Abbildungen der Seite


LITERARY and PHILOSOPHICAL; including Notices of Works in Hand, Domestic and Foreign.


R. AIKIN has prepared for the prefs, a Journal of a Tour through the greater part of North Wales, and part of Shropshire, with various obfervations in mineralogy, and other branches of natural history.

Lord MOUNTMORRES has fet an excellent example to opulent authors, by prefenting the profits of his late hiftory of the Irish Parliament to the LITERARY FUND.

Mr. NITSCH has announced his intention to commence, in January, a courfe of Twelve Lectures on the natural conftitution of the human mind, according to the principles laid down in his "General and Introductory View of Profeffor Kant's Philofophy."

The Fourth Part, being the last, of Mr. HUTCHINSON's valuable Hiftory of the County of Cumberland, will be publifhed in the courfe of the winter. It has been delayed fome time by the great quantity of interefting matter which has lately come to hand, and by the number of additional plates which are in the hands of the engraver. In the compilation of this work from original and: vauable fources, without difregarding antiquities and genealogies, particular attention has been paid to the more practical and useful fubjects of agriculture, manufactures, botany, and mineralogy, which latter is a very important article in the history of that county. The public are indebted for the work to Mr. JOLLIE, a refpectable book feller at Carlife, who, during fix years, has carried it on at a very heavy expence.

On the fummit of the cupola of the Pantheon, at Paris, it is propofed to place a coloffal figure of Fame. The model of this ftatue, which is be caft in bronze, is already finished by DEJOUX. Its height is 30 English feet. It bears a trumpet in one hand, and in the other, a palm and a crown; ftands upright, is clothed with a floating tunic, and a clofe gown. Two enormous wings cover its back; one of its fect refts on an hemif phere, and the other is in the air. This work has already engaged the artift three years, and it will require as many more, before it will be completed.

With a view to improve the art of defign, moulds of the finest antique

models, have been diftributed by the French government throughout the fchools of the departments..

The French Literary Journals exprefs confident hopes,. that fome of the literati of the University of Oxford will prefent the world with remarks, illuftraions, &c. of the important Herculaneum MSS. now in the library of Chrift Church.

The author of the new Pafigraphy, without explaining precifely the nature of his invention, has published, in the Parifian Journals, an idea of it by the following comparifon : " It will be with Pafigraphy," fays he," as with Geography, where a certain point of interfection denotes a town,, or an ifland. Let the town, &c. be called either Conftantinople or Stamboul, Londres or London, Paris or Parigi,, Ratisbonne or Regenbourg, La Haye or S'graven Hagen, &c. thofe who can take at the first glance the longitude and latitude, will immediately name the country, the province, and the place, every one in his own language."

The Grand Duke of TUSCANY has confented to give the impreffions of the engraved ftones of the gallery of Florence, in exchange for the impreffions of thofe of the cabinet of antiquities in the National Library, at Paris. The Florence collection is perhaps the finest exifting.

COULOMB, a Physician in the French Marine, has lately prefented to the government, a confiderable Herbary, collected by him at Cayenne. It contains 50 genera, and 200 fpecies, which were not to be found in the Mufeum of Natural History at Paris. The Directory has prefented to the fame inftitution a very rare fhell, the argonauta vitrea L. G. which the circumnavigator HUON, who went in fearch of LA PEYROUSE, had carneftly recommended and bequeathed be fore his death to the republic.

Le GRAND, an archite&t, has lately propofed to the French government, to reflore the celebrated Thernæ Juliance at Paris.

The National Inftitute, in the filling up of vacancies in its number of members, has adopted a fimple and corvenient mode of nomination, which de


Varieties.-Literary Notices, &c.

ferves to be known, and imitated in all elections of the fame kind. Each member writes on his lift the three names prefented by the clafs which has vacancies to fupply; he adds to the name that he prefers, the number 3, to that which obtains his fecond degree of preference, he adds the number 2; and the number 1, to the laft. They then cait up the numbers affixed to cach name, and the highest figures obtain the election. For example, the candidates in a late vacancy in the clafs of mechanics were CARNOT, BREGUET and JANVIER; every voter placed oppofite to one of thefe names, the numbers 3, 2, or 1; CARNOT in confequence obtained 250 units, BREGUET 182, and JANVIER

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A valuable periodical work has lately made its appearance at Geneva, under the conduct of M. A. PICTET, Profeffor of Philofophy there, and Fellow of the Royal Society of London. It is entitled "La Bibliotheque Brittanique," and is compofed folely of tracts from modern English publications, and the tranfactions of our literary and other focieties.

The national commiffioners in Italy, have lately fent to the national library at Paris, five manufcripts felected from the celebrated Ambrofian Library. They are, 1. Virgil, in which are notes in the handwriting of Petrarch. 2. Two manufcripts of Gallileo upon tides and fortifications. 3. The work of Leonardo de Vinci, upon mathematics and mechanics, in his own hand. 4. A MS. on the antiquities of Jofephus, by Ruffin. 5. Another on the hiftory of the popes.

The rich and extenfive libraries of LAVALLIERE, DE PAULINY, and the count D'ARTOIS, have been pre


fented to the National Institute by the directory. The librarian is SAUGRAIN; it will be open to the public every fifth day.

The Statue of Voltaire, which stood under the veftibule of the ci-devant French Theatre, has been removed into the Hall of the public fittings of the National Institute. The bard of Ferney is reprefented as fitting in a great chair in a poftuse of meditation; the fculptor was Houdon.

The COLLEGE OF FRANCE, heretofore called the College Royal, held a public fitting on the 11th of November. Memoirs on various fubjects, chiefly literary and fpeculative, were read by PERREAU, PORTAL, COURNAND, GAIL, CAUSSIN, and LALANDE.

The Practice of Irrigation is becoming very popular in France. An extenfive canal for the exprefs purpose of irrigating lands, is about to be made in the department of the Higher Pyrenées, from which much benefit is expected to refult.

On the 22d of October, the School of the Military Hofpital, at Paris, was opened by the Infpectors General of health for the armies. COSTE pronounced a difcourfe, which principally related to the medical treatment of the military. The profeffors, &c. are GILBERT, CHAYRON, DESGENETTE, &c. &c.

The butcheries of Paris have been removed out of that city and fuburbs: an example deferving of imitation in London, and every great metropolis.

A refident of Hamburgh has announc ed the difcovery of a new procefs for taking copies of any fpecies of MSS. with little expence, and in any place, instantaneously. His invention is attefted by a certificate of twelve merchants, and the foreign confuls in that city.

Mr. RICHMOND, of Trinity College, Cambridge, is preparing for the prefs a work of a very extendive nature on the theory of found, harmonics, and the principles of mufic in general.

Mifs BLETSOE, of Cambridge, is preparing a fmall work for the prefs, to be entitled, Botanical Recreations, to which will be fubjoined Fables of British Flants, on the plan of Dr. Thornton's.

The expected work of Sir FREDERIC EDEN, entitled, "Political and Economical Refearches," will make its appearance, in two volumes quarto, early in the month of January.

The Account of the Embaffy of Lord MACARTNEY to China, published under 5 x ;


the direction of Sir GEORGE STAUNTOS, will be ready for publication in March next. It will confit of two volumes of letter prefs, in quarto, containing 28 plates, and of a folio volume of 44 plates.

A refpectable Mufeum, called the Tammany Mufcum, has been lately eftablished, at New York, by Mr. GARDINER BAKER, an induftrious and ingenious naturalist. The collection is folely intended to illuftrate the Natural History of America. The contributions of infects, petrefactions, &c. are already very confiderable.

The mufical performances at the Theatre of Arts, in Paris, have not been neglected, but are continued with all the fplendor and reputation which they have hitherto maintained throughout Europe. On the 25th Vendemiare, a grand concert was performed, affifted by Henry Roffeau, Adrien Guichard, Guiret Mozard, Chol and Punto.

Paris is ftill difgraced by the fanguinary fpectacles of bull-baiting. Under the mayoralty of the great BAILLY, this horrid practice, only gratifying to butchers, was fuppreffed.

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A French architect, of the name of POYET, has obtained permiffion to erect, in the Elyfian Fields, a place for pleafurable refort, fimilar to our Ranelagh or Vauxhall.

The French engraver, DUMARET, has been chofen, by the jury of arts, to execute the medallions of Rouffeau and Pouffin, as national monuments.

Notwithfranding the difficulties into which the Elector of Treves has been reduced by the prefent war, he can fill afford to patronize ufeful undertakings and by his direction, the ter. ritory of Augfburg, lying between 47° 16' and 48° 40′ is to be accurately furveyed and mapped.



By the diffolution of the Monafteries in France, the National Library has been enriched with the following curious MSS.

L'Art de Vérifier les Dates avant J. C. by D. Clement. The learned author who infpect ed, himself, the third edition of the Art de Vé rifier les Dates après J. C. mentions this manufcript in the preface to the third part of his work.

Extraits des Hiftoriens Arabes fur les Croifades, The learned benedictine, D. Bertherand, who died last year, employed his whole life on this Collection; and, as a recompenfe for his labour, the National Convention, befides the allowance of the monks, beftowed on him an annual penfion of 2000 livres. The tranfla

tion in French is to be printed with the Arabic text; and, as an appendix, the author has added all that he could collect on the dynafty of the Fatimites and Ajubites.

Epistolæ Romanorum Pontificum, & quæ ad eos fcripta funt à S. Clemente I, ufque ad InCollection was published, in the year 1722, by nocentum III; vol. li. The first part of this D. Conftant, who left this fecond part in manu fcript, ready for the press.

Hiftoire de la Congrégation de St. Maur, par Dom Martine, & continuée par Dom Forlet, 3 vol. For fome particular reafons, the fuperi ors of the order of St. Benedict would never permit this work, though completed many years ago, to be printed. This manufcript was refcued from the flames which confumed the library of St. Germain des Prés.


Acta Sanctorum ordinis S. Benedicti, tome

much importance to the Gallican Church, was printed, in folio, between the years 1668 and 1701. The manufcript for the tenth volume, plet ly ready for the preis. of no lefs importance than the others, is com

The first nine volumes of this work, of fo

Gallia Chriftiana in provincias diftributa. Of this work thirteen parts are already printed. The prefent manufcript contains three parts, and treats of the provinces of Befançon, Vienne, Utrecht, and Tour, and completes the work. The first edition appeared in 1656, published by D. Scevole, and is very incorrect. The laft was begun by the learned general of the Benehave been made to it by various learned men dictines; and, fince his death, many additions

of that order.

RerumGallicanum & Francicarum fcriptores, &c. Thirteen parts of this ufeful work have been already printed; the laft, by Dom Cle, ment, in 1763. Materials for the completion of the work are to be found in plenty amongst the remains of the Benedictines; but an induf trious compiler and editor will not easily be found in France, under the prefent fyftem.

Conciliorum Galliæ, tam editorum quam ineditorum, collectio tempore, ordine digest. ab Anno Chrifti 177, ad annum 1568. The first part of this work was published, in folio, by Labat, in 1789. The printing of the fecond part was begun, but interrupted by the Revolution; all the materials for the completion of it are now ready.

S. Gregorii, vulgo Nazianzeni, opera omnia. The publication of this work was announced by Louvart, in the year 1708; but his death put a stop to it for a time. Maran then undertook it, but he died before it could be completed! Clement laboured upon it for fourteen years, and collated above forty manufcripts; but it is to be lamented, that he had not the opportunity of confulting one of diftinguished excellence in the ftate library at Bafil.

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S. Theodori Shiditæ opera omnia. This work was ready for the prefs in the year 1744, as appears from the letter of Touftain and Teffin, to Cardinal Quirini, who employed themfelves above twenty years upon it.




W. Reeve.

THE Overture and New Songs in the enter tainment of Olympus in an Uproar, by Longman and Broderip.: This Overture and the Songs are printed feparate; the former at two Thillings, and the latter at one fhilling each. The Overture, though its ftyle is fomewhat bombaftic, poffeffes a refpectable degree of merit. The Rondo is pleafing in its fubject, and conducted with fome addrefs; and the Coda with which the piece concludes, is bold and animating. "By my rod, fhe's very nice," fung by Mr. Munden and Mr. Townsend, is an agreeable duet, though rather inartificial in its conftruction. "Of all the words in lexicon," fung by Mr. Towafend, is an air perfectly familiar in its caft, and therefore adapted to the words, which are light and humorous. Shepherd, ne'er loiter on thefe lonely hills," fung by Mrs. Mountain, is beautifully fet. It ftyle is paftoral; and a fweet fimplicity characterizes every bar of the mufic.


The favourite Duet of Buz and Mum, with an Accompaniment for a Piano Forte or Harp, by J. Moorehead, Is. 6d.

Longman and Broderip. With the eafy and natural ftyle of this 'Duet we are greatly pleafed. Duffek's Inftructions on the Art of playing the Piano Forte, or Parpfichord, with general and exemplified rules for fingering; to which are added fix progrelive Sonatas, Op. 32, exprefsly compoted for this work, by Ignace Pleyel 10s. 6d Cerri, Duffek, & Co. Books of Instruction, in the mufical fcience, are become fo numerous, and are, in general, fo inadequate to the attainment of their profeffed object, the proficiency of the student, that, before the appearance of the prefent work, we almoft defpaired of fecing any fuccefsful production in this way. But the perufal of Mr. Duffek's publication has convinced us, that, although the living tutor has always been, and always will be, neceffary, yet his labours may be much abridged, and his fuccefs greatly facilitated, by the dead letter of fuch an inftructor as this author. The whole fubject-matter of the book is excellent, and judiciously arranged. The fcale, the time, the cliffs, the ornaments of grace and expreffion, the fingering through the different keys, major and minor, the har, peggios in their feveral kinds, and the performance of chromatic paffages, are

all amply treated, and afford the pupil a familiar introduction to the practical theory. The great merit of the work is, that the most important particulars are explained with the niceft precifion; and, above all, the fingering is attended to with an affiduity, and executed with a maftery, which renders it decidedly fuperior to any thing of the kind we have yet feen. The fix little leffons, or exercifes, are progreffive, and perfectly adapted to the province of the learner; and, befide as many excellent practical pieces by Pleyel, we find an ufeful Dictionary of the terms introduced by compofers, both ancient and modern.

A Study for the Flute, confifting of Twenty Airs and Eighteen Duets, by F. Devienně. Linley.


This is a very useful publication för young practitioners on the flute. The twenty airs, announced in the title-page, are French, and felected from favourite ballads, fuch as "Ah! vous dirai-je, Maman?" "Mufette de Nina," " Charmante Gabrielle,' "Life chantoit," &c.; and are fo arranged, as to be progreffive in point of execution. The eighteen duets, with the different keys prefixed to each, are, for the most part, very pleasing; and, practifed with attention, must be productive of improvement. The feveral major keys are given in the harmonical order of fifths, and each one is fucceeded by its relative minor, fo as to preferve and point out that natural connection which fubfifts between certain majors and minors, and which cannot be too foon nor too much atten led to by all beginners in mufic, either vocal or inftrumental.

Three Duets, with Scotch Airs for Two Flutes, by Ignace Pleyel. 5s. Corri, Duffek, & Co.

We find much of Mr. Pleyel's usual fweetnefs of melody in thefe Duets; and they form excellent exercifes for flute practitioners. The plan upon which they are constructed is, that each duet confifts of two movements; the first of which is a florid, animating, and original compofition, by the above compofer, and the fecond a favourite Scotch air, with fuch adfcititious graces as the fimplicity of its character will admit.

Six Duets Concertanti for Two Violins, by Fiorillo. 7s. 6d. Corri, Duffek, & Cv, After a minute examination of thefe

Duets, particularly in refpect to the harmonic

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This work, which confifts of eleven glees, two rounds, a trio, a canon cancrizans, for two voices, a madrigal for four voices, and a requiem for three voices, forms, in the aggregate, an excellent col. lection of choral mufic, and does much honour as well to the talents, as to the mufical science of the CAMBRIDGE SoCIETY. The glce, Welcome, dear Stella," by Mr. WHEELER, is beautifully fimple in its melody, and the pathos of Ye gentle Muses," by Mr. HAGUE, is moft pathetically conveyed, though we cannot approve of the tranfition from the flat third to the natural third at the words "break your bows," which, as it is here managed, is out of nature, and produces an aukward fall in the bafs. The canon eancrizans, by Mr. RICHMOND (which many of our readers will require to be informed, is a fpecies of compofition which may be fung either forwards or backwards is ingeniously conftructed; and " Bacchus, to thee alone," by Mr. DIXON, is fet with fpirit, but we muft obferve, that fome of the parts (efpecially the bafs) are not always judicioufty adjusted. The glees" Ev'ry hour," and Ye jhepherds, come pity," both by the fame compofer, and Ye rofes," by Mr, HAGUE, and " Boy, who the roly borul," by Mr. WHEELER, are charming compofitions in their feverai ftyles, and greatly add to the value of this deferving publication.

Three Duets, Concertanti, for Two Flutes, by
F. Rault. 55.
Corri, Duffek, & Co.

Thefe Duets are compofed in an exceedingly pleafing ftyle. The paffages are ingenious and well connected; most of them very original, and fome brilliant. They are not calculated for the practice of beginners, but require a performer already confiderably advanced, at leaf, if not a proficient. To fuch a performer, provided he poffefs any degree of natural

tafte, the prefent publication will prove an elegant recreation.

Three Sonatas for the Piano Forte, with an Accompaniment for a Violin or Flute, and Violoncello, by Winceflaus Pichl, Profeffor of Mufic in Milan. 7s. 6d. Linley.

We have perufed thefe Sonatas with great fatisfaction. The paffages, gene. rally fpeaking, are bold and maiterly, and interfperfed with elegancies which, whilft they produce a happier relief, exprefs the Polished taste of the compofer. The first piece confifts of four movements; and opens with a Largo Maeftofo in common time, poffeffing a confiderable degree of dignity, and which introduces an Allegro Moderato, at once fpirited and feientific. The third movement, in (Larghetto) is in the cantibile style, enlivened by a moving bafs, flows with great fmoothnefs, and is fucceeded by a Rondo, which, though not ftriking in its fubject, is conducted with much fkill, and forms a refpectable close to the Sonata. The fecond piece comprifes three movements; the first of which, in common time, Al-' legro Moderato, is fprightly and vigo rous, and introduces a Romance (Larg hetto) which is particularly fweet in its melody, and elegant in its movements; while the third movement, an Allemanda (Allegretto) contains many brilliant ideas, and is engaging throughout. The third piece is in three movements, and both opens and proceeds with much fire of conception; but we muft beg to point out the theoretical impropriety of rifing after a feventh, as occurs in paffing from the feventh bar to the eighth. The fe cond movement is an elegant Larghetto in, and leads to a Rondo in (Allegro) which is animating in its fubject, and forms a pleafing conclufion to the work. A Selection of the maft admired Country Dances, Reels, Strathspeys, &c. with their proper figures, arranged for the Harp, Pian Forte, and Violin, by T. Harbour. 35. Alfo, a Second Selection, by the fame Author, dedicated to the Ladies and Gentlemen of the Croydon Affembly, by W. W. Jones. 33. Longman and Broderip.

Thefe Selections do credit to the fancy of the compiler. The pieces are fo chofen, as to excite, by their cheerful attraction, all that pleafurable hilarity for which public affemblies are frequented. There are very few of them that are not engaging; and, by their baffes, well cal culated to pleafe, on the piano forte.

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