his sloop Liberty a storm, and concludes upon
seized, 156. a mob collects on evacuating Boston, ib, the town
the occasion, and becomes riot- evacuated, 30. his design for
ous, 157. the report of the com- procuring rice in Georgia frustra-
mittee of the Massachusetts house ted, 38. arrives off New York,
and conncil respecting the riot, 79. lands his troops on Long
159. a suit commenced against Island, 97. surprises and defeats
Mr. Hancock in the court of Ad- the Americans, 99. makes a des-
miralty, but dropped, 162. Mr. cent on New-York island, 110.
Hancock is chosen president of lands on Frog's-neck, 116. attacks
congress, 336. takes his leave of the Americans at White Plains,
congress, ii. 283. is elected go- 118. returns to Kingsbridge, 121,
vernor of the Massachusetts state, takes fort Washington, 124.
upon their new constitution, iii. leaves Brunswick, and takes the
field, 199. returns to Bruns-
Hayne, colonel Isaac, execu- wick, which he evacuates, and
ted by the joint order of lord marches to Amboy, 201. unex-
Rawdon and colonel Balfour, the pectedly moves toward the A-
case of, iii. 202. 205.

Herkimer, general, defeated by
Sir John Johnson, ii. 237

Hessians defeated at Trenton,
ii. 153.

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merican army, 202, embarks his
troops, ibid. sails with his army,
213. lands his troops at Elk fer.
ry, 215. crosses the Brandy-
wine, attacks and defeats the
Highlanders, and regulators of Americans, 224. amuses gen-
North Carolina imbody, but are eral Washington, and unexpect-
defeated, 36, 37.
edly crosses the Schuylkill below

him, 929. makes his entry into a treaty of alliance with his Ca-
Philadelphia, 230. is honored by tholic majesty, iii, 28. his attempts
the officers with a magnificient ineffectual, 148. delivers in pro-
entertainment, 327.
positions relative to an intended

Howe, lord, arrives at Staten treaty with Spain, 270. repairs to
Island, and sends a flag to gene- Paris, S44. refuses treating with
ral Washington, ii. 94. proposes Mr. Oswald, till the independence
a conference with some members of the United States is acknow-
of Congress, 107. the conference, ledged in the first instance, 345.
ib. sails with the fleet, and army, has put into his hands the copy of
213. arrives and anchors in the a letter to count de Vergennes,
Delaware, 230. is allowed to re- 346. gives Oswald a draught of a
turn to Britain, 341. leaves the commission that would fully sa-
Delaware, 367. prepares to de-
fend the entrance into New York
harbour against count d'Estaing's

tisfy, and is jealous of the designs
of the French court, 347.
Jealousiesand prejudices among

fleet, 368. sails for the preserva- the troops under general Wash-
tion of Rhode Island, 370. sails ington, ii. 96. 109. 113.
for the relief of Gibraltar, iii. 335. Jersey, island, the attempt of
enters the Straits, 342. is attack- the French upon it defeated by
ed by the combined fleets, and the bravery of Major Pierson,
afterwards let to pursue his voy- iii. 182.
age home, 344.

Huddy, captain Joshua, hang-
ed. iii. 292.

Hughes, admiral, engages Mr.
de Suffrein, iii. 304. engages
him afresh, 352. a third and
fourth time, 353. the last time,

Independence, measures taken
to forward the declaration of it,
ii. 76. resolution respecting it,
moved and seconded in congress,
87. the declaration of indepen-
dence, ibid.

Independents, the, see congre-

Hurricanes at Jamaica, iii. 144. Indian, the Oneida, their speech
at Barbadoes, ib. at St. Lucie, to the New England provinces,
Grenada, and St. Vincent, 145. i. 359. an answer of the Stock-
Hutchinson, Judge, his Brief bridge Indians to the Massachu-
state of the claim of the colonies, setts congress, 361. the reply of
and the interest of the nation with the Massachusetts congress, 362.
respect to them,' i. 125. when go- Indian chiefs at head quarters in
vernor he introduces the subject Cambridge, 414. congress com-
of the parliament's supremacy in- missioners treat with the Indians,
to his speech to the Massachusetts ii. 175. the Indians destroy the
general court, 212. by his bad settlements at Wyoming, 385.
advice, betrays the ministry into Inquisition, the, abolished in
wrong measures, 282, 283. his the dominions of the duke of
letters are discovered, 244. his Modena, iii. 149.
behaviour while in the colony, ib.


Instructions to the commission-
ers at the court of France, ii. 139.
to the American commissioners at
different courts, 160.

Jamaica petitions the king in
favor of the colonies, i. 300. the
hurricane at that island, iii. 144. Johnson, Sir John, defeats ge-
Jay, Mr. elected to negociate neral Herkimer, ii. 237.

Sir William, repulses procure contribution for the be
nefit of the American soldiers, iil.

the French, i. 237.

Johnstone, commodore, sails 62. forward shirts and stockings
for the East Indies, iii. 230. is to the army, 138.
attacked by Mr. de Suffrein, 231.

whig, their conduct in
takes several Dutch East India Charleston, South Carolina, iii.
ships, 232.

John's, St. in Canada, taken,

i. 427.


Landed country gentlemen a-
larmed, ii. 51.

Jones, captain Paul, lands a
Laurens, Henry, esq. chosen
party of Americans at Whiteha- president of congress, ii. 284. his
ven, and sets fire to a ship in the letter to the governor of Georgia,
harbor; afterwards lands and 397. to another friend, 447. e-
plunders lord Selkirk's house, ii. lected to negociate a treaty with
342. engages captain Pearson, the Dutch, iii. 28. taken on his
456. is honored by the French voyage to Holland, and commit-
king with the cross of military ted to the Tower, 143. discharg-
merit, iii. 180.
ed, 275.

Ireland pares 4000 troops for
his majesty's service abroad, ii.
55. the state and procedings of
the country, 459. further pro-
cedings, iii, 78, 300.

Juries, the great and petty,
through the Massachusetts refuse
acting under the new regulations,
i. 253.


Kalb, baron de, marches to the
southward, iii. 71. is mortally
wounded, 105.

Kempenfelt, admiral, takes a
number of French transports, iii.
277. is lost in the Royal George,


Keppel, admiral, sails for the
bay of Biscay, and takes the Li-
corne frigate, ii. 344. engages
d'Orvilliers, 347. is tried, 421.

Killed, the number, by the fir-
ing of the British from Boston
and the neighborhood, i. 418.

Kitts, St. taken by the marquis
de Bouille, iii. 283.

Knox, general, sent off to the
eastern states by the commander
in chief, on account of the Penn-
sylvania revolters, iii. 152.

Laurens, lieut. colonel chosen
special minister to France, iii.
154. returns from France, 230.
his conduct approved of by con-
gress, 240. is mortally wounded
while engaging with the British,

Lee, Arthur, esq. leaves Great
Britain and removes to Paris, ii.


-, general, measures taken
for sending him on to New York,
ii. 14. is detained at Stanford;
but orders a Connecticut regi-
ment into the city, and arrives
there himself two hours after ge-
neral Clinton arrives at Sandy
Hook, 15. goes to the south-
ward, 34. his letter to the French
minister, 132. anecdote concern-
ing him, 121. he is taken by col.
Harcourt, 130. inconveniencies
resulting from his capture, 161.
commands the Americans near
Monmouth court house, ii. 356,
is put under arrest, tried, and
found guilty, 365, his death and
character, iii. 328.

Lee, captain H. made major
commandant of horse for his bra-
very, ii. 316, attacks the British
Ladies, the, at Philadelphia, post at Powles' Hook, 448, joins


general Greene in South Caroli- appointed to command there, ib.
na with his partizan legion, iii. the royal army lands upon it, ib.
159, falls upon a number of roy- evacuated by the Americans, 102,
alists and makes a great slaugh. 103, 104.
ter among them, 170, aids gen.

Loss of the Ville de Paris,
Marion in reducing fort Watson, Ramillies, and other men of war,
188, fort Motte, 194, fort Gran- iii. 351,
by, ib. marches to join Pickens,
and with him reduces the fort at
Augusta, 195.

Leger, St. lieutenant colonel,
quits the siege of fort Stanwix,
ii. 240.

Leslie, gen, evacuates Charles-
town, iii. 328.

Letter, the copy of one to count
Vergennes, iii. 346.

Loudon, lord, his determination
relative to the Massachusetts gen-
eral court, i. 96.

Louisburgh taken by the Mas-
sachusetts colony, i. 81.

Lowther, Sir James, offers to
present the British king with a
man of war of the line, iii. 351.

Lucie, St. attacked by the Bri-
tish, ii. 422. d'Estaing attempts
relieving the island, 423 the

Letters of Hutchinson & others
sent to Boston by Dr. Franklin, place capitulates, 425.

i. 217.
Luzerne, the chevalier de la,
Lexington affair, i. 310, the arrives at Boston, ii. 449. his
news of it reaches London, 326. communications to congress, iii.
Lippincot, captain, tried for 37. his hint to general Washing-
hanging captain Huddy, and ac- ton, 39. sundry communications
quitted, iii. 316 & 17.
of his before congress, 291. is

Lincoln, general, surprised at satisfied with its being resolved,
Boundbrook, ii, 190, sent to the that Mr. J. Adams should be
northward to command the mili- ultimately directed and guided by
tia, 241, sends colonel Brown the sentiments of the French
and others on an expedition to court, ib.
Lake George, 247, is sent to S.
Carolina, 412, establishes his head


Main, the province of, set-
quarters at Purysburgh, 413, pur- tled, i. 36. the inhabitants sub-
sues gen. Prevost, 430, attacks mit to the Massachusetts and
the British at Stony ferry, 432, have greater privileges granted
marches for Savannah, iii. 30. is them than what the Massachu-
repulsed in a joint attack with setts people enjoy, 37.
d'Estaing on the town, 32. de- Manifesto, a, presented to
fends Charlestown, 44. surrenders the British minister by the Span
the place, 51. receives the sub- ish ambassador, ii. 451.
mission of the royal army at York
Town, 260.

London, the city of, approach-
es the throne with an address, &c.
i. 322. refuses in 1781 to pre-
sent their address, &c. at the le-
vee, and orders its publication,
iii. 273.

Manley, captain, takes British
vessels, i. 416.

Marion, general, exerts him-
self on the side of congress, iii.
112. 169. aided by lieut, colo-
nel Lee's partizan legion, redu-
ces fort Watson, 188. fort Motte,
194. fort Granby, ib.

Long Island fortified by the A- Maryland settled, i. 53. the
mericans, ii. 97. general Sullivan convention resolve on an associa
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