Rise, youths! Love's right claims more than banquets; rise! Now the bright marygolds, that deck the skies, To his flowers here, ope when he shuts his eye, rise! Rise, virgins! let fair nuptial loves infold Your fruitless breasts: the maidenheads ye hold Are not your own alone, but parted are; Part in disposing them your parents share, And that a third part is: so must you save Your loves a third, and you your thirds must have. Love paints his longings in sweet virgins' eyes: Rise, youths! Love's right claims more than banquets; rise! Herewith the amorous spirit, that was so kind Το Teras' hair, and comb'd it down with wind, Still as it, comet-like, brake from her brain, * much-rong, edit. 1606, much-wrong'd, edit. 1637 THE END OF THE FIFTH SESTYAD. The Argument of the Sixth Zestyad. Leucote flies to all the winds, * With art do stir, &c. edit. 1637. |