In various hues; but chiefly thee, gay green! Thou smiling nature's universal robe! United light and shade! where the sight dwells With growing strength, and ever-new delight.
From the moist meadow to the wither'd hill, Led by the breeze, the vivid verdure runs, And swells, and deepens, to the cherish'd eye. The hawthorn whitens; and the juicy groves Put forth their buds, unfolding by degrees, Till the whole leafy forest stands display'd, In full luxuriance to the sighing gales;
Where the deer rustle through the twining brake, And the birds sing conceal'd. At once array'd In all the colours of the flushing year, By nature's swift and secret-working hand, The garden glows, and fills the lib'ral air With lavish fragrance; while the promis'd fruit, Lies yet a little embryo, unperceiv'd,
Within its crimson folds. Now from the town
Buried in smoke, and sleep, and noisome damps, Oft let me wander o'er the dewy fields,
Where freshness breathes, and dash the trembling
From the bent bush, as through the verdant maze Of sweet-briar hedges I pursue my walk;
Or taste the smell of dairy; or ascend Some eminence, Augusta, in thy plains,
And see the country, far diffus'd around,
One boundless blush, one white-empurpled show'r Of mingled blossoms; where the raptur❜d eye Hurries from joy to joy, and, hid beneath The fair profusion, yellow Autumn spies.
If, brush'd from Russian wilds, a cutting gale Rise not, and scatter from his humid wings The clammy mildew; or, dry-blowing, breathe Untimely frost; before whose baleful blast The full-blown Spring thro'all her foliage shrinks, Joyless and dead, a wide-dejected waste. For oft, engender'd by the hazy north, Myriads on myriads, insect armies warp
Keen in the poison'd breeze; and wasteful eat, Through buds and bark, into the blacken'd core, Their eager way. A feeble race! yet oft
The sacred sons of vengeance; on whose course Corrosive famine waits, and kills the year.
To check this plague, the skilful farmer chaff,
And blazing straw, before his orchard burns; Till, all involv'd in smoke, the latent foe From ev'ry cranny suffocated falls:
Or scatters o'er the blooms the pungent dust Of pepper, fatal to the frosty tribe:
Or, when th' envenom'd leaf begins to curl, With sprinkled water drowns them in their nest; Nor, while they pick them up with busy bill, The little trooping birds unwisely scares.
Be patient, swains; these cruel-seeming winds Blow not in vain. Far hence they keep repress'd Those deep'ning clouds on clouds, surcharg'd with rain,
That o'er the vast atlantic hither borne,
In endless train, would quench the summer-blaze, And, cheerless, drown the crude unripen'd year.
The north-east spends his rage; he now shut up. Within his iron cave, th' effusive south Warms the wide air, and o'er the void of heav'n Breathes the big clouds with vernal show'rs distent. At first a dusky wreath they seem to rise, Scarce staining ether; but by swift degrees, In heaps on heaps, the doubling vapour sails
Along the loaded sky, and mingling deep Sits on th' horizon round a settled gloom: Not such as wintry storms on mortals shed, Oppressing life; but lovely, gentle, kind, And full of ev'ry hope and ev'ry joy,
The wish of nature. Gradual sinks the breeze Into a perfect calm; that not a breath
Is heard to quiver through the closing woods, Or rustling turn the many-twinkling leaves Of aspin tall. Th' uncurling floods, diffus'd In glassy breadth, seem through delusive lapse Forgetful of their course. "Tis silence all, Herds and flocks
And pleasing expectation.
Drop the dry sprig, and, mute-imploring, eye The falling verdure. Hush'd in short suspense, The plumy people streak their wings with oil, To throw the lucid moisture trickling off; And wait th' approaching sign, to strike at once Into the gen'ral choir. E'en mountains, vales, And forests, seem impatient to demand The promis'd sweetness. Man superior walks Amid the glad creation, musing praise, And looking lively gratitude. At last
The clouds consign their treasures to the fields; And, softly shaking on the dimpled pool Prelusive drops, let all their moisture flow, In large effusion, o'er the freshen'd world. The stealing show'r is scarce to patter heard, By such as wander through the forest walks, Beneath th' umbrageous multitude of leaves. But who can hold the shade, while heav'n descends In universal bounty, shedding herbs, And fruits, and flow'rs, on nature's ample lap? Swift fancy fir'd anticipates their growth; And, while the milky nutriment distils, Beholds the kindling country colour round.
Thus all day long the full-distended clouds Indulge their genial stores, and well-show'r'd earth Is deep enrich'd with vegetable life;
Till, in the western sky, the downward sun Looks out, effulgent, from amid the flush
Of broken clouds, gay-shifting to his beam. The rapid radiance instantaneous strikes Th'illumin'd mountain, thro' the forest streams, Shakes on the floods, and in a yellow mist, Far smoking o'er th' interminable plain,
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