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Let but the cheat endure, I ask not aught beside.


finely shaped nose, and fine complexion. | blessing, and might have said, in the words In about three years she all at once disap- of our Dacre Petrarch, peared from the beau monde: she married her cousin, who was poor, and was still Lady Charlotte Campbell, but always in un- In short, Mrs. Horace Hopperton was easy circumstances. When he died, she one of those persons, who having plenty of travelled into Italy for the sake of educat- money, contrive to find some charm of the ing her children, and there she married genuine "Duc ad me" kind (sovereign for the tutor some of those tutors are very conjuring fools into a circle"), by which good-looking men. There was a daughter they collect princes and black-legs, cardiof the D*** of B*******, who married anals and ribald infidels, ambassadors and tutor. To be sure they were carroty, broken merchants, English peeresses and although she was the prettiest; but the ci-devant French actresses, under their roof, D*** would not see her for three years, with no other condition annexed, than that and at last they gave him a living. One they should be, or at least seem to be, toleof the R****** family also married a tu- rably well dressed. tor.""

Readers will not be surprised to be told, that, in spite of Lady H. and her biographer, we still hold by the opinions of the Edinburgh Review and the Literary Ga


Rome was by no means very full when the delighted Robertses were first installed among the habitués of Mrs. Horace Hopperton's splendid palazzo. November was not yet over, and many of those who proposed to make the eternal city their winter residence had not yet arrived, so that in truth they were quite a treasure to her. None but ladies who give a soirée dansante every week, can be aware of the value of such an importation as the two pretty Miss

THE ROBERTSES ON THEIR TRAVELS. Robertses, and their well-dressed brother.


From the New Monthly Magazine.

Mrs. Horace Hopperton had been greatly pleased also by the bonnet and cloak of Mrs. Roberts at their first interview, nor was she at all insensible to the name of Sir ChristoTHE anticipation of brilliant results from pher Harrington, whose title, on referring the introduction to Mrs. Horace Hopperton to her baronetage, she found to be of a very were fully and immediately verified, and respectably old creation; but when she once again the Robertses found themselves saw the whole group in full ball costume, moving in the gayest circle that the place, their white shoulders displayed to the fullest which for the time being they called their possible extent, and their peculiarly small home, afforded. It may truly be said of waists braced into such miniature dimenthem that on this and all similar occasions, sions as must of necessity set every body they very strictly obeyed the good-humored talking of them, she was perfectly enchantmaxim which bids us "look on every thing ed. She civilly lamented the absence of on its best side." Had they done the re- Miss Harrington, who had declined coming verse they might have discovered in the with them, but was too well satisfied with brilliant-looking throng which filled that la-those who were present, to think much of dy's three saloons, several individuals whom they would have run out of the room to avoid in home-bred England; but they scorned to bestow their attentions while on their travels upon any thing so contemptible as mere personal character, and devoting their observations entirely to the brighter side of the picture, they perceived to their unspeakable delight that they were again "keeping company" (to use their own phrase), with persons to whom their own station in society gave them no right to approach. This was enough; they scarcely asked of the gods to grant them any greater

the absent, and before the evening was half over, it was evident that she meant to be on terms of very affectionate intimacy with the mother and daughters, and of pleasant playful familiarity with the son.

The impression of that mother's admirable conduct in having got them all admitted to this enchanting new acquaintance, was too fresh in the memory of Agatha, to permit of her adhering to the exclusive system she had begun, respecting the Princess Yabiolporakiosky. She presented mother, sister, and brother, to her admired new friend, and had the pleasure of perceiving

diately becoming sensible of its flattering effects? Again, again, and again, did Mrs. Horace Hopperton win her not easy way to the delighted Mrs. Roberts, stating the wish for an introduction to her and her charming family, not only from the dancing gentlemen, who pleaded for the happiness of waltzing with the new beauties, but also from the still more important individuals in whose various drawing-rooms this first object of youthful existence was to be carried on.

In short, the evening's amusement was perfect in every feature, and when, as they drove home, Maria said, addressing her companions en masse, “Did you ever spend a more agreeable evening in your life?" the word never" was most cordially uttered in reply by them all.


that, though they were not received with the same full-fledged affection as herself, (which of course she did not wish they should be,) yet that they were considered worthy of a very bewitching smile a piece. And, in truth, to people who valued either princessly smiles, or beautiful smiles, those of the Princess Yabiolporakiosky were worth having, for the name and rank of her husband were of high nobility, though the autocrat of all the Russias had thought it best, in consequence of a bon-mot which had been reported to him as having been uttered by the prince, to request him to take up his abode for a few years in Siberia; and as to the beauty of her smiles, it would have been difficult to find any more universally, or more deservedly popular. The Princess Yabiolporakiosky was, in truth, a very beautiful woman. The accident which had be- So far all was well, nay, more than well, fallen her husband in the manner above despite the heavy disappointment which had related, had induced her to ask the empe- greeted their arrival, and Rome from the ror's permission to travel, which had been " dirtiest, dullest old place they had ever graciously granted, and this was the fair seen," had already become in their estimacreature's second winter in Italy. That tion one of the most enchanting residences her salon was one of the most distinguished in the world. But, alas! in this defective in Rome, is quite certain; but to persons unacquainted with the mysterious anomalies of continental society, a detailed description of the elements of which it was composed would appear much too absurdly improbable to be credited, and therefore no such description shall be attempted. Let in a state of perfect contentment. The it suffice to say that English fathers and mothers, when they decide upon finishing the education of their daughters by a continental tour, should not invariably receive the words DISTINGUISHED SALON, as a certificate of the respectability of the assemblies to which it is applied.

state of existence, it is difficult, if not impossible to enjoy any felicity, however great, without some drawback, some alloy, which if it does not destroy, at least in some degree dims its brightness! That night Mrs. Roberts and her three children went to bed

past, and all its difficulties, its fears, and its regrets, vanished from the memories of all; their dropping to sleep was delicious, and their dreams ecstatic. But at an early hour on the following morning Mrs. Roberts contrived to get her three children round her, and though still looking, on the whole, vastly more light-hearted than she had done since the Lynberry, and the Montgomery, had left Baden, she said to them, in an accent in which considerable anxiety might be detected,

"And now, dears, what do you think we must do about a carriage? I had certainly completely made up my mind that for this winter we must content ourselves with hir

No previous success of the Roberts family had produced sensations of more unmixed delight among them, than did the manner in which they were received by all to whom they were presented on this eventful evening. The Roman winter was, as we have said, only just beginning, and a group of young faces, even if less handsome than those of the Robertses, would have been well received by those who were self-ing one, when we absolutely could not do elected as ball givers for the ensuing season; and when, in addition to their good looks and becoming dresses, it was discovered that they all waltzed well, it seemed to be at once decided that they were to be taken into general favor, and made the fashion.

In whose favor was such a beneficent resolution ever taken without their imme

without it; but now, your poor father is positively killing himself with anxiety about the money-and yet-it really is very difficult to decide-every thing seems to open before us so brilliantly, doesn't it? Do tell me, dears, what you think I ought to do?"

Maria looked at her elder sister, and so did Edward too, but as he did so he shrugged his shoulders, and said, "The question

in my opinion lies in a nut-shell-I should not suppose there could be two opinions on the subject."

than others! I don't suppose that he is not much above ten years your senior, yet I am sure any one would suppose he was twenty or thirty years older than you are."

"Yes, poor dear man! he certainly is growing old apace; I see it as plainly as you do, Agatha," replied Mrs. Roberts, pitifully shaking her false curls; "but still, you know, it is his signature, and not mine that must bring us the supplies; and as he never ceased all the time we were at Baden to make a fuss about our constantly having a carriage, I am afraid I shall find it very hard work to make him consent to it here. And yet I confess I do not see how it is possible for us to get on without it."

"Nor I either, I confess," said Agatha. "As to my father's nervous vagaries, ma'am, he has been subject to them as long as I can remember any thing. Don't you recollect the way he put himself into, the year before last, when you proposed my having riding lessons? I had the lessons though, a dozen of them, and he was never a bit the worse for it. And to tell you the truth, ma'am, my own opinion decidedly is, that if your plans and views respecting us, are to be dependent on my father's whims, you have done very very wrong to bring us abroad. The doing so was decidedly a great effort, a very great effort-it showed great courage and decision of character on your part, for of course we all know that you were the author of the scheme; and I cannot but think that if you will recall to mind the sort of society to which we were accustomed in London, and then contrast it with that in which we were so flatteringly received last night, you will be ready to al-without having a carriage." low that, so far, all your hopes have been "Good gracious, Agatha! don't say


"They have, indeed, Agatha, and more -oh! a thousand times more than realized! Nevertheless, I won't deny that in a pecuniary point of view the coming abroad has not answered so well as I was led to expect it would do. But on this point I have surely no reason to blame myself. I suspect that the people from whom I got my information did not get into the sort of society that we have done, and this of course is quite sufficient to account for the difference."

"Most certainly it is, ma'am," replied Agatha, with a little laugh that seemed to throw ridicule upon the idea that there could be any doubt about it; "and though I never, as I am sure you will allow, make you fine speeches, but on the contrary, speak my real opinion on all subjects with the most perfect sincerity, I must say that I think the manner in which you have managed to bring us forward, and place us, as you have done, in the very first class of European society, does you infinite honor. And I certainly shall be very sorry, not only for our sakes, but for yours, if you suffer your plans and manner of going on to be paralyzed by the weakness of my father's character who is evidently, poor man, very fast declining into old age and imbecility. Some people do grow old so much sooner

"Out of the question, ma'am, utterly out of the question," returned Agatha. "It would be infinitely better at once to make up our minds to refuse all invitations, and to pass the rest of our winter at Rome exactly in the manner in which we passed the first week, than to beguile ourselves with the belief that we can associate with such people as we were introduced to last night,

that!" exclaimed Maria, with a look and voice of the deepest melancholy. "I do think it would be quite too hard upon me, after I have exerted myself as I have done, and roused all my proper pride to bear the disappointment of not finding Lynberry here with proper spirit, I do think it will be too hard upon me, Agatha, if you try to persuade mamma that it will be best for us to give up going out! I am sure that as far as I am concerned, I would a thousand times rather walk to the parties than not go to them at all."

"Well, my dears, if you would all of you make up your dear minds together, to try such a scheme, I won't throw any difficulties in the way of it. I dare say I could have a stout pair of clogs made that would keep my feet dry, and with good cloaks and umbrellas, one may do a great deal. And I own I quite agree with Maria in thinking that it would be much better to walk to the parties than not to go at all, and pass our time in the horrid dismal way we did last week," said Mrs. Roberts.

Had not the indignation of Agatha at this proposal been really too great to leave her the power of speaking, her mother would not have reached the conclusion of her last speech without interruption; but having at length found breath, she said, with flashing eyes and energetic aspect,

"I must beg that I may not be forced to listen to such absurdities, ma'am, as you and Maria have just thought fit to utter. I am in earnest, and if you are in jest, as you were yesterday, I request that you would be pleased to tell me so. I can employ my time better than in listening to such very absurd plaisanteries."

vinces me that when the will is firm, steadfast, and uncompromising, NOTHING can stand against it. I know not, my eyes never beheld the man capable of making me change any opinion I had formed, or any resolution I had taken. And I leave you to guess, therefore, in what light I must view your doubts and fears respecting my father's liking or disliking that a carriage should be hired."

"Yes, yes, dear Agatha," replied her mother, "I quite understand that. But after all, my dear, it is not so much his

"Upon my word, Agatha, I was not in joke," replied Maria, with more courage than her mother at that moment ventured to display, "I assure you, Agatha, I mean exactly what I say. I would rather a GREAT, GREAT deal rather walk in mud-likes or dislikes as the money. I do really boots to such a party as we were at last believe that such a fine mind and noble night, and deliberately sit down in the character as yours might be capable of anti-room, and take them off before the almost every thing in the world, except eyes of all the servants, than not go at all. finding money where there is none. But But I don't tell you, Agatha, that I think even you, Agatha, must confess that to be it would be wise in mamma to make us do impossible.' it. Nor do I in my heart believe it absolutely necessary."

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"Necessary!" repeated the indignant Agatha, still pale with anger; necessary? And pray, if that be necessary, why is it not equally so that we should lodge ourselves with the veterino drivers, and other refuse of the people? What is the difference, I should like to know, between the one degradation and the other? I see none."

"No difference, Agatha, between lodging with stable-boys and drivers, and the not having a carriage of our own?" said Mrs. Roberts, reproach fully. "Oh! Agatha !"

"There is no difference, ma'am, in the principle-none whatever. In both cases we should be placed without the pale of good society. And that, THAT, once submitted to, I should care not a straw, as far as I am concerned, for any thing else that could happen to me."

"It is impossible not to admire your noble feelings, my dearest Agatha," returned her mother, touched to the very heart by such a display of high-minded superiority; "and yet, my dear, if you will quietly think of it for a minute, you will see that it is not my admiring you ever so much that can raise the money for paying the carriage. Isn't that true, Agatha ? Now don't be unfair, my dear girl, but confess honestly at once that what I say is true."

"Indeed, ma'am, I shall confess no such thing," returned Agatha, "for I should falsify every feeling and every opinion if I did. My knowledge of human nature con

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"Upon my word, ma'am, I must again repeat that I shall confess no such thing," returned her daughter. "I presume that when you use the word money, you do not literally mean the sovereigns and dollars that are tossed about for daily use? Of course you cannot be quite so childish as that. I really do not suspect you of it. You speak not of coin, but of means. The steadfastness of will, and the firmness of purpose to which I allude, will certainly not expend itself in seeking shillings and sixpences in odd corners where they are not to be found. Its sphere of action is somewhat higher than that, ma'am. I will not attempt at this moment to enter upon any general explanation of the various ways by which a powerful mind is able to control circumstances, but will only say, what in fact is all that is necessary at the present moment, that were I you, ma'am, I should instantly commission Edward to find his way to the first establishment for letting out carriages in Rome; to select two of the handsomest-looking and most commodious equipages he can find, one open for the mornings, the other close for the night work, and to engage the use of them for three months certain, together with a good pair of horses and a respectable coachman. This is what I should do; and as to the payment for them, I should trust for finding wherewithal to the same energy of character which dictated the ordering it. Do this, ma'am, without wasting any superfluous anxiety upon the subsequent question of ways and means, and depend upon it every thing will go on smooth ly."

"Indeed, Agatha, I feel it would be-this mood he had not yet fully reached, folly not to lean for support upon such a and gave proof of it by repeating with very character as yours. It would be ungrate- troublesome pertinacity, "Whose smart ful to Providence for having bestowed carriage is that?"-nay, he even exerted on me the blessing of such a daughter!"

And Mrs. Roberts was so much touched as she uttered these words, that she drew out her pocket-handkerchief and blew her


"Go, then, my dear Edward," she resumed, "go, and do for us the good service that your dear sister has suggested; and you may order the carriage to come to the door this morning at two. She is an extraordinary creature, Edward, isn't she?" added the proud mother, slightly passing her pocket-handkerchief across her eyes. Why yes, ma'am, Agatha is up to a thing or two," replied the young man, "there is no denying that."

Ir did not greatly signify, for if it did not come to pass one day, it certainly would another, but it so chanced that poor Mr. Roberts happened to be standing in the little balcony upon which the two windows of the drawing-room opened, when the carriage thus obtained drove up to the door, with Edward lounging on the front seat of it.

"Dear me, what a gay carriage!" said he, stepping back into the room, and addressing his wife, who, unluckily for her, was busily engaged in putting together the component parts of her last new bonnet, which, for the convenience of packing, had been taken to pieces. "Whose smart carriage can this be, I wonder, and how has Edward contrived to get into it?"

himself sufficiently to lay a restraining hand upon the lock of the door while he mildly but earnestly said, "Do tell me, Sarah, whose carriage that is?"

"Whose carriage? why the livery-man's carriage, to be sure. What can his name signify? Don't hold the door in that way, sir, but open it, if you please, directly. I don't want to keep the girls waiting," said Mrs. Roberts, boldly.

"Stay long enough, wife, to answer me one question," returned her husband, still resolutely keeping his hand on the lock of the door, " tell me if that carriage is hired for you ? That is to say, Sarah, have we

got to pay for it?"

"Pay for it!" cried Mrs. Roberts, in an accent of profound contempt, "what a perfect curmudgeon you do grow, Roberts! I wonder you don't ask who is to pay for every morsel of bread we eat. Once for all, sir, I wish you to understand that I will not be interfered with in my domestic arrangements. Nobody yet ever suspected me of not knowing how to manage a family. I have been married to you five-andtwenty years, sir, and you won't deny, I suppose, that I have been always looked up to by every body as one of the very best of managers. I never asked any of my neighbors yet what I ought to get for my family, and what I ought not, and I don't mean to begin now, I promise you."

"Then, Sarah, I am a ruined man!" exclaimed Mr. Roberts, in a voice that trembled from very genuine emotion. "That desperate manner of speaking shows it as clear as light. "Tis all humbug, Sarah, all that you have been saying to me about our affairs, for months past, is all humbug!Where are the girls' lovers that you talked about? Where is the chance of Edward's getting the rich young lady for a wife? Doesn't she shut herself up from you all, as

Heartily did Mrs. Roberts wish that she had contented herself with the dim light of her bed-room, instead of venturing at such a moment into the general sitting apartment. But her employment had beguiled her into a complete forgetfulness of time, and it was, in fact, later by an hour than she supposed it to be. She now gathered if on purpose to show that she won't have up her work in haste, and was hurrying from the room, seemingly without having heard the half-exclamation, half-inquiry of "If you are ruined, it will be your own her husband; but the worthy gentleman fault, and nobody else's," returned his wife, had not yet reached that state of morbid with vehement indignation, arising from the indifference to what was going on around consciousness of her own enlarged views, him, which is sometimes found by such contrasted with the pitiful littleness of his. active and excellent managers as Mrs." It is easy enough to see the sort of way Roberts, to be the most agreeable mood of you would take, in order to keep your childmind that a husband can be brought into ren back in the world, and prevent them

him? It is all humbug, Mrs. Roberts, all humbug, and I am a ruined man!"

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