Abbildungen der Seite

[R. 45817] 84 Miscellaneous papers, chiefly accounts of Mr. Lockyer and Mr. Lamb, 1689-1696.

- 85 Various papers concerning Gillingham and Shaston (xviith cent.). [-] 86 Money matters concerning Sir Edward and the honble John Nicholas. [-] 87 A survey of the Mannor of Gillingham in the countie of Dorsett done by Gilbert Thacker, XXVI Sept. Anno VIo Jocobi (1608). [-] 88 A survey of the Coppiehould, tenants, within the Mannor of Gillingham, a particular of the lands every tenant houldeth and the content of acres and value of each particular, taken by Gilbert Thacker. Anno VIo Jacobi (1608).



HE documents contained in this series come from the Arch


ives of the younger branch of the Florentine family of the Medici and belonged until recently to the Marquis Cosimo and the Marquis Averardo de' Medici. The whole of these Archives were put up for sale in London on the 26th of May, 1919,1 and, after the Italian Government had exercised its right of priority, the largest part of what remained passed into the hands of Mr. Gordon Selfridge of London.

In the following list, the first number in brackets is the accession number in the John Rylands Library. The number in black type is the number of each document in the series. The other numbers are numbers which appears on the document and which were given by the various keepers of the Medici Archives in the XVIIth and XVIIIth centuries.

[R. 45819] 1 [1].-Grant by Pietro di Pietro Petroni to the church and monastery of St. Barnabas, of Gamungno [Gamogna, in Valle Acerata, Romagna. Dioc. of Faenza], of the fourth part of a house, land and vineyard, in Salaiolo. April 10th, 1085.

"Im nomine] d[omi]ni d[e]i et[er]ni, anni ab i[n]carnatione ej[us] octogesimo quinto post mille, quarto idus ap[ri]lis, indictione


1 Catalogue of the Medici Archives

at Messrs Christie, Manson and Woods

. which will be sold by auction . on Monday, May 26, 1919.

A note on the history of the collection by Mr. Royall Tyler, will be found on pp. 3-11 of this catalogue.

"Et ideo cristo auctorem ego Petrus filio b[one] m[emorie] item petroni p[er] ac cartula offersionis nomine a p[re]senti die darem et tradere adque offerre p[re]vidi in eclesia et monisterio s[an]c[t]i barnabe apostoli... to gamu[n]gno ubi modo petrus priorem servire videtur, ide quartam porsionem de una casa et terra et vinea et clausura q[ue] est posita in loco Salaiolo, q[ue] de tres partis decurrit eis via da quarta partem sicut est a t[er]minata et desingnata scerto ante pono t[er]ra q[ue] dedit Joh[anne]s et Albertus alia onnia et im o[n]nibus ; cu[m] onnia[m] super se et infra se abentes in integru[m] ipsa eclesia et monisterio dare et trader[e] adque offerre p[re]vidi onni tepore ad jura p[ro]prietatem de ipsa eclesia et monisterio vel aeru[m] vocatoribus firma et stavilem permanead semp[er] et quo fieri non credos si forsitas ego quidem] petrus vel meis filis et h[e]r[e]d[i]bus aut sumissa p[er]sona que nos miserim[us] q[ui]a ad ipsa eclesia et monisterio retollere contradicere minuar[e] aut intemsionar[e] p[re]su[m]serim[us] aut predicto petrus vel meis filis et h[e]r[e]d[i]bus p[re]dicta casa et t[er]ra et vinea[m] sicut sup[er] legitur consortibus meis. ad ipsa eclesia et monisterio defendere no[n] potuerim[us] et no[n] defensaverim[us] t[un]c dubpla tantalem p[re]dicta t[er]ra et casa cu[m] onnes defisio suo in consimilem locis de meis p[ro]pris reb[us] a pars ipsius eclesia et monisterio restituere et p[er]solvere debeam[us] et si lioportu[m] fuerit ad illis vocatoribus qui modo sunt aut . . . fuit de p[re]dicta eclesia licensia et potestatem abeatis una cum ista cartula causa exinde agendu[m] fine ponendu[m] responsu[m] redendu[m] et usque a vera legem p[er]ducendu[m] qua melius potueritis sicut ego facere debuit. Actum in loco Salaiolo in diocesi arrentinas. Singnu[m] manu[m] ja[m]dicto Petrus q[ui] anc cartula offersionis p[ro] sol[i]d[is] viginti quem ego abeo fieri rogavit.

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Singnu[m] manibus gherardo filio petroni et petrus filio b[one] m[emorie] remberti et Joh[anne]s filio b[one] m[emorie] petroni rogatis testiss.

Ego uuldo notarius scriptor post tradita complevit." [R. 45820] 2 [69. 8].—Extract (for Alberto Chisso de' Falconieri) of a pardon granted to various persons exiled for disobedience by Bonino Lippi de' Medici, Gonfaloniere of Justice of Florence and the six Priors of the Arts, on the fourteenth of October, 1312. The extract is the work of Jacomo di Maestro Salvi de' Medici, public notary. [R. 45834] 3 [117. 9].-The will of Donna Migliora, the widow of Ugolino, of the "popolo" di San Michele, of Cafaggiolo (near Florence, on the road to Bologna). April 24th, 1322.

[R. 45835] 4 [136. 25. 10].-Sale by Forcino di Duodo di Farneta to Lapo di Azzo de' Marzinghi di Campi, of a piece of land in the territory of Artiminio (in the val d'Arno, 6 or 7 miles W. of Florence). Oct. 17th, 1324.

[R. 45835] 5 [122. 27. 12].—Power of attorney from Filippo di Piero di Dardano degli Acciajuoli of the "popolo " of the SS. Apostoli in Florence for Odo di Gentile degli Altoviti, of the "popolo" of the SS. Apostoli, and Ser Giacomo di Pucci of Empoli, both notaries in Florence. (Florence, Sept. 30th, 1344.)

[R. 45836] 6 [136. 28. 13].—Agreement for the marriage of Donna Simona di Guglielmo with Miniato di Brunaccio. (Nov. 11th, 1346.) [R. 45837] 7 [14].-License given by the Gonfaloniere of Justice and the Priors of the Arts of Florence to the "Comune" of S. Maria di Terranuova (in Val d'Arno, 15 miles N.W. of Arezzo) to elect for a period of six months the warden of the fortress "del Borro." (Sept. 13th, 1347.)

[R. 45837] 8 [94. 30. 15].—Official report of the election by the "Comune"

of S. Maria di Terranuova of Ser Michele di Guiduccio as warden of the fortress "del Borro," the right of approbation of the "Comune" of Florence being reserved. (Oct. 8th, 1347.)

[R. 45837] 9 [171. 31. 16].—Confirmation by the Gonfaloniere of Justice and the Priors of the Arts of Florence of the election of Ser Michele di Guiduccio as warden of the fortress "del Burro." (Oct. 26th, 1347.)

[R. 45838] 10 [114. 32. 17].—The judgment of Franceschino di Francesco de' Medici, umpire between Spina di Pino di Spina Falconi and Forese di Giano di Pino, both of Florence. The latter is to pay 90 florins of gold to the former. (Florence, Nov. 20th, 1348.)

[R. 45821] 11 [141. 33. 18].—Will of Franceschino di Francesco de' Medici. (Florence, May 22nd, 1354.)

[R. 45839] 12 [115. 71. 56].—Order of the Court of the Podestat of Florence in favour of Giuliano di Giovenco de' Medici against Bartolino di Giovanni, his debtor. (February 22nd, 1393.)

[R. 45839] 13 [107. 72. 57].-An agreement between Giulano and Averardo, sons of the late Giovenco di Ser Giovenco de' Medici concerning their father's estate and appointing umpires to settle the matter (January 14th, 1393).

[R. 45840] 14 [115. 73. 58].—Lease by Nastagia and Ginevra, the daughters of the late Scolaio de' Cedernelli, to Francesco di Brunaccio of Trespiano, of a house and field in Trespiano (near Fiesole) for three years. (Florence, January 20th, 1393.)

[R. 45840] 15 [120. 74. 59].-The decision of the umpires in the differ

ence between Giuliano and Averardo, the sons of the late Giovenco di Ser Giovenco de' Medici. (Florence. January 20th, 1393.) [R. 45822] 16 [97. 75. 60].—The decision of the umpires in the differ

ence between Francesco or Cecco di Brunaccio, of Trespiano, and Giovanni di fù Matteo of the "popolo" of Sant' Ambrogio in Florence. The judgment is for the latter and below are found the various proceedings before the Court of the Podestat for the enforcement of this decision. (Florence, March, 1394.)

[R. 45822] 17 [168. 76. 61].—Agreement between Giovanni di Matteo and Piero di Santa Maria a Trespiano, the latter acting for Cecco di Brunaccio, to accept as umpires in their difference Jacopo Ugolini of Bologna LL.D. and Sandro di Piero. (Florence. February, 1394.) [R. 45823] 18 [201. 105. 89].—Bull of Pope Pius II to the Archdeacon of Florence concerning the foundation of a canonry by Francesco Neroni-Nasi in the church of San Lorenzo. The Pope gives his consent if the founder is granting enough to support the new Canon. February, 18th, 1462.

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"Pius episcopus servus servorum Dei dilecto filio Archidiacono ecclesiae Florentinae Salutem et Apostolicam benedictionem. Sincerae devotionis affectus, quem dilectus filius Franciscus Neronis Nasii, Civis Florentinus, ad nos et Romanam Ecclesiam gerit, promeretur ut votis suis praesertim ex quibus ecclesiarum collegiatarum decor et divini cultus succedit augmentum quantum cum Deo possumus favorabiliter annuamus. Exhibita siquidem nobis nuper pro parte dicti Francisci petitio continebat quod ipse pro salute suae animae et ecclesiae sancti Laurentii Florentinae quae collegiata et parrochialis est, et cujus ipse parrochianus extitit, decore et divini in ea cultus augmento pro in illa continue servituro, unam prebendam dotare, et ne ille qui eam pro tempore obtinebit reliquis ipsius ecclesie canonicis in percipiendis quotidianis distributionibus onerosus existat mensae capitularis ipsius ecclesie redditus sufficienter augere intendit. Quare pro parte dicti Francisci nobis fuit humiliter supplicatum ut unum canonicatum et unam prebendam in ipsa ecclesia, cui dos per eum assignanda applicetur de novo creari et institui et jus patronatus in de novo creandis canonicatu et prebenda hujusmodi necnon presentandi personam ydoneam ad illos tam pro primaria vice quam quotiens eos in posterum vacare contigerit, sibi heredibusque et successoribus suis in perpetuum reservari mandare aliasque super hiis oportune providere de benignitate apostolica dignaremur. Nos igitur, qui divini cultus diligimus ubilibet incrementum, hujusmodi supplicationibus

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